Jyn Hlervu
Possessing distinctive and expressive dark brown eyes, they often carry a life on their own, they are known to convey a message when her words and body expression do not. Her features are distinct and presentable, her nose slender, her plump lips a healthy shade of pink. Her facial features are gentle but distinct, and are usually what most would consider pleasant and comely.
Her fair complexion resembles that of creamy alabaster with a healthy amount of golden undertones, and it is complemented perfectly with her rich deep black locks. She can usually be seen with her shoulder length locks worn loose or tied into a bun, when she needs to keep it out of the way when she is working.
Her figure is slim and athletic, well-toned from plenty of physical and weapons training in her line of work as an Apprentice Deadlord. Like many Dreadlords, her body has a series of scars and faded wounds received either from combat or in the academy training grounds. Often underestimated because of her gentle look, most will realise that she is a lot tougher than her appearance gives credit for.
Her fair complexion resembles that of creamy alabaster with a healthy amount of golden undertones, and it is complemented perfectly with her rich deep black locks. She can usually be seen with her shoulder length locks worn loose or tied into a bun, when she needs to keep it out of the way when she is working.
Her figure is slim and athletic, well-toned from plenty of physical and weapons training in her line of work as an Apprentice Deadlord. Like many Dreadlords, her body has a series of scars and faded wounds received either from combat or in the academy training grounds. Often underestimated because of her gentle look, most will realise that she is a lot tougher than her appearance gives credit for.
Skills & Abilities
Bladeswoman: Highly proficient with swords, Jyn is an effective and lethal close combat specialist. Her incredible speed and reflexes and advanced techniques placed her a cut above her peers in the academy and is known for being one of the top sword fighters among the apprentices. What she lacks in brute strength, she makes up for in deadly speed and precision.
Bountiful Energy: Judging from her slender physique, one would not be able to tell that Jyn is a big eater. She eats more than what one would expect for her size and her ability for her body to quickly break down food to turn into usable energy allows her a plentiful stamina and energy reserves, and that combined with her iron will and never-say-die attitude is a killer.
Promises an Electrifying time: Her ability to create and manipulate lightning and storm magic allows her to summon and create lightning bolts and lightning streams from her hands. She is also able to harness the lightning to temporarily increase her speed. When her true potential is unlocked, she will be able to summon a lightning storm, raining down lightning upon her foes.
Mounted Archery: Competent at using the bow, she has simply mastered the form of horseback archery, a technique taught to her when she was young, and one of the only links remaining of her heritage and former life. The thought of having a skilled mounted archer in their ranks was too valuable for the Proctors in the academy to not encourage the development of her expertise in this area, considering the fact that she had already mastered the basics.
Bountiful Energy: Judging from her slender physique, one would not be able to tell that Jyn is a big eater. She eats more than what one would expect for her size and her ability for her body to quickly break down food to turn into usable energy allows her a plentiful stamina and energy reserves, and that combined with her iron will and never-say-die attitude is a killer.
Promises an Electrifying time: Her ability to create and manipulate lightning and storm magic allows her to summon and create lightning bolts and lightning streams from her hands. She is also able to harness the lightning to temporarily increase her speed. When her true potential is unlocked, she will be able to summon a lightning storm, raining down lightning upon her foes.
Mounted Archery: Competent at using the bow, she has simply mastered the form of horseback archery, a technique taught to her when she was young, and one of the only links remaining of her heritage and former life. The thought of having a skilled mounted archer in their ranks was too valuable for the Proctors in the academy to not encourage the development of her expertise in this area, considering the fact that she had already mastered the basics.
While one might not consider Jyn to be arrogant, she is most definitely stubborn. Too stubborn for her own good as most of her peers would say. Like most Dreadlords trained in the Academy, she recognises the philosophy that the strong will always prevail and the weak will forever be inferior to those above them. With this in mind, it has become somewhat of a habit for her to not show any signs of weaknesses, especially in public, afraid that anything shown can potentially be used against her for any number of malicious reasons. She is passionate for her beliefs and principles and is assertive enough to do what it takes to emerge victorious. She believes that strength should reflect rank, and finds the thought of a first or second level Dreadlord who is weak and unable to protect their own position preposterous. In her mind, there are no such thing as weak first or second level Dreadlords.
She respects her betters and those stronger than her, and for those in superior positions with an inferior mindset, well she’ll most likely disregard their orders unless it is supported by another Dreadlord who she deems is capable and worthy of her respect and time. She speaks her mind without a filter, unafraid of what consequences it might bring, which many might find annoying and distasteful. In her free time, she loves hunting, eating and downing several mugs of good ale with good looking men. She also likes polishing and practicing her combat skills with the sword and bow, because one must not become slack and over complacent for that will place one on the path to ruin.
She respects her betters and those stronger than her, and for those in superior positions with an inferior mindset, well she’ll most likely disregard their orders unless it is supported by another Dreadlord who she deems is capable and worthy of her respect and time. She speaks her mind without a filter, unafraid of what consequences it might bring, which many might find annoying and distasteful. In her free time, she loves hunting, eating and downing several mugs of good ale with good looking men. She also likes polishing and practicing her combat skills with the sword and bow, because one must not become slack and over complacent for that will place one on the path to ruin.
Biography & Lore
Jyn was born to a warrior merchant family who lived comfortably in a village not far from Vel Luin, the Aniran city situated in the Cortosi Coast. They were originally from one of the many tribes in the Steppes, but have since given up the tribal nomadic lifestyle. Her family was well off, but she had plenty of siblings, racking up a total of six brothers and four sisters. While the family may have given up the nomadic way of life, her father still ensured that all his children were trained in the steppe way of horseback archery. Her father had two wives, and Jyn was the third child of the second wife. A pretty and lively girl, she grew up with her family until the age of nine.
Unlike the multitude of her siblings, Jyn was different. She was the only child the merchant sired that had any magical ability and that fact would eventually land her in the Dreadlord Academy.Her father placed high priority and favoritism over his sons, and tended to side with them whenever it came to choose. Knowing this, her half-brothers used this for their own gain to exert control over the other siblings. When she was seven, her magical potential reached its height when she was bullied once again by two of her older brothers from her father’s first wife. Uncontrolled and untamed, her dormant magic was unleashed as lightning sprouted from her hands electrocuting two of her brothers.
Unable to control her powers, the flammable items in the room soon caught fire, and in hardly any time at all, the house was on fire. By the time the blaze was put out, a considerable portion of the family home and its furniture and other belongings were charred and blackened by the fire. Her father was enraged by the damages and listened to his surviving sons who called her a witch, a monster whose only purpose was destruction. With such a big incident occurring in the village, it drew the attention of a Proctor who happened to be in the village at the time of the incident.
When he arrived at the Hlervu home, Jyn’s father was only too happy to point out the culprit to the Dreadlord, indicating that the culprit was his daughter and that she was a witch. He bargained with the Proctor for her price, and after reaching an agreeable sum, he was only too happy to abandon her with no feelings lost. Just like that, Jyn was taken from the only home she knew to the Academy of the Dreadlords where her new life awaited her. The last she saw of her family was the sight of her crying mother and her half-brothers waving and smiling deviously at her. Since then, Jyn had grown and suffered with her fellow apprentices, a group that seemed to be growing smaller and smaller. The time finally came for a mentor to be assigned to her, one that would mark a new chapter in her life.
Unlike the multitude of her siblings, Jyn was different. She was the only child the merchant sired that had any magical ability and that fact would eventually land her in the Dreadlord Academy.Her father placed high priority and favoritism over his sons, and tended to side with them whenever it came to choose. Knowing this, her half-brothers used this for their own gain to exert control over the other siblings. When she was seven, her magical potential reached its height when she was bullied once again by two of her older brothers from her father’s first wife. Uncontrolled and untamed, her dormant magic was unleashed as lightning sprouted from her hands electrocuting two of her brothers.
Unable to control her powers, the flammable items in the room soon caught fire, and in hardly any time at all, the house was on fire. By the time the blaze was put out, a considerable portion of the family home and its furniture and other belongings were charred and blackened by the fire. Her father was enraged by the damages and listened to his surviving sons who called her a witch, a monster whose only purpose was destruction. With such a big incident occurring in the village, it drew the attention of a Proctor who happened to be in the village at the time of the incident.
When he arrived at the Hlervu home, Jyn’s father was only too happy to point out the culprit to the Dreadlord, indicating that the culprit was his daughter and that she was a witch. He bargained with the Proctor for her price, and after reaching an agreeable sum, he was only too happy to abandon her with no feelings lost. Just like that, Jyn was taken from the only home she knew to the Academy of the Dreadlords where her new life awaited her. The last she saw of her family was the sight of her crying mother and her half-brothers waving and smiling deviously at her. Since then, Jyn had grown and suffered with her fellow apprentices, a group that seemed to be growing smaller and smaller. The time finally came for a mentor to be assigned to her, one that would mark a new chapter in her life.
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