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When Darkstride stopped, so too did he. There had been no visible signs of monster activity, at least as far as their trek up to the more green area of the mountain was concerned. However, that was a foolish marker to use considering they had just gotten here. The wyverns were hiding, and there wasn't a high likelihood that monsters as huge as they were in any rush to migrate. What made it even worse was that the mountains were small and far from barren, creating quite the issue of time and effort.
Their fledglings were wreaking havoc elsewhere, so they were less likely to be protective and seek food for their young. That is, make noise. Uhtred posited that the wyverns were in a den elsewhere, and that made sense. They would probably need to "lure them out." came the rumble of Darkstride as they all seemed to come to a mental consensus. The proposed idea of someone needing to be in the lure was certainly a curious one, but it didn't seem all that outlandish.
"I'll do it, you two. It's a risk for sure, but better for the two of you to stay together. A warden's orders are not ones a person might wish to break, eh?" Castro offered, speaking up almost immediately. He was used to working alone as well, so there was a reason for his words.
Uhtred had held his breath when the summons for a volunteer arrived and there was no small amount of relief on his face when Castro stepped forward to do the job. The young Yaegir visibly sighed, a fixed look of concern stitching its way across his face.
Darkstride did not dither, but turned to the man on his horse, "Give me an article of your clothing with your scent. Blood would be best."
"Uhtred," the wolf looked to her protege, "ride further into the valley and search for prey herds. We will need several for this to work."
"Aye," he nodded, glad to have a job that didn't involve blood or being part of the lure, reined his horse and rode off down the valley slope.
"This is a dangerous task," the wolf spoke to Castro again, "I cannot promise you will not be harmed."