Private Tales To Hone Oneself

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


Power Absolute
Character Biography
Once more, Konstantin found himself back in his home: the Clay estate in Valenntenia. It was perhaps not the first place one kept in mind when thinking of a training ground. It was nestled in a grove of old trees, sprawling with ferns and ivy, with a creek trailing behind it, it was a quiet and secluded place far from the prying eyes of the public. "Cozy" was perhaps the best word to describe it. Of course, the place's relative seclusion didn't mean that Konstantin didn't want company, far from it. The peaceful air of the place was hard to resist the draw of, at least for Konstantin Clay, and that was why he'd chosen it as his home. He rarely had time to visit it, of course, but knowing he always had a place to return to, a home within home, was enough.

Today marked not just a visitation of his own, but also that of another Guardian. Kaira Yehven, Guardian of Faith, whom had sought Konstantin out in search of training. Strengthening oneself was a noble goal, and one that he was never one to discourage. As Konstantin sat behind his home in the cold morning air, he watched as dew gathered on the grasses the rolled over the valley before him and listened to the burbling of the creek below. He inhaled the scent of nature and the wafting steam of the cup of tea he held, and exhaled relaxation.

He waited patiently for the girl's arrival. The peace, he knew, would last only until the training began.

Kaira Yehven
  • Aww
Reactions: Kaira Yehven
Three years, that was how long it had been since she left the Vangaurd in order to fulfil her Ancients' blessed position as Guardian. She had grown up learning to fight, especially with the weapons made famous by the Yehven's and featured throughout Valenntenian history. Those lessons had stopped when her father died, but joining the Vanguard had put her back up there in growing fit, strong, and fast.

But Faith took a lot from her when she wasn't careful.

Being present, blessing the people of Old Town or the Province, it wore her down physically and mentally when wielding Faith's influence to bring them peace. Kaira found barely any time for herself, choosing to shut herself off by praying at all hours in the night in a trance, and getting little rest. The only thing to knock her out from such a cycle was Mabbon returning to Valenntenia. Her health and wellbeing began to improve, allowing Kaira to believe she could do more for herself again.

Seeing Konstantin at the Masquerade reminded her that she could still improve herself.

It was with a large, excited grin adorning her expression when she saw her fellow Guardian outside his home, having rounded the corner that placed her in view. Her Stone sensed the Stone of Power, but seeing Kon as he was naturally and without the mask made her swell with pride.

"Konstantin!" Her hand shot up to wave to him, lifting her light cloak enough so that he could glimpsed the wrapped silver at her waist. A sword whip, made famous by the Yehvens for generations as the served in the Vanguard. Kaira was the last one able to wield it, except for her cousins that chose to drop the traditional choice of weapon.
  • Wonder
Reactions: Konstantin
The crumbling man rose to greet his guest with a smile and a polite wave in turn. A single blue eye watched as she approached and climbed the short flight of wooden stairs to the elevated deck he had been waiting upon.
"Good morning, Miss Kaira!" he returned jovially.

Konstantin gestured to the seating around an unlit fire pit.
"Would you care for some tea and breakfast before we begin? I'm not sure how much time you have today, but I feel I'd be a terrible host not to offer."
  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Kaira Yehven
"Please!" She smiled, trying her best not to rush the last few measures of distance as he welcomed her to take a seat.

Kaira gave herself the chance to look around, smiling at the fact she had made it hear and outside the city confines without the Ancients and her Stone protesting her venture outside the safety of Valenntenian walls. Being close to the Stone of Power seemed to put her own at ease, pulsing warmly at her sternum.

"I managed the entire day to myself, actually. I have no other obligations to tend to, so... we can go at a leisurely place with the training today." The Faith Guardian was proud of that, to take time to do as she pleased. Any free time would have been spent with Mabbon, but since he was away on duty, Kaira had taken the time to organise this day with her dear friend.
  • Bless
Reactions: Konstantin
Konstantin dutifully poured a cup of steaming, fresh tea for Kaira, a wistful smile on his mien. His stone resonated with its own warmth in the presence of the Rune of Faith, a stark difference from the overwhelming pressure it seemed to prefer exerting when in the presence of others. An act of assurance, perhaps, reflected by Konstantin's gentle nature.

"A rare blessing, I'm sure," he intoned as he replaced the teapot and took his seat. In spite of her assertion of her abundance of time, the Guardian of Power wished to get to the meat of something straight away.

"So Miss Kaira...what is it you're seeking to gain in your time here today?"
  • Bless
Reactions: Kaira Yehven
She accepted the tea gratefully, taking a deep inhale at the fragrant scents that wafted from the steaming cup. It reminded her of her mother, who used to take her to the tea house in Old Town, or even the days she was sent to pick up tea to gift citizens that needed some talk and healing.

Time had passed since those days, but a cup of tea never failed to make her forget.

"I have been out of practice for some time." She admitted, looking down at her cup and she gently set it onto her lap. "I am capable in wielding the sword whip, but the other practices... it is hard to spar with someone of the Vanguard when they're afraid I might smite them." And there, Kaira let some of those frustrations come out. There was no need to hide her own opinions when it came to something like this, because she knew Konstantin would know how to help navigate her through this.

It was why she was here to seek his expertise.