Private Tales To Eclipse Them All

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
A fair point. More than one might expect. Surely the nobility had played these little games of life and death for more than one generation in their never ending hunts for power.

"There will be times in-between to plan. Doors to close, whispers to be had behind them. Let it be known that Leovold Solherre might be brazed, but he is no fool."

With that assurance, the music drew to a close. Leovold let slide a "tch" before bowing to his new fiancée. Their families would expect them back sooner rather than later.
  • Bless
Reactions: Eira
Eira could hear what was unspoken in Leovold's words. There was an act she must keep up, one they both needed to put on for show.

Not just for their families, but for Thanasis and beyond...

After he bowed, Eira sank in a deep curtsy before him. She would wait until he extended a hand to her, and it was that moment Eira would need to sell the perfect picture. Her head would lift as soon as she registered his movement, her eyes glancing up to his hand before traveling to his face, and there, she would hold his stare a moment before taking his hand.

In that brief moment, any trained eye would see the infatuation.

The Moon looked to the Sun.

Standing before him, Eira feigned a small smile that gave her a flattering look. "We may also speak in public. It is xpected for us to court, to be seen. If we do well in that, in selling our act, we win the favour of the nobility. Their support will help us all with the aspirations we have..." She murmured so softly, her lips barely moved. She took his arm, motioning sublty for them to return to their families that still gathered where they had been before the dance.

"See, Mother, how happy Eira is? This is an advantageous marriage proposal... you brought her up to be a lovely wife to a Lord one day." Ilir smiled, but there was a stiffness in his gaze. It was as if he was watching his younger sister with calculated scrutiny, deciphering whether or not her gentle attentions to Leovold were a game or genuine emotion.

Eira gave him no room for doubt as she willed her cheeks to redden.

She was glad she had worked with Leovold in the past, had crossed paths and engaged in conversation while with the Thunder. Without that, it would have been harder to convince her family she was content with this arrangement.

"It is easier to accept such an arrangement when you are good friends with your husband to be." A pulled her lips into a winning smile, ensuring that it grew wider still as she turned to look up at Leovold before looking to his father. "And I will insist on having dinner with you, Lord Solherre, and your family. I hope to learn more about your family's histories, and the dragons. No need to convince Tyafainne to make friends with the Sun Dragons..." And at that, she laughed. Kleio Malennis surprised herself by joining in, but it was Eira's act that had her concerns lessen.

She knew her daughter to be strong, built for this.

Ilir watched Eira, amusement sparking across his face.

"A perfect match for House Solherre. She was born for this." And her brother smiled, bade the Solherres farewells before escorting his mother elsewhere in the ballroom. Eira did not cower being left alone. She was dressed like the darkest hour before dawn, a moment waiting on the sun to rise and fill this world with light.

The Lords of both their Houses did not know what they were in for.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Leovold
There was a curiosity in Leovold's gently glowing eyes as he returned Eira's stare. For a moment he sensed that there was something else to it, but he dared not assume to place what it was. What he beheld before him was a beautiful woman who held both his respect and his earnest promise. Though he cursed his father and her brother for casting them together so abruptly, so unwillingly, he could not deny that he was far from cursed by such a pairing.

For now, however, there was a game to be played. Play it they would. He watched intently as Eira cast her hand first, playing to put Lord Tyros on the backfoot. She could not have known that such details were a blind spot in the elder Solherre's expertise, yet she struck flawlessly at them regardless. Leovold had to fight the urge to smirk.

A brief moment of silence stirred, and Tyros forced a smile.
"But of course, Young Lady Eira. As my son's future wife, we would be more than happy to entertain you for a dinner in our halls. And many more, I'm sure," he said after Kleio and Eira had ceased their tittering. He watched as Ilir left thereafter, the little bonfires in his eyes trailing the boy's departure. "If you excuse me, I believe my wife and I will leave you two to your devices. There are many others we must unfortunately make pleasantries with."

And suddenly, it was just Eira and Leo.

"Well...this should be interesting, at least."
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Eira
Eira turned her gaze to that of her husband to be's.

"One more dance, to please the sycophants in this room." She murmured with a practiced smile. They certainly were holding attention of many onlookers, some praising them aloud and others raising a glass to Leovold for his match. "This night is the opening act to our story, shaped and directed by only us..." Eira stepped in front of him, lifting her head to meet his gaze. The top of her head barely reached his shoulders, but the Malennis daughter knew what she was doing.

She had played a part for so long, tonight gave way of a new story.

Her hand lifted, resting just shy of his heart, Eira then shook her head slightly to bring attention to the waterfall of dark hair that grazed her back. Then she smiled, coy and demure all the same. "One more dance..." She asked aloud, playing to the adoration all around them.

True to her word, Eira Malennis was expected to dine with the Solherre family at their ancestral home. She had insisted to go alone, without her meddling Lord brother or her mother, she had insisted this night be spent with the family she would wed into.

Her attire was elegant, but easy to ride on Tyafainne. No stranger to dresses while on dragonback, this evening called for something more striking. The dress itself was of fine midnight Thanasian silks, and the softest chiffon of a saturate mauve covered her arms left bared from the dress. As she walked into the home she was welcomed into, Eira looked every part of a Lady pined for by many of the sons of the nobles houses.

Her heart belonged to a lost son, to man Marked, and yet she now walked through the very halls of the man he hated.

After the gala, Ilir had intercepted her. Had told her of the crimes of what she had done and the very person the punishments were to be given to. It had been reckless of her to go see Cullen in the prison tower, but she had to see him, had to tell him she would not give up.

Only... Ilir's plans had been long in wait.

"Lord and Lady Solherre, I present Lady Eira of House Malennis." The attendant bowed and left the room, leaving Eira standing before the named Solherres. She tried her best not to notice or comment on Leovold not being in attendance, and a show of frustration came in teh form of her fists tightening, hidden in the folds of her silken skirts.

"Thank you for accepting my wishes to dine with your family, Lord Solherre." Eira released her hands to hold her skirts as she gave a perfect curtsy, bowing her head.
  • Sip
Reactions: Leovold
Lord Tyros and Lady Anneliese stood from their seats at the table within the grand Solherre dining hall, offering her a respectful bow and curtsey, respectively, in turn.

"You are most welcome, Young Lady Malennis. You are soon to be my is only natural that we might entertain you," the mountain of a man said with a meter that felt as though he'd rehearsed the line for some time in advance. Then, his jaw set forward, and his eyes wandered towards a nearby flight of stairs. "You must forgive my layabout son...I instructed him to be down here to join us by this time, yet he is so impudent as to make not only his father, but his fiancée wait!"

"Please, calm yourself, dear...tonight is not a night to allow tempers to flare," the gentle lady of House Solherre intoned, placing a hand softly on her husband's shoulder blade. "Besides...I am certain Leo means no disrespect. You know how meticulous that boy can be."

As if on cue, Leovold's footsteps could be heard descending the stairs. His own outfit came into view, looking like a much more refined and well-fitted version of what he had worn to the ball.

Leo wore his usual smug, confident grin as he entered the dining hall. He swept up astride Eira, looping his arm in hers.
"My Lady. I hope I did not keep you waiting long," he said, guiding her to a seat that he would pull out for her.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Eira
There was no denying that Leovold Solherre had his own aura of charisma, and it was something she believed he did not put on at all times. He had not held this swagger when they had first officially met, nor did he seem to show any signs of commanding a room when they were on a reconnaissance mission.

Eira recognised an equal, and deep within her grieving for Cullen and her loss of title, she knew there were worse candidates to be betrothed to.

"Thank you." She murmured, slipping into the seat he held out for her and gave him a polite smile as he helped push her chair in. Eira looked about the table, smiling wider now and looking up to the Lord and Lady of the House. "This is a wonderful display Lord Solherre, Lady Solherre."

The Malennis rider turned to where Leovold took his seat, her eyes staying on the accents of his outfit. "The gold reminds me of your dragon, Iralux. A brightness in the dark."

Gods, that was quite sappy to say, but Eira noted that it painted her as a lady betrothed would be found to say. She finished her words with a lingering stare before having to avert her gaze and gaze an apologetic wince to his parents.
  • Smug
Reactions: Leovold