Sagarus is a Dreadlord from Vel Anir. As a Second Level Dreadlord, he is a force in his own right, raised and tutored to be little more than a living weapon. With considerable magical ability, he was seen as a bright up-and-coming apprentice with the potential to one day become an Archon. This perception was tempered, however, by his apparent lack of desire to study the more common forms of magic such as that of fire. Instead, he spent his time in study, devoting himself to the more esoteric pursuit of conjuration.
With this lone black stain on his record, he nonetheless graduated as a highly lauded talent, especially when it came to more martial pursuits. While a lone operator by preference, he nonetheless understands the team dynamic as well as it's importance. Willing and able to put the needs of the City above his own, more than once he has put himself into harms way with the goal of purchasing time with his life.
It is, ultimately, his considerable skill as a swordsman that sees him through. One of the best to ever graduate, he is known more for function than form. What he lacks in finesse he makes up for in results, and so far as he's concerned, that's all that matters.