Private Tales This is the Emotion They Call Love

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


Of the Nine Feathers
Character Biography

Look, Siobhan, whatever is happening, I’ll handle it.” Aranhil said firmly. That hint of aggression was in his voice, not towards his wife, but more so at their circumstance. He was sure that Siobhan understood that, after all, by now, they had spent nearly a week and a half together. They had to. It was common for newly married couples to go on a honeymoon. Despite eloping off to a secret love temple to be branded to one another for life, Aranhil felt it was important that they held up to some sort of tradition.

Upon leaving the temple and staring at the permanent rune marked on their ring fingers, Aranhil had told Siobhan that they should head into the nearest town. Once there, find a nice inn, and enjoy life as a secretly married couple. They would go back home later, or at least back to the Voronwe’s summer home and tell their strict fathers what they had done then. They would do that together. That was the plan.

On the fourth day at the inn, there had been a knock on their door. The moment Aranhil had drearily open the door to see his mothers favorite sidhe servant/assassin, he knew he was in trouble. No, that they were in trouble. He had been handed a letter and he opened it, his throat was dry. There wasn’t much written on there. But there didn’t need to be a lot. The few words on the piece of paper spoke volumes to Aranhil.

The sidhe was accompanying them back home. Not to the summer home but to the main residence of the Voronwe family. Aranhil knew better than to argue. Despite probably being magically stronger than the sidhe, it was his mother’s favorite confidant for a reason. The sidhe was efficient, and had even gotten past his own father quite a few times. Aranhil couldn’t risk Siobhan getting hurt, and he tried to play the whole thing off.

He could show his wife anger, but not fear. He couldn’t let her see that anxiety nibbling away at his sanity and devouring his confidence. Aranhil didn’t mind being angry, even though he hated when he would accidentally snap at Siobhan. He had just been completely lost in his own head as they traveled back. This was one of the few times that Aranhil wished he possessed that analytical yet creative intellect so he could escape the gaze of the sidhe and bring Siobhan to safety.

When the trio arrived from their travels to their destination, even Aranhil himself had to admit that his home had never looked so uninviting. A backdrop of angry storm clouds mixed with a howling wind that prevented the sun from gracing the ground with it’s warmth made even the skeptical Aranhil Voronwe feel an ominous chill. He got off his horse and waited for Siobhan, holding her hand. His thumb brushed over the blue ribbon still tied to her ring finger.

The sidhe was behind the couple as they walked up the steps to the imposing door. Aranhil wanted to roll his eyes, like they would run away now. He couldn’t be certain, but he felt like he could feel his parent’s presence within the confines of the grand home. With a sigh to try and steel his nerves, Aranhil opened it and held it open for her. Leading her forward to view that grand central staircase. They had been alerted that their estranged son had arrived, and his parents were standing at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for him.

Olis Voronwe looked piss. Galatea Voronwe looked perturb. But there was a third. A third figure standing in between his parents.
Hi, Sio.” Her hands were clasped tightly together and held up to her chest as if she had been praying for her beloved little sister’s safe return. Or perhaps praying for a fate better than the one currently being presented to them. Signe’s lips trembled as her eyes scrunched up, trying to hold back the fresh set of tears pooling in her emerald eyes that matched Siobhan’s. “I’m… I’m so very, very sorry.
Siobhan and Aranhil had been having a wonderful time together until the message came. That stopped everything and produced nothing but worry. Aranhil had been quiet the majority of the journey and each time she tried to talk to him about what was happening, he would change the subject. Of course, they couldn't even have a nice happy time for their honeymoon. Just them in a nice inn doing the one thing they did best.

Now she held her husbands hand as they stepped through the door of his family home. His father was pissed, his mother was irritated, and Signe was crying. Signe...fuck!

Siobhan held tighter to Ari's hand and pulled herself close to hold onto his arm with her free hand. If she made herself small enough, they would forget she was there. She knew they were in trouble. They had made a fool of both fathers and now Signe was here.

"What is going on?" She finally asked. Signe had said Sio but she was not going to use Signe's name...not yet. She needed to know what had happened and how they had figured it out. She highly doubted that Olis Voronwe was smart enough to figure it out by himself.

Aranhil Voronwe
Aranhil blinked dumbfounded. He looked at Signe and winced the moment she said ‘Sio.’ Was this… Signe? The original fiance? He looked at Siobhan, and then back at Signe, and sighed. First off, they didn’t look that much alike. Siobhan wasn’t lying when she said ‘daddy Lusce’ had never met her before. After all, even someone like Aranhil could see a familial resemblance, but that didn’t mean they looked like twins or didn’t have discernible features!

Even from here Aranhil could see that Signe was taller! And probably other things were different too.

“Aranhil, it seems there’s been a mistake.” Olis began, his deep voice rumbling about humorlessly. There was that steady quiet, the one that always made Aranhil calm. He hated when his father was calm, he was always worst when he acted in cold blood compared to his blazing fury. How long had he been sitting on this information?

“This is your fiance, the one beside you is not Signe it’s—“

She’s an imposter! I refuse to believe that’s my fiance. Must be a glamour. Or some kind of trick.” Aranhil interjected quickly which only caused Olis to narrow his eyes at his son’s impudence. Galatea sighed and shook her head. Meanwhile, the other redhead in the room burst into silent tears.

“Perhaps we shall let Signe Lusce explain how we came to that conclusion. After all, I doubt the Lusce family would want for this to get further out of hand. Or would Lady Siobhan herself prefer to explain the silly plan the two devised together?” Olis said, looking straight at Siobhan.

Siobhan Voronwe
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Siobhan seemed to melt into Aranhil even further than she already was. Olis made her feel like she was the lowest of the low and Ari could only protect her from him so much. The confident woman that Siobhan usually was had fled in the face of Olis' calm anger. She felt terrible with how she had thrown Aranhil's fathers abuse in his face. She squeezed his hand again and looked up into his face.

What did she say? She did not want to out Signe's business but at the same time it made no sense as to why Siobhan would take her sisters place without her business being told.

Siobhan Voronwe sighed and stood up straighter.

"It was not a silly plan," she started. "Signe is a wonderful light in this dark court and I could not let her be married off. I knew the stories of your family and of Aranhil's antics." With that last admission, she looked at Ari apologetically. She had known about what a whoring asshole her sisters fiancé was before she had shown up at the house that afternoon.

"Being in this family would have broken her and I loved her too much to allow that. She is my best friend and she is too good to be in your life." Siobhan raised her chin but she knew her lip trembled slightly. She was scared of Olis. Her and Ari could deal with her deliberately leaving out details of why she had taken Signe's place. Hopefully. "You got a Lusce daughter in the end so what is the problem?" The problem was that they had made fools of the heads of two houses.

The only saving grace here was that she and Ari had been married in secret. Nothing could be undone now.

Aranhil Voronwe
Olis nodded his head, his lips still in a thin, straight line. Aranhil had stared at Siobhan the entire time as she explained, completely ignoring the fact that during the time Siobhan had spoke, Signe had broken out into quiet sobs. Aranhil’s mouth hung open for a moment before shutting it and looking back at his father.

“The problem is that it wasn’t part of the contract.” Olis said, his voice clear with insidious intentions. “Signe was specifically chosen for this family because of her age and her affinity. It was expected that she would captivate Aranhil, to finally keep him from having a… wandering eye for taken women.” Aranhil looked down at his feet. His hand left Siobhan’s to take the shape of the fist.

“Breaking contracts, even for a high lord, well, you understand how that looks, do you not?” Olis continued and shook his head as if he actually felt some sort of sympathy for Siobhan. “Of course, I assure you, no shame will be brought upon the Lusce name, I told your sister that I fully intend to keep this quiet, why I even had to pay off Judith and her family even though they were kind enough to inform me that my son was with a Siobhan instead of a Signe. So, your sister will—“

No. I don’t want Signe. I want Siobhan.” Ari interrupted, and wrapped his arms around Siobhan, pressing her hard against his chest as if someone was already trying to pull her away from him.

“I don’t give a damn what you want. Signe is a far more valuable asset!”

I don’t care about that.”

“You don’t have a choice. I stopped caring about what you wanted after your multitude of disappointments to this family!”

I’ve already made my choice.” Aranhil said, his fingers going to unwrap the blue ribbon around Siobhan’s ring finger. “We have a new contract, one between only us.” He said, clearly showing off the matching runes on their fingers.

Siobhan Voronwe
As Siobhan spoke, the older sister couldn’t help but to let her emotions finally bloom through her poor facade of bravery. After all, her words were so sweet. Memories of them at the Vitae party flashed before her eyes, the first time Siobhan had even been out on her own in another court! And Signe was there to witness it, dance with her, even speak to Lord Rerreno. It was too much for a heart as soft and gentle as Signe’s.

Signe gasped at the affection displayed from Aranhil Voronwe, a hand going up to politely cover her mouth as she averted her eyes as he hugged Siobhan with such passion! She would have to tell dearest Sadie about this. It would be right up her alley, Signe was sure of that. Her tears had begin to stop falling, especially at the shock of seeing that… had they eloped? A bit of a smile had started to form because what sister wouldn’t be happy for their sister to tie the knot?

However, she soon froze as Olis Voronwe strode up to Aranhil. She couldn’t see anything past that duanann’ s broad back, but she heard the harsh slap against Aranhil’s face loud and clear.
“No. I don’t want Signe. I want Siobhan.”

Those words had stopped the world around her as Ari pulled her close to him and wrapped his arms around her. She had never seen this side of him and she wanted to kiss him so bad right now.

There were words between father and son but she did not hear them. She did not come back to herself until he untied the ribbon and held up their hands to show the runes. A small smile crossed her lips for only a moment before Olis stomped over and slapped Ari across the face.

The crack of skin against skin rang through the space.

Siobhan glared at Olis as her hand shot up to grab his arm. He was in the middle of pulling it back to himself when she caught it. Skin against skin.

Siobhan Voronwe sent her power into Olis Voronwe. She was the only one allowed to hurt her husband now.

Aranhil Voronwe
Aranhil was used to the physical abuse. And being slapped wasn’t a shock, after all, as long as it was him it was fine. He was expecting it when his father strode over to him with that look in his eye and Ari had braced himself for it. He grounded his teeth together after the slap, expecting to be belittled, but before his very eyes Siobhan had reached out and touched Olis.

What do you think you’re doing?!” Aranhil hissed, taking ahold of Siobhan’s hand and forcing her to let go of his father. “You’ll just piss him off more.” He grunted, yet he still held her close to him. The air around them was vibrating, Aranhil’s tensions getting the best of them and affecting the element surrounding them.

Olis had a faraway look in his eye, and was completely silent.

“Dear? Dear? Seruli, what’s going on?” Galatea asked, the blind duanann female looking very worried. The sidhe stepped forward, using their wings to flutter up and check out the man’s face. “Olis? Please, dear, come here.” Hearing his wife’s voice, Olis seemed to snap out of it, finally done reliving whatever fear he had witnessed. He waved the sidhe away from him.

Aranhil wondered what it was. He’d ask Siobhan about it later on. Well, that was if he could ask her about it. This was far from over.

“It seems you both have forgotten your place.” Olis said slowly, however his hands were shaking, ever so slightly. When he looked at Siobhan he only shook his head. “You’re a horrible match for our son. At least your sister upholds everything a woman should be.” He turned however, and headed straight to his wife who could only look where his voice was one was, hands outstretched and searching. Olis’ hand found Galatea’s and she calmed down, pressing her forehead into his cheek for a moment.

They whispered to one another briefly before Olis sighed.

“I’ve heard those runes can’t be erased. We’ll see about that.” Olis said, before leading his wife up the stairs. “Enjoy your mediocre victory today, tomorrow won’t be as pleasant.” The Voronwe heads then departed, leaving the two lusce sisters and Aranhil to only stare at each other in silent shock.

I promise my family isn’t always this crazy.” Aranhil said slowly, looking over at Signe and then down at Siobhan. He unwrapped his arms around her and cleared his throat. “Well, actually, I was the crazy one. But I guess I understand where I get it now.

Siobhan Voronwe
Aranhil pulled her hand back but it was too late and Siobhan sat there with a smug look on her face as her husband held her close. Her smug look disappeared as she watched the horror unfold through Olis' eyes. She regretted her decision as soon as the two of them came back to reality and she saw her husbands face.

Olis and Galatea disappeared after the threat from Olis. Siobhan was scared now. Scared for her, scared for Ari, and scared from Signe. "I am so sorry, Ari, I am so sorry," she said as he removed his arms from around her. Tears started to stream from her eyes but she was not weeping like Signe had been just moments before.

"He is going to kill me, isn't he? Ari, is there really a way to undo our marriage? Please tell me there isn't!" Siobhan took his hand again and looked up at him with real fear showing in her eyes.

She then slowly turned her head to her sister, wiping her eyes before walking over and enveloping the woman in a huge huge. "Signe, I am sorry. I thought this would work, I failed us both. We are fucked..."

Aranhil Voronwe
GREAT NOW BOTH LADIES WERE CRYING! Ari held back an audible groan as he looked at the loudly sobbing Signe and at the silently crying Siobhan. And now they were hugging and crying into each other’s soldiers. Women! Ugh! So emotional!

I…” Aranhil paused because it seemed like Signe had to heave out a few more sobs before she could be quiet, “i don’t know if there is a way to reverse this.” He said, thumbing over the rune etched onto his finger. It was supposed to be permanent, wasn’t it? That was the idea at least. “But my father brought the Voronwe family to renown because of his skill with runes.

Usually our runes are more weaponized but… if anyone could undo something, it’d be Olis Voronwe.” Ari said bitterly and shook his head. “But he wouldn’t kill you. He’d have to kill all the witnesses to make sure there’s not a case against him when your father gets upset.” Women were property yes, and perhaps the head of the Lusce didn’t call for Siobhan’s or Signe’s wellbeing but he would care if they were dead or not. They were bargaining chips after all.

Also, Olis wouldn’t kill his mother’s favorite, right? Ari hoped not.
No it’s all my fault!” Signe wailed, interrupting Aranhil before he continued further. “I… i… I was pretending to b-be yoooouuu. Buuuut then m-m-mama ma…made—“ she took many deep breaths to try and calm her hiccups and to also wipe her nose on her sleeve, “green beans and.. I didn’t eat them. And i said i was too sick to eat green beans. But then she knew! Because green beans are your favorite!” Another long wail which was followed by Aranhil sighing.

I… i hate green beans.” (At this a “me too” could be heard from Aranhil.) With a whimpering breath, Signe hugged Siobhan tighter, and hiccuped. “He can’t kill you. I’d sooner fling myself out a window and fall to a horrible, brutal, bloody death than to wake up one day and know you… you… you… !!” unable to finish her sentence, another wail came from Signe.

Siobhan Voronwe
Siobhan laughed at the green beans story. Of course it was something stupid that had given them away. Fucking green beans. She threw an amused look at her husband before stepping out of Signe's arms and going back to his side. "Well, Aranhil," she started. "This is my older sister, Signe. Signe, this is my husband, Aranhil."

She took his hands and face him, looking up to meet his eyes. "Can we run away, Ari?" Her voice was so soft. She was terrified. She was starting to like the man she was married to and the thought of him not being in her life now was strange. She did not want to lose him.

They had come so far since that first day. They had a friendship - with benefits - now. Well...marriage with benefits? No, that sounded weird. She just could not lose him.

"Can we do anything?" Siobhan asked as she squeezed his hands in hers.

Aranhil Voronwe
Aranhil looked over at Signe and then down at Siobhan as she spoke. Hearing her call him her husband was still something he needed to get used to. After all they had married each other not for duty or for love but instead to get back at their individual families.

You know we can’t run away. Where would we even go?” Aranhil frowned. Their options were limited— or rather, they didn’t seem to have any sort of options at all. “The only thing we could do to possibly change everything would be… to convince our fathers that our marriage is valid.” Aranhil said slowly and then shrugged.

Besides,” Aranhil looked back over at Signe. “Aren’t you gay?” Then looking back at Siobhan, “she’s the gay one right? Or was that your other one out of your ten thousand red headed sisters?” A joke, a lame one, but Aranhil had done his best to muster a grin anyways.

Siobhan Voronwe
Siobhan wanted to cry again. She was so stupid for thinking any of this was going to work. She should've just let Signe go and marry Aranhil like she was meant to. Fuck Signe and her feelings. No...Siobhan could not have done that even if she had wanted to. She loved her sister way too much.

She tubbed her forehead and groaned. Aranhil was right and she hated that. She did not want him to be right but he was. Her husband than asked if Signe was the gay one and she looked at him like he was an idiot. "Yes, but don't say it so loud, Ari. Fuck."

Siobhan started to pace trying to think of something that would allow their fathers to approve this marriage instead. "We could tell them I am pregnant?" She offered quietly.

Aranhil Voronwe
Signe had finally settled down her onslaught of tears and range of emotions that made her feel helpless and small and useless. If only Saang were here and not with Ianthe to improve the war efforts! But no, instead they had Aranhil Voronwe who didn’t have a plan, Siobhan who didn’t have a plan and herself who also didn’t have a plan.

Are you pregnant?!” Signe asked, gasping, and then immediately glared at Aranhil— a rather fierce look that had only appeared once before when she caught a certain sister wearing a dress that Signe had wanted to wear. (In her defense, she had announced to everyone she was wearing the navy blue dress and then while Signe was doing her hair that sister had taken it right out of her closet!)

You’re too young to be pregnant! How dare you touch my sister! Filthy, filthy perverted stupid man thing with a turkey neck for a dick!”
What the fuck did you say about my dick?” Aranhil frowned, glaring at Signe. “Do all the Lusce sisters just think they can mouth off to whoever? Let me guess, you’ll tell Saang on me?” Aranhil rolled his eyes, exasperated. The last thing he wanted to hear was about how this Saang guy was going to save the day.

Not happening, Aranhil Voronwe himself was going to save the day. Sure he didn’t have red hair or wasn’t a general, but he was a man! He was supposed to be the provider and protector rolled into one, wasn’t he?

Look, listen up,” Aranhil said loudly. “First, we will convene in my room. Second of all, Siobhan is not pregnant. Right?” Aranhil asked slowly, glancing down at Siobhan. “We haven’t even done it enough for you to get pregnant, right?” He ignored the audible gasp of disgust from Signe.

Siobhan Voronwe
Siobhan put up her hands and stepped between Aranhil and Signe.

"Signe, I am an adult, I can decide who I have sex with..."

"Aranhil, don't be a dick."

Siobhan threw a glare back at Signe when she gasped in disgust. Of course she wasn't pregnant. He was wrong on one thing...they had done it plenty for her to get pregnant. Sex was the only thing that they could both agree on loving.

"No...I don't know...I doubt it but that is besides the point!" She was getting exasperated with both of them. "Let's go to his room," Siobhan remembered the way and she started to led the ridiculous duo to more privacy.

Once they had all gotten to Aranhil's room and closed the door, she turned to them. "The whole point is to buy us time by telling them I am pregnant. They wouldn't try to break up the marriage if I am carrying your baby and then we would have time to figure out something before it is obvious that I am not." Or I actually get pregnant...

Aranhil Voronwe
Aranhil pouted at the fact that Siobhan had insulted him. One would think that she’d say something more to her sister other than “SiGnE i Am An AdUlT i CaN dEcIdE wHo I hAvE sEx WiTh.” Aranhil would have much rather have heard “Signe shut the fuck up” but apparently beggars couldn’t be choosers. So with a mumble about how unfair he was being treated and that maybe this was why the Night Court preferred dick over vag, Aranhil followed his wife to his room.

He did of course purposely bump into Signe so she’d hit her side against the door frame but that was just fair, she insulted his dick.

I don’t know Sio—“ Ari glared at Signe who had swatted him. “I don’t know SioBHAN.” He corrected with a roll of his eyes. Ugh. Red headed ladies just seemed to hate him for no reason. Must be his charming good looks, even if Signe claimed to be gay (which made no sense, women had to be sorta straight to have babies!) she was most definitely enraptured by his good looks.

It’s hard for duanann to get pregnant. It could take use a millennia or more. Unless you have luck like your mother… or father. Or maybe both of them.”
Signe crossed her arms over her chest, looking around Aranhil’s room. She was thinking although it may not have appeared that she was. It just took her a bit longer than others to figure out a course of action. And she could have agreed with Siobhan’s suggestion except that despite Aranhil being a stupid man, he did make a good point.

Our mother’s fertility lies only within her, unless I’m mistaken,” Signe begrudgingly agreed, and then shook her head. “And even if you were to get pregnant, that’s not a long lasting solution. It’s temporary. At least for however long you’re pregnant. Not to mention you wouldn’t be showing when you would need to, causing suspicion and then labeling you are some… sort of madwoman.” She frowned deeply. Becoming a madwoman was the same as being a spinster— alone, unmarriagable and useless. The most frightening thing for a female.

We can’t ask Saang for help because he’s off on his journey with Ianthe,” Signe sighed, shaking her head once more. “We have to appeal to the Voronwe head. If only there was something we knew to make him… make him listen to us.

Siobhan Voronwe
Siobhan was already irritated with both of them. She was just trying to buy time and they did not seem to understand that. Useless...both of them.

She growled as she went and sat on the edge of Aranhil's bed. She was about to say something snappy when Signe actually had a good idea. Something that would make Olis listen and forget about trying to break them up.

As a rule, Siobhan did not share the memories she saw because they were usually terrible. This one would get a pass though. "How attached is your father to your family name not getting besmirched? Because I think his memory may work to our purpose."

She smiled and stood back up to tell them what she had seen. "Olis was younger...much younger. He went down into the basement because he heard some suspicious noises. He saw his father partially transformed into some sort of fucking scary beast and his beast father was munching on Olis' sister’s corpse. Of course, Olis freaked the fuck out and killed him - his father. He then burned the place down and made it seem like a fire killed them. He even locked his mother in the house to make it more convincing..."

Siobhan stopped talking and looked up to see their reactions and thoughts.

Aranhil Voronwe
Aranhil tilted his head at Siobhan, much like a bird did when something of interest caught their eye. He didn’t speak, he felt like he didn’t need to, because of course no family wanted their name ran through the dirt. Especially not the Voronwes. Aranhil did not have lord status, technically, may never achieve it despite how much renown they could gain, despite the amount of wealth that they had already achieved. Aranhil knew that Olis was banking on throwing all of his efforts into this war between the two brothers in hopes that when Kana’ti became king he would be gracious and elevate the Voronwe name to nobility.

And then Siobhan spoke, telling of Olis’ greatest fear, his greatest, scariest memory.

W-what?” Aranhil whispered, shock clearly written all over his face. There was no way, no possible way that could be true. He had an aunt? His father had killed his immediate family? And of course, he had killed them all with fire, one of his greatest and most fearsome abilities that outclassed many other duanann. He thought back to all of his punishments, how Olis seemed consider that the greatest punishment of all to be fire, how he never allowed Aranhil to heal from his scars.

That can’t be true. You sure it wasn’t some sort of nightmare?” It most definitely sounded like one.

Siobhan Voronwe
Siobhan took Aranhil's hand in her own and touched his cheek gently. "It is true, Aranhil. My visions do not show nightmares or lies. They show the truth of what happened to the person. Your father murdered his family..."

She wanted to pull him into a hug and just hold him but she had a feeling that he would not want her comfort right now. "Hey, it is the only thing I can think of to stay your fathers hand in this. He will not want the information getting out. I am curious if your mother even knows about it."

She looked down with a frown, "your mother probably hates me now too. I should've never switched with Signe." She threw a look at her sister, "I am sorry that you were drug into this too."

Aranhil Voronwe
Signe looked at her sister, listening intently to the brief conversation between her and her supposed husband. Witnessing the history of the Voronwe family, and the only thing she could think was ‘if Saang knew about this, this would have never happened.” Signe realized just how detrimental that thought was. Saang wasn’t here. Right now, it was just her, Siobhan, and Aranhil. And they would have to solve this on their own, without Saang’s help. They had to. Or else things could only get worse. Permanently worse.

It’s my fault,” Signe said, being completely honest, and not because she wasn’t fae. “I… I have been selfish. I’ve been a horrible older sister, Sio. Instead of protecting you, I put you in harm’s way. I don’t know what selfish desire came over me to do that, but I’ll make things right.” She took a deep breath. “There’s another part that we’re missing with this plan. Olis Voronwe should know about my… preferences. That alone is nothing compared to what you shared, but perhaps it will give him ease when he decides you are the more suitable wife for Aranhil. And maybe his mother as well.
Siobhan had a point. While the sisters had their heart to heart, Ari was busy thinking about the truth. It was hard to process even with Siobhan’s reassurance. But she wasn’t lying. She couldn’t lie. And didn’t it all make sense somehow? Why Olis was such a grumpy old bastard? Why he was always trying to put Aranhil in his place, never allowing him to ever really grow into the man he was supposed to be?

He referred to Aranhil as some man child yet failed to see how he had created that by hovering over his youngest son and correcting his every single move. All his father cared about was appearances.

You’re right. We’ll bring forward both of these truths. Hopefully, it’ll be enough to appeal to him and my mother.” Aranhil gulped, looking at at Siobhan or Signe. “One of you should come with me, the other needs to stay back. Lock the door, keep the window. I have no doubt that if we corner my father too much he’ll kill us and not care about the consequences that would befall him. One of you will need to escape, go back as fast as you can to safety, and… tell the world of Olis’ cruelty. If we die, I want him to suffer. Can either of you shift into a bird?” He asked, and Signe shook her head no.

Dammit. That would’ve made things a lot easier. Aranhil could shift into a hawk, but he had to speak to Olis.

Siobhan Voronwe