The Dusk Court, aka The Court of Twilight
The Dusk Court is the smallest of the Solar Courts which consist of Day, Night and Dawn. Unlike the other Fae Courts, the Dusk Court takes no hold of vast expanses of land - instead its leading members are dotted across the many broad lands of Arethil, situated in their own holdouts as befits their nature. Their purpose is not in competition with the other, larger courts, but as a mainstay to their kin and kind. Dusk Court cities are colloquially called Groves and are artfully hidden in plain sight, bringing use and balance to spaces once used by others throughout history such as abandoned temples and ruins of castles or keeps of yore. To enter into the fae realm of these spaces take the knowledge of the Dusk Court's ritual Ask. Akin to a password, mindbending mazes of magic have been created in these places to confuse, fool, and rebuff those who are not welcome in order to protect the secrets, knowledge, and charges of the Dusk Court.
Unlike the other Parlours, the Dusk Court is ruled by the eldest, and wisest fae in an elected Triumvirate, chosen at the Twilight Confluence when the need arises. When a seat opens either at the death or stepping down or a leader, the various realms of the Dusk Court put forward the next eldest and wisest of their Grove and a vote is then held to decide on the newest Triumvir. It is seen as a great honor to serve in this position and comes with the responsibility of knowing how to afford one's power within their Grove alongside the other larger Courts.
If the Dawn Court is of Chaos, the Dusk Court is truly its opposite. The Dusk Court prizes harmony and peace in a very similar vein to the Autumn Court. Unlike the Autumn Court, the Dusk Court does not consider themselves the soldiers or warriors of this harmony - they do not seek to re-balance through good or evil deeds and actions. In fact, it is often the other Courts that call upon them for their tempered minds, sound advice, wisdom, and skill of Sight in times of need. For this reason the Dusk Court does not partake in wars or battles between fae courts or the mortal realm. A true neutral party, they sequester themselves to their hidden Groves until they are called upon by others.
"In the peace,
in the balance,
in the harmony,
we shed no blood,
we side no fight.
In the knowledge,
in the wisdom,
in the truth,
we are the line between the darkness and first light."
- Lady Vashe, co-founder of the Dusk Court
in the balance,
in the harmony,
we shed no blood,
we side no fight.
In the knowledge,
in the wisdom,
in the truth,
we are the line between the darkness and first light."
- Lady Vashe, co-founder of the Dusk Court
The Court of Twilight stands as one of the most secluded and secretive of all Fae Courts. Even among the Fae themselves, little is known of their comings and goings. What is known is that the Dusk Court was founded on the idea that there was more purpose to life than simply war or chaos or pleasure. That some things forgotten should once again be brought to light. The Dusk Court comprises of some of the wisest and oldest members of the other Courts, dismayed by the bureaucratic games played, disillusioned by the constant tension and necessity to prove one's worth or faith. It is not that they dislike rules or laws - on the contrary, there is a great expectation for behavior and decorum for those indicted to the Dusk Court - but that they find the larger Courts have placed precedence upon ideals and culture that diminishes the connection of Fae kind to the world around them.
Due to their neutral position among the Courts, those of high stature within the Dusk Court are often called upon in times of strife, loss, and need by the other Courts for their wisdom and advice. They have even been used as Emissaries between the major Courts, and called upon for council or to arbitrate on official matters of judgement or settlement.
PC & NPC Members
- Eske - Triumvir, High Omnia, Lady Mirlorne
- Asemir - Triumvir, High Guardian, Lord Kor Aren
- Neliinne - Triumvir, High Illusor, Lady Ahoma (NPC - PM Velaeri if interested in adopting)
- Vashe - Former Triumvir, Former Omnia, twin sister of Eske, presently missing
- Aster Tiernan - Omnia, Acolyte of Eske, Mirlorne Grove
- Ameris - Son of Lord Kor Aren, residing in the guest grove home of Mirlorne
- Elio - Scribe
- Zakarias - Prior Illusor, exiled???
The Dusk Court provides a place of equilibrium between the many other Fae Courts.
Similar to the Dawn Court, all Fae kind are welcome within the Dusk Court and so, within each established Grove you will find a myriad of fae kind and cultures living together. Depending on the location of the Grove, the variety may lean towards one or the other, but there exists no sense of superiority between them. Wisdom and knowledge is prized above all, lending the ability for even those who would have been considered lower caste of other Courts to rise to a respectable station within Dusk.
Dusk maintains no strict guidance for love or marriage, nor does it hold opinion on the validity of half-fae or changelings. All are welcome, and even the rare but respected and trustworthy mortal has found welcome into the Court.
What Dusk preserves is the secrecy of its many Grove domains and rules against behavior that would endanger that. To be indicted into the Dusk Court is to undergo several rituals called the Proving to test the truth and the trust of each member. Flippant fools need not apply, nor those wishing to make waves and spread dissent. Those seeking respite from the often cruel ways of the other Courts, or peace of life and mind to pursue lesser pleasures will find it easy to establish themselves into the Dusk community. Upon passing the Proving, each member takes a solemn oath of secrecy, protected by magic, that disallows them to speak or act in any way that would reveal the location of the Groves or how to gain access. Only those of the Triumvirate are above these oaths, as only those of the Triumvirate may perform the Proving on potential new members. The power of this magical oath is maintained by regular Oath-Keeping sessions at the heart of the Groves that precede every New Moon. Failure for Dusk Court members to attend can result in exile - a fate most would not wish upon themselves given the life being part of the Dusk Court affords them.
Dusk maintains a strict policy of respect and peace when among the realms of the other Courts. As a true neutral entity and being a smaller Court, Dusk cannot risk offense, especially not against Winter or Summer, and is one of the only Courts that does not allow dual-membership with Autumn, though Dusk has taken in many retired Sluagh. It is appropriate and expected that any visitor of Dusk into another Court come baring gifts and honors for the ruling members. Dusk representatives can often be found in attendance to other Court festivities, holidays, or events of high importance such as the birth of a new heir, coronation, or other celebration. This serves them two-fold; maintaining peaceful relations with the other Courts, as well as reminding the other Courts that should they have need of the Seers, Oracles, or Clairvoyants of Dusk they need only call.
Much like its namesake, Dusk's involvement with the other Courts is as fleeting as the transition of night into day.
Similar to the Dawn Court, all Fae kind are welcome within the Dusk Court and so, within each established Grove you will find a myriad of fae kind and cultures living together. Depending on the location of the Grove, the variety may lean towards one or the other, but there exists no sense of superiority between them. Wisdom and knowledge is prized above all, lending the ability for even those who would have been considered lower caste of other Courts to rise to a respectable station within Dusk.
Dusk maintains no strict guidance for love or marriage, nor does it hold opinion on the validity of half-fae or changelings. All are welcome, and even the rare but respected and trustworthy mortal has found welcome into the Court.
What Dusk preserves is the secrecy of its many Grove domains and rules against behavior that would endanger that. To be indicted into the Dusk Court is to undergo several rituals called the Proving to test the truth and the trust of each member. Flippant fools need not apply, nor those wishing to make waves and spread dissent. Those seeking respite from the often cruel ways of the other Courts, or peace of life and mind to pursue lesser pleasures will find it easy to establish themselves into the Dusk community. Upon passing the Proving, each member takes a solemn oath of secrecy, protected by magic, that disallows them to speak or act in any way that would reveal the location of the Groves or how to gain access. Only those of the Triumvirate are above these oaths, as only those of the Triumvirate may perform the Proving on potential new members. The power of this magical oath is maintained by regular Oath-Keeping sessions at the heart of the Groves that precede every New Moon. Failure for Dusk Court members to attend can result in exile - a fate most would not wish upon themselves given the life being part of the Dusk Court affords them.
Dusk maintains a strict policy of respect and peace when among the realms of the other Courts. As a true neutral entity and being a smaller Court, Dusk cannot risk offense, especially not against Winter or Summer, and is one of the only Courts that does not allow dual-membership with Autumn, though Dusk has taken in many retired Sluagh. It is appropriate and expected that any visitor of Dusk into another Court come baring gifts and honors for the ruling members. Dusk representatives can often be found in attendance to other Court festivities, holidays, or events of high importance such as the birth of a new heir, coronation, or other celebration. This serves them two-fold; maintaining peaceful relations with the other Courts, as well as reminding the other Courts that should they have need of the Seers, Oracles, or Clairvoyants of Dusk they need only call.
Much like its namesake, Dusk's involvement with the other Courts is as fleeting as the transition of night into day.
The Twilight Confluence
Every year the Dusk Court gathers at one of the main Triumvir Groves to celebrate the Confluence of the moon cycles. The festivities last for nearly a month, beginning with the arrival of the Dusk Court from all the other Groves, where they then spend time with their extended community. In these early weeks of the Confluence troves of knowledge, history, wisdom, and experiences are shared between the Groves. Scribes arrive with prepared tomes to exchange with one another, singers and musicians and actors put on grand shows to tell of the various events from their homes. Skills of crafting and building are traded along with goods and foods and resources. It is a time to learn new things, try new flavors, find old friends and greet those unknown. The weeks climax into a full-on celebration of high spirits as the numbers of arrivals continue to grow. At the peak of the Confluence, once all Duskirae are accounted for, a communal Oathkeeping ceremony is held that strengthens the bonds and ties between the Groves, as well as the trust and faith of the Duskirae in their leaders.
The weeks following the peak, should there be an open position upon the Triumvirate Council, nominations are held within each respective Grove community to put forward a member of their choosing for the vote. Many of these nominations may be for those already in good standing as Acolytes or High Acolytes. Once the nominations are finalized, a vote is held within which each and every Duskirae has the right to partake. Once a new Triumvir has been elected, they are then taken through new rights of Oathkeeping by those already presiding on the Council. The new Triumvir may choose to take their seat at the Grove of their predecessor--and many of them do--or they may choose to establish a new Grove, a task that requires a great deal of planning, time, effort, and energy.
If no new Triumvir is required to be elected, there may still be nominations made for new Acolytes to join the Council numbers.
Toward the end of the Confluence, as the Duskirae being their long treks home, the Triumvirate holds Council to discuss any pressing matters of business or need between the Groves and between the other Courts. It is at this time that new Acolytes are assigned to senior or High Acolytes for initiation and as mentors.
On the final night of the Confluence, the Omnia are gathered in mass to look forward to the year ahead. Within their collective powers and skills, the year's Futures Tome is written, detailing the various events and happenings that could come to pass as foreseen and told by the Omnia. The Futures Tome is then copied - one for each of the other Courts detailing the premonitions specific to them, and sent out to their respective leaders.
The weeks following the peak, should there be an open position upon the Triumvirate Council, nominations are held within each respective Grove community to put forward a member of their choosing for the vote. Many of these nominations may be for those already in good standing as Acolytes or High Acolytes. Once the nominations are finalized, a vote is held within which each and every Duskirae has the right to partake. Once a new Triumvir has been elected, they are then taken through new rights of Oathkeeping by those already presiding on the Council. The new Triumvir may choose to take their seat at the Grove of their predecessor--and many of them do--or they may choose to establish a new Grove, a task that requires a great deal of planning, time, effort, and energy.
If no new Triumvir is required to be elected, there may still be nominations made for new Acolytes to join the Council numbers.
Toward the end of the Confluence, as the Duskirae being their long treks home, the Triumvirate holds Council to discuss any pressing matters of business or need between the Groves and between the other Courts. It is at this time that new Acolytes are assigned to senior or High Acolytes for initiation and as mentors.
On the final night of the Confluence, the Omnia are gathered in mass to look forward to the year ahead. Within their collective powers and skills, the year's Futures Tome is written, detailing the various events and happenings that could come to pass as foreseen and told by the Omnia. The Futures Tome is then copied - one for each of the other Courts detailing the premonitions specific to them, and sent out to their respective leaders.

Standing as the Capital Grove of the Dusk Court, Mirlorne is a city hidden away deep into the expansive forests of Allir Reach. It is here that the co-founders, twin sisters Eske and Vashe, were born and here that they make their home. Of all the Dusk Groves, Mirlorne is the largest and most populated. Mirlorne also sits central to the two powerhouse Courts of Summer and Winter, well beyond their official territories and the hold of their influence.

Triumvir Asemir established his Grove at a citadel ruin called Kor Aren. Situated within a gorge that leads out to the sea, this hidden Grove is built into the stone walls of the gorge, accessible only through the Ask within the ruins on the bluffs above.

Siren Triumvir Neliinne made her grove in her home of the Ahoma Cove found within the Iria Archipelago just east of Eaglehead. Here at one of the strongest convergences of leylines across the globe, Ahoma Cove is fraught with magic and powerful fae looking to keep themselves removed of their other Court brethren. Ahoma Cove's population features a large majority of water-based fae for a very obvious reason, and it's Heart Grove is situated deep below the surface, connected to its land grove via a channel of underwater passages that run beneath the archipelago.
The Dusk Court is ruled by an elected Triumvirate, meaning that the right of leadership is not based on blood, strength, or power, but on the wisdom a person holds and the respect they command from their community. Any fae can be put forward as a candidate by their Grove community, and should a position within the Triumvirate open a vote is held between those candidates to determine the next Triumvir. During times of stability within the Triumvir, those candidates may be taken on as Acolytes to learn and listen to the ways of the Council. Learned Acolytes may stand in as representative to their Triumvir and are often considered heir to the Triumvir's seat should something happen to them or they elect to step down. Most often a communal vote will lean in favor of the Triumvir's Acolyte, but sometimes it does not.
The Dusk Council, also called the Triumvirate Council, comprises of the three Triumvirs, their Acolytes, and Elder Omnia who sit on the council in rotation at the request of the Triumvir.
The Dusk Council, also called the Triumvirate Council, comprises of the three Triumvirs, their Acolytes, and Elder Omnia who sit on the council in rotation at the request of the Triumvir.
Three Triumvir's sit as equals upon the ruling council of the Dusk Court. The responsibility of performing the Proving upon hopeful applicants to the Court falls squarely upon their shoulders, as well as the safety and security of the Grove. Though Mirlorne is central to the Dusk Court, each Triumvir maintains their own Grove - which resides typically within their own home territory. This means that as the faces among the Triumvirate change, so too does the locations of the main Dusk Court Groves including, should such a time ever come upon them, the location of the Capital Grove.
Triumvirs are highly respected within their own Grove communities and dignified by the title of Lord or Lady of the Grove, equivalent to King or Queen of the other Courts. For example, Eske is called Lady Mirlorne, while Asemir is called Lord Kor Aren, and Neliinne as Lady Ahoma.
Present Triumvir:
Honors: Co-Founder of the Dusk Court, Former Seer of the Winter Court
Kind: Heradryad
Caste: Omnia
Domain: Mirlorne Forest, Central Allir Reach, Capital Grove
Status: Present and Active
Honors: Summer Court Royal (Titania's Uncle), decorated war veteran and skilled warrior
Kind: Duanann
Caste: Guardian
Domain: Kor Aren Gorge, Deep South Falwood, East Coast
Status: Present and Active, considering retirement
Honors: Priestess of Ahoma Cove
Kind: Siren
Caste: Illusor
Domain: Iria Archipelago, Ahoma Cove, East of Eaglehead at the Major Leyline Convergence
Status: Present and Active
Triumvirs are highly respected within their own Grove communities and dignified by the title of Lord or Lady of the Grove, equivalent to King or Queen of the other Courts. For example, Eske is called Lady Mirlorne, while Asemir is called Lord Kor Aren, and Neliinne as Lady Ahoma.
Present Triumvir:
Honors: Co-Founder of the Dusk Court, Former Seer of the Winter Court
Kind: Heradryad
Caste: Omnia
Domain: Mirlorne Forest, Central Allir Reach, Capital Grove
Status: Present and Active
Honors: Summer Court Royal (Titania's Uncle), decorated war veteran and skilled warrior
Kind: Duanann
Caste: Guardian
Domain: Kor Aren Gorge, Deep South Falwood, East Coast
Status: Present and Active, considering retirement
Honors: Priestess of Ahoma Cove
Kind: Siren
Caste: Illusor
Domain: Iria Archipelago, Ahoma Cove, East of Eaglehead at the Major Leyline Convergence
Status: Present and Active
Triumvirs maintain one to several Acolytes at all times - those that have come to be highly respected by the Triumvir and the Grove communities. Often put forth and advocated for by the communities but sometimes also hand-picked by the Triumvirs themselves. Acolytes sit in on most Triumvir business and attend with the Triumvir to the various Callings at the other Courts. In this, Acolytes learn the expected behavior and dynamics of a Dusk Triumvir when dealing with the Royalty and leadership of other Courts.
Among the Acolytes there is a general rule of seniority. Those who have been around the longest are referred to as High Acolytes and they are the ones that are expected to sit in for their Triumvir's stead should the need arise. This includes at Triumvirate Council meetings, and Callings at the other Courts. High Acolytes are held to an unwavering standard of propriety and behavior - a mere slip up or offense is enough to have their title removed. High Acolytes cannot perform the ritual of Proving but they can and often do lead the Oathkeeping Ceremonies for each Grove.
Among the Acolytes there is a general rule of seniority. Those who have been around the longest are referred to as High Acolytes and they are the ones that are expected to sit in for their Triumvir's stead should the need arise. This includes at Triumvirate Council meetings, and Callings at the other Courts. High Acolytes are held to an unwavering standard of propriety and behavior - a mere slip up or offense is enough to have their title removed. High Acolytes cannot perform the ritual of Proving but they can and often do lead the Oathkeeping Ceremonies for each Grove.
The Omnia
What makes up the Omnia is part of what makes the Dusk Court so unique. Oracles, Seers, Clairvoyants, and Mystics populate the Omnia - and the Dusk Court has an disproportionately high number of them comparatively speaking to the other Courts. Many born with these gifts and powers within the other Courts have opted to join Dusk for the opportunity to learn and train with the elders and masters of these powers. Eske and Vashe have often been lauded as the most powerful Seers of the Fae though this is truly a difficult thing to standardize.
There is usually at least one Omnia present within the Triumvirate Council, even if they are only seated as an Acolyte. Elder Omnia are called in on rotation to attend Council meetings and sometimes on Callings to other Courts at the behest of the attending Triumvir.
Dusk carefully guards, nurtures, and maintains the Omnia and their powers for the value they hold to the other Courts. It is a big part of the reason the Dusk Court so prizes its secrecy.
There is usually at least one Omnia present within the Triumvirate Council, even if they are only seated as an Acolyte. Elder Omnia are called in on rotation to attend Council meetings and sometimes on Callings to other Courts at the behest of the attending Triumvir.
Dusk carefully guards, nurtures, and maintains the Omnia and their powers for the value they hold to the other Courts. It is a big part of the reason the Dusk Court so prizes its secrecy.
The Illusors
Those with the skills and powers capable of helping to maintain the concealment of the Groves. They are tasked with the upkeep and maintenance of the magics and spells meant to guard and protect against those unwelcome. Illusors are often masters of their craft and of high intellect enough to concoct the mind-bending magic mazes constructed to confuse, baffle, and turn the encroacher away. They are also tasked with maintaining the Grove Ask, and changing it regularly at the behest of their overseeing Triumvir. To become an Illusor is a major honor and also requires further Oathkeeping - for only the Illusors and the Triumvirs are aware of the construction of the Grove Ask and the magical defenses.
The Guardians
While the Court of Twilight embodies peace and harmony above all things, it goes without saying that the existence of the Fae Court is not without its threats. Threats from other Fae Courts, threads from the other races of the lands, and threats of the unknown. The Guardians are warriors and soldiers who have elected to use their power and strength to protect the ideals of the Dusk Court. Many have come from the other Courts - alienated by their homes but retaining their honors, and some have even retired to the Dusk Court in order to pursue a life with family and far less likelihood of war on their horizon to tear them from it. The Guardians serve various roles, stations, and duties through the Groves and are lead by the High Guardian Asemir.
The Duskirae
A term made not to delineate anyone as "lesser" within the Dusk Court. All members of the Court are known as Duskirae, from the Triumvirs down to the common citizen. Naturally there are various sects of Duskirae such as artisans and merchants, diplomats and farmers, hunters and gatherers, craftspeople and cooks, builders and inventors, writers and historians. All skills are seen as having equal value, for these skills are what support the Groves' communities. And yes, even Dusk sees a need for warriors and guardians, those who have elected to the lifestyle of the Court that also have the strength, skill, power, or means to protect their Groves in times of need.
Dusk Factions
Similar in nature to the Dawn Court, there exist no true factions within Dusk. Some may argue that each Grove might consider itself a faction, as those separate Grove communities come to support and respect their Triumvir leader. But community among the various Groves is also very strong - upheld by the yearly Twilight Confluence ceremony held at a different Grove each year. There also exists smaller ceremonies that coincide with the phases of the various moons and the various cultures found within each Grove. The Groves openly celebrate them all - which may come as a surprise to those who are not as familiar with the inner workings of the Dusk Court. Most fae believe the Dusk Court to be filled with tired, old, boring, outdated fae when in fact they are quite lively, modern, and love a good party as much as the next Court. This engenders strong sense of place, belonging, and home into the Duskirae, allowing them to more openly share their livelihoods with those beyond their immediate Grove community.
The Four Solar Courts are relatively new in the history of the fae and appeared long after the four great Seasonal Courts. First came Day then came Night, split from the courts of Spring and Autumn, but then came Dawn and Dusk, split from Summer and Winter respectfully. Each has their own muddied history as to the ins and outs of why these small factions of fae decided to break from their pledges and seek refuge elsewhere. Though Dusk was the last to break out from the Seasonal Courts, their's was likely the longest anticipated.
It started with the Mirlorne Sisters, Vashe and Eske. Two heradryads living among the Winter Court most honorably and loyally despite their predilection for peace over war. Vashe and Eske were gifted from birth with the ability of the Sight, and thusly became a valuable asset to the Winter Court. As they grew in power, skill, and experience over their many centuries within the court, they began to develop an unsteady disinclination to those they called kin and kind. Despite their visions coming to fruition more often than not, having earned them a great deal of respect among the Court, when roughly 6,500 years ago Vashe and Eske brought to Queen Mab their vision of a terrible cataclysm to come - they were dismissed and utterly ignored.
Not long following these revelations of great loss, despair, and tragedy did they come true in what is now known as The Great Reclamation War [TGRW]. To stand witness to all the atrocities the war had leveled upon their kind left Eske and Vashe is a state of disillusionment with their Court, but especially with their Queen. Yet they did not act upon it - theirs is the way of patience. Hoping now that the Queen would take them more seriously, and perhaps she did, they stayed on to try and help the Winter Court rebuild, repair, and re-prosper.
An age passed in relative peace and harmony - allowing the sisters to experience a life and ideal they both envisioned for their people. They continued to offer their Queen their gift of Sight in hopes that it would continue this newfound harmony. Another age passed and soon new visions of war presented. Brought yet again to Queen Mab with warning of more loss, the sisters were yet again ignored and the second Great Reclamation War came to pass. Though shorter and with far less loss and carnage, this was the last straw for Eske and Vashe. Convinced they could not bring change to the Winter Court with their gifts, they left to form the Dusk Court where they could practice their skills in secrecy - away from the Game of the Courts and the wars waged between them. Though they had many who supported them, few followed in their steps to start, afraid of the repercussions they might receive for doing so.
It was not until some several hundred years following that Queen Mab's lover, Asemir, took his leave from the Winter Court as well, announcing along the way that he sought to join the Mirlorne Sisters, that a larger following became emboldened enough to join him. Thus began the true growth of the Dusk Court, and over the years more and more have slowly moved to join. It remains the smallest of the minor Courts, but no one can deny that the Dusk Court continues to draw more to its numbers every year.
Court Relations
Below is the current status of their relationships with other Courts.
The Summer Court: Good
The Winter Court: Neutral
The Spring Court: Good
The Autumn Court: Very Good
The Dawn Court: Uneasy
The Night Court: Very Uneasy
The Summer Court: Good
The Winter Court: Neutral
The Spring Court: Good
The Autumn Court: Very Good
The Dawn Court: Uneasy
The Night Court: Very Uneasy