Private Tales This Way, Ma'am

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


Character Biography
Aniria - Weiara

As far as assignments went, this wasn't a bad one.

Weiara was a quaint little seaside town by the standards of House Weiroon. They had built it as as a seaside resident. Over the years the castle that was their manor had turned into a small community. It sat there now, and was still theirs. Currently however it was home to the family Meriveau. A small House though important enough to warrant an entire Weiroon Castle.

Naser had been sent here along with one other Initiate to look after the families daughter. Apparently some threats had been made, and the Great House resolved to get something high up to interfere. Thus the young Initiate had been contracted to watch after the girl for her sixteenth birthday party this weekend, and then see her home.

Not so bad all things considered.

"We might even get to try to some seafood." Nas said, more to himself than the companion that was walking besides him. They had stabled their horses at the edge of town, and had elected to walk up the castle. Both had thought it was wise to survive they area. One never knew who might be coming for the Mariveau girl.

Besides, it was nice to glimpse the outside world.

Nas rarely got to enjoy a view.
Takoda was impressed with where his newest assignment had taken him. While the ocean was no foreign to him, it was not something that him or his people often spent much time around. The idea of seafood that his classmate was suggesting was exciting and slightly terrifying.

"Yes, that would be interesting."

As much as he wanted to treat this like a chance for exploration and vacation, the young initiate knew that he had a job to do first. Even if he did find the request strange. Shouldn't the family have its own guards? If a family in his tribe could not be trusted to protect their own then they would be ridiculed for weakness.

His eyes were scanning the rooftops and everything above the street as he counted on his partner to handle the ground.

"Does this happen often in Vel Anir? People threatening their targets with danger...If they are assassins then they are quite bad at it."

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"Sometimes." Nas said, offering a slice of disturbing insight into how this particular bit of criminality worked. "A threat can almost serve as a warning."

He said as they began to head towards the Castle. "Like saying 'you can make it easy or hard.'"

Sometimes it was enough to make a family pay up without there being any kidnapping at all. It had happened more than once when he'd been with the 'Robber. Though the occasion had always been cause for celebration, even if it was a bit grim.

Nas glanced over to his companion.

"But hopefully it's all just a bluff." Unfortunately, seeing that far into the future would probably kill him. This job was bound to last a few days, and during that time there would simply be too many possibilities. "Then we just get to enjoy ourselves."

A rare treat in their life.
"I am already accomplishing that goal just by being here and away from the Academy," Takoda admitted with a grin.

It was not that the young Irouqqi was not taking the mission seriously, but protecting some rich girl from what in his eyes were less than steller assassins seemed like one of the least life-threatening assignments he had been given since arriving at the Academy.

"I don't understand why the Lord doesn't just lock the girl in her room for a few days with her guards while the danger passes. Surely these assassins will not wait forever just for this girl...What makes this family so important in the first place?"

The idea of a birthday party being of such importance that the family would still risk death was almost laughably ridiculous to Takoda, and it had also been strange when Naser had explained to him that while the Meriveau family lived here, the castle itself was the owner by a different noble family.

Anirians were strange.

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"Gold mines." Nas had looked it up before they'd left. "This family owns three of the biggest Gold Mines in all of Vel Anir."

Which meant they pulled out more of the stuff than anyone else. Apparently their method of extracting it was some sort of big family secret, and was the reason why they'd been allowed to keep the mines after the revolution.

They were, unsurprisingly, rather wealthy. One of the richest families in the whole of Vel Anir. "In fact, see if you can't score us some extra. Use that charm of yours."

Nas didn't have any.

As they finally came to a stop, two stable boys quickly came up to collect the reigns of their horses. Not soon after they were greeted by a Butler, motioning for the two boys to follow and informing them they would be having suits made.

There was a party tonight, and although they were simply acting as guards they would need to look the part. Nas didn't offer any objections, mostly because he knew that he would get to keep the clothes. Besides, tailoring meant there would be somewhere to hide his knives.
Oh, gold...

That was one thing that even Takoda could understand. The precious metal was considered a prized possession in his tribe, the only amount they had was mixed with silver and crafted into a dagger that the head shaman always carried with them.

Plenty of dumb ideas were plotted in the name of gold.

"I did not come here for gold, only to perform the job."

Takoda followed along with Naser and the Butler, frowning as the man indicated that he would place his spear off to the side. Wait, he was expected to defend this girl, but not visibility carry his weapon? More hoops to jump through by the Anirians.

The idea of having suits made for them was a nice add-on, even if he found Anirian clothing to be a bit restricting. While the two young men were in the process of getting measured, the Butler glanced at some of the beaded jewelry around his neck and wrists and mentioned that such items may need to be removed.

"The necklace stays," Takoda responded evenly leaving little room for objections.

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No objection was offered.

The Tailor knew whom he was dealing with, and like most Anirians knew better than to question Dreadlords. Takoda and Naser might have been children, but they were Initiates. Better not to test those who could do magic.

Even if they weren't graduated.

Besides, the Workers here cared only to make sure everything was presentable. Which, by the time everything was done the two Initiate's certainly were. Both of their suits immaculate, even with the hidden weapons in Nas'.

Before either of them could admire themselves for more than a minute however, the Butler swept back into the room and collected both of them. This time beginning a long run down of concerns and customs that would be needed to be upheld. "You are not to dance or distract yourselves with the other guests. The Lord Go-"

Nas tried to tune the man's words out, already knowing every little thing he was about to say.

Still, he prattled on for nearly an hour, though eventually left Nas and Takoda in the empty ballroom.

Filled only with decorations, tables, and a few other servants the two Initiates stood side by side in a land of gild and gold that neither of them could have imagined before. The value of the contents of the room, hell even the silver ware, more than some of the estates Naser had broken into. "Well."

He said, fingers itchy.

"I guess we check if the place is secure?" Thought guests would begin to arrive any minute, it would be best to check things he thought.
Takoda was pleased to see that his title of Dreadlord Initiate was good for something. Not many in Vel Anir were understanding of his tribe's customs, but a threat was just as effective as understanding, sometimes even better.

The suit they fit onto Takoda was like he had guessed, uncomfortable and clingy, but he must admit that it looked good. A simple black suit with a barely noticeable pattern of diamonds, likely a symbol of the Mariveau family. It matched well with the white and silver streaks in his hair.

He was annoyed when he saw that Naser got to keep some of his weapons on him, but when Takoda had suggested he keep his spear the tailor had laughed like he had just said a joke.

Oh well, if the girl died then he would blame the tailor. The Butler came in a rush, Koda was beginning to believe that was his natural state. He was telling them something, but he did not listen to one word. His job was to protect the girl, anything else was unnecessary and a hindrance.

As they entered the main venue, Takoda was struck with a strange mix of awe and anger. This place had more riches decorated upon the walls than his tribe would ever hope to have. What would any one family need all of this for?

"Yes, let's make it quick. Am I correct in believing these assassins may have magic?"

  • Thoughtful
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"Could." Nas didn't know why he was volunteering so much information. Usually he didn't bother. It was probably because Takoda didn't press him like the others.

Not like Marcia staring at him with this judgy eyes. Vittoria with her constant sourpuss. Norah with her...well, no Norah was actually fine too. Still, Takoda was better than some of the others, and he guessed that was why he was more forthcoming. "Plenty of threats for a family like this."

He said as he began to wander around the room.

"Gilram's Lot, Separatists, Rogue Dreadlords, good ol' criminals." Never discount a good criminal. Some of them were magic in their own way, developed in the gutters and never sold like he'd eventually been.

"I guess that's why he wanted us." Nas said, noting that one of the windows had been loosened. An easy point of entry if you had a knife. "Notice shit others don't."

Though, he hadn't seen that because he was an Initiate.
That was another problem Takoda had with Vel Anir. Just how did they have so many magically capable people? In his mind, he knew it was because of how large the population was, but it still seemed like a ridiculous amount.

In the Irouqqi tribe, he had been considered a special case, and the only other person capable of magic was the Medicine Woman and Shaman. Since arriving in Vel Anir, Takoda could spit and almost guarantee it would hit someone or something magical.

"How fun." He mumbled sarcastically before he jumped in the air and twisted.

As he jumped, it was like gravity twisted with him as he landed comfortably on the wall of the room. He first checked to make sure the walls could handle his feet before turning back to Naser.

"Alright, I'll check the upper windows and any of the balconies."

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"Yeah, figured." Nas said, never having needed to ask what Takoda would do.

Seeing into the future was so droll sometimes. There were rarely questions that could not be answered a few seconds ahead of time. Nas always knew what was going to happen before it did, making things very boring indeed.

Slowly walking around the windows on the underside Nas flickered his eyes from top to bottom. "This seems over the top."

He said with a frown.

"I mean how important can one girl be?" The Initiate complained to his companion. "Most thieves want stuff, things that are easy to transport. I can't imagine some girl is worth mu-"

"Well, I think that rather depends on the girl." A soft voice said from behind him. Echoing out loud into the hall from the Entrance to the Palace. The voice of their host sounding out as a stark reminder of what they were here to protect.
Takoda could only agree with his fellow classmates and was preparing to voice that out loud. He looked down at one of the upper windows, and a voice interrupted them. His open mouth slowly shut before looking over to Naser and mouthing the words,

"Didn't see that did you?"

Gently, Takoda descended back to the ground before shooting Naser a grin. It always seemed like his friend had the answers to everything, so it was nice to be reminded that he wasn't omnipotent.

He walked over to stick his head out into the hallway and get a look at their charge.

"You must be Lady Meriveau. A pleasure to make you acquaintance."
  • Frog Sweat
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Nas offered Takoda a glower, reminding himself to later lecture the other Initiate that he needed to see something to predict it happening.

Couldn't very well do that when looking the other way could you?

"I am indeed. You must be the two Dreadlord's sent to protect me." The Lady Meriveau, or simply Daleea as her friends and parents called her, said. Nas turning to face her, his mind skipping a beat as he saw the sheer beauty which she seemed entirely wrapped in.

Her long flowing hair curled down far beneath her shoulders. She wore a dress of red slashed with accents of gold. Her eyes were bright blue, and the smile she wore held a danger to it that Nas couldn't quite put into words. As though she already knew what was about to be said. "I was told you're all stoics, but it seems at least one of you is not a fan of personal silence."

She looked to Nas, and her smile nearly sent him to his knees.

Dozens of predictions flickered through his visions, every step she took, every word she might say, and for once...Nas still found himself somewhat interested.
Wow, she was pretty...a little pale but still pretty enough. He was expecting Naser to say something as he was the one who had to dig himself out of a hole, but when he looked over the man looked like her was lost in a forest. What was he lost in thought for...Oh, brother, Naser's eyes were locked on Daleea.

Really? The Lady? A little cliche wasn't it?

Takoda discreetly elbowed Naser before offering a smile, "Yes, although the stoicism is only for the more boring sort. I'm Takoda and the man with a way with words is Naser."

"Words aside, I can assure you your security is our utmost priority and you will be free to enjoy your event."

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"Of that I have no doubt." Daleea offered as she smiled and began to wander down the steps. Nas managing to collect himself as Takoda jabbed an elbow into his side, the glower he'd offered earlier now doubling down as his head shook.

The fuck was the matter with him. "Maybe you should have some."

He muttered to himself, though not loud enough for the girl to hear. Quickly the noble made her way towards the two Initiate's.

"I thought since we would be spending at least a week together that we might meet."
That distracting smile flashed towards the two of them. "Please, do feel free to call me Daleea. Unlike my mother I've never much favored the customs of Nobility."

"Perfect, neither have we." A laugh escaped from the woman's throat, and Nas couldn't help but offer Takoda a sly look.

Neither of them were exactly from places most Initiate's had been plucked from. "Then we'll get along swimmingly."

Daleea mused with that same smile, then adding another question. "Might I know what your magics are? It's always such a curiosity."