Private Tales Now In This New Light

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Kristen Pirian passed through the gates of Vel Stratholm and felt deeply the ache of excitement in her breast. For she waited now just beyond those gates, and she waited to see a familiar face likewise pass through them. A good friend—nay, the best of friends.

Zinnia St. Kolbe.

It had been that in Kristen's time in the Academy she first was thrown into a different class. Indeed, "thrown", as the Proctors didn't quite know what to do with this Pirian anomaly in the wake of the Revolution, aged much more than the typical Initiate starting out, until Proctor Magomo had suggested "throwing her into the deep end of the lake" to see if she would sink or swim. For two years she had been with this class, but this amount of time was deemed insufficient for graduation, and thus Kristen would be cycled into the next seniormost class.

And it was here, among the so-called "Gilded Class", that Kristen would come to meet Zinnia. Much would they endure together, and greatly would they support one another. Friends were most assuredly difficult to come by in the Academy, even so in the wake of the Revolution, and this made the closeness Kristen and Zinnia shared all the more cherished to her. They had both graduated, and a celebration, of course, was due!

Yet, as it happened, such a celebration did not come, for as fate would have it Kristen would be called away to Mount Dincia—in her heart feeling that it was Aionus himself who had done so. Many months would pass, Kristen gone away from Vel Anir all the while. Only a short time ago had she returned. First she reunited with family, her uncle Tobias, her father Neil, and her mother Josephine among them. Kristen had been bestowed with the Ladyship of Vel Numera, and with this new responsibility and other urgent matters tugging at her time, difficult was it to coordinate meetings with those outside her family.

But Aionus's blessings, Kristen now had that opportunity! Riding north from concluded business in the south, she meant to stop at Vel Stratholm, this to confirm some story the Rogue Dreadlord Zael Castomir had spun. But more importantly, such a stop had the right location and timing. Kristen had in advance sent a letter destined for Zinnia, and, barring some mishap or unforeseen delay, they could at last see one another again! Much would there be to speak of in all this time!

So Kristen waited, mounted, watching the flow of people in their comings and goings, paying keen attention to look for that signature hood, those golden eyes, and perhaps most of all that bright smile.

  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Zinnia
Zinnia had remembered the day Kristen left so vividly. The promises of sisterhood had been left in the dust behind the trail of duty. Kristen had her faith, and a few of those left behind were given letters of goodbye as she unceremoniously made her retreat from their lives. Zinnia had been happy for Kristen, of course, but trying to figure out how to move forward, alone once again, had been difficult.

The gold-eyed girl had never expected to lay eyes on another letter from Kristen again. Mount Dincia had surely claimed her, and Zinnia had been doing her best to move on with living. She was a Dreadlord now, after all, and with that title came expectations and responsibilities. If she had known how wrong she was, that one day she would receive not only a new letter but one detailing Kristen's return, well...she could hardly believe it even while holding that very letter in her hands!

All was dropped shortly thereafter in favor of rushing to meet her. Missions put on hold, reports set aside, briefings canceled. Zinnia had to know if it was true, first and foremost. Vel Stratholm wasn't too terribly far from where she had been stationed to begin with. And so she went.

The arranged day came, and Zinnia waded on horseback through the crowded streets of the Anirian City of Faith. Then, before her very eyes, that unmistakable mane of auburn hair and the air of nobility she carried so effortlessly.

  • Yay
Reactions: Kristen Pirian

And in that moment it was as though a great empty chasm had been filled, all the time spent departed now vanished, and here they were again just like the yesterdays prior to Kristen's pilgrimage. Worry unraveled to nothingness, and in its place came elation and joy in their full triumph. For all the ill tidings and perils of the present day, here at least there was cause for untarnished celebration.

Kristen bid her horse to come alongside Zinnia's own. She reached over and flung wide her arms and threw them about Zinnia in a long awaited hug.

"I cannot apologize enough for the suddenness of my departure! But I had to. I had to."

  • Aww
Reactions: Zinnia
Wetness clung to Zinnia's golden eyes and she cursed that both girls were still seated on their mounts. Even so, Zinnia buried herself in Kristen's embrace as the tears began to flow uncontrollably. How embarrassing for a Dreadlord such a sight must have been, but she didn't care. Onlookers be damned, she just didn't care.

"You're b-back...I never thought I'd see you again, and you're back! You're back!"

It was all she could manage as she hung from Kristen's chest, a mess already. How strange it was how joy and sadness teetered upon the precipice of each other.
  • Yay
Reactions: Kristen Pirian
Kristen, with a similar mist clouding her eyes, said as they held their embrace:

"Woe to the written word! For ever does it fail in compare to this!"

A great sacrifice indeed had those two Priests—nay, the Holy Sentinel who spoke through them—asked of her. To forgo friends and family, indeed even the man she loved, so as to undertake the sudden journey to lands afar. She knew now the cost of her pilgrimage, for the price had been paid upfront, and only in time would she come to know the fruit of it. But in this she had faith. For no lean reason would she—and others—be so abruptly called to Mount Dincia.

At length Kristen and Zinnia would separate, and Kristen would yet keep a hand to Zinnia's arm in close kinship.

"But how have you been, Zinnia? Surely there has been some brightness to fill these interim days?"

Ever the eloquent one, her Kristen. When they finally parted Zinnia had to take a moment to dry her eyes and stifle the heaving in her chest before she could speak again.

"I've been...different. Not better, not worse, just different. They m-made me a Second Level on Salak's recommendation, so I get to do a lot of traveling. That's been nice..."

She trailed off with a shrug. "Brightness" as Kristen called it was hard to come by.

"What changed? How are you back?"
  • Yay
Reactions: Kristen Pirian
In some sense, no change in one's fortune could be seen as a good thing. Certainly Kristen's chief fear was abated, for Zinnia by her own account was doing well as a Dreadlord (and Second Level too, goodness!), and there seemed no new cause for concern over her secret.

"Of my own accord have I returned," Kristen said. "I shall tell the story in full in good time, but know that I have done what I was called to do atop Mount Dincia. The Priests, though they meant well, would have prefered me stay, and when I gathered the notion of this I challenged them, and bade them tell the truth—so they did. I needn't stay at the Temple any longer, so with my new blessing I departed, and made at once for home."

  • Bless
Reactions: Zinnia
Kristen bid her horse slowly forward down the main lane preceding from the Vel Stratholm gate, and spoke as she did:

"No such duty as that yet," she said, for it would still be some time yet before her first call to active service with the 44th. She continued, "But I've no doubt that it will come in time—or, at least, I should hope that it will. For I simply cannot feel that my assignment to the Fourth Level was anything other than punitive, prompted in large part by the mean-spirited designs of House Pirian's enemies. I know that I lack the years more typical of the Academy's regimen, but..."

Kristen waved a hand, as if casting off the frustrating thought.

"Regardless, the Third Level remains mine to earn, and I will strive to do so."

  • Gasp
Reactions: Zinnia
The taste in Zinnia's mouth suddenly soured.
"They...they assigned you to F-fourth Level? But that rank's meant for non-combat roles..." Zinnia said, scowling. "Those jerks! I can't believe that!"

And beside her outrage, never had imposter syndrome felt so correct. Zinnia had fought side-by-side with Kristen. She'd seen the worth of her courage, her skill. Kristen might've entered the Academy late, but she was no Fourth Level.

"They'd better make you a Third Level quickly or I'm command a piece of my mind!"
  • Yay
Reactions: Kristen Pirian
Kristen grimaced when Zinnia said non-combat roles. Blessed Aionus, she hoped that didn't turn into prophecy. To be disrespected and disregarded so! Yet there was a weight of truth to it, wasn't there? From all Kristen had heard of the Fourth Level Dreadlords, it seemed as though that rank were a mire in which there was slim hope of escape.

But she resolved to rise to at least the Third Level. That she knew quite confidently she could do. And what a blessed thing, this confidence, for alien would it have been scarcely two years ago!

"And I would join you!" she said; why, she had many a cross word already composed in her mind for just such a day, when thin patience ran down to the point of snapping.

"Well. In other, more pleasant, news, I believe I may have told you before about the House Pirian tradition of granting the Lord or Lady-ship of Vel Numera to young Pirians for a time. And as it so happens..."

Kristen could hardly contain her smile.

" Father and Uncle have bestowed upon me the Ladyship of Vel Numera!"

  • Gasp
Reactions: Zinnia
Once again, Zinnia reached across the pair's horses, this time not to hug Kristen but to grab the young Lady's hands in her own.

"Kristen! That's HUGE!"

Forget about Dreadlord ranks! Ladyship?! Zinnia was practically giddy!
"When?? W-what does that mean for you? Will you be moving back there? W-WAIT!" she ground to a verbal halt, her eyes wide and her hands squeezing Kristen's. "Are they...arranging a marriage for you? Do you have to be married to be a Lady? I'm s-sorry, I don't know how any of this works!"
  • Yay
Reactions: Kristen Pirian
Zinnia's effervescent excitement brought a big smile to Kristen's face.

"That's alright, Zinnia, it is easy enough to explain. To be a Lord or Lady, in the full and proper sense, is to be landed—to possess a title, or titles, granting ownership of some particular land. And so it is now with myself and Vel Numera. House Pirian has granted to me this land, the town and the fields and all that lay within the furthest reaches of its bounds, and while I retain ownership it is both my privilege and my charge. For not only is Vel Numera one of the many fertile lands which House Pirian holds, and on which Vel Anir depends for food, but the livelihoods of the Pirian loyal commonfolk are my responsibility—many of whom have lived there for generations. And I wish to see them prosper."

Her other question came back to Kristen, and she blushed slightly and said:

"And no. No arranged marriage, or anything of the sort, so far as Ladyship goes for me. Though...mayhap I shall soon be wed, I hope—if good fortune can be mine for but a while longer."

  • Popcorn
Reactions: Zinnia
Zinnia listened intently as Kristen explained how lordship worked and the importance of Vel Numera. She didn't totally understand it, but she smiled and nodded and pretended like she did, if for no other reason than to be supportive of her friend.
"You're going to do great, Kristen I j-just know it!"

However, as the topic turned to marriage, Zinnia once again found herself getting excited.
"Who? Whoooo??" she asked, wanting to know exactly the source of Kristen's blushing.
  • Yay
Reactions: Kristen Pirian

If ever there was a cause for more blushing.

"I believe you may know him," Kristen said, somewhat in the pursuit of being cheeky and jesting, somewhat in deference to a strange bit of anxiousness about saying his name. This latter part passed quickly.

"'Tis Alistair," she said, coming out with it now with a smile. "We had been courting even before our mission with the Mad Legion. On parting for Mount Dincia I sent him a letter, as I did with you, and now I am glad to have returned much sooner than I had anticipated. Yet circumstance has decreed that I, at present, cannot reunite with him—I consider it well a blessing for the two us to have the opportunity now! But soon, perhaps. Soon, sometime in the misty unknown of the coming days, it may be that pressing matters and duties no longer restrain the two of us, and we may enjoy what I have long desired. And...who knows?"

Gods, her cheeks were so warm!

"It may not be when we first reunite, but...when it pleases him, I hope he will ask for betrothal, so that I may be the happiest woman in all Vel Anir, and in turn make him the happiest man. I do hope."

  • Ooof
Reactions: Zinnia
"I...mmm. Y-yes, I remember him well..." Zinnia replied, suddenly a bit pallid. Despite Zinnia slowly conquering her own social anxiety and beating back her stutter, there were some tics and habits she had that remained the same despite the years. One of those was how easy she was to read by the expressions on her face.

"'Tis Alistair" was enough to make the former wallflower visibly wilt.

"I could hardly forget since the t-two of you are the only ones to have...seen me. A-and I recall you gushing to me about him before...aha..." she summoned a weak laugh, her eyes shying away from Kristen's. Notably, she did not engage with any of what Kristen had said beyond her mention of the Mad Legion, though Zinnia definitely heard it all. Oh gods, did she hear it all.
  • Yay
Reactions: Kristen Pirian
Kristen spoke all that she spoke, but Zinnia's nervousness was not lost on her during this while. Now Kristen had mentioned the Mad Legion (and more to the point, what had happened during the battle with Redoran), and a wordless thought in her mind had it that this was the cause of her friend's blooming anxiety. And to Kristen, Zinnia's response confirmed it.

Seen me.

Kristen glanced around in a more or less "casual" manner as they rode down the thoroughfare in Vel Stratholm, taking note of passersby until none were at their sides, and then leaning over somewhat in her saddle she said in low tones to Zinnia, "You mustn't be so nervous. We the three of us all know, yes, but there is nothing to fear."

  • Ooof
Reactions: Zinnia
A pang of guilt shot through Zinnia. Yes, of course, Zinnia's issue was forever to be a source of anxiety for her, but this went beyond that. This was about friendship and trust, and a boundary she felt she'd overstepped.
"N-no...look, Kristen can we stop somewhere a little less...public, before we keep talking about this? Please?"
  • Yay
Reactions: Kristen Pirian
"Of course."

And to that end, Kristen now began her search, riding and glancing about. An inn, of course, would be the foremost choice, for certainly they would have to come to one eventually to retire once the day grew long—and that was not so far off. Still Kristen intended to visit the orphanage hinted at by Zael, and thought it to be better to purchase lodgings after that was done with. But if need be, they could go to one early.

Gods, what could it be? Anxiety had struck Zinnia keenly over this, and Kristen could do nothing but worry that some manner of incident had happened while she was away at Mount Dincia. Nothing so terrible as to make Zinnia invoke the promise Kristen had made to her in Elbion, but close calls could be distressing enough. Mayhap something like this had happened in the company of Alistair, and the mention of his name, therefore, bringing forth those bitter memories. If so, then at least Alistair was there, for surely he would have helped Zinnia in whatever fashion the incident called for.

Kristen was about ready to simply resolve for an inn room—this before the impetus of the moment faded. But to her left she came to notice a large courtyard alongside the thoroughfare, its lush green well-maintained, and in the center of that square which stood in contrast to the rest of the city lay an abandoned church, small and quaint. Long ago had Vel Stratholm been a religious center in the land of Aniria, yet there the church stood like some monument to a past not quite forgotten. Old, ancient even, yet preserved as best the Stratholm citizenry could, though whatever god or gods it once housed had long since departed.

Kristen dismounted from her horse before the church doors. An old, now rusty chain was threaded through the door's handles, and secured with a padlock no one seemed to have touched in years; mayhap the interior of the church would not look as preserved as the outside. Nevertheless, it would serve.

Kristen with her porcelain hand grabbed and squeezed the chain, and it broke under her artificial hand's strength. She let go and it slid like fleeing snake and fell to the ground. She pushed open one of the double doors and walked inside. Old boards creaked under her boots, and in many places there was naught but dirt. Emptiness pervaded throughout the church's small interior, all things save the floor and walls and pillars removed. Only the clouded glass of the windows remained, whereby faint light could still penetrate through.

And in here Kristen turned to Zinnia and said, "So...Zinnia, my beloved friend, may you speak your mind? What troubles you?"

  • Stressed
Reactions: Zinnia
Zinnia rode along and parked her horse alongside Kristen's in relative silence. She looked up at the steeple of the church that Kristen had chosen as their point of privacy and rubbed her own arm awkwardly. Zinnia flinched slightly when she heard to pop of the chain's destruction, surprised by just how much strength was behind that prosthetic of Kristen's.

Nonetheless, Zinnia followed in behind Kristen, into the perhaps once-hallowed halls of their oddly fitting shelter. She leaned against a pillar and alternated between eyeing the floor and her friend.

"Kristen, I...I feel I should c-come clean, because I love you and I don't want to let this f-fester..." she began, her voice soft and lightly trembling. "While you were gone, well--I thought you were never coming back, and...I f-found Alistair in a bar drinking himself to death, and I decided to join him. He wouldn't let up, and I f-figured the least I could offer him was company."

The gold-eyed girl laughed in spite of herself, shaking her head at her own foolishness.

"Y-you know me, I'm a terrible lightweight...b-but that's no excuse. You see I..." Zinnia pursed her lips and squeezed her eyes shut; time to rip the bandage off: "May have tried to hit on Alistair..."
  • Yay
Reactions: Kristen Pirian
It was not at all what she expected.

First came pain and worry at the mention of Alistair's despondent drinking, and this she wore plainly on her face until Zinnia trailed off. Confusion followed. No excuse? For what? Zinnia meant only to keep him company. If anything, mayhap it would be something like that regrettable affair Kristen herself had endured in Vel Yuna, an unseemly and sordid mess after wanton inebriation. Embarrassing, yes, but scarcely more than that, now that intervening days continued to bury it in the mounting soil of time.

Then Zinnia said it. And it had nothing to do with her secret.


Kristen stood there, stunned, her mouth not quite able to close completely.

She was unable in that first moment to speak.

And all that occurred to her were her own words, written in her parting letter to Alistair:

To part from you is the greatest sacrifice which could be asked of me, and it has been asked.

  • Stressed
Reactions: Zinnia
Zinnia clenched her teeth and balled her fists, waiting for the coming storm. But all she heard was...nothing. She glanced up only to see Kristen standing there dumbfounded. That, in it's own right, was agony.

"K-Kristen, please...say something...anything," Zinnia begged her. "Yell at me! B-be angry with me! Something!"

She deserved it. She deserved worse.
  • Yay
Reactions: Kristen Pirian
The outburst from Zinnia gave the necessary shock to bring Kristen sharply back into the present.

"Forgive me, Zinnia, for I was taken aback."

And without knowing it, Kristen, as was her wont in certain instances of great and sudden stress, slipped into her highest and most formal register of speech.

"Thy confession has caught me unawares, and could I have expected it to be any other way? For it was I who left Vel Anir, bidden with a suddenness that surely struck thee and Alistair alike with poignant sharpness, knowing not when, or truly if, I would return. What lament could I make which would not cut me in the same stroke? What lament could I make which would be just to thine ears? Not a one. In the choosing have I already spoken, and I chose the journey to Mount Dincia. I feared the price, but paid it."

Kristen breathed out, and as well came down from that high register.

"I cannot blame you for something whose cause originates with me."

  • Stressed
Reactions: Zinnia
"No, no no! Kristen, there's nothing to forgive!" Zinnia replied, shaking her head so vigorously that her hair began to obscure her vision. She rarely ever heard Kristen's voice and language do quite what it was doing now, but it Zinnia knew what it meant. It was to Kristen what hiccups were to Zinnia.

"Y-you didn't do anything wrong. And Alistair didn't do anything wrong either! Honestly, I don't think he even n-noticed my miserable attempt at flirting," she admitted quietly and sullenly. "And regardless, that wasn't something I wanted anyways. I was s-sad and lonely, and I think in that moment I felt like Alistair was the only one who could really share that with me."

Zinnia breathed. She was ashamed of course, but she also felt as if she had grown; after all, she'd managed this whole conversation without crying or having an anxiety attack. Progress! But now was not the time to congratulate herself. Her eyes flicked up from the floor to Kristen.

"That is to s-say...I guess I'm glad nothing more happened. I never could have forgiven myself if it did. And I c-certainly wouldn't have let you forgive me, either. I...don't even blame you if you can't forgive me n-now..."
Much of the initial shock had already receded, and had yet more time to do so as Zinnia gave her response. And thereby was Kristen able to remain centered, keeping her emotions in appropriate proportion.

"I will say, in the interest of sharing with you the same honesty you have shared with me, that, yes, I am upset. I am upset that it happened, and I am upset as well for the trouble it has caused you. Inebriation makes fools of us all, I fear. Yet, as you say, no more grievous an injury has occurred than a drunken, unrequited flirtatious advance. And though if small favors could be asked of Aionus to amend slight missteps of the past, I would wish that this incident were not so, still your honesty in this matter is the balm to the bruise so caused by it."

Kristen held out her arms.

"Lasting friendships endure much greater troubles than these. Shall we embrace, then, and put this behind us?"
