Private Tales Walk A Mile In My Shoes

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
"Well I wouldn't have said it if I didn't know" Dianaimh grumbled but she forced herself to be calm. "Well it's archaic, so it's not quite the Elvish I learnt" she said, quick to cover up any potential gaps in her language. "But this's....hard to read".

She trailed off lamely, "I mean it's something we could figure out?"
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"I didn't say that" Dianaimh huffed before pointing at one faded symbol on the box. It was marred and partially obscured. "That could make a 'v' or a 'w' sound depending on what this symbol is and the one after it. When you work from magic from symbols, you have to be bloody careful".

She groaned and rubbed at her head, "I'll get parchment and pen somehow. It'll make more sense if I copy it out. You can read it easier then too".
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Dianaimh groaned and put her head in her hands, "I can't remember the bloody name. I'm not even sure it's on the map". She leaned over and stabbed her finger down, "Well we came south west, west from the Spine so we're somewhere on the main road west. I mean this is all the Allir Reach isn't it?"
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Esmeralda pursed her lips. "Right then. Alliria it is. We leave in the morning," she ordered, rolling the map back up and glancing at her.

"...Do you even have enough to pay for this room?"
Dianaimh opened her mouth to protest but thought better of it. Esmeralda was already rolling up the map when her next thought came to her. Dian's response was a pained smile and an awkward drawn out silence.

"I...was going to come to some other arrangement" she said, "Perhaps....if we were to leave early?". A few silvers and coppers weren't going to get them far.
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Dianaimh scrambled to her feet in a panic, "What?!" she said, "No, we can't" she protested, trying to move to block the door. Esmeralda seemed confident to call her bluff. As far as Dian saw it, being trapped now was a fate worse than death but the other mage didn't seem too bothered by it all.

"You can't sell my dresses, why don't you just do some tricks? Perform for a crowd? Make some coin that way?"
Esmeralda gave her a long, seething look.

"Let's get something straight. The only reason I am still here now is because you have my body. I don't owe you anything. And for the last. Fucking. Time. You don't boss me around." She stepped forward, somehow managing to make Dian's smooth face contort into stern distaste.

"I don't care where you came from. You're coming with me. And you're selling your shit. Or you're not going to eat all the whole way to Alliria." She pulled the coin bag out of the pocket on the body that was now hers, shaking it's meager contents pointedly.

"Grab your dresses. Now."
It was a very morose blonde that followed Esmeralda out. She looked like she was on her way to a funeral. In her arms were the balled up dresses, carrying in a pile with one serving as a bag for the rest. She trudged each step, a hangdog gait like one on their way to the gallows.

"We don't need to sell all of them do we?" her youthful voice trying a pleading tone.
Esmeralda didn't answer. She marched right on through the pub, stopping only to ask for directions to the market before she shoved her way out the door wet hair and all.

No amount of pleading would stop her as she brought them to the door of an odds an ends shop, clearly the best place to sell or trade goods and get the coin they needed. Hands on her hips, she gave a firm point that directed Dian to go inside and sell the damn things.
A miserable and distraught looking Dianaimh emerged from the shop. She had the look of a woman who'd witnessed her true love's murder. Or one who was suffering from acute constipation. Her hand came forward to offer a small purse jingling with coin. Mostly coppers and silvers, there was a lone gold coin or two mixed in with the rest.

"Well that's it" she said, folding her arms. She was pouting now. "What next 'mistress'?"
She snatched it up, pocketing it. "Your chests. If we can't carry it on our backs, we don't need it. Period."

And so that was how the afternoon proceeded. Until every bit of the excess belongings was condensed into a single pack that Dian could carry on her back. And since it was, in fact, actually Esmeralda's back, the girl knew Dian could shoulder a fair bit of weight. The body was strong like that.

Esmeralda sat at the table in their room, efficiently packing her own bag with what supplies she had purchased while they were out. A second set of clothing. Bedding rolls they opted not to sell. A single set of dishware in each their packs. Water skin. Medicine. Things like that.
Less waste, more haste. Dianaimh was appalled by how much Esmeralda seemed to be getting rid of. She was no nonsense. Their belongings were stripped down to whatever was enough to fit in a pack. She ditched bulky bedrolls for ones that were less warm but far more portable. Dian watched glumly as she rolled them up and sorted the packs, taking up every last inch of space. Small dishware for cooking, waterskins, basic medicinal supplies. Two sets of clothing, chosen for function over form.

Dianaimh began to understand what it was like to be poor. Even a packmule would have been preferable to this. Her body might be capable of it but it didn't mean she was going to like it. It was all disconcerting to see her own self dressed in peasant clothing. Comfortable and warm but hardly flattering.

"What time do we have to leave at?"
Esmeralda casted her a dry look over the pack she was closing up. " hour before dawn." See, she wasnt opposed to crime in general, only when it was expected of her with 20 pack mules of stuff in tow.

Dian wasn't allowed near any of the gathered money. It was clear someone new was in charge.

She placed the pack on the ground, then got up and slid into her bed. "Best you get rest now. I don't want to hear bitching come morning."
Dianaimh cut off her mewling whine. She knew she'd get little sympathy from the tyrant. "That's really early" she said, trying to elicit some reason from her. Esmeralda seemed determined to march her into the ground. Dian watched as her body hopped into bed, ordering her to do the same.

She shivered from the cold but got into the bed after checking her pack was secure. "Fine" she said, voice curt. The nightmare had long way to go.