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Kristen looked to the plates—the biscuits, the sliced fruits and vegetables—after Valdr's gentle prompting. "I shall...make a modest effort," she said. The words felt a touch limp coming off of her tongue, and likely sounded so to Valdr's ears. Yet he was right, whether or not her mood agreed.
And so in that companionable silence she ate and drank. Little nibbling bites, little dainty sips. All the while she worried helplessly, almost as if her worry was the necessary fuel the elven healer needed to treat Drastus's injury and make him well again.
A bit disorienting, then, when said healer came back to them and announced that, yes, the healing was done and Drastus would come around to the waking world soon enough. Oh, superstition! 'Twas merely that the healer did her job well, no metaphysical assistance from Kristen's emotions required.
She beamed to Valdr. "My gratitude!"
With that, she stood and took the tray of snacks into the adjacent room. There on the cot lay Drastus, resting soundly. Intrusive memories of her horrid time in Salesia reminded her vividly of how devastating a crossbow bolt could be—she ought to have known.
Still, it was done.
Beside Drastus's cot she sat, the tray set neatly in her lap. And in anticipatory silence she waited, a pre-emptive smile already prominent.
Drastus Tal'deneshaar
And so in that companionable silence she ate and drank. Little nibbling bites, little dainty sips. All the while she worried helplessly, almost as if her worry was the necessary fuel the elven healer needed to treat Drastus's injury and make him well again.
A bit disorienting, then, when said healer came back to them and announced that, yes, the healing was done and Drastus would come around to the waking world soon enough. Oh, superstition! 'Twas merely that the healer did her job well, no metaphysical assistance from Kristen's emotions required.
She beamed to Valdr. "My gratitude!"
With that, she stood and took the tray of snacks into the adjacent room. There on the cot lay Drastus, resting soundly. Intrusive memories of her horrid time in Salesia reminded her vividly of how devastating a crossbow bolt could be—she ought to have known.
Still, it was done.
Beside Drastus's cot she sat, the tray set neatly in her lap. And in anticipatory silence she waited, a pre-emptive smile already prominent.
Drastus Tal'deneshaar