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Aderyn smiled back at Roland as she gestured for him to lead the way into the kitchen. She found it often helped in Dornoch to let a male companion in first as a courtesy to them and to ensure that any attention was paid to her as the last one to enter.
"Oh, my dear, that's very sweet of you but why pay our own money when we don't have to? I'm sure someone will be accommodating," she said as she guided him in, her hand low on his back as though to push him, but applying no real pressure.
Inside, the kitchen was sparse but serviceable. They had their fireplace largely taken up by a large cauldron likely of pottage, and a table of assorted implements and utensils.
The cook noticed them immediately and more importantly noted the fish. "What's this then?" he asked, nodded toward the bucket.
"Hello, good sir," Aderyn said with a slight curtsy. "We were hoping to get these cooked and find a place to stay the evening."
The cook snorted. "I can cook the fish then the pot's off but you'll have to pay for a bed, double for privacy. That's up front, though."
She widened her eyes in a pleading fashion, biting her lower lip and sighing. At her waist, she gripped the citrine crystal hanging from her belt on its short leather thong. "Surely you could find it in your heart to make sure we're taken care of?"
The crystal - at least as far as she was sure - pulled at his Avarice, sapping it away and removing the lower bounds of his self-interest. She physically asked for special treatment while emotionally making his charitability overpower his own financial sense.
"Half the fish goes into the pottage, then, yeah? The rest we'll roast up for you. It'll be an hour or two though. You can wait in the public room or take one of the beds if you want. Tell Mariya you paid me already." The words left him with hesitation, as though he didn't particularly understand why he was offering this, but he certainly was and felt a strong urge to help. To give.
Aderyn loved simpler people and dealing with simpler tasks. There was no need to try any complicated manipulation; instead she just had to correct his aura a little.
Roland Grayson
"Oh, my dear, that's very sweet of you but why pay our own money when we don't have to? I'm sure someone will be accommodating," she said as she guided him in, her hand low on his back as though to push him, but applying no real pressure.
Inside, the kitchen was sparse but serviceable. They had their fireplace largely taken up by a large cauldron likely of pottage, and a table of assorted implements and utensils.
The cook noticed them immediately and more importantly noted the fish. "What's this then?" he asked, nodded toward the bucket.
"Hello, good sir," Aderyn said with a slight curtsy. "We were hoping to get these cooked and find a place to stay the evening."
The cook snorted. "I can cook the fish then the pot's off but you'll have to pay for a bed, double for privacy. That's up front, though."
She widened her eyes in a pleading fashion, biting her lower lip and sighing. At her waist, she gripped the citrine crystal hanging from her belt on its short leather thong. "Surely you could find it in your heart to make sure we're taken care of?"
The crystal - at least as far as she was sure - pulled at his Avarice, sapping it away and removing the lower bounds of his self-interest. She physically asked for special treatment while emotionally making his charitability overpower his own financial sense.
"Half the fish goes into the pottage, then, yeah? The rest we'll roast up for you. It'll be an hour or two though. You can wait in the public room or take one of the beds if you want. Tell Mariya you paid me already." The words left him with hesitation, as though he didn't particularly understand why he was offering this, but he certainly was and felt a strong urge to help. To give.
Aderyn loved simpler people and dealing with simpler tasks. There was no need to try any complicated manipulation; instead she just had to correct his aura a little.
Roland Grayson