
  1. Te'leis

    Open Chronicles Curse of the Crimson Star

    "I'm here about the contract," you said - don't you remember? All around, the voices of many others filled the air. Business at the Black Talon was bustling this evening, and there was little need to pay much mind to anyone trying to listen in to details. Even an elf's ear would be hard pressed...
  2. Halldór

    Fate - First Reply The Burning Hills

    Gulf of Ryt - Town of Polt Halldór crouched in the bottom of his longship, slowly drawing through the swampy mire all around them. The air here was thick, the ocean breeze cut by the humidity which seemed to stick all around them. Many of his fellow raiders had stripped themselves of furs and...
  3. Sam Fairbridge

    Private Tales To Face The Statues

    Patience was a virtue that the unseen servant made sentient had in infinite supply. Other mages had attempted to do what he had applied himself to perform, yet simply did not have the three day and night endurance to scribe what he was one vowel away from finishing now. And of course, the time...
  4. Edward Lorain

    Private Tales Forgotten Treasures

    Edward stood next to the helm of his ship as he looked through a spyglass towards the edge of the rounded cliff. Currently, his ship sat nestled up against a cliff face hidden from view. His brow was furrowed in thought as the moon brightened up the dark night. He had gotten a tip after a very...
  5. Ralzrydur

    Completed Lost in the Ice

    Nnnn---No m---No mooore! Of course not. You have the power to end this, Skald. I don't----I don't kno---graaarrrggghhhh! Lies. Why do you lie to me? Your suffering is meaningless. Let me end it. Tell me what I want to know. It's only an old wivestale. Don't know. Don't----know. If...
  6. Zufar el Hassan

    LFG - Quest Treasure and/or A Prison Break!

    Greetings! Figured I some plot ideas for anybody whom is intreasted, just DM me or comment if anyone is intreasted. Here are the two: Plot A: Treasure! With a Side of Danger! The old man that Zufar and his crew picked up from Coraliv is more then he seems, knows a fair bit of stuff...including...
  7. Faelin K'Abveirin

    Open Chronicles And we all thought this was gonna be a normal day...hahaha

    Valdyna Weiroon The little elf shrugged his head as he loitered about, his feet wandering only a few paces away from a deep round sinkhole. without a care of the word he didn't seem too much fazed by how deep the thing was, or just how dangerous going in might have been. The sinkhole appeared...
  8. Theoderic Wanderfoot

    Open Chronicles Such a big fuss over such a small thing

    Theoderic had never liked traveling by sea, always preferring the company of and steady progress of a small pony. However since his last expedition had ended so disastrously, and the roads back to Alliria were so dangerous, he had opted for the relative safety of a trading galley. It was a...
  9. N

    Open Chronicles What Lies Beneath

    Bayou Garramarisma Nayella felt sweat running down her brow. She was not used to this weather, heat and humidity that made your skin feel as though it never quite ended. The Witch did not like it. So why was she here then? In this gods forsaken swamp where even the most experienced of...
  10. BerrangisKhan

    Open Chronicles A little luck never hurt anyone

    Clear blue skies fill the atmosphere as the camera pans down over looking Elbion. The hustle and bustle of the locals daily routines fill the area with sound conveying well beyond a mile outside the city walls where I am sitting. Jax, a 27 year old changeling sits perched up against the tree...
  11. Flint

    Quest The Sorcerer's Tomb

    The guard’s lantern light cast a hellish glow over the barbershop floor. His shoulders were slackened by fatigue, the bags under his eyes in unison. Flint stood, arms crossed, at the other side of the room an unsettled look strewn across his face. Between them lay an unconscious body. “You...
  12. Flint

    LFG - Quest Treasure awaits...

    An intricate map promising treasure has come into Flint's possession. Seeing an opportunity for adventure, the barber is seeking 2-3 warriors or adventurers to accompany him through some caves outside of Elbion. The party will meet danger in the labyrinth like tunnels, and may struggle to escape...