Dreadlords Echoes of the Animus

Threads open to all members of the Dreadlords group


Ain't No Sunshine...
Character Biography

Southern Falwood

Deep, lush greens crept over every surface within the dense and shaded canopy of the rainforest the group now traveled through. The sound of rushing water was nearly ever present, the numerous streams and rivers that coursed the land a winding network of fingers that grasped at the earth. Sunlight dappled through the leaves above, tracing lines of possibility across the unknown path ahead of them. Yet, despite how wild the territory clearly was, this was indeed exactly that: a path. Someone--or something--had been here before, perhaps very long ago, and they had left a semblance of civilization in their wake.

The expedition had been dispatched to explore the deep southern reaches of the Falwood near the dawn of the Anirian Republic. Progress had been slow for the humble archaeologists whom had been assigned to the task, their security forces meager and the Falwood still a treacherous place despite how far from Fal'Addas this was. It was only recently that the commission in charge of funding the expedition had received word of a major discovery, and that warranted extra aid from the Guard. And of course, by extension, the Dreadlords.

"A fine learning opportunity," Proctor Snicket had called it. The funny old bastard had been involved with the original organization of the search and was privy to news when it came. So it was that volunteers were selected from among the older initiates at the Academy to travel southward for a few weeks and be given the opportunity to pioneer the unexplored regions.

For Blake, this had been a no-brainer. The Academy was stuffy, and she'd heard tales of how beautiful the rainforests the expedition had encountered could be. A chance to experience that wasn't going to come along very often. So it was now that she trudged along as part of a little group through this mystic jungle, her sandaled feet splashing in the cool water beneath her with every step.

The total group hadn't just been initiates, of course. There were Dreadlords of all types that had come along on the ships, but they'd all split up after being briefed by the academic types back at the base camp. Impromptu exploratory teams were formed and off they went, with only the news of some mysterious, moving, stone ruins to go off of. It all felt like a bit of a wild gryphon chase, but Blake was loving every moment of it.

Now, at the front of her little troupe, she paused and drank from her canteen.
"You all doin' alright back there? It's fine if you need to take a break!" she shouted back before peering along the sunken stone path in the direction she'd been walking. "Something up ahead looks different; looks like ropes? Might be a bridge or somethin'."
Sader had never been to a rainforest before. He had surely read about them in books, but they did this place no REAL justice. Of course, they were here for a mission more than a walk among the trees, but he couldn't find a single reason not to appreciate their surroundings in the meantime. The water provided a faint backdrop that pleasantly hummed in his head as he marched in pace with the rest of his brethren, and the ancient river soaking his boots seemed to stretch ever onward.

The contested parts of the Falwood were rather spoken of in the academy, so Sader jumped at the chance to join an expedition to visit part of a place he might be fighting for one day. Proctor Snicket was a slightly laconic fellow in his old age, so any expedition mentioned by him must have been noteworthy anyway. He was no traitor, but for a moment he understood exactly why the elves fought so hard to protect what they had. It was likely more picturesque than anywhere within the territories of Vel Anir.

Besides, the Academy was an acquired taste. What with all the important things going on and the rogue crisis and senior year, it was an environment as tense as ever. He had most definitely acquired it, but every so often enjoyed taking a break. It wasn't as though he was even the lone initiate, which was further comfort. He hadn't seen much of the list, but there was a raven-haired girl named Blake who seemed to be about his age. He knew he was deserving of his place on this mission, but another like him certainly helped cement that.

Their task was to locate stone ruins that were reportedly moving and never in the same place twice. It all felt like a bit of a fairy-tale, admittedly, but having already come this far nobody seemed keen to make the trek back empty-handed. Suddenly, there was a bit of pain that distracted him from his thoughts and he smacked at it, glaring upwards at the certain culprits. Mosquitoes. Their presence alone degraded the entire experience, and he looked back sympathetically as a soldier behind him was bit in turn.

"Something up ahead looks different; looks like ropes? Might be a bridge or somethin'." he registered being said from farther up. Given he was near the front anyway, he simply pushed up a bit to stand slightly behind Blake. "Your guess is a bridge? Maybe. We've been in pretty shallow water, though." he replied, putting his hand up to shade his eyes and trying to see further.

"You're Blake, right? What say you we keep walking a bit farther?" he asked, shaking his head a bit to indicate he had found nothing much else.

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  • Thoughtful
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Kael and Blake
Kael continued through the forest in far better spirits than the mission of 'Silly Initiates, go find the walking ruins' would have implied. Such mysteries made Kael curious, but the truth was in his inner skin the goblin couldn't be happier in the swampy environment. He preferred caves, but the marsh, mosquitoes, fog, frogs, all made him feel very comfortable. If he could only find a warg, maybe spit roast a hog, then life would be perfect.

It was somewhat difficult to contain his excitement, but he would have to manage. Kael continued to follow behind Saderzaine Vult, glancing around and making sure the environment was secure. Blake 'Bad Bitch' Farand, or just 'Bad Bitch Blake' as some were keen to describe her, had spotted something ahead. Something that might have been made of something that might have been rope. Such descriptions didn't give Kael a lot of confidence, but you had to start somewhere. Kael readied his bow, knocking an arrow.

"Could be a trap. I've seen rope bridges built with thicker cords on the outside than in. Collapse when you get too much weight on them and let you fall to a swath of Kobolds or other hunters." Kael said. He'd also set such traps, and been part of such swaths. But that was a life nearly forgotten. "We should keep an eye out."
Takoda of the Irouqqi had a barely perceptible smile on his face as he looked down at the rest of their traveling party from the trees above. He had considered it a miracle when the Academy had approved to go forth on this mission, as he was rarely let outside the boundaries of the Academy. He assumed this was allowed because it was all the way in the Falwood.

Even so, Takoda was not one to miss an opportunity, not only to stretch his wings but to see a part of the world that he would never have even considered seeing without the intervention of the Dreadlords.

He could just make out the words spoken down below. Yes, Takoda currently stood on a large branch in one of the trees, his feet have not touched the ground ever since their arrival in the heavily wooded forest.

"Don't forget to look up. Do the elves of the Falwood not make their homes up among the trees?"

It was a reminder he was quick to point out as was his own experience that people very rarely remembered to check above themselves when being on watch.
  • Popcorn
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Blake and Kael
Blake stood, hands on her hips as the others caught up. Three other initiates came forth first, one after the other. All three of them a little stuffy for Blake's tastes. One of them addressed her directly, and her slate-colored eyes turned to focus on him.

"You're Blake, right?

"Yep, that's me," she replied, remembering that now was as good a time as any to get a few stretches in. She raised her arms straight above her head and bent from side to side. "Headin' onwards the idea, isn't it?"

It was around this time that the portly Proctor Snicket arrived from the rear, huffing and puffing away. The gent's mutton chops had held up fine in all the wet, but his mustache was drooping, whatever substance he'd used to keep it coifed having apparently been washed out of it by now.

"Elves are far more rare in these parts of the Falwood, my boy!" the proctor huffed as he hobbled up behind the group. He came to a halt as he moved to the middle of the pack and placed his hands on his knees, panting. "The fair folk don't like to come this far south; the land is too treacherous for their tastes, too untamed even for them. BUT! That is not to say that you should not keep an eye above you! And below you! Young Kael is correct, there are other creatures living out here that will gladly ambush and devour you, should you allow your diligence to waver...oh good heavens..."

Proctor Snicket promptly collapsed onto his hindquarters, drained. A pair of Anirian guardsmen that had been assigned to the team now joined from behind as well, apparently confident that the rearguard was free of threats.

"Uhh...Proc, are you...y'know, well? You're lookin' like you're about to have a heart attack," Blake observed. Snicket was known to be a good fighter, but well past his prime. Proctors became proctors for good reasons. Snicket's just happened to be that he was a fat old fart pushing into his sixties.

"Yes, yes my dear, I am...bollocks...fine! Or, at least, I shall be. Hmmph," Snicket grumbled, clearly frustrated with his own limitations. He ruminated for a long moment, arms folded and chin rested on his fist before at last a finger was struck into the air. "Inspiration! Or perhaps a test, if you will. Children! If you lot are comfortable, I will remain here and establish a forward camp with the aid of these fine guardsmen. I will rely on you four to scout ahead and report back your findings. Bully, I say!"

Blake stared at the man a long few moments and blinked slowly, then turned to the boys with a shrug.
"I mean, I'm fine with it. You guys wanna go exploring?"
When Blake turned to meet his words he was momentarily taken aback by her physique. She certainly cut a very intimidating figure, what with the impressive amount of muscle. He thought back for a moment, though, and realized that this lady was not quite as unfamiliar to him as he had guessed. Blake apparently disliked combat with weapons, from what he had heard, and had a reputation among the class as one of the better hand-to-hand fighters.

"I just think it would be easier to figure out what we're dealing with if we get a better view of the bridge." he said, a slight and imperceptibly quick quirk at the corner of his mouth emerging and dying as Blake chose now to do some stretching. Turning back to hear the new sound, he nodded at Kael's remark. They were quite an ally to have in case of traps and such, so Sader was glad for his presence. Suddenly he heard a bit of sloshing coming closer and turned again, waiting as Proctor Snicket popped out of the crowd and began speaking.

The proctor was in quite the condition, with his normally notable mustache now wilted like a dead flower. It was rather admirable that their teacher would come along with them, but that didn't make what he had to say any more pleasant. Oh, so we're in a part of the Falwood too treacherous for its own inhabitants? That's comforting, Sader thought sarcastically to himself. He took a moment to look up and noticed Takoda up in a tree, slightly jealous of his fellow initiate's ability to escape all the bug bites.

Mind moving back to Snicket, he joined the conversation just in time to hear their instructor say "other creatures living out here that will gladly ambush and devour you, should you allow your diligence to waver." I guess it's better than nothing. he thought, at least grateful all they would deal with were animals. Predators brave enough to attack humans were usually smart, but they surely had patterns like anything else. Blake then asked what everyone was likely thinking, given Snicket's state.

Ever the proctor, he denied any sort of trouble and got to thinking. For someone collapsed on the floor, he sure was quick about finding an answer to this issue. When the idea of the four of them going was proposed, Sader was immediately on board. If the rope structure was a trap, better that only the four with powers potentially fall for it than a large group of guardsmen. Besides practicality, it would be nice to have a little extra space, for walking in rank was...cramping to say the least. Necessary, but not fun.

"That sounds smart. I'm ready when you are." he said to Blake before turning to Kael. "Feel like coming along, friend?"
  • Peek
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Kael and Blake
As the sexagenarian planted his rump on the ground Kael pulled his arrow back, feather kissing his cheek. The arrowhead darted west, east, north, then south before he released the tension and brought the arrowhead down. They were, for the moment at least, away from any predators. The ranking member having a spell was a perfect time to pounce, so it was good there was no one to capitalize.

His solution was too close to efficient for the purpose of a Proctor for Kael to dismiss it as pure sloth. The thought still crawled in his mind. Since the formation of the Republic Dreadlords were part of the guard. In a way the quartet of initiates were cadets, unranked members of a military. Yet it was they who would do what exactly? Find something that might be useful information to Vel Anir and report back? No, Snicket wouldn't review them favorably for playing the scout. They were trained to deal with problems, not find them.

"Yeah. I'll just get a few supplies."
He said, then headed off to see the quartermaster, in charge of a large backpack carried by him and his reports. Kael signed for some arrows, throwing knives, and waterskins. He then took a stop by First Lieutenant Cortado.

"If you encounter trouble get him out. We'll catch up." Kael whispered. The officer sported a look of 'I want to be anywhere in the woods with these fething kids', but looked over at Snicket. He then looked at Kael and gave a knowing nod. Kael didn't want to have a dead Proctor on a field assignment anywhere near his record. Certainly not before graduation.

"I'm ready."
Kael said, returning to Saderzaine Vult. His gaze went upwards to view their gravity-altering companion. He didn't know Takoda or Blake very well, but he knew of their skills. As he walked he kept an eye out, but also began thinking of what creatures might lurk in the fog.
  • Wonder
Reactions: Saderzaine Vult
A quick flash of disgust passed on Takoda's face as their proctor arrived. For any warrior in their tribe to be in this man's condition would be a shame on his family before he was customarily removed from outriding parties. Of course, many in his tribe could not wield magic with such ease. He had only run into a few Dreadlords during his time fighting them, but each one wielded incredible destructive capability, no matter how out of shape they may be now.

Then again, the man's time as a Proctor had clearly dulled his senses. His words directed at Takoda demonstrated that. The elves fought much like how his tribe preferred to engage, which was guerilla warfare. As soon as the enemy started saying that they would not be around the area then that is exactly where he would look to attack.

He would still take advantage of the opportunity to go scouting, at the least, it would be a good chance to stretch his legs.

Takoda shifted his grey eyes to the surrounding area before taking in a deep sniff to see if any scent sat on the wind that might give them an idea of what was near them. He did smell a slight dampness in the air, so that was likely water beneath that bridge at some point.

"I'm ready when you are."

His body suddenly flew forward before he landed on another branch several yards ahead of them.
  • Peek
  • Frog Sip
Reactions: Blake and Kael
Well, with both the adults and initiates keen on Snicket's plan, and the latter group raring to go, Blake bounced on her heels with a grin.
"Right then...let's get moving!"

Then, abruptly, Takoda leapt above and ahead. Blake's eyes trailed him, and she let out a long, low whistle.
"Damn, now that's an eager beaver," she commented before turning to Kael and Sader. "Don't know about you guys, but I'm not gonna let him outpace me!"

Blake tore off after Takoda, heading forward along the rugged path towards whatever awaited the group.

She skidded to a halt as she found out what that was in short order. There were indeed old ropes pinned to the ground, in turn strapped to what once might've been considered sturdy wooden posts, now long decayed. Even so, a long rope bridge, seemingly constructed of vines, dried and woven into cords, was draped across an enormous chasm. The land around them came abruptly to an end, a sheer cliffside suddenly terminating the jungle around the group.

Across the other side of the chasm another plateau could be seen, more jungle awaiting them on the other side.

Blake peaked over the edge of the cliff. A long drop awaited any who overstepped, a raging river coursing its way through the land at the bottom.

But of most interest was the positively massive sword, coated in rust and patches of plant life, that was stuck into the cliffside about halfway down. The thing was big enough to stretch across the chasm as well, it's handle resting against the land mass on the opposite side of the bridge.

"Woah...uh...who do ya suppose left that thing there?" Blake pondered.
"Got-" Sader was about to reply, his focus quickly redirecting to Takoda's somewhat dramatic leap forward. Well, as long as everyone was moving forward, that was fine. Proctor Snicket and the rest seemed perfectly content to make base and wait for further reporting, so the initiative was totally on their group of four. Sader watched ahead for a moment as Blake left and then began moving himself, following behind her. If anything turned out to be a trap, better to have someone who might actually do something about it fall for it first.

It wasn't at all as if he was ashamed of his magic, but only being able to make things or oneself faster had a recognizably niche usefulness. Luckily, it seemed his fears were unfounded as he along with Blake both made it safely to the edge of a cliff. Now with a clearer view, it was evident what the bunch of rope was: A bridge, long destroyed. In its place was another, seemingly handmade bridge of vines, sturdy things woven into something like rope.

On one side lay their party and the other was even more jungle for them to tromp through, meaning this is where their adventure appeared to stop. Sader stepped closer to the cliff and peered over, able to steel himself from cringing at the long way down. He also noted the river momentarily before his gaze moved over to the mentioned ginormous sword by itself spanning the gap between the two rock faces. "What's even more insane than the sword is what it might mean, Blake. When holding a sword, it's smaller compared to our bodies. That means this giant sword was probably held by something unimaginably large." he replied, audibly a bit awed.

Finally he turned away, thinking. They had found the source of their initial worries, so all that was left was to test the bridge.
"Snicket should love this, I suppose. Takoda, Kael. Both of you can fly, so would one of you mind exploring this bridge's reliability?" he spoke out, focusing more on the former in front of him but hoping his friend was around to hear the query as well.
  • Nervous
  • Frog Sip
Reactions: Kael and Blake
Unlike Blake and Saderzaine Vult , Kael was perfectly content to let Takoda outpace him. Someone had to cover their rear after all. While the trio raced Kael made an effort not to be lost, but spent as much attention as possible looking up, down, and around and ensuring they weren't being flanked.

By the grace of the Gob-Father they didn't run into trouble before finding their way to the great chasm. Kael took an the arrow out of his bow and returned it to his quiver. He permitted himself to look over the edge and gain sight of the river below, the newly constructed bridge of vines, and the sword that was taller than the academy grounds. Kael had little idea what could wield a slab like that, but from the rust accumulating and moss covering it the blade hadn't been raise in some time.

"We need to slow down."
Kael said in reply to Sader's plan. "Someone made that bridge for a reason. Even if the bridge is secure, it's a chokepoint for entering the other plateau. A chokepoint built that bridge is probably aware of." Kael continued. It amazed him how much the sheer power of the Dreadlords destroyed caution.

"One of us"
He motioned to Takoda "can check the structure while the other keeps watch. Folks back here can cover with bows." Kael took a look around the woods.

"At least that's one way to do it. Any objections or other plans?"
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Blake
For his classmate's talk about hurrying or racing, Takado did not seem to be showing any excursion indication of a hurry. He just kept falling forward, his body always expertly twisting in air to land wherever he needed to, his goal to scout ahead.

He was rather surprised when the two, Blake and Vult came racing through the trees to check out the bridge in front of them.

As he floated down from the branches to stand next to them, he would be the next to agree that the sword was certainly large and in a very strange breath.

"Kee-Wakw." The young man whispered under his breath, one of several names for mythical giant creatures that used to roam the land that his tribe used.

The next thing Takoda would look up to see was that the bridge really was in poor condition, but he had never really planned on using it in the first place...That was until the skinwalker spoke. The joys of being volunteered to step foot into danger.

"Sometimes, a bridge is just a bridge." He offered before jumping forward, his body slowly floating half the distance of the gap and gently landing in the middle of the vine bridge.
  • Nervous
Reactions: Kael
Blake glanced over at Sader first, her face twisting into an amused half smile.
"I know how swords work, you dork," she laughed. Her eyes turned back on the impressive sight, and she scratched her head. "But yeah, I agree. Either some kinda giant used to live around here or it used to be part of a real big statue...I guess."

Kael spoke up next, and he made a good point. However, while definitely the smart plan, his was also the boring plan.
"Boooo...fine," Blake said, bouncing to keep her heartrate up. "Let's see here..."

The bouncing stopped and Blake's eyes slipped closed. She held a hand up for a moment until motes of wispy, black energy began to coalesce within her palm. After a few seconds, a shadowy construct in the vague shape of a bow sprang into her grip. Her eyes popped open and she smiled wide at the thing, a look of near surprise on her face.
"Ha! Nice! I wasn't sure that would work. Not as defined as I wanted it, but whatever."

By now Takoda had already stormed ahead, Blake only seeing him alight on the middle of the bridge. Ever the quick fellow, that one.

The bridge would creak under Takoda's weight and the weathered boards would be noticeably slick under the soles of his footwear, but the vines that suspended the bridge did not waver. It seemed that, for at least the weight of one person, the bridge would be safe to cross. For now.

Blake lifted her free hand to her mouth and hollered out across to Takoda:
"So?? Is the bridge a bridge?!"
  • Peek
Reactions: Kael
Takoda paused for a moment as he shifted his weight from foot to foot as he got a feel for the bridge. It was certainly slippery and more than a little unstable, but it felt like it would hold. His abilities meant he had a very fine sense of balance, but any normal person may find this difficult to cross...But they were all initiates, they should be fine.

"It's just a bridge...One at a time should be fine. It's a little slippery, so watch your feet." He yelled back to the others before he shifted gravity and he fell forward, flying the remaining distance of the bridge and landing on the other side.

Even the smallest push-off from the bridge caused some of the boards to groan and that made him wince. Yes, one person at a time was definitely the maximum.

This was likely the most dangerous part, as he needed to defend that side of the bridge while the others crossed, and he also needed to keep some of his focus on them. If they fell then only he or Kael would be able to stop them.

"Alright, who is next?"
  • Thoughtful
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Kael and Blake
Kael was a bit humbled by the whole exchange. He hoped they were all right, and Kael was just being cautious. Blake reacted well, slowing down a bit. While Tak fought the suggestion, Kael was honestly least concerned about him leaping into danger. If Blake and Sader were a bit more cautious they were probably going to be fine.

"Blake has already done the work to make such an interesting bow." Kael responded, with genuine curiosity in his voice. "Sader, how about you? I'll fly behind.” He prompted Saderzaine Vult .

Kael would continue to monitor their surroundings. He would fly not far from the Sader and Blake as they went as a large bird of prey, but notably not the mass of a human. Hopefully that didn’t make either of them nervous.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Blake
Sader grinned at Takoda's comment, pleased they didn't have to do so much preparation. If this bridge truly was a trap, it would be foolish to spring it on only four people, initiates or not. "Thank you for that." Sader said over to Takoda, watching how the boy's feet interacted with the bridge. It seemed sturdy enough to walk on, albeit with a bit of difficulty. He nodded to nobody as Takoda confirmed his hypothesis, taking a step forward.

"Sure. I can go next, but I have an idea too. I mean, if you shift into something small enough you could just stand on my head and keep watch, and I would carry both of us across. Kill a whole bunch of birds with one stone and all that. Thoughts?" he asked, expression non-committal. There could be problems with his plan he simply hadn't bothered to think of, so no use rushing.
  • Huh
Reactions: Kael
Blake bounced on her heels impatiently. Sader might not have been in a rush, but she was.

"I'll watch from here, Takky watches from the other side, Kael watches from above. C'mon, c'mon, let's get moving!" she barked, unusually commanding for her. In truth, she was just eager to explore, wanting to get to the other side as quickly as possible. Or at least before Snicket changed his mind and decided to tag along.
  • Sip
  • Cheer
Reactions: Takoda and Kael
Sader simply nodded, figuring there was nothing much to fight about at the moment, and that keeping it that way was the true priority. Following this train of logic he made his way across the bridge, taking his time at certain spots to look for any potential places of weakness. After all, where they stepped paved the path of many more soldiers. Sending fifty or so to their deaths because "Oh I forgot armor is heavy" was not an accolade one very keenly wanted on their report.

"Right then, head across yourself, Blake!" He shouted back, signing that the girl could put down (unconjure?) her weapon and follow his lead.

Kael had a bit of a conundrum. On one hand, he thought Sader generally a good person, better than most to keep attitude after being in academy as long as they had. On the other hand he had just suggested that Kael to shift as small as he could so Sader could provide the exotic equivalent of a piggy-back ride.

"It is probably best we alter your sense of balance as little as possible while you cross."
Kael responded, somewhat diplomatically. The bridge was wet, slippery, and held together with vines. Kael felt there was little need to push the matter further and went to his previous plan to occupy the shape of a large bird of prey, flying over the maw and keeping eye on the crossing initiates. As a bird of prey his eyes held slightly wider peripheral vision than a normal humanoid. Out of the corner of the view, in the part of the forest they were crossing into he saw a flock of perhaps four or five dozen birds all fly into the sky.

Perhaps they were avoiding something inside. Perhaps it was mere coincidence. But Kael decided to keep an eye to the northeast to confirm.
  • Popcorn
  • Bless
Reactions: Takoda and Blake
"You three might be the slowest set of recruits I've ever worked with. Can we please keep it moving?"

Takoda called back to the group before his head whipped around as he could have sworn he heard rustling, but by the time he turned there weren't even any leaves swaying to the winds...no signs of anything but Takoda could not escape the feeling that something was watching them now.

Thankfully Kael and Sad quickly made their way across after that and that only left Blake to hurry her way forward. As she moved, he glanced at the others before pointing in a direction.

"Kael, do you smell or hear anything that way?"

Takoda had no problem admitting when he was lacking in something. In fact, one of the first things his father had taught him when leading the tribe was to use the strengths of the pack. In this case, he had a guy here who could turn into an animal. Obviously, they should use that skill.
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Blake
"Right then, head across yourself, Blake!"

She raised her hands to cup around her mouth and shouted across the chasm:
"You got it!"

With a shake of her hand she dismissed the shadowy construct she'd formed and began to gingerly step her way across the slick, mossy boards of the bridge. She was about a third of the way across when Kael would begin to hear the distant sound of heavy wingbeats coming from somewhere north of the chasm--ahead and left of Blake.

Then, a huge shape, long and lithe, burst from the trees on the side of the chasm that all those who had already crossed now stood on. It flew lightning fast on feathered wings into the chasm, then made a hard pivot...directly towards Blake.

"Aw fuck!" the girl shouted as she began to increase pace, now about half way across the bridge.

Kael would likely make out the thing's form before anyone else: a large, feathered serpent, sporting massive wings that kept it aloft. It twisted through the air like a snake across sand, bolting with jaws wide towards what it must have deemed prey.
Sader watched as Blake shook away her weapon and headed across, a slight twitch of unease running through his expression. For a jungle too treacherous for even the elves, their trek had been at the very least easy and at worst anti-climactic. The boy figured that here of all places such a situation would be far from likely, and his almost instinctual tension seemingly agreed. Thus, when the ginormous snake with equally huge wings appeared from the trees, he felt a weird sense of relief.

He shook it off and hefted his spear, doing rushed calculations in his head to figure out whether it would be useless to help or not. Kael was still there with Blake, which was good, as the shifter was quite skilled. However, no animal or creature he could think of in the moment would have the strength to rescue her if the bridge collapsed. If a beast that size smashed into the bridge, it would collapse faster than one might blink, so action was sorely needed.

"Make sure the snake doesn't hit the bridge! Just stay alive and we'll figure something out." He yelled to Blake. Obvious? Maybe, but no time to waste on something like that. He would cock back his spear arm and continue watching, looking for an opportunity to perhaps hit an eye or other weak spot. "Takoda, this could be a bit crazy, but would you be willing to distract it?" As far as the boy could tell, the only option would be to stun and lose whatever this was. Even if they had a battalion to run back to, they were all concentrated on a watery path and sitting ducks because of it.

Blake Kael Takoda
  • Cheer
Reactions: Kael
The senses of hawk-Kael were sharp enough to notice the change in the air as the wind parted at the flaps of the great serpent. The long, spindly form of the creature burst through the trees and moved through the air like the quill of a pen gliding over a clean sheet of paper. The effortlessness of the flight despite the sheer size of the creature made Kael rethink how he thought about flight. Perhaps he could do more than a simple bird.

As the creature went from a simple glide to an abrupt turn, Kael went to action, flying towards Blake. There was no way for him to really influence her path as a simple hawk. He needed to be larger. Kael’s wings rapidly expanded, the talons of the hawk growing larger as a new set came close behind. The eyes above his beak recessed as his face grew from the shape of bird of prey to that of a lion eagle amalgamation. Though at a much smaller size, Kael mimicked the shape of the Dawnbringer. Kael did not know how long he could maintain gryphon form, but his chief concern was getting Blake off the bridge.

The gryphon soared through the sky, and talon wrapped around woman before bringing her up over the chasm. While he had gotten Blake off the bridge, he had no idea what to do next. Land? That thing could probably get them on land too. Kill it? How? The shapeshifter was so focused on the adrenaline of the moment he couldn’t think.

Hopefully someone else had an idea.
  • Bless
Reactions: Blake