Jasper Sterling
The fourth son to deceased Lord Denarius Sterling, and new Head of House Sterling. House Sterling has long been one of the pillars of the Merchant's Council. However, the family lies in shambles after the Drakormir incident.
Jasper was out of the city on a trading expedition, but upon his arrival, he must wrestle with the chaos of Elbion, while maintaining the position of House Sterling.
He has taken to occasionally serving as a guest lecturer at the College of Elbion given the exponential loss of life that occurred only recently.
Jasper stands at 6'1 with a slightly athletic build. Jasper has always been considered a handsome man, and he used his looks to get into a lot of trouble into his youth. His most enchanting quality must be his amber eyes that seemed to shine when under the son. His curly brown hair is often kept short, but he still attempts to keep his hair under control, as best he can.
Probably the most obvious thing about Jasper's appearance is that Jasper loves wearing jewelry, to the point of almost being garish. He is almost always seen with various rings, necklaces, jewelry, earrings, and ornate belts and cuff links.
Probably the most obvious thing about Jasper's appearance is that Jasper loves wearing jewelry, to the point of almost being garish. He is almost always seen with various rings, necklaces, jewelry, earrings, and ornate belts and cuff links.
Skills and Abilities
Business Minded: Jasper has long since handled much of his family's mercantile operations, along with his brothers. He has a knack for making money and also spending that money to make friends. House Sterling is one of the wealthiest families in Elbion.
College Magic: Jasper attended Elbion College and has a masterful understanding of the arcane arts. He originally planned to eventually retire from his family business and attempt to Foard of Masters but has since put those dreams off for obvious reasons.
Magnetism Manipulation: Jasper's strongest ability, he can manipulate magnetic fields to telekinetically control various metals. This incredibly powerful skill was so great that it made him a top student at Elbion College. It may have served him better at the Dreadlords Academy, but Jasper never showed signs of desiring violence or combat.
Jasper has always been a mild-mannered boy as compared to his two brothers. He took well to lessons of etiquette, economics, sciences, and the arts. He would have been contempt to help run the family business as an assistant to his older brother.
His time at the academy changed him into a more studious and organized individual. His rare magic talents made him a powerful mage in the city, but he showed no ambitions or desires. It was likely this that kept his father from giving him control of the family's business, as his father valued his skill, but skill without ambition was worthless.
He has...changed, the put it lightly, since the shattering of the city. Jasper finds himself in a depression at the loss of so much of his family. While his natural temperance might not lend himself to grasping power, he often finds himself trying to be more like his father and brothers. His sense of loyalty to his family is a new driving force for his goals in the city. He wants control of his family and the council. He wants to ensure a catastrophe like the shattering never happens again.
Biography & Lore
Jasper grew up in a life of luxury, groomed for his family's mercantile trade. He followed his family's plans for him without question. He would be expected to join the college like others in his family, more as a status symbol. However, things changed when his powerful magical abilities were discovered.
His family had him focus on training his magical powers so that they may use his skills as a political fulcrum. Jasper actually preferred this, as he took a liking to his academic pursuits. He even planned to become a member of the Foard of Masters and leave the business to his brothers. In fact, his membership was almost a foregone conclusion. He was set to perform one more trading trip for his father before he would retire and join the College of Elbion.
It was while he was away on this journey when Drakormir fell and shattered the cities foundations. When he returned, his father, brothers, and recently married wife were all announced as dead or missing. Very few members of House Sterling survived, leaving mainly himself, his sister, his young son, and a few others. Jasper suddenly finds himself the Head of his household and scrambling to understand the new political machinations of this fractured city.
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