That warm smile dissipated with the quickness of chilled water poured over campfire embers. Deflated from his attempts to bring some kind of comfort to her,
Saang furrowed his brow in thought.
"...I see," the Duannan replied with a sigh. It was becoming more and more apparent just how little he truly knew of
kelpie culture. Or
Ianthe, for that matter.
These things had never mattered much before, but the difference now was that
he actually wanted to know. Hopefully Sorelia would be a bit more forthcoming with her knowledge - on the former, at least. He looked around and pulled a bundled pelt from the side of the tent and lowered it over her curled figure. The cold wouldn't get to her, but the withdrawal chills likely would. It would be best not to leave her alone for long.
"Try to rest, I need to speak with Sorelia. I'll be back shortly." He could collect seaweed for her, the type Kelpies did not normally eat due to its high amounts of naturally occurring iron. Normally it would make them gravely ill, but for her it would ease the spin of her symptoms. Rising to a crouching stand again, Saang tugged his own pelted cloak more snugly over his shoulders and dipped out of the tent, nearly walking straight into another kelpie who was waiting outside.
"Ha-" Saang righted himself with wide eyes and looked over the kelpie mare as she turned to face him, only to discover it was not a mare at all but the black-haired stallion from his second trial,
"ahhh," he looked away, feeling strangely awkward under the rather pleased mirth on the other's face,
"it's you. I ah, do not believe I have your name."
"Sevir," said the kelpie while he looked Saang up and down.
Normally this sort of attention was quite welcome but for some reason it made the Kelpie Commander feel quite out of place. Saang cleared his throat and moved to step past him,
"Was there something you needed?"
"Just you," Sevir smiled smugly after Saang's departing form that abruptly stopped at those words long enough to peer with uncertainty over his shoulders, "the Matriarch requires your presence."
"Ah," well that was convenient,
"take me to her then."