fantasy roleplay

  1. Board Story

    Articles in this area summarise events that have taken place on Chronicles RP.
  2. The Herald

    Staff Support Ticket Template for Bugs or Errors

    If you have a bug please use the following template to provide us the most information on what the issue may be. Please use the Prefix when submitting the following Support Ticket. Support Ticket Template The Issue: [A short description of what the issue is. IE, Image will not show.]...
  3. The Herald

    Staff Submitting Feedback: Please read

    Hello folks, We always welcome suggestions and feedback. Please feel free to use the "Suggestions" prefix and to annotate a suggestion or feedback with a new thread that you might have for the Chronicles RP Board.
  4. Malachi

    Avatar and Signature Test Thread

    Feel free to post a reply on this Avatar and Signature Test thread if you are trying out new artwork.
  5. The Herald

    Illustration Credit Illustration Credits for the ChroniclesRP Board

    We would like to thank all of the wonderful artists who have made Chronicles RP board a reality. Without them, we would be unable to properly display this universe to it's full potential. We want to support and give due credit to them all for their wonderful work. The list below details all art...
  6. The Herald

    Resource Guide Staff Authority and You: A Quick Guide

    This Resource Guide aims to clear up any confusion that may exist about the status of Staff members compared to regular members, what to do when you see a Staff member doing their job in a chat or in a private message to you, and what to do in case you think a Staff member is abusing their...
  7. The Herald

    Resource Guide "Not Safe For Work" Content Policies

    Guidelines Regarding Content That May be NSFW. What is NSFW? Not Safe For Work means, simply, that content is suggestive (generally sexually) in a way that could get you in trouble with your boss. The following outlines our guidance regarding NSFW content on the forum: 1. Lewd usernames and...
  8. The Herald

    Resource Guide Warning Points: What They Mean

    Here's What a Warning Point Does: 1. It leaves a record for Staff to know why someone was warned in the past and gives a link to the content they were warned for if it was a post/discord chat/etc. This is useful for us in getting an at-a-glance concept of whether someone has been in trouble...
  9. The Herald

    Resource Guide How to Use the Report System Responsibly and Effectively

    How to Properly Make Use of the Report System. The site staff is here to help make the Chronicles RP Board a fun and safe place for everyone to roleplay, and the staff relies on some cooperation from the community to make sure we can catch and deal with anyone that is ruining the fun or safety...
  10. The Herald

    Staff Aesthetics and Design prefixes

    Welcome to the Graphics Central, where members may make art, avatar, and signature requests by one of our talented members. Simply utilize the prefix, "Art Request" and add in the topic what sort of graphics request you are looking for. If you are an artist and would like to offer services in...
  11. The Herald

    Staff General Discussion Prefixes

    Welcome to the General Discussion Forum! Feel free to chat about any current news with movies, tv shows, games, or any other topic that interests you. Please keep in mind our board rules when it comes to interacting with other members. Be respectful and do keep a focus on the topic at hand. No...
  12. The Herald

    Roleplay Prefixes and Tags: Please Read

    At ChroniclesRP Board we offer location prefixes for our members to use for easy identification on what type of Roleplay it is. You may select from a drop down your Roleplay prefix at the creation of a new thread. Available Prefixes are as follows. Normal open roleplay A roleplay which...
  13. The Herald

    Staff New to Chronicles RP? Say Hello in this Forum!

    Welcome to the Chronicles RP Board! Feel free to create a thread and introduce yourself! If you are interested in how to start roleplaying, please feel free to check out our "How do I Start Roleplaying at ChroniclesRP?" guide. Please also review our rules and guidelines here, and feel free to...
  14. The Herald

    Staff Are you going on LOA? Please post a notice in this forum!

    Are you going to be busy or away from the board for a bit? Feel free to post a notice in this forum so that your writing partners know!
  15. The Herald

    Resource Guide After Banning: Information without the Gossip

    When You Just Need to Know Why a Ban Happened. The Chronicles RP Board does not announce or make a public spectacle of its bans. When someone earns that ban, they get banned and that is the end of the story. We do not want to post up lists or threads about their bans, as this is disrespectful...
  16. The Herald

    Resource Guide Etiquette Rules

    A Guide on Appreciated and Unappreciated Behavior. There is a list of questions we've found that needed to be asked and answered by our members in regards to how to appropriately approach another for a various number of reasons. So without further ado, here is an etiquette guide to try and help...
  17. The Herald

    Resource Guide Discord Chat Policies

    Discord is a popular hotspot for group chatting and the Chronicles RP board has its own server. You can find the link on our front page on the top right; there is a button that says Join our Discord Server. All of the Chronicles RP board’s policies apply to our server; from behavior to roleplay...
  18. The Herald

    Resource Guide Frequently Asked Questions

    Commonly asked questions along with their answers can be found here. Don’t see a particular one? Feel free to drop a post in this thread and a member of staff will be along shortly to answer. How do I create a character? Please check out our folklore characters wiki for how to create a...
  19. Folklore | Wiki

    Welcome to Chronicles RP Folklore Wiki!Here you can create simple Wiki pages to document your character, their history and various other items important for your Roleplay.In the World, the written word is still not widely known. Stories