Soleil Verdane

Soleil Verdane

Soleil Verdane

Biographical information
18 Vel Yuna
Physical description
Human (barely) Female 5'5" Abnormally light Dark Brown Golden, sunbathed sands Fair and eerie
Political information
Dreadlord (in training)
Out-of-character information
VigiloConfido dnd | earth genasi by kamu

Appearance and Equipment

* Short, wispy dark brown hair, eyes the color of sunbathed sands, fair skin, 5'5", slim (almost gaunt) build. Her skin shifts in the exact manner of wind blowing dunes of sand, with fissures opening and closing like gentle waves. One can hear a constant and unnerving warbling if their ear is very close to her flesh. Sol does not have much mass. She has no body heat.

-- Has a distinct Mark at the center of her breast: an angular "S" shape with a dot in the bottom hook.

* Usually clad in thin, dark, very breathable clothes. Often wears a jacket with a fur-lined collar and wispy dresses. The clothes she wears become affected by her Sandform.

* Favors a trick weapon of sorts: her Pendant. This amber-colored, crystalline Pendant weighs nothing to her, and, after spinning it to gather inertia, it carries the mass of a warhammer upon impact.

Skills and Abilities

Sandform: Soleil no longer has a typical body, and what body she does have is best described as an approximation of flesh and blood and bone. She is an amalgamation of magical sand. This leaves her very physically weak, vulnerable to water and rain, but comes with key advantages and some clever uses. She can disperse her body into a cloud of loose sand and gain limited flight; she can detach and disperse parts of herself to infiltrate a foe's body and abrate internal organs, causing severe injury and death; she is resilient to physical attacks and many forms of conventional magic, as attacks merely pass through her and she coalesces again.

** Each act of coalescing after taking damage begins to take a higher and higher toll on her. Eventually, when fatigued enough, she will be unable to reform, and further damage will cause substantial damage and/or death.

Geomancy: Sand, and to a lesser extent dirt, are her playthings. However, Soleil is less interested in using and perfecting her geomancy for combat purposes (usually her primary gift of her Sandform for that), and so her ability in this regard lags behind.

Martial Training: Her physical weakness from her Sandform has left Soleil unable to effectively wield most conventional weapons for any notable length of time or with the skill she once had. Other than using special weapons like her Pendant, she has to rely on her Geomancy to help her wield normal weapons.

Personality and Characteristics


* Is only concerned with personal advantage than any idea of morality when making decisions. Does not respect rules or laws of any kind, rather, she is only wary of the consequences to herself. Simply does what she likes. Finds killing to be fun.

* Very laconic, most often speaking with merely one to three words (though she can choose to be more verbose, it is rare). This is what enables her to be social, charming even, allowing her to overcome her otherwise natural ineptitude.

* Observant, especially when it comes to people and their interactions both with her and with other people.

* Often displays unusual moods and "emotional" reactions to things, as if she has guessed incorrectly. Otherwise shows shallow affect (rain and water being the only things which can prompt a significant response).

* Never feels shame, embarrassment, or remorse, though she may imitate these feelings.



+ Easily entertained, easily bored.

+ Likes to give gifts, mostly because she is endlessly fascinated by and enjoys people's reactions. These gifts can, quite literally, be anything.

+ Has an incredibly good memory. Soleil can recite entire books flawlessly, word for word, and has an obsessive interest in plays.

+ Drinking water is painful for her. But still she must.

+ She has some noticeable tics: trills her tongue; makes popping noises with her lips; clicks her tongue against her teeth. It is unclear whether these "tics" are intentional or uncontrolled.

+ Has a pet chameleon named Komuni.

Biography and Lore

Soleil told them she didn't like the rain.

But her mother, her father, her two older brothers, kept trying to encourage her to leave the house when it was raining. They thought it was only a silly fear.

All of them were found dead inside the Verdane family's Vel Yuna home. The little girl Soleil had been simply continuing on with her life—fetching water from the well, cobbling together her own meals, entertaining herself with little twig dolls she made—stepping over the corpses of her family as if they were bits of clutter.

The manner of her family's deaths indicated that magic was involved. Proctors descended on Vel Yuna. Into the Academy she went.

She didn't seem to notice much difference.


Alive Once

What Happens After
Big Brothers
Trapped in the Rain
Friendsgiving 3.0
Sly Sabotage
Winter Training
Chameleon (Obtained her pet chameleon via murder)
Drunken Mess, Part II
The Absence of Mercy and Empathy (Turned 17 [note: not written])
Inner Peace, Outer Pieces
New Clothes (Getting new clothes and a new look)
Lets Talk (Duplicitous talk with Edric)
The Meeting of Much Import (The Meeting with Mr. Green. Conspiracy formed)
--Dance for all we've been through (Capturing Caeso Diemut)
----The Dark Room (Revenge, and a grand plan)
------- Apex (The grand plan enacted)
The Cost of Closure (Fallout from her grand plan of Apex. Slain.)

Alive Twice

Alive Twice
A String to Cut