Tanith Mistfall
Tanith’s a retired adventurer who prefers a simple life of teamaking to anything else. She’s co-owner of both the Dragon’s Den and the Wyvern's Nest alongside her sister Elra Mistfall.
She’s 5’10 in height with light skin. She has a lithe body build and pointy ears like many elves. She has seven faint scars that run over her green eyes. She has long straight red hair that she wears down, so it falls three inches past her shoulders in length.
She wears colorful clothes, usually a dress with a cloak of red, pink, orange, and turquoise, with a hood, pulled up over the top half of her face. She has a pair of knives strapped to her wrists that are hidden up her sleeve.
While she rarely wears armor anymore, she still has a suit of masterfully crafted armor. It's made from a rare, bright silver material and has the image of a dragon carved on the breastplate. She wears a red hooded cloak over it.
She wears colorful clothes, usually a dress with a cloak of red, pink, orange, and turquoise, with a hood, pulled up over the top half of her face. She has a pair of knives strapped to her wrists that are hidden up her sleeve.
While she rarely wears armor anymore, she still has a suit of masterfully crafted armor. It's made from a rare, bright silver material and has the image of a dragon carved on the breastplate. She wears a red hooded cloak over it.
Skills and Abilities
Teamaking: The skill she’s most proud of is simply her skill at teamaking. She’s masterful at the craft and makes some of the best tea in Alliria. On a practical level, she can brew many different kinds of herbal teas that can have a minor positive effect on people's health.
Bladed Weapons: She's an expert at wielding bladed weapons into battle. it's something she's trained in for over a hundred years. Her weapons consist of a pair of twin knives or a longsword.
Perception: She’s skilled at reading people and is a perceptive individual in general. Able to notice small details that most people overlook.
Enchanted Sword: Her longsword is enchanted with the blood of the dragon Ajax. This has caused the blade of her sword to burn like it's constantly aflame.
Enchanted Cloak: Tanith's cloak is enchanted to be resistant to things like heat, acid, or a stray arrow. It's not impenetrable by any means but can help protect against magic or various attacks like acid flasks or flames.
Bladed Weapons: She's an expert at wielding bladed weapons into battle. it's something she's trained in for over a hundred years. Her weapons consist of a pair of twin knives or a longsword.
Perception: She’s skilled at reading people and is a perceptive individual in general. Able to notice small details that most people overlook.
Enchanted Sword: Her longsword is enchanted with the blood of the dragon Ajax. This has caused the blade of her sword to burn like it's constantly aflame.
Enchanted Cloak: Tanith's cloak is enchanted to be resistant to things like heat, acid, or a stray arrow. It's not impenetrable by any means but can help protect against magic or various attacks like acid flasks or flames.
She’s an upbeat woman whose friendly and welcoming to friends and strangers alike. Her bright attitude is either endearing or annoying those she meets. Her behavior’s a bit goofy and sometimes eccentric. She’s an extrovert who loves to converse with others, especially loving to swap stories of adventures and excitement. But her greatest passion is quite simply for tea. To the point, she retired from adventuring just to run her very own teahouse.
Despite her usual goofiness, Tanith is far from a ditz. She’s in fact, remarkably perceptive and clever. She simply uses her usual attitude to hide that from others. She’s good at reading people and knowing when she’s in danger. She enjoys teasing and bantering with friends.
Despite her usual goofiness, Tanith is far from a ditz. She’s in fact, remarkably perceptive and clever. She simply uses her usual attitude to hide that from others. She’s good at reading people and knowing when she’s in danger. She enjoys teasing and bantering with friends.
The Red Company
The Red Company was the name of Tanith's former adventuring party. It's had many members over the course of its long history and accomplished many things. While far from a household name, they achieved a moderate amount of fame, mainly throughout the Allir Reach.
Biography & Lore
Tanith and her sister Elra were born in Alliria to a wealthy merchant. She dragged Elra along with her when she decided she wanted to become an adventurer. The two joined a party and spent the next century undertaking quests and finding treasure. Their actions included...
But their greatest and most time-consuming feat was their war against Ajax, a marauding dragon who aspired to kingship and to conquer Alliria. Although he likely would not have succeeded ultimately, he controlled many bandits and had many agents throughout the Allir Reach.
Ajax himself raided many merchant vessels and caravans, amassing a massive horde of treasure in his lair. He’d become such a nuisance that the Merchant Council promised whoever slew the dragon that they could keep his entire horde for themselves.
When the Red Company first started interfering with his plans, he sent many agents to kill them. This led to a longstanding conflict between the two parties that lasted nearly fifty years. Finally, the Red Company, past and present members, came together and launched an attack on Ajax himself. Slaying the dragon.
With their share of the dragon's loot, Tanith and Elra would build the Dragon’s Den. Where Tanith decided to retire and pursue her true passion of teamaking.
- Catching notorious criminal Radis the Gold in a war that led them throughout the Allir Reach. This inadvertently sparked their desire to adventure.
- The Red Company, both current and former members banded together to defeat a vicious bandit tribe that once tried to raid a village.
- Finding the treasure of a shipwrecked pirate ship, lost on the Gulf of Liad.
- Dispatching a cult that worshipped the Three. They consisted of multiple branches and were spread throughout multiple lands. It took seven years to properly dispose of.
- Slaying a rogue vampire that stalked the streets of Alliria, killing dozens. To catch him, they had to get information from Crime Lord Zilvra, who helped on account of the vampire killing one of her own.
But their greatest and most time-consuming feat was their war against Ajax, a marauding dragon who aspired to kingship and to conquer Alliria. Although he likely would not have succeeded ultimately, he controlled many bandits and had many agents throughout the Allir Reach.
Ajax himself raided many merchant vessels and caravans, amassing a massive horde of treasure in his lair. He’d become such a nuisance that the Merchant Council promised whoever slew the dragon that they could keep his entire horde for themselves.
When the Red Company first started interfering with his plans, he sent many agents to kill them. This led to a longstanding conflict between the two parties that lasted nearly fifty years. Finally, the Red Company, past and present members, came together and launched an attack on Ajax himself. Slaying the dragon.
With their share of the dragon's loot, Tanith and Elra would build the Dragon’s Den. Where Tanith decided to retire and pursue her true passion of teamaking.