The Council of Eleven
The Salitran court is made up of the Sultan and eleven high ranking officials. While all the officials are beholden to the Sultan's will, each represents a significant figure within Salitran society. In many ways, the council is a reflection of the Imperial Divan. The Council of Eleven can be divided into two main groups: the Aspects Tetra and the Seven Savants.
The Aspects Tetra
These four are the high ministers of the Salitran court. They are appointed directly by the Sultan and perform duties directly related to Salitra's governance. They act as both authorities to the people and council to the Sultan.
- Aspect of Sight: The court sorcerer. While this aspect is required to have a vast wealth of magical knowledge, their absolute most important role is an an oracle. No Aspect of Sight has ever been appointed without having the ability to divine the future.
- Aspect of Strength: The grand general. While acts of warfare are ultimately decided upon by the Sultan, this aspect handles the defense of Salitra and the strategy behind offensive campaigns.
- Aspect of Prosperity: The treasurer. All management of finance for the city passes through this aspec's careful consideration and planning.
- Aspect of Wisdom: The master of information. This aspect handles security both within and without by acquiring knowledge of both internal and foreign affairs.
The Seven Savants
The remaining seven council members are not appointed, but rather have earned their positions. These are the most influential merchants, enterprises, and public figures from among Salitra's populace. To be a savant one must either be among the top five in terms of wealth, be a dignitary of an important ally, or be declared so by popular demand of the citizenry.
Due to the competitive nature of this position, the exact faces that preside among the Seven Savants rotates often.
Due to the competitive nature of this position, the exact faces that preside among the Seven Savants rotates often.
Current Presiding Members
- Aspect of Sight - Ankhhi
- Aspect of Strength - General Bedario Khai
- Aspect of Prosperity - Mentu of Salitra
- Aspect of Wisdom - Lansa of Ragash
- Savant Nuveza of the Najari
- Savant Vadrak
- Savant Hassam Safar
- Savant Shadya Khouri
- Savant Uminis Sol-Alathel
- Savant Sunder Baktosh
- Savant Azibo of Annuakat