Private Tales Half Burned in Flames

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Eira needed Cullen in order to leave here unseen. It was not unusual for the glasblower to receive guests that come by dragon, when the nobles would not wish to walk through this part of the Outer City. If she were to be recognised here without her dragon...

"And where do you suggest we go?" She did lose blood, most likely not cleared from riding with Tyafainne for a day or two, but she could see the uncertainty in him. Her dark eyes remained fixed on him, steady despite the faint weakness she felt. Eira was already playing the part of strength, putting on the facade that she was quickly recovering.

At least Meeri cannot recover.

Such a thought made her stand taller, but still, her smaller stature had the Malennis heir look up at Cullen.

"We should leave here soon." Her eyes dropped to his lips for the faintest moment before turning her head away.
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Cullen
Cullen's throat cleared as he looked down at her, his fingers curling into a fist at his side, resisting the urge to cup her face, run his thumb across the soft pillows of her lips.

"I have a place.. Away from the Wall, away from the Forge.." Away from people. "You could rest there for a few days, get your strength back.." he suggested. "Your cousin will be fearing for his own safety right now, if he's smart he'll get out of the city, if not, he'll be looking for you." For both of them. All Cullen could hope was that the little bastard ran without a word to anyone of what had happened.

"I'm sure Faye can spare a few days worth of supplies." he said as he dug his hand into a pocket in his jacket and withdrew a coin which he settled down on the worktop.
  • Bless
Reactions: Eira
Eira turned back to stare up at him, surprise lifting her facial features to a softness. Her brows lifted, eyes blinking several times as she began to grasp what it was he had meant. Blood loss would take time to recover from, and who knew how dimwitted Fenton could turn out to be if she returned home.

Not even her father and the moon dragons could provide protection after what she did.

"Alright then." She agreed with a deep inhale, as if it was suddenly hard to breathe. Her eyes fell on the coin. "Collect what you think we need, and I will go find our gracious host and thank her." Eira flashed him a smallest of smiles. It was all the gratefulness Eira could muster, unused to displaying such a gesture.

The walk to the glassblowing workshop was one she knew well, having spent some time being invited in to see the projects she had commissioned in the past. Faye turned around at the sound of Eira's approach, and smiled. "You're up and walking, a sign I did a good job. The dress... it's a good thing I had kept it."

"Very fortunate." Eira agreed, clearing her throat. "We are going to need supplies, of course, you will be compensated."

The glassblower shrugged, "Take what you need. In the kitchen, I hadn't finished bottling some medicine that will help strengthen you. Take a few vials, taking it before your sleep at night."

Eira smiled, "There is still so much to learn from you."

The older woman chukled, "Keep safe. Cullen is good people..."

It did not need to be said that Faye wished for Eira to keep him out of trouble. A pang of guilt could be felt, but Eira murmured her thanks again before turning away to find Cullen. Down her bond, she reached Tyafainne and relayed the change of plans, feeling the sense of relief coming from her dragon, who no doubt agreed to Cullen's plan of keeping Eira safe and hidden for a few days.

And she knew her dragon would inform Eirenthe, the dragon bonded to Eira's father, and the mother of her own dragon.

Eira moved towards the kitchen and picked up four vials, delicately placing them into the small sewn in pocket of her dress. "Where you are taking us... Tyafainne can stay too?" She was not a dragon that would be seen easily, almost wraith-like in appearance. The moon dragon was smart in hiding herself in plain sight.
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Cullen
Cullen took enough to see them through, wrapping the food into a small bundle as Eira returned. He watched her for a moment, and then continued with the task at hand. "The mountains." he informed her.. "And I'm sure we can squeeze her in.." he smirked, and opened the door.

Meala was waiting impatiently, keenly aware of Cullen's growing anxiety the longer they remained here. He cast his dark gaze across land and sky, ensuring it appeared clear before ushering Eira out toward the waiting dragon. Scales the colour of warm honey glinted in the sunlight as she lowered herself to the ground. Cullen scrambled up and offered his hand to pull her into the saddle in front of him.

"Home, Meala."
  • Bless
Reactions: Eira
Eira could feel the effects of the loss of blood in her as they ascended the stairs, but as she got to the rooftop, Meala had arrived. With some help, she was seated and they had shot back into the open air. This time around, she was more alert, and very aware of the force of wind pressing herself into him. It took a lot of strength to keep upright, and by the time she saw the mountains he had spoken of, there was physical relief in her shoulders dropping.

Down their bond, she could feel Tyafainne's attention pick up, catching Eira's scent on the winds and moving to meet the three. Landing seemed to test the Malennis heir, who now had no choice but to lean into Cullen to keep from falling sideways. Many times she thought that he had been right, that she needed to recover her strength before returning home or flying her own dragon, but the stubborn girl did not tell him as much.

"I... I am going to need your help getting down." She cleared her throat, viewing the drop from the saddle to the ground below. She could not make that, at least, not gracefully.

Tyafainne arrived a minute later, sending an image of Eira's father down their bond and the moon dragon turned her head to indicate the sword hanging proudly between the saddle bags. The small woman smiled, letting out a soft laugh. Her sword returned, but no doubt a talking to Eira would happen the moment she would make her return home.
Cullen's arm wrapped protectively around Eira, mindful of her healing wound. As they flew, he couldn't ignore the closeness between them, the scent of her hair, the warmth of her pressed against him. It was a dangerous game..

Meala's flight was smooth and graceful, as was her landing. At her request for help, Cullen nodded in understanding. With practiced ease, he lifted his leg over the saddle and wrapped an arm securely around her back.

"Hold on to me," he instructed softly. "Meala," he called out, the word an instruction. The dragon's body lowered and she rolled gently to the side, forcing the pair to slowly slide down her smooth scales until their feet touched the ground.

"There. Easy," Cullen smiled down at her, keeping a supportive arm around her back as they stood together. He guided her across the verge and into the mouth of a wide cavern, explaining its significance as Meala's home. The sound of water falling was a comforting backdrop, its source a small waterfall at the back of the cavern, feeding a series of warm springs.

As they entered the cavern, Cullen gestured around at the makeshift living quarters he had fashioned. His clothes and weapons were neatly arranged beside a bed of cushions and blankets, while a pit had been dug for a fire. The stalactites above sparkled with crystal and glowworms, casting a soft, ethereal light over the space.

"Make yourself at home," Cullen offered, his tone warm and welcoming despite the lingering tension between them. He couldn't deny the sense of relief that washed over him as they settled into the safety of the cavern, none would dare hunt him here.
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Eira
Eira cleared her throat before holding onto him, careful not to slip in her grasp as he guided them both so slip from the rolling effort of his dragon. She held her breath, loosing it once planted their feet to the ground, but when she looked up, seeing how close their faces were, hearing him speak and his arm steadying her... she was surely thinking about those soft lips on her's again.

Perhaps she did not have her thoughts all collected after the loss of blood, but she knew there was no mistaking her allure to him.

So she turned her attention to the area, raising a brow at the size of the cavern but did not fight his guiding hand at the small of her back. Eira thought to chastise him for hovering, momentarily forgetting she was now recovering from blood loss, and bit her tongue. She was glad to do so, now hearing the gentle roar of a waterfall somewhere within this cavern.

"Do you sleep here?" The Malennis heir had to ask, after her gaze fell on the space he had an obvious hand in putting together.

It was obvious she had no inkling on what to do, having been so used to furniture in a home and walls. Her voice carried, a soft echo and she again looked up. "This... this is beautiful." Despite her preference for a home, Eira felt the peace such a place begged for, and found herself wandering to the bed. Away from Thanasis, from those that had come to know of the Malennis as a strong woman and heir, that was quick to shed from her now.

"You do not hear the city." Eira had closed her brown eyes and listened, a hand coming out to her side to steady herself after she felt her sway. "It is quiet..." She whispered.
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Cullen
Cullen's gaze softened as he listened to her observations. "I do, and it is.." he affirmed, his voice carrying a hint of wistfulness. "I have my quarters at the Forge now, an improvement from the barracks at the Wall.." He chuckled lightly at the understatement. "But this is the only place I can sleep.."

He glanced towards Meala, a fond smile gracing his lips as she flopped onto the ground, kicking up a plume of dist. "I prefer to keep her close," he admitted, his expression briefly turning more serious. He had enemies, and he didn't trust them not to come looking for either of them, it was best they stick together.

As Eira swayed, Cullen instinctively moved closer, his hands on her waist, gently steadying her. "Easy," he murmured, his concern evident in his furrowed brow.

"I know it's not exactly what you're used to." he acknowledged, his tone softening. "But it's comfortable enough. The water in the pools is warm, there's plenty of food, and fresh water from the fall." He paused, his eyes meeting hers with sincerity. "I'll return to the Wall until you've regained your strength, but I'll come by to check on you. All you have to do is rest." he quirked a brow, hoping she could be trusted to do that.
  • Frog Sweat
Reactions: Eira
The feel of his hands on her, helping her lower herself to the bed, she could not help but open her eyes to watch him. They had been wide and unguarded, perhaps mesmerised that they were once again in close quarters and alone again. Not until did he say he would leave her here did her eyes narrow and her brow furrow.

"You are to leave me here, alone?" Disappointment only slipped into her tone at the end of her words, but Eira scoffed lightly and pushed his hands away from her, moving to lay on his bed on her good side. "You should have just taken me back to the plateau, Cullen."

At least she would be alone in her room, at her own home, a guard or three on all her exits.

"Fine. As soon as I feel better rested, I will make my leave." Stubborn, she was not going to ask for him to stay, not outright. It was more than just their new pledge of alliance; not after that kiss she had taken from him back in the glassblower's home. Eira felt an attraction to the rider, a sudden spell that would come over her and coax her to soften with her.

To kiss him once more to show she felt something that was not delirium of blood loss.
  • Ooof
Reactions: Cullen
Cullen winced as she pushed him away, rubbing at the tension in the back of his neck.. "I thought you'd want some privacy.. I'm not taking you back there until you're healed. Your family want to murder you." his brow furrowed at her.

He huffed, his head falling back to look up at the soft glow above for a moment before his dark eyes settled on her, laying on his bed.. "I don't know what you want from me, Eira.." his head shook, conflict as clear as the marks upon his face.

"What happened before.. That can't happen again, you know that, right?"
  • Frog Sus
Reactions: Eira
Eira let out an exasperated sigh, but refused to look at him. "What I want..." Such confidence in her words only fell to a quiet.

After he did not move away a minute after she chewed on her lips, trying to figure out what she wanted to say, Eira propped herself up and stared at her hands, fidgeting. "What I want from you is to be here. I almost died... and I am shaken." Her eyes stung, but Eira did not let those tears fall, nor lift her gaze so that he would see her dark eyes glisten. Admitting such a thing felt like an open wound, showing him right to her bone how out of place and disoriented she was after this day. "I plot and devise plans almost daily, to keep myself always on top and ahead of the filth my cousins and uncle would commit against me. My own blood came for the blood we share... but you..."

She needed to see him.

Eira pushed herself up to sit up, carefully moving herself to lean against the cavern wall. Her eyes then flicked to Cullen, watching his face. "I think differently of you. You were there to fight alongside me, to help heal me... but I cannot stop thinking about the way you looked at me when I woke."

She had seen that worry, born out of affection, many times. Any injury or illness that came upon her in her years of living, she had seen it on her mother and father's face. That glimpse of care in his eyes...

"I think you want it to happen again." Her voice fell to a whisper. "You are just too much of a coward to indulge yourself into something you truly want."
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Cullen
Cullen's jaw tightened as he listened to her words, each one sinking in and twisting the turmoil inside him. He looked at her as she spoke, her vulnerability and determination laid bare, and it struck a chord deep within him.

"Eira," he began, his voice low and rough, "It's not that simple." His dark eyes met hers, seeing the glisten of unshed tears and the raw emotion she was holding back and his chest tightened.

He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck again, frustration clear in his movements. "You don't know what it's like to have people look at you and see nothing but your family's failures. To be branded and shunned. And you... you're the Malennis heir. You're meant for something so much greater than... this." He gestured to the cavern around them, the makeshift home he had carved out in the wilderness.

Her accusation stung, but there was truth in her words. He had felt something in that kiss, something he had buried deep inside for so long. "I'm not a coward.." he said softly, his voice trembling slightly. "I didn't say I didn't want it to happen again, but I'm trying to protect you. To protect us both.."

Cullen moved closer, his hand reaching out to cup her face gently. "I'll stay." he agreed, his thumb brushing against her cheek. "I'll be here for you. But we need to take things one step at a time. Let me help you heal first. Then we can figure out the rest." His dark eyes searched hers, hoping she could see the sincerity and the conflict within him.
  • Melting
Reactions: Eira
Eira hated how his hand at her face made her lean into his touch, and how her heart thumped against her ribs. Then those words soothed her, the promise he would stay. She blinked, and a single tear fell and crashed into the path of his thumb.

"Then can we not pretend now? Who is to see us and stop us?" This was not the heir everyone knew her to be. This was an Eira that truly wanted something that tested all she had been brought up to think. As heir, it meant there was little control in her life now besides furthering the Malennis line, and no doubt an arranged marriage would be planned without her say so.

And yet, never before had she felt this... this.

She heard him say he wanted her to heal first, but the kiss they shared earlier had been the first thing that made her alive since waking. There was a weakness in her, as if she felt like she would fade away.

"I... I am a little hungry." Several hours had passed since she broke her fast, and with the loss of her blood, there was a need to replenish herself. Heal first. She was not going to say he was right, but Eira would need to regain her strength... and a wash as she could still feel the dried blood caked at her side. She cleared her throat, lifting a hand to lightly touch his that still held her face. "Do you know how to cook?"
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Cullen
Cullen's heart ached as he swept away her tear, his thumb lingering against her cheek. The vulnerability she showed him now was so different from the strong, unyielding heir he had come to know. He wanted nothing more than to comfort her, to hold her and assure her that everything would be alright. The pull between them was undeniable, but the weight of their circumstances loomed over him.

His frown softened as she spoke of pretending, a part of him yearning to give in to that fantasy. The idea of being free from the constraints of their roles, even for a moment, was tempting. How badly he wanted to give in, to take another kiss from her, to take more. But it was a terrible idea. Cullen had less than three people he could trust, those he called friends, but he hadn't been close to anyone in a very long time. It rarely ended well, and Eira had the ability to crush him if she so wished to, he knew it then as she looked up at him with her glassy eyes, that he'd give her anything she wanted.

When she mentioned her hunger, an easy grin spread across his face. "Aye. Come, you can bathe, and i'll handle supper.." He smiled, pushing a stray lock of her dark hair back from her face. He stood and offered his hands to her, helping her to her feet and guiding her to the furthest pool from the mouth of the cave. It was the warmest and most comfortable, its rocks smooth and perfectly shaped to settle into. The pool was also obscured from view, offering her privacy. Beside it were folded towels and a bar of wax soap.

"Take as long as you need," he said, his smile gentle and reassuring. He watched her for a moment longer, ensuring she was steady on her feet before letting her go.
  • Melting
Reactions: Eira
Eira winced as he helped her up, but as soon as she was upright, the pain lessened. Her entire body had felt roughed up after her ordeal, but she did not fight him on the idea of a warm soak. A hand still clutched his arm as he let go of her, squeezing it before dropping it to her side. "Thank you, Cullen." She was smaller in comparison to him, and his lips were just before her. Eira turned away, clearing her throat and began fussing with lacing at the back of her dress.

"Let me know when you are finished cooking. I will dry off and dress to meet you." She turned so he could see her smile.

Eira would watch him disappear from view before letting the dress drop from her frame and slowly making her way to sit atop the stone before lowering herself into the warm pool. She sighed, happy with the temperature that did not burn her and leave her sweating. It was just perfect, and she simply found a spot to relax in for a good few minutes. She would take her time in washing herself with the soap nearby, ensuring the dried blood no longer clung to her medium toned skin.

This was different to the scented oil and milky baths her maids would have drawn up for her back home. Where she would have someone to assist in washing her long hair, Eira had allowed it to come undone and half soak in the waters. The silence, the secluded area, it was a welcomed change. She tilted her head back and watched the glow worms light the tops of the cavern, giving her an almost moon-like glow that made her smile.
  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Cullen
Cullen felt the squeeze of her hand on his arm and sighed, giving a silent nod in acknowledgement of her thanks. He watched as she turned away, fumbling with the laces of her dress, her smile lingering in his mind as he left her to her privacy.

He made his way back to the fire pit, trying his best to focus his mind on the task at hand. Cooking was a simple pleasure, a grounding activity that allowed him to channel his restless energy into something productive. He gathered the ingredients he had brought, laying out fresh vegetables and a slab of meat on a smooth rock that served as a makeshift counter.

With practiced ease, he chopped the vegetables: carrots, potatoes, onions, and a few wild herbs. The rhythmic motion of the knife against the cutting surface was soothing, almost meditative.

The stew soon simmered, filling the cavern with a rich, savoury aroma, Cullen sliced some bread, setting it aside to accompany the meal. He tended the fire, adjusting the wood to keep the heat steady, and stirred the pot.

He glanced toward the pool where Eira was bathing, hidden from view but never far from his thoughts. The sound of the waterfall mingled with the crackling of the fire, and he felt himself ease. This day could have ended very differently, and now there was nothing but calm tranquility.

Satisfied that their meal was ready, Cullen ladled it into two, carved bowls, the steam rising in delicate tendrils. He set the bowls on a nearby rock, along with the freshly sliced bread, and called out, "Supper's ready when you are, Eira."
  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Eira
Bathing in these warm waters felt as restorative as a bath drawn after an illness. Of course, she was rarely sick since bonding with her dragon, but in the time before she could remember how much easy it was to breathe after a steaming bath.

Eira had forgotten momentarily that she was not home, that she had sat herself in the rock and allowed the temperature of the pool to sooth her weary muscles. The call from Cullen was loud, and instinctively, she sat upright and turned her bare body away as if he was stood at the edge. Her heart had quickened, but the fast movement also almost winded her with pain. Settling a moment, she waited for it to subside before turning to see that she in face was still alone. Eira climbed out from the waters, not feeling a chill as it seemed this end of the cavern offered it's own heat.

Wrapping a towel around her, she did her best to dry off before slowly working the dress and laces back around her. Emerging from the pools, dressed and a towel wrapped around the long ends of her hair and trying to dry it enough that it did not leave a collection of water at her back, she inhaled the scent of whatever it was Cullen was cooking. She was still unsure if he was proficient as a cook, but the aromas filling the cavern may excuse that unknown.

"That smells lovely." She complimented, throwing him a smile. Eira was at ease after her soak, looking at least a little healthier and awake as she paused to peer into the pot and glimpse the meal he had prepared before her brown eyes fell on him finishing setting up their bowls and bread nearby. "Broth?" She threw out the guess with a tentative smile.
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Cullen
Cullen looked up as she spoke, his dark gaze softening at the sight of her looking refreshed. "Stew... There's likely an entire desert rabbit in there, but I'm sure Faye will forgive me." he huffed a quiet laugh and shrugged. "For the potatoes and vegetables too.. And the bread." he smirked.

"It's enough to see us both fed for a couple of days at least."

He had set one of his cushions down for her to sit on, and poured a small cup of red wine for each of them. "How are you feeling?" he asked, blowing the steam from his bowl before he started to eat.
  • Bless
Reactions: Eira
Eira took the spare cushion as a seat, lowering herself slowly and wincing once. "Valimir will be repaid for her generosity." She wore a smile, one she was not aware of until the inhaled the cooked meal. Rabbit. She never had that before, much less in a stew. Wait... when was the last time she had stew?

Watching him break some of the bread and dipping it into his stew, Eira made to copy this. She began to blow on the steaming stew that coated the fresh bread. "I think that water was better than any bath I ever had. It never went cold." Her smile grew wider, before taking a bite of the bread. Her eyes opened wide, surprised at the flavours on her tongue.

"Oh..." She thought on it, let it sit there for a moment for her to acclimate to the new tastes. "Different... It is..." but the heir of Malennis had no word to describe it. However, her eagerness to eat the spoonfuls went to show how much she enjoyed this new dish.

Eira looked up at him, staring perhaps. "You do not reside on the Wall?"
  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Cullen
Cullen's eyes softened with a light smile as she seemed to enjoy the stew, and he silently enjoyed his too until she spoke again, and he nodded.

"I have residence there, but I can't sleep.. People tend to want to kill me." he laughed under his breath. "There have been a few close calls in training and on the field over the years. Lowering my guard entirely would be an open invitation." he smirked.

"Have you been to the Wall yet?"
  • Gasp
Reactions: Eira
Eira gave him a sheepish look, finishing her mouthful of bread before clearing her throat to answer. "No... I have not, officially. Few weeks ago I was sent on a reconnaissance mission. You know, moon dragon and all made me the perfect candidate to train and get experience..." She shrugged, picking up a spoon and swirling her soup to help it cool. "Got to learn from Leovold Solherre about the creations Thagretis were involved with. Tyafainne took a hit and took her to the Wall for treatment..."

Tya had been agitated, so much so that Eira had to assist other medics to begin treating the moon dragon's wings. Today had been her first day clear for flying again for long distances.

"They do not think I need to be stationed near the Wall as much seeing as I am noble... and an adequate healer for dragons." Faye had been the one to teach her, and in return, Eira gave the glassblower business and richer clientele as part of an alliance. "Despite the uses a moon dragon could be used for... I also am glad she would not be at further risk. Rare as they are, there have not been many hatchings these past few years. I hope that changes soon with the double eclipse."

There would be celebration for such an event, for the moon dragons would find a mate and clutches of eggs to hatch. Her family would be at the forefront, and Eira the brightest thing in the sky as the Chosen Heir.

"Besides... some other cousins live on the wall... they probably would try to kill me there too." A sad smile his way. "How old were you when they Marked you?"