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A portly man stood on one of the “roads” that led into Crossroad Mire from the docks. If you could call it a road. He snorted to himself and dabbed at his forehead with a handkerchief. Gods it was hot here. The “road” was a set of wooden planks propped up on stilts driven into the silt so as to keep it above the swamp water below. Gerald supposed he should be thankful for the distance it put between his feet and the muck as he could only imagine the numerous, nameless diseases lurking in its depths. Still, it stank like a bloated corpse and he had to alternate between wiping his forehead of sweat, clutching his kerchief over his nose, and swatting away the absurdly massive bloodsucking insects incessantly seeking to get their overly sharp proboscises into the thick, juicy girdles of his neck.
At last he heard a thump, thump, thump. Wood on wood. A hunched figure hobbling on a knobby staff, its butt striking the wooden planks of the jetty as he ambled down one of the stilt-perched streets of Crossroad Mire.
“Thank the gods. Another minute out here and I think the bugs would have eaten me alive,” Gerald snorted.
The old orc looked at him with that curious expression he always wore. Equal parts mischievous, less-than-lucid elder and kindly grandfather.
“Ah, Gerald, it is good to see you again. Good to see you. Alliria has treated you well, I see?” Too-bright eyes took in the man’s white-ruffle sleeves beneath a floral patterned burgundy tunic and the floppy, large beret currently in fashion in the grandiose merchant republic.
Gerald opened his mouth to chuckle and almost inhaled a beetle. “Egadz,” he spluttered. Urberus only smiled and fell into a shambling step beside him.
The many satchels and pouches hanging from Urberus swayed with his steps. On his shoulder perched a strange, diminutive creature who seemed to be some sort of monkey species. No doubt a rare find from the Ixchel Wilds. It leered at Gerald with open malice. Gerald grimaced.
“I trust the visitors have begun to arrive?”
“Some, yes. I expect more are on their way. The invitations went out as you requested. Sealed and anonymous, but with just enough magic imbued in the pages to interest the receivers. By the by, the pages, I meant to ask-“
“Velum,” said Urberus simply, gaze straight ahead.
“I see, of course.” Gerald dabbed at his forehead, remembering the thick, yellowed pages that felt... not like velum. “Of course”
The monkey reached out a paw and tried to grab his handkerchief. Gerald swatted at it with one hand. The monkey screamed, mouth open wide, teeth sharp and vicious.
“Chime,” said Urberus sternly, “behave.”
The monkey went quiet immediately. Gerald took several flustered breaths while he planned the best way to drown the tiny bastard.
“Sorry, Gerald. The room is prepared?”
“Yes, Maester. Plenty of seating.” Gerald opened the door and Urberus stooped to hobble inside. The interior was still dim, even though a chorus of candles sat in braziers and chandeliers. A circular table sat at the center of the large room.
“May I ask-“
“Thank you, Gerald,” said Urberus, kindly, but with that glint in his eyes that made Gerald nervous. Then he shut the door behind him and in Gerald’s face.