Noct Yaegir Monster Hunters

Noct Yaegir Monster Hunters

Global Monster Hunter Conglomerate No Affiliations OOC: Rainer and Sigrith To Be Updated
Crobhear Keep in the Spine List other locations.
Out-of-character information
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Night Hunters

For as long as monsters and creatures of the night have existed on Arethil, the Noct Yaegir has worked to bridge the gap between those with the misfortune to encounter these beings and those hunters who are willing to provide a solution. Working as a network or conglomerate, the Noct Yaegir is a shadow organization that provides the resources and necessary communication methods for informing hunters and mercenaries where the creatures of the night have bled into the mortal world and where their services are needed.

For those who choose to affiliate themselves, and their groups, with the Noct Yaegir, many benefits can be had. First and foremost, a direct line towards active bounties. Additionally, while these bounties provide normal currency, Noct Yaegir members are also provided safe houses across the lands, homes within any Yaegir Keep, access to tools, potions, weapons, and rare artefacts, and a global brotherhood of their fellow Yaegir denoted by their Yaegir pendant.


IC: Formed in response to the overwhelming power and population of dark beasties across the lands. The Noct Yaegir's main intention is to connect the various monster hunters and hunter guilds across the globe with a network of communication and purpose. The Noct Yaegir as a conglomerate holds no allegience to any Kingdom, but to the realm itself and the people within it who are not capable of protecting themselves from the monsters of the lands.

Noct Yaegir adhere to a code of law that forbids them to harm another Yaegir, or enter into wars and politics of the Kingdoms within which they hunt. A Yaegir's quarry is that of monsters, not of men or of sentient creatures with a conscience. Those in the realm of men who might be seen or defined as monsters are left to answer to the laws of their own lands.

OOC: The biggest purpose behind this group is to provide a place for current/existing characters and new characters alike, no matter where they reside on the map, to have something to join and participate in. The Noct Yaegir will provide a great starting point for new members to the forum to get their feet wet while also joining a collective. As well, it is our hope that the Noct Yaegir can pull current characters from existing groups together for stories that they might not otherwise share, thus allowing for greater inter-group activity without stress of competition.

Yaegir Pendants & Coins


Granted to a Yaegir upon successful completion of their initiation mission. Every Yaegir wears this pendant and every pendant bears the same sigil. These pendants allow for unique opportunities and access. This can include safehouses throughout the world, which can range from comfortable to lavish and is often not a thing afforded common hunters, as well as opportunities to purchase rare relics, weapons, and armor that can aid in the hunting of monsters, and gain both knowledge and training from seasoned monster hunting experts at the Keeps.

Yaegir pendants are made of alchemized silver and provide some useful powers of their own:

1. A pendant will issue a gentle chime sound when it senses the presence of another Yaegir pendant nearby.​
2. Pendants can also sense the presence of dark creatures and monsters nearby and will hum/vibrate in response to them to alert the Yaegir.​

Yaegir Coins bear the same mark as the pendant, but are smaller and come in the fashion of iron. Yaegir Coins are given by Wardens to Yaegir for duitiful completion of missions and bounties - meaning they have followed Yaegir Law in order to take down their target. These coins are collected by Yaegir to later exchange for specialty items such as rare or powerful poitions and oils, or alchemized or magically imbued weapons or armor. More difficult missions reward with more coin.

Yaegir Coins hold no magical power and little value beyond the conglomerate other than what one might get for the iron.


There is no direct form of leadership. This is a loose affiliation that will not supersede the hierarchy of each individual member/membership. However, for the Noct Yaegir to function there are certain roles within:

The Broker
The Noct Yaegir acts as a loose affiliation between the various hunter groups who focus on dispatching monsters. The intent of the organization is not to provide a means of leadership or to supplant the cultures and practices of each individual clan or hunter organization, but instead to provide a means for inner communication, cooperation, and progress towards the outright removal of evil beings. In this manner, the purveyor of the Noct Yaegir known only as The Broker is a transient being, working with the major trade hubs and kingdoms to help facilitate postings of bounties and missions that require the Yaegirs involvement.

The Broker is an NPC controlled only by Sigrith or Rainer.

Those who maintain the running of the major Noct Yaegir regional keeps. Their responsibility is to ensure the continued operations for the Yaegir within their regions and keep accounts of information, active bounties, contracts, quests, members, and the needs of their regional outposts. Wardens answer only to The Broker.

Wardens are not active Yaegir, but often they have served a life of monster hunting. These seasoned hunters are paramount to ensuring every member of the Noct Yaegir has the knowledge, knowhow, and training required to fulfill their bounties and missions. Some Wardens have even been known to take in "strays" and orphans to train them to become new Yaegir.

More populated Keeps may sometimes house multiple Wardens under which there is a hierarchy of leadership. In such cases as this, they are known as the First Warden, Second Warden, and on the rare need for it, Third Warden. Second and Third Wardens are usually well experienced Yaegir that help handle the influx of members, training, and divying out of bounties. Second and Third Wardens may also still fill the role of active Yaegir and may not always be found at their Keeps.

All Wardens are NPCs and may be used by any member for their roleplays within the Warden's respective Keeps.

Apothecaries / Alchemists
Every keep houses an Apothecary or Alchemist (sometimes both!) to maintain the supply of Yaegir potions, oils, and research of their fallen monstrous quarries. Through this research they are able to develop improved methods of killing their foe.​
Though not every Keep has one, some do employ an Archivist to work within their library and further the research of monsters throughout their region. Often Archivists work hand-in-hand with the Apothecary or Alchemist to help develop better tools, weapons, and potions or oils to defeat especially horrid creatures.​

Those who maintain the running of the Dens/Outposts. Their responsibility is to ensure that their Dens are stocked and ready to host and assist any Yaegir traveling on mission through their lands. Rangers send regular reports to their region’s Warden on all needs, news, and updates concerning Yaegirs and their quarry.

Rangers are not always former hunters, but sometimes just simple people who have elected to do business with the Noct Yaegir conglomerate. Often they may be Innkeeps, small Lords, or even farmers who have offered up their homes as a place of safety and recuperation for the Yaegir.

All Rangers are NPCs and may be used by any member for their roleplays within the Ranger's respective Dens.

Those who hunt. Anyone with the talent, ability, and gumption to hunt monsters is a potential Yaegir. The Noct Yaegir as a whole consists of individuals and even fully-formed groups or guilds of monster hunters from all across the globe. Every initiated member wears the Yaegir pendant and adheres to the Laws of the Yaegir in their service to the conglomerate.

Important NPCs

These are the established faces of characters that frequent the Keeps, Dens, and business of the Noct Yaegir. While all NPCs are free to be used and played by Noct Yaegir members, members are asked to respect these NPCs in the same way you would another writer's PC. NPC's are not to be abused. If you have an idea for a more involved plot or story that uses one of these NPCs, please talk to Sigrith or Rainer first.

Warden Ciradyl of Atlia Keep

Name: Ciradyl
Race: Wood Elf
Gender: Female
Age: 352
Height: 5'6''
Region: Allir Reach
Keep: Atlia Keep
An astute study and long-time hunter of all things beastly. Ciradyl conducts herself professionally and kindly, though she has little patience for poor manners. Ciradyl joined the Noct Yaegir two centuries ago and served the brotherhood faithfully. When the former Keep of the Allir Reach was attacked and subsequently burnt to the ground by a dragon, Ciradyl took it upon herself to find a new home for the region's Yaegir after the death of the former Warden. She has been working hard on bringing Atlia Keep up to standards for a few years now. Ciradyl has a particular knack for tracking and moving unseen and bends various forms of elemental magic to her will. She is also capable of turning into an owl.
OOC: General vibe for personality is McGonagall from Harry Potter.

Warden Beocca of Stillwater Keep

Name: Beocca
Race: Human...?
Gender: Male
Age: Appears late 40s
Height: 6'1''
Region: Liadain
Keep: Stillwater Keep
Aloof and often times lost in thought, Beocca has held the title of Warden for at least a decade or more. His eyes are black and completely blind and his skin is crossed by strange scars that glow a pale gold. Tall and rather slight of build, his strength is in that of esoteric powers, not in brawn. Beocca has an expansive knowledge on the creatures of this world and he spends his time researching, studying, and experimenting on and with the various beasts his Yaegir bring to the Keep, both dead and alive. He excels in crafting oils, tinctures, and potions to aid the Yaegir in their pursuits. Powerful though their effects may be, their side effects can be just as potent.
OOC: General vibe for personality is Viktor from Arcane.

Warden Froskir of Frostpeak Keep

Name: Heragrim Froskir
Race: Nordwiir
Gender: Female
Age: Late 30s
Height: 5'11''
Region: Eretejva
Keep: Frostpeak Keep

Warden Sionoma of Crobhear Keep

Name: Gabriel Sionoma
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: Early 50s
Height: 6'2''
Region: Epressa
Keep: Crobhear Keep

Having spent the better part of his life hunting the things that go bump in the night, Gabriel long ago hung up the scabbards and swords for the life of a Warden. He can be often seen tending to hobbies throughout the Keep, though he carries with him the shadow of a brutal upbringing. Even though his goals ultimately remain tethered to the extermination of monsters that imperil the people of the Spine, he finds rest and comfort in the once dilapidated halls of Crobhear. Where he once felt the weight of a sword in his hand, it has now been replaced by a mason’s hammer, a toolers belt, a cup of tea, and a bread starter that is as old as his tenure in the Crobhear Keep. And while his calloused hands would easily welcome the grip of steel, kneading and repairing are his vocations. But with a strong heart and battered body, riddled with scars and the abuse of time, he stands ready to serve the Yaegirs for whatever purpose is required.
OOC: General vibe for personality type is Uncle Iroh with an extra dash of snark.

Laws of the Yaegir

  1. Raise no sword against your fellow Yaegir.
  2. Heed the call for aid from Warden, Ranger, Yaegir, and victim alike.
  3. All Yaegir are equal, all Keeps and Dens are sanctuaries.
  4. Bring proof of your success to reap your reward. Shared successes receive shared rewards.
  5. A monster has no mind but for that of death and destruction. Hunt not those with a conscience.
  6. The folly and fault of man is not the business of a Yaegir. Politics and war are not the territory of the brotherhood.
  7. Harm no innocent in your pursuit of the target. Protect those that cannot protect themselves.


Several major keeps across the world stand as main nexus points for the Yaegirs when things get bad in various regions, where they can shore up when things are slow, or easily communicate with fellow Yaegirs. There also exist numerous outposts or dens across the lands in between - some sponsored by great houses, others small and hidden. There is no set style or nature of the keeps though they have structural and cultural permanence in their region while the minor outposts and dens tend to come and go depending on their need and the tides of local events.


Every major keep maintains a central bounty board for its region and is responsible for fulfilling payment for bounties and contracts as they are completed. The Keeps are the only locations where new members can be inducted into the fold, and where Yaegir can earn their pendants, weapons, tools, and unique Yaegir necessities that are required to survive such a perilous lifestyle. The Warden of each major keep disperses communication to their region’s outposts and their attending Rangers who in turn send in updates on news of members, needs for resources, local events, or calls for aid.

Keeps serve as:
-- Homes - every Yaegir can claim a room as their own and live out of a Keep if they so choose.

-- Sanctuaries - every Yaegir can come to any Keep, regardless if it is their "home" and find safety, refuge, and a place to rest and recuperate from their travels. Keeps have also been known to take in a weary traveler or two, and even refugees of war or catastrophe on a temporary basis. Anyone staying at a Keep, however, must do their share of work while living there.

-- Opportunity - every Keep maintains an active bounty board for their region, providing Yaegir with chances to hunt and earn coin, recognition, and rewards.

-- Induction - only Yaegir Keeps and their Wardens can induct new Yaegir. This is done through either bringing in proof of a monster-hunting bounty and successful fulfillment thereof, OR successful completion of apprentice missions. Both require swearing-in to the Yaegir laws and will gain the new Yaegir their Pendant and official membership.

-- Supplies - each Keep provides potions, oils, weapons, armor, clothing, and anything else a Yaegir may need for their missions or bounties. Each keep has an attending Apothecary or Alchemist to perform research on monster subjects and their properties, create potions and oils, and some talented individuals have even been known to create magically imbued items for highly experienced Yaegir as rewards.

-- Library - every Keep is responsible for maintaining a library of information and knowledge about the beasts of their region and other topics that might prove useful to a Yaegir such as foraging guides, recipes for potions and oils, and other such things. Some Keeps employ a live-in Archivist to maintain these tomes.

-- Training Grounds - every Keep maintains their own training grounds to foster attending Yaegir's strength, agility, perseverance, and to allow growing and learning Yaegir to hone their skills. Often there are seasoned Yaegir in attendance to help bring up new or younger, less experienced Yaegir. It is not unheard of for a Yaegir to take on an apprentice.


Source: The Witcher Gameplay
  1. Crobhear Keep[1] - Said to be the birth place of all that embodies the Noct Yaegir, while no one is sure if this is true, it is the oldest Yaegir keep on record still standing. Central to the other major keeps, Crobhear Keep is located in the Spine just west of Crobhear Lake and serves as the nexus point when the Noct Yaegir must meet en masse. Less than a day's walk from the Crobhear Stone.
    Maintained by Warden Gabriel Sionoma
  2. Frostpeak Keep[2] - Located high in the mountains of the Eretejva tundra, this keep has seen its fair share of nasty beasts. Hosted by the Kingdom of Nordengaard, it serves as the main keep of the frozen north’s Yaegir.
    Maintained by Warden Heragrim Froskir
  3. A location on the Cortosi Coast, near the Falwood Stone
    Maintained by Warden ???
  4. Atlia Keep - Allir Reach, currently being developed by doonaday
    Maintained by Warden Cyradil
  5. A location in Malakath, on the coast just north west of the Tirnua stone
    Maintained by Warden ???
  6. A location in the Ixchel Wilds on the east coast
    Maintained by Warden ???
  7. A location in the Taagi Baara Steppes, southeast of Dornoch
    Maintained by Warden ???

Dens & Outposts

Dens, also called Outposts, function primarily as safehouses for the traveling Yaegir and are typically smaller in size, though some may be found within the larger holdfasts or castles of the attending Ranger Lords or Ladies. These outposts are secretive and can only be found and accessed by those who know where to find them and come bearing the Yaegir pendant.

  • Tartorum Den[3] - Located east of the Wda fork.
  • Artenhild Den[4]
  • A whole buncha other places

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