Private Tales Then the Mountain's will Destroy

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
"I'm not sure the wagon would have been any better," Houri murmured into her cup and then her cheeks heated at the thought of how worse their journey might have been if they had been crowded into the back of a small wagon together. Last night had been hard enough with walls between them.

"Can I get you lovebirds something to eat?" the chirpy girl who appeared at their table didn't look familiar, which meant she probably hadn't worked the night and explained why she was the only one in the room who looked as though they had actually slept. She had to bite her tongue to keep from telling her to go away.

"We're not--" she started but the girl waved her off.

"Oh hush, I heard all about y'all from my Ma. Tore up the dancefloor she said," a sigh. "It sounded romantic. Anyway," she ploughed on before Houri could open her mouth to object. "We have eggs, bacon and real good sausages. Straight from the butcher down the road. Or, if you prefer something sweet my Ma's just baked some fresh cinnamon rolls."
A brief look of confusion at her comment quickly shifted into a sly grin around the rim of his cup as he took a long drink. Through his exhaustion, he'd almost forgotten the burning heat in his gut that had drawn him to her like a moth to flame, even in the hallway outside of their rooms. Silas had only just been able to maintain his composure then. If they'd had nowhere else to go...

"You're right..." Artesto gave a quiet snicker, lowering his voice as the young waitress approached them. "Though that might depend on your definition of 'better'." He quickly added, certainly able to think of a few benefits to that hypothetical wagon trip.

Silas didn't try to wave off the implication that the chipper girl offered about their relationship. On the contrary, the beaming smile on his face as she recalled the story about the impromptu kiss they'd shared in the heat of the moment seemed to suggest he was more than happy to be seen as Houri's 'lovebird'.

Why shouldn't he be?

"The cinnamon rolls, definitely." Silas piped up without even having to think about it, his amber eyes meeting Houri knowingly. His partner-in-crime had a sweet tooth, and the least he could do for that knee-trembler of a kiss last night was appease it. "Two of them, please."
