Private Tales To Bridge Man and God

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


The Black Rose
Character Biography
The Tower that stood so imposingly tall over the burgeoning city of Valenntenia was more than a mere landmark; It was the beating heart of the city itself, where all of the work that kept their livelihood intact was conducted, where all decisions that would shape their future would be made. It was a forge of Guardians, heroes wielding weapons from beyond their time, all within walls erected before man had taken first breath.

To Rovias, it was simply home.

To be sure, it was also his place of work. The modest chamber he'd been given as High Mage was filled from floor to ceiling with his effects: Tomes, tools and tablets, long stretches of parchment pinned to the walls displaying the most intricate of equations and graphs from a mind dedicated to the scholarly art of the Arcane. Tables riddled with strange oddities, vials of colored liquids and powders, and a thin cloud of smoke that clung to the ceiling of the room all painted the picture one would expect of the laboratory of The High Mage of Valenntenia.

There was only one part of the cluttered room that was clear enough to easily navigate, that being the section by the circular window looking out over the town below. There sat a bronze-skinned young man reclining in a velvet-cushioned chair, a large book open in his lap and a pipe hanging loosely from his mouth, the source of the strangely sweet-smelling smoke in the room. This was a well-deserved break, a reprisal from the intense labor that had driven this room to the mess it was in now. The fruit of his labor? A small rectangular stone placed upon a small pedestal, center-stage among the chaos of the lab.

Finally, it had been perfected; An artificial Runestone. Weaker and finite though it was, it possessed the same properties as the genuine article, that intangible link formed between wielder and stone. Trial and error marked both of Rovias' hands, the flesh seared and scarred by catastrophic failures, his stress only increased by the ever-creeping deadline awaiting him at some unknown horizon.

It mattered not. He had his weapon. Now, he needed only the person meant to wield it.

"Mikko Cendrillon." Rovias spun in his chair to address the Somner standing in his doorway, his eyes not leaving the pages of his book. Pulling the pipe from his mouth, he blew a puff of smoke across the room. As it rose, it spread and reshaped itself to form the vague visage of the Vanguard in question. "It's meant for him, I'm sure of it. Be a darling, would you? Tell him that The High Mage needs to speak with him on an urgent matter."

The Somner left to deliver the summons, and only now did Rovias raise his eyes to let them linger on his creation, a short pang of envy rushing through his jaw, clenching it tightly. It should have been him, he thought to himself, crossing the bridge of man and god he'd forged with his own hands. Solomon had his reasons for forbidding it, and Rovias was loyal to The Absalon's decree, but...

He sighed, taking another draw from his pipe.

"Who am I kidding?" He muttered to himself. "They wouldn't know what to do without me."

Mikko Cendrillon
  • Smug
Reactions: Mikko Cendrillon
"The High Mage wishes to speak to you. I am to tell you it is---"

Mikko struck his opponent fiercely, lifting his boot to kick them off balance.

"...of utmost importance." Finished the Somner, grimacing at the example Mikko made of his student.

Cendrillon had taken to overseeing the new recruits on their day off from training, testing them to use what they have learned. It was rather unfair to pair them with Mikko, who grew up a Vanguard hopeful and left barely any room for error. He wanted to do his family proud, and live up to the history painted with his ancestors that served in the Valenntenian Vanguard.

Even the most hopeful recruit was humbled before Mikko.

Brushing his hair back from his sweating brow, Mik looked to the Somner finally.

"The High Mage?" He squinted, unsure if he had heard right. "You sure he wanted me?"

"Yes. I mistook you for your twin earlier, so there is less time for you now to go meet with Rovias." the Somner admitted. It brought a smile to his face that even with his hair much shorter than he had it a few months ago, it was still hard to differentiate between the Cendrillon boys.

"Then it is lucky that I am done here for the day. Give me some time to freshen up and find a new shirt." For the one he wore had grown filthy with dirt and sweat.

An hour passed before Mikko was making his way, escorted to the doors of the High Mage.

"Lieutenant Cendrillon." Came the greeting before the Somner bowed to each of the men and turned away.

Mikko had never seen this room, or really any other room than the one that belonged to Kaira the first day she was made Guardian. It was leagues larger than what she was occupying.

He let out a low whistle, taking time to look around before his dark gaze fell on Rovias.

"You know, I haven't the foggiest what you would want with me. Is this about Guardian Lyta?"
Rovias sat in the same chair he had when sending summons for Cendrillon, though he did not seem to notice he had a visitor until the impressed whistle rang out through the room. The High Mage stiffened, tucking away the small bottle he'd been closely examining before spinning around in his chair to face his company.

"I don't make a habit of dancing around my needs. If I'd business with the Dream Guardian, I'd have sent for her." Rovias hadn't the faintest why Mikko was bringing up Lyta, but it needn't concern him in the slightest. "No, I called you here because you're to be given a very special honor, Vanguard Cendrillon. The first of it's kind, in fact."

The High Mage almost looked like some foreign king, lounging so carefree in his cushioned chair, with purple robes loosely hanging from his slender bronze frame and glimmering gold draping his neck and adorning his face like one would decorate an idol at a temple. Bringing his hands to the arms of his seat, Rovias stands. and outstretches his arms in front of him.

"Apologies, I did mean to clean up before you arrived."

Pulling his hands apart with a mumbled incantation, the clutter and mess that filled Rovias' chamber parted down the middle, neatly sliding across the floor and arranging itself into neat little piles to be organized at a later time along the walls of the room. The sudden increase in floor space only served to accentuate how large the Mage's lab was; nearly rivaling the Somner's chambers above.

Only one thing remained unmoved: A small pedestal in the center of the room, with a single, rectangular stone resting atop it. On its face was a small circle, carved by Rovias himself. The High Mage approached the stone, though his eyes remained on Mikko.

"We live in an age of increasing... volatility, Ser Cendrillon." He purred, reaching down to run a finger over the stone's surface. "Since my recent appointment of High Mage, my first major undertaking towards protecting our home has been a tiresome and troublesome one. What you see before you now, is the fruit of my labor, the reward born of my pain. A Runestone, crafted by human hands."

Suddenly, Rovias' hand draws back from the Rune, and he takes a step back, gesturing down to the pedestal before Mikko.

"You, Mikko Cendrillon, are to be its master."

Mikko Cendrillon
Last edited:
  • Frog Sip
Reactions: Mikko Cendrillon
Surprise found it's way to his expression, unsure what business the High Mage would have with him. Magic was never something blessed or associated with the Cendrillon name. An old name, but one not directly from a line of Descendants to be graced with honours to serve as Guardians in past centuries, but they made do with joining the Vanguard and serving Valenntenia with might and steel.

But now, a Stone had been chosen for him.

Throwing Rovias a strange look, Mikko took further strides into the room and laid his dark eyes upon the Runestone he was to be master of. "This doesn't make sense. The Ancients made the Stones, so what is this? The Stone of... Valenntenia?"

He frowned. No, that sounded something more of Kaira's domain, as the people have been calling her the Daughter of Valenntenia for years now.

"Why me, High Mage?"
Admittedly, Rovias derived some satisfaction from Mikko's confusion. One of the rewards for all of his arduous work had always promised to be the reaction on the face of whoever was lucky enough to be selected first. Cenrdillon delivered, showing that sort of befuddlement that he'd been looking for.

Although Rovias didn't blame him for being shocked. They both knew the historical limitations of his family name. Good people, definitely, but piss poor mages. That Mikko asked the question aloud earned him a bit of respect for the High Mage, if for no other reason than he was more than open about his lack of innate talent.

"I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but..." Rovias rested his face in his palm, twirling a strand of dark hair around his finger. "It wasn't really my choice. These stones... they're far from the genuine article, but they stubbornly insist on being similar in all the most troublesome ways."

The High Mage felt a twitch at the corner of his lips as he was reminded of his constant attempts to break the odd behaviors of the stones, allowing them to be used by any who held them. Even man-made, there seemed an intangible willpower within the little rocks that even he couldn't snap. "Namely, they still insist on choosing their own candidates. You want to know why you? Ask the rock, not me."

Turning on his heel, Rovias walked over to one of the walls of the chamber, covered in wall-hung scrolls that displayed intricate and incomprehensible calculations. Gesturing up to it, as though Mikko would understand a bit of the jargon, he took another drag from his pipe.

"I've spent months, Cendrillon, trying to even come close to replicating that which our ancestors left us. Even this final product is a pale imitation, and yet..." He felt his body shiver with the rush from the fumes in his lungs, a low sigh leaving along with the smoke as he exhaled. "It's still a marvel by today's standards, though it doesn't work the same way. These Runes are meant to act more like conduits, drawing out the latent energies within--"

Rovias stops and frowns to himself as his eyes turn downwards.

"Nevermind. You didn't come all this way to hear me babble. Long story short, you need to pick up the stone to find out what power lies within it, Mikko. Until then, it's a paperweight."

Mikko Cendrillon
  • Frog Sip
Reactions: Mikko Cendrillon
If his time guarding Kaira and her Stone had taught him anything, it was that the Ancients were a force not to be trifled with. But the Mage had managed such a feat and still had his senses and wits about him. Perhaps a token of what he could achieve, of what he was capable of...

And these new Stones were the product of such efforts the High Mage worked tirelessly on.

But it was Rovias telling him to pick up the Stone, to identify which of the fifteen had called to him.

"Just... pick it up?" He glanced towards the Mage, slight incredulity thrown his way, but the Cendrillon Vanguard made his way over to the Stone. It was the first to be made, and already called to him in a way that it pricked at his attentive ears. Hairs at the base of his neck stood up on end, and Mikko began to pull off the leather gloves he wore.

He waited a few moments before reaching for the cool Stone, plain in styling but filled with a power he never could imagine or feel himself. Mikko grunted, bared his teeth and let the magic and might course through him. He felt winded, or perhaps his breath was simply just gone.

"Fuck." He groaned, slowly exhaling as he grew accustomed to what he felt.

But then his vision began to shift, as the lighting in the room seemingly changed from reality and to... another plane altogether.
Rovias gave an accrediting nod, not at all offended by the disbelief in his tone. Were he being entirely forthcoming, The High Mage would have admitted his own doubts that they would ever come this far. Even now, the smallest inkling of skepticism clung to his mind, a faint expectation for Mikko to pick up the stone to no avail.

It was the critic that lived inside all artists, of course.

Yet Rovias said nothing, merely watching with eyes of intrigue as the Vanguard removed his gloves and approached the pedestal, looking down at the small stone with a breath of hesitation before finally closing his fingers around the Rune, lifting it from its place. It was then that he knew there had been no mistake, that this was indeed a success.

The High Mage himself was blind to the wave of power that coursed out of the Rune and through Mikko's body. Still, any fool could witness Cendrillon recoil and gasp, his muscles contracting and his eyes dilating as the power hidden within him tuned to that of the Runestone. The Stone reached within him, calling forth the powers that ran deep within his descendant blood, hidden for so long.

It was enough to split Rovias' lips with a grin, his hands clenched into excited fists as he watched his greatest creation take shape before his very eyes.

"Incredible... You've done it, Cendrillon." He muttered, looking over the soldier with a small bit of wonder. Mikko stood tall, but seemed rather disoriented. Already, the mage wondered just what power had begun to emerge from within him. "How do you feel?"

Mikko Cendrillon
  • Stressed
Reactions: Mikko Cendrillon
He turned his head to look at Rovias, but his vision swayed as if he had been drinking all sorts of alcohol in the few minutes he had been present in this room. Staggering to keep balance, he closed his eyes and gasped, seeing the room still in the greyness found behind his eyelids.

Opening them, he through a confused look to the Mage.

"Drunk. I see two worlds... I think."

He grimaced, a hand shooting out to grip the pedestal that held the Training Stone.

"It's the Dreamscape." And as soon as he spoke it aloud, he knew it to be true. He could feel Lyta, her Stone, and Mikko turned to look around as if she truly were present in the room.
The High Mage took thorough mental notes of every motion Cendrillon made. Just as much as Mikko had been chosen to wield this stone, he'd also been chosen to test the concept of an artificial stone as a whole. Thorough though his study was, there was never any way for Rovias to guarantee the Rune would work properly, or at all.

When he saw that flash of light, that foggy look in Mikko's eyes, almost dreamlike... he knew he'd succeeded.

"The Dreamscape..." The words left his lips almost simultaneously with Mikko's, and he moved quickly to the man's side, beckoining for a seat with the wave of a hand and watching briefly as his chair slid across the room and parked itself behind Cendrillon. "You'd best sit, or you'll likely fall." He warned.

Whether he chose to sit and allow his body to catch up with the new capabilities of his mind, or stand and suffer through trying to comprehend an entirely different plane of reality than the one he was used to, Rovias turned his attention to the Runestone. Just as he'd hoped, the small indentation on the stone's face had changed to a mark identical to that of the Dream Rune.

Of course, Rovias knew nothing of Mikko's closeness with the actual Dream Guardian. If he did, there would be even more questions to ask.

"Congratulations, Ser Cendrillon." He purred, running his tongue across his upper teeth as he pulled his pipe back out from his robes and took another drag, drawing words in the air with a finger that then appeared on a blank piece of parchment hanging on a far wall. "You've got the makings of a Dream Guardian, and that stone will help you to hone it."

The High Mage exhaled, a purplish smoke leaving his lungs.

"Should you choose to, of course."

Mikko Cendrillon
  • Nervous
Reactions: Mikko Cendrillon
Sit... yes, that sounded like a smart idea.

Mikko looked about the room, looking for a spot he could sit and acclimate to this vision, but a seat was conjured by Rovias for the Vanguard to take. It was comfortable, but soon forgotten as Mikko closed his eyes and eased himself with deep breathing.

The Dream Stone.

He should be happy it wasn't Faith, something his family believed in devoutly. Would Kaira be happy for him if he had? Or turn him away again?

But Lyta, the woman he was sure he loved and not any other, was all the Dream he needed. The fact he now possessed the Stone meant to train the next Dream Guardian felt so odd. Lyta's mother had been the Guardian before her, and before that, Lyta's grandmother. Lyta had no child of her own, nor her brother had any heirs, and Mikko began to wonder if this all was fated by the Ancients.

"The Stone chose me." Just like the real thing chooses it's Guardian. They could be fickle things, such as the case of Dream and Faith, but who was he to deny this Stone it's choice? "I would not anger the Ancients." And deprive them of the pride of another Cendrillon serving the Stones.
Rovias felt a tad less concious of squinting his eyes suspiciously at Mikko, considering he looked to be anything but alert and attentive at the moment. There was a modicum of truth to his claim, but to compare his new stones, and those of the Guardians? It wasn't quite as simple as Cendrillon made it out to be, and Rovias found himself pulling up his own seat to sit across from Mikko, tapping the pedestal the stone had sat on with a finger, causing it to recede down into the floor as though it were melting.

"A respectable notion, but The Ancients don't have quite so much to do with this, Mikko. They didn't build these stones, I did." There was a surge of petulant ire at the idea of some Gods long gone recieving the credit for all of the hard work he'd put in over these last few months. It was immature, perhaps, but he refused to compete with the divine. "That stone chose you because of the potential you have. Potential that lay untapped and hidden until this very moment."

"If you want to use the Ancients as motivation to go forward, I won't stop you." He shrugged as he leaned back in his seat, twirling locks of his long taupe hair around his fingers as he lounged like a feline in the sun. For one so defensive of his work, he looked quite nonplussed about the entire matter. Raising a finger, he directed the flustered Vanguard rather pointedly toward the door, ladling some edge onto his voice, "But if you can't handle this, you can leave right now without any reprecussions, and I'll find someone who can."

Mikko Cendrillon
  • Frog Sus
Reactions: Mikko Cendrillon
Mikko scrunched his eyes shut tight, head falling to his hands as he groaned.

"Fuck. Too much to process." Never had he dabbled in the affairs of magic or divine, but here he was being thrown straight off the Valenntenian docks and told to avoid using his limbs to get back to shore. There were certain things he had been taught all of his life, and now he had to come to terms of this new venture in the way of Stones.

"Nah, I am not leaving... I just..." He needed Lyta. If he was to leave, it was to see her and to see the world that she knew so well. If he were not stilled with shock, he would have made a laugh at the fact he could finally meet her mother and grandmother in the Dreamscape. "I need a moment, High Mage."

His thoughts went back to the day Kaira had taken the Stone of Faith. She had invited him despite their spats that week, and he attended because his childhood friend was being subjected to the Ancients and their approval. She had screamed as soon as that Stone was in her hand, and everyone rushed to help her, afraid the Ancients rejected yet another Guardian for the Stone of Faith. Maybe he understood her now, how much there was to process in such an instant.