"I see..." Saang replied, still unsure he was fully comprehending the concept of these trials. With a sigh he nodded his thanks to the Matron and stood from the table,
"she said very little other than that they would test me in ways I would not expect."
Well, he certainly hadn't expected this, though the idea of blood-letting in a
kelpie clan did not seem so out of place now that he was beginning to better understand this ... foreign
"Thank you, Matron," Saang gave her a short bow, holding his expression against the sting of his fresh cuts, and righted to look for
Ianthe who... had rather very suddenly disappeared. She was as easy to spot among this clan as she was in the goblin market. Her hair was not so common among the wild kelpies, he was learning. In that moment he wasn't given much time to look, as soon as he seemed to finish with the Matron he was suddenly surrounded by kelpies. His eyes went wide at the various offers to tend his wounds, fill his belly, and sate his lust.
Normally he would have taken them up on such kind and generous offers, but after that episode of flashbacks he just ... wanted some space?
"Ah-haha..." the Lord gave an awkward laugh, lifting a hand to ruffle at his wind-woven hair,
"thank you. So much. Truly - but I really must, ah, must..." where was Ianthe? Gods he
needed her to rescue him before he commited some social faux pas with her people,
"must insist that I complete your trials before I explore your..." a very young and vivacious kelpie opened her cape to reveal her very fetching naked self beneath.
Saang blinked, stared, blinked more,
"explore your body..." he muttered, then caught himself and shook his head in alarm,
"bountiful culture! Please excuse me, thank you so much, I must be off for a flight to clear my head."
"I'll clear your head, darling," said the naked kelpie who he purposefully did not look at.
One moment Saang was attempting to navigate his way clear, then next a vibrant flash of light filled the air within them and both the duannan and his new cape took to the sky as his magpie form with a squawk, winging off for some peace and quiet.