One of the twin ancient spirits of the Mirlorne Forest, Vashe is known as the Sister Of the Wood. Twin of Eske, the two sisters have tended to their home for as long as they can remember. They are known throughout the Fae Courts for their gift of Sight - though to be known is not always a good thing. While some courts hold them in high regard and respect, others believed them to be out of touch with reality, given the reclusive nature. It was from a disregarded vision had by the twins some centuries past concerning a terrible cataclysm of the Fae people that they broke off from the Winter Court along with those who supported them to form the Dusk Court - also known as the Court of Twilight.
In her natural form, Vashe is the embodiment of the wilds she calls home. Greens and earthen hues paint a figure of moss and bark and vines and roots that form a feminine silhouette. Though Vashe has the power to disguise herself as any fair maiden, her main facade is that of a beautiful high elf (or duanann, depending on her audience). Regal and refined with pale skin and long, wavy hair the color of midnight, she has stolen the heart of many a man - both mortal and not. Her eyes shift through hues of the forest, vivid and alive as her home - perhaps the easiest tell that she is not entirely as she appears.
Skills and Abilities
Nature Magic - Vashe is naturally powerful and skilled in the art of natural magic. Considered as they are to be minor godesses of the wood, dryads call both flora and fauna friend. In this they are able to convene with and control that which lives and grows around their heartland, and even to a lesser extent that which lives and grows beyond.
The Sight - Unique to herself and her sister, they were both gifted with the Sight. As Seers they are able to look into "things that were, things that are, and things that have not yet come to pass." While these visions of possible futures may not always come to pass as foretold, the Sisters have been right more times than they have been wrong.
Empathy - Dryads have always harnessed a unique ability to inspire strong emotions within those around them. Their enthusiasm is contagious, though it can warp depending on the recipient. Vashe has little control over how these emotional energies manifest in others - only that it can embolden the courageous, terrify the easily frightened, and grow hunger in those of greedy leanings. It is a boon as often as it is a danger.
Disguise - Like all Dryads, Vashe has the ability to alter her appearance in order to disguise her true nature. Though she can choose to look like any fair maiden, often she takes on the form of a singular entity known by many as the Sister of the Wood or Lady Mirlorne. Vashe can also transform herself into a tree at whim, or meld in with local flora to hide herself away. As a Dryad, she is a master of concealment and staying hidden when she does not wish to be found.
The Sight - Unique to herself and her sister, they were both gifted with the Sight. As Seers they are able to look into "things that were, things that are, and things that have not yet come to pass." While these visions of possible futures may not always come to pass as foretold, the Sisters have been right more times than they have been wrong.
Empathy - Dryads have always harnessed a unique ability to inspire strong emotions within those around them. Their enthusiasm is contagious, though it can warp depending on the recipient. Vashe has little control over how these emotional energies manifest in others - only that it can embolden the courageous, terrify the easily frightened, and grow hunger in those of greedy leanings. It is a boon as often as it is a danger.
Disguise - Like all Dryads, Vashe has the ability to alter her appearance in order to disguise her true nature. Though she can choose to look like any fair maiden, often she takes on the form of a singular entity known by many as the Sister of the Wood or Lady Mirlorne. Vashe can also transform herself into a tree at whim, or meld in with local flora to hide herself away. As a Dryad, she is a master of concealment and staying hidden when she does not wish to be found.
Reserved. Regal. Thoughtful. Kind and caring. Matronly to those in need and those under her guard. Wisened. Distant. Curious. Mistrusting of strangers. Forgiving to those who have wronged her. Reticent and quiet, even among her own kin and kind.
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