Sagarus is a Dreadlord from Vel Anir. As a Second Level Dreadlord, he is a force in his own right, raised and tutored to be little more than a living weapon. With considerable magical ability, he was seen as a bright up-and-coming apprentice with the potential to one day become an Archon. This perception was tempered, however, by his apparent lack of desire to study the more common forms of magic such as that of fire. Instead, he spent his time in study, devoting himself to the more esoteric pursuit of conjuration.
With this lone black stain on his record, he nonetheless graduated as a highly lauded talent, especially when it came to more martial pursuits. While a lone operator by preference, he nonetheless understands the team dynamic as well as it's importance. Willing and able to put the needs of the City above his own, more than once he has put himself into harms way with the goal of purchasing time with his life.
It is, ultimately, his considerable skill as a swordsman that sees him through. One of the best to ever graduate, he is known more for function than form. What he lacks in finesse he makes up for in results, and so far as he's concerned, that's all that matters.
Like most Dreadlords, Sagarus was given over to the state at a young age by his parents - a blacksmith and seamstress. Unbeknownst to him, he was actually the son of a noble in House Virak. While outwardly little more than a particularly well off noble, those in the upper echelons of Vel Anir know him as the spymaster 'Mountain Goat.' His name was born from his single minded focus to the task at hand, often finding startlingly direct ways to handle issues, even for a spymaster.
With this father figure serving as his patron, the young child took to his studies in the manner most children do; by doing his best to avoid them. Swiftly taught that it wasn't the Dreadlord way to do so, he was broken down until he could be rebuilt as the weapon he needed to be. Ultimately, they did little more than pull out who he was always capable of being, and he remains eternally grateful to his tutors for that. It was these same tutors, however, who undersold him as little more than a particularly skillful battlemage.
While his studies never impressed, his practicals were almost universally lauded for their efficacy and success. Gravitating to martial studies, it quickly became clear that he was a warrior driven to get the job done while being a miser with the resources necessary to see them through. Underpromising and overdelivering saw him in good stead, and his skill as a swordsman got him the rest of the way.
Routinely winning duels not with attention to form but the ability to adapt, he left the Academy with a bright future ahead of him. While his prospects had dimmed as he'd underutilized his considerable magical capabilities, he nevertheless became a hot prospect in the political circles of Vel Anir.
And while House Virak still held his loyalty, he swiftly made contacts through all of the fortress city, and even beyond. It was during Pandemonium, however, that he would wind up disappearing along with a small force of Virak men. He brought them all back alive, though scarred mentally and physically, and his change was the most pronounced. Despite his being only 27 years old, he looks to be a man fifteen years older. If anything, his apparent time away did little more than sharpen an already well honed edge.
With this father figure serving as his patron, the young child took to his studies in the manner most children do; by doing his best to avoid them. Swiftly taught that it wasn't the Dreadlord way to do so, he was broken down until he could be rebuilt as the weapon he needed to be. Ultimately, they did little more than pull out who he was always capable of being, and he remains eternally grateful to his tutors for that. It was these same tutors, however, who undersold him as little more than a particularly skillful battlemage.
While his studies never impressed, his practicals were almost universally lauded for their efficacy and success. Gravitating to martial studies, it quickly became clear that he was a warrior driven to get the job done while being a miser with the resources necessary to see them through. Underpromising and overdelivering saw him in good stead, and his skill as a swordsman got him the rest of the way.
Routinely winning duels not with attention to form but the ability to adapt, he left the Academy with a bright future ahead of him. While his prospects had dimmed as he'd underutilized his considerable magical capabilities, he nevertheless became a hot prospect in the political circles of Vel Anir.
And while House Virak still held his loyalty, he swiftly made contacts through all of the fortress city, and even beyond. It was during Pandemonium, however, that he would wind up disappearing along with a small force of Virak men. He brought them all back alive, though scarred mentally and physically, and his change was the most pronounced. Despite his being only 27 years old, he looks to be a man fifteen years older. If anything, his apparent time away did little more than sharpen an already well honed edge.
A consummate knight, he is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield in any test of martial skill. Equipped with the best armor and weapons Vel Anir can provide, the only thing scarier than facing him down in full plate is seeing him unleash his magical arsenal. Like many Dreadlords, he can cast fireballs or create walls of ice, but his particular talent is as a Summoner.
More than once the fulcrum of battle has swung in his favor. While in the middle of the fray, demonic beasts, ancient golems, or packs of ravenous hounds have appeared, seemingly from nowhere. Acting as anything from deadly scouts to linebreakers, his familiars seemingly run the gamut from small and helpful to massive and brutal. He keeps a tome of names bound to one pauldron, and a deck of cards in a pouch at his waist.
It's often said that he's the last to pull a sword, but first to draw a card. Some Summoners are looked down upon as trading in the power of others, but only a fool talks down to the man who tames a dragon.