The Dwarven language is often described by other species as sounding like "Rocks grinding against one another and then being smashed with a hammer.". It is not guttural or throaty like the language of the
Orcs or Trolls, but simply more rough and less refined. There is a certain baritone that comes to the voice when one speaks it, creating an almost rumbling sensation. Some find the sound pleasing, though others are incredibly offended by the noise of Dwarvish.
Researchers have often attempted to figure out just what the origins of the language in fact are, but when questioned most Dwarves simply shrug and don't worry about it.
Thankfully many of the Dwarven runes are easily translated into other languages and the vocal cords required to speak it are very similar to that of the Common tongue of humanity. Most Dwarves speak Common, and in some of their fortresses, it is even more common than their own language.
Due to the prevalence of Dwarves all over the world, some cities have naturally developed their own version of Dwarvish. This often leads to confusion when two Dwarves from far-flung communities meet with one another, and it is not an uncommon sight for them to end up fighting simply because they aren't speaking the same language.
Generally speaking, Dwarves are often described as short, stocky, and gruff. This does not hold true for all of the species, of course, there are skinny dwarves just like there are skinny
humans, but generally speaking dwarves are easy enough to pick out of a line up with their taller cousins.
Just as with Humanity, the details of Dwarven appearance are about as varying as possible. Within the different Holds across the world, there are dozens of genetic variances that change the appearance of all Dwarves from family to family. There are blondes, brunettes, redheads, and every other natural color that exists. They rarely dye their hair, and generally, stick to a more natural look that most other species.
Beards are of course common among Dwarves, often stylized and shaped in different ways as a way of showing age. Tattoos are also incredibly common among all walks of Dwarven life, showing great accomplishment, family lineage, and everything else one can think of.
In general, Dwarves are easy enough to recognize due to their short and stocky nature as well as their general dress and tendency to be loud. Despite their smaller stature, however, most Dwarves carry themselves with an air of authority and self-assurance, making them stand out in most crowds in an odd sort of way.
Though Dwarves have spread all around the world and in essence have formed into many different kinds of sub-cultures, most of the species still live in the same way their ancestors have for the past few millennia.
Most commonly Dwarves can be found within their underground fortresses, buried deep beneath various mountain ranges. These massive cities reach into the depths of the mountains and are often intricately designed and built. Surprisingly most of these cities are open, constructed with large caverns and open spaces that give them a sense of breadth and size.
This doesn't ring true for all Dwarven structures, but most of them follow the same sort of architecture.
The few Dwarves that live above ground generally tend to do so in carefully designed forts. These structures are most often rimmed with a wall of wood or stone and are carefully composed defensive positions.
Dwarven architecture is very solid and carefully engineered. Unlike with some other species, there are no ramshackle or makeshift buildings in Dwarven Society. When something is built by the Dwarves it is done to withstand
the ages, structured so that everything will last as long as possible and remain as tidy as could be. This is a reflection of Dwarven nature.
There are three things Dwarves are known for around the world. These qualities run through most segments of Dwarven society, even if they are detached from the main populace.
The first of these qualities is the Dwarven eye for fine crafts. Over the centuries Dwarves have produced some of the greatest craftsmen (and women) ever known. They are fantastic smiths, great jewelers, and even artists. it seems that Dwarves naturally have an eye for creation, and this is something they take great pride in. Of course, this has also marked them out among other species and often causes jealousy.
Dwarves are also known for their rather combative nature. As a whole, the species tends to have a rather aggressive stance towards outsiders. Though mostly they are initially welcoming, getting on the bad side of a Dwarf means you're pretty much there permanently. They are an incredibly protective people and will stop at almost nothing to protect what is theirs.
These qualities are also joined by the fact that in general Dwarves are less magically inclined than other species. Though Dwarven mages do exist, and some are even extremely powerful, by and large, the species produces fewer mages than others. This has created an odd sort of complex within the Dwarves themselves, and generally, the species takes a great amount of pride in not having 'magic shortcuts'.
Because Dwarves are one of the more prolific species in the world these qualities and quirks don't always hold true for every sub-race that can be found.