Decanian Atresius
Young mage came in Elbion looking for knowledge and wisdom within the tomes of the College.
Pretty short and of average constitution, Decanian doesn't have an intimidating presence.
His shy brown eyes are mostly lost in the heavy tomes of the academy; when he glances up, however, the sunlight fills them with green sparks.
A straight, regular nose and soft lips of a small mouth complete his face. Clean shaven, he often seems younger than he actually is.
The pale hue of his skin is coherent with his job, staying mainly in the dusty, obscure aisles of the College library.
His straight, black hair is almost entirely covered by the large hood of his white woolen overcoat. He usually wears black or dark blue cotton tunics of refined workmanship and elegant leather boots.
Two cross-shaped silver pendants adorn his waist.
His shy brown eyes are mostly lost in the heavy tomes of the academy; when he glances up, however, the sunlight fills them with green sparks.
A straight, regular nose and soft lips of a small mouth complete his face. Clean shaven, he often seems younger than he actually is.
The pale hue of his skin is coherent with his job, staying mainly in the dusty, obscure aisles of the College library.
His straight, black hair is almost entirely covered by the large hood of his white woolen overcoat. He usually wears black or dark blue cotton tunics of refined workmanship and elegant leather boots.
Two cross-shaped silver pendants adorn his waist.
Skills and Abilities
Divine magic
As a follower of the Trinity of Light he harnesses the deities' energy mainly to heal the wounded in the Healing Halls or to dispel evil curses and malicious entities.
Squire of the Knights of Anathaeum, sometimes he has to leave the peace of his tomes to join his fellow knights as the main healer.
College magic
Many years buried in the halls of the College made Decanian a history loremaster and a highly accomplished in the magical disciplines that the academy studies. A strong, innate arcane aptitude makes him a rapid learner and an exceptional student. The alchemy, for his chagrin, is a field in which his prowess fades.
When he escorts the Order knights on a quest or ventures in an ancient ruin to dissipate a centuries-old curse he always wields a healing staff. 6.5 ft. long, made of black and white sections of finely engraved wood, the staff ends with a white, golden-glowing globe. The artifact allows Decanian to cast healing and offensive spells with a limited use of his own magical energy.
Decanian is capable, by extending a hand in front of him, to harness his arcane energy to generate a solid ward. Golden and bright, the ward is effective against magical and elemental attacks but does not protect against physical assaults. The more powerful the attack launched, the more magical energy is needed to keep the ward intact. The ward can be extended to protect other individuals but becomes weaker and more difficult to sustain.
As a follower of the Trinity of Light he harnesses the deities' energy mainly to heal the wounded in the Healing Halls or to dispel evil curses and malicious entities.
Squire of the Knights of Anathaeum, sometimes he has to leave the peace of his tomes to join his fellow knights as the main healer.
College magic
Many years buried in the halls of the College made Decanian a history loremaster and a highly accomplished in the magical disciplines that the academy studies. A strong, innate arcane aptitude makes him a rapid learner and an exceptional student. The alchemy, for his chagrin, is a field in which his prowess fades.
When he escorts the Order knights on a quest or ventures in an ancient ruin to dissipate a centuries-old curse he always wields a healing staff. 6.5 ft. long, made of black and white sections of finely engraved wood, the staff ends with a white, golden-glowing globe. The artifact allows Decanian to cast healing and offensive spells with a limited use of his own magical energy.
Decanian is capable, by extending a hand in front of him, to harness his arcane energy to generate a solid ward. Golden and bright, the ward is effective against magical and elemental attacks but does not protect against physical assaults. The more powerful the attack launched, the more magical energy is needed to keep the ward intact. The ward can be extended to protect other individuals but becomes weaker and more difficult to sustain.
Decanian is quite introverted, prefers listening to talking and finds his perfect place in the silence of the College library. Sometimes his shy behaviour is mistaken for insecurity but the truth is that he deems his books more interesting than the majority of people.
Nevertheless, he deeply loves humanity: the strong faith in the Trinity of Light is a cornerstone of his life and he tries to embody all the aspects of his cult. The value of charitable acts and the goodnees as ultimate goal as taught by Aliandra, the importance of wisdom and culture represented by Seelah and the relentless hatred for evil of Tancred.
His mother's heritage makes him intrinsically ethnocentrist if not almost xenophobic, a trait that he struggles to suppress not always succeeding. He doesn't really despise other races but he thinks that the human civilization is superior. His ultimately good personality, however, linked with his oath to the Trinity, pushes him to treat everyone, human and non-human, with the same mercy.
His compassion entirely fades when he challenges evil warlocks and dark cultists, creatures that he deems responsible of the moral decay and subsequent disappearing of his sister.
Nevertheless, he deeply loves humanity: the strong faith in the Trinity of Light is a cornerstone of his life and he tries to embody all the aspects of his cult. The value of charitable acts and the goodnees as ultimate goal as taught by Aliandra, the importance of wisdom and culture represented by Seelah and the relentless hatred for evil of Tancred.
His mother's heritage makes him intrinsically ethnocentrist if not almost xenophobic, a trait that he struggles to suppress not always succeeding. He doesn't really despise other races but he thinks that the human civilization is superior. His ultimately good personality, however, linked with his oath to the Trinity, pushes him to treat everyone, human and non-human, with the same mercy.
His compassion entirely fades when he challenges evil warlocks and dark cultists, creatures that he deems responsible of the moral decay and subsequent disappearing of his sister.
Biography & Lore
Early life
Second child of Quintus Atresius and Aurelia Vera, Decanian was born in the eastern bank of Alliria. His father is a retired doctor and researcher and his mother a noblewoman of ancient lineage, tied with House Pirian of Vel Anir. He had an older sister, Domitia, who apparently joined a dark cult and is now gone, allegedly to Crossroad Mire.
Raised happily in a loving family, Decanian studied at home and, later, in a private school. Since adolescence he showed an aptitude for the arcane arts without equals in his family, not really proficient in magic. He refused to follow his father's professional path and decided to became a scholar.
At the age of 16 he asked to be admitted at the College of Elbion and the following year he left his family to join the academy.
After five years of study and academic achievements, Decanian was appointed College librarian, charged to provide books for the students, protect the properties of the archive and investigate about ancient missing tomes.
In the meanwhile blossomed in him his father's healing vocation. The days in the library were followed by nights in the city's Healing Halls, where he started to learn the basics of care and hone his healing skills.
Never really interested in religion, he had an epiphany at the age of 22 thanks to an old woman that he treated: she gave him a cheap, little pendant of the Trinity of Light and her thankful words warmed so much his heart that he started to investigate the deitiest and the dogmas of the Trinity. He found that the cult's values and teachings matched perfectly his lifestyle and ultimately he became a faithful follower of the cult.
Returning from a research mission on the shores of Crobhear Lake he came across a fierce battle between some knights and one of the groups of brigands that infest the banks of the Wda River. He quickly reached the site of the battle and by casting healing spells he allowed the knights to slaughter the cutthroats without suffering any losses. At the end of the battle, while he was treating one of the brave men, the latter told him about their order: they were the famous Knights of Anathaeum, at that time engaged in freeing the territories of The Spine from the threat of bandits. He told him about honor, contempt for danger and defense of the weak, thanked him for his courageous intervention and invited him to their headquarters, the Astenvale Monastery. Here Decanian was able to speak with several squires and knights and learn the values and goals of the Knights of Anathaeum. After a short period at the College of Elbion he returned to the monastery and officially applied for entry as a squire. The request was accepted and Decanian then entered the ranks of the Order. A special dispensation was granted him to continue his job as librarian and scholar at the College, now with the new task of caring for the ancient archives of the monastery.
From that moment on he alternates periods in Elbion and Astenvale, using his culture and aptitudes in the service of history and knowledge and his skills as a fighting healer in the service of the Order, with the hope, one day, of obtaining the title of Field Sworn.
Second child of Quintus Atresius and Aurelia Vera, Decanian was born in the eastern bank of Alliria. His father is a retired doctor and researcher and his mother a noblewoman of ancient lineage, tied with House Pirian of Vel Anir. He had an older sister, Domitia, who apparently joined a dark cult and is now gone, allegedly to Crossroad Mire.
Raised happily in a loving family, Decanian studied at home and, later, in a private school. Since adolescence he showed an aptitude for the arcane arts without equals in his family, not really proficient in magic. He refused to follow his father's professional path and decided to became a scholar.
At the age of 16 he asked to be admitted at the College of Elbion and the following year he left his family to join the academy.
After five years of study and academic achievements, Decanian was appointed College librarian, charged to provide books for the students, protect the properties of the archive and investigate about ancient missing tomes.
In the meanwhile blossomed in him his father's healing vocation. The days in the library were followed by nights in the city's Healing Halls, where he started to learn the basics of care and hone his healing skills.
Never really interested in religion, he had an epiphany at the age of 22 thanks to an old woman that he treated: she gave him a cheap, little pendant of the Trinity of Light and her thankful words warmed so much his heart that he started to investigate the deitiest and the dogmas of the Trinity. He found that the cult's values and teachings matched perfectly his lifestyle and ultimately he became a faithful follower of the cult.
Returning from a research mission on the shores of Crobhear Lake he came across a fierce battle between some knights and one of the groups of brigands that infest the banks of the Wda River. He quickly reached the site of the battle and by casting healing spells he allowed the knights to slaughter the cutthroats without suffering any losses. At the end of the battle, while he was treating one of the brave men, the latter told him about their order: they were the famous Knights of Anathaeum, at that time engaged in freeing the territories of The Spine from the threat of bandits. He told him about honor, contempt for danger and defense of the weak, thanked him for his courageous intervention and invited him to their headquarters, the Astenvale Monastery. Here Decanian was able to speak with several squires and knights and learn the values and goals of the Knights of Anathaeum. After a short period at the College of Elbion he returned to the monastery and officially applied for entry as a squire. The request was accepted and Decanian then entered the ranks of the Order. A special dispensation was granted him to continue his job as librarian and scholar at the College, now with the new task of caring for the ancient archives of the monastery.
From that moment on he alternates periods in Elbion and Astenvale, using his culture and aptitudes in the service of history and knowledge and his skills as a fighting healer in the service of the Order, with the hope, one day, of obtaining the title of Field Sworn.
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