Houri-Azadeh Mahsa Al'Luana
Medical Log: Lunae 5, 367
Patient Name: Houri-Azadeh Mahsa Al'Luana
Patient Age: 13
Patient Gender: Female
Incident Log: Patient was sparring with Dreadlord Akuza when an accident occurred. Exact details are unknown as the pair were unsupervised at the time but it is thought the patient suffered a catastrophic attack upon the mind that lasted for several moments before Proctors intervened. Attacker is known to have high telepathic and fear inducement powers.
Visible symptoms: Seizures, personality changes, difficulty speaking, loss of hearing, aversion to light, headaches, physical weakness and loss of balance.
Diagnosis: Mentally compromised
Doctors Recommendation: Patient is still able to use her magic despite clear deterioration of the brain. Patient is likely to make a full physical recovery making her physically fit for service. It is my professional opinion the patient will no longer be safe to be around others of her age as we do not know the extent of damage to the mind. Given there is a high probability the patient will be physically fit and her magical gifts are still impressively strong, I recommend the patient become an inmate at Castle Mezlan.
Patient Name: Houri-Azadeh Mahsa Al'Luana
Patient Age: 13
Patient Gender: Female
Incident Log: Patient was sparring with Dreadlord Akuza when an accident occurred. Exact details are unknown as the pair were unsupervised at the time but it is thought the patient suffered a catastrophic attack upon the mind that lasted for several moments before Proctors intervened. Attacker is known to have high telepathic and fear inducement powers.
Visible symptoms: Seizures, personality changes, difficulty speaking, loss of hearing, aversion to light, headaches, physical weakness and loss of balance.
Diagnosis: Mentally compromised
Doctors Recommendation: Patient is still able to use her magic despite clear deterioration of the brain. Patient is likely to make a full physical recovery making her physically fit for service. It is my professional opinion the patient will no longer be safe to be around others of her age as we do not know the extent of damage to the mind. Given there is a high probability the patient will be physically fit and her magical gifts are still impressively strong, I recommend the patient become an inmate at Castle Mezlan.
As a young initiate Houri would have been described by most as stocky and muscular, a frame suited to the axes she favoured in battle. However, life at Castle Mezlan is not contusive to peak physical condition. As such muscle has fallen away to reveal a willowy, almost malnourished figure languishing somewhere on the cusp of womanhood. She keeps her black hair is long and when eating nutritionally it is curly much like her siblings.
There is an overall innocence to Houri's appearance despite being in her mature teenage years that makes it hard to place her exact age. This does change however depending on the personality currently in control. Her carers have remarked how she often looks older, more severe, or the way she carries herself will alter to reflect the Voice in control.
There is an overall innocence to Houri's appearance despite being in her mature teenage years that makes it hard to place her exact age. This does change however depending on the personality currently in control. Her carers have remarked how she often looks older, more severe, or the way she carries herself will alter to reflect the Voice in control.
Skills and Abilities
Weather Manipulation: Houri is an extremely powerful weather manipulator despite her unassuming appearance. It was this gift that has spared her life these last four years from the executioners block. When she was younger her control was exemplary but this had deteriorated since her accident. With her mind fragmented into different personalities, with it her gifts over the weather had also fragmented. Different personalities in Houri's mind are attributed to different weather conditions.
Her handlers at Castle Mezlan found a way to awaken each of these personalities in relation to the type of weather they required. Houri's control over these facets of herself are almost non existent due to the treatment she has suffered at the asylum.
Houri can control very moderate versions of all weather by herself.
Her handlers at Castle Mezlan found a way to awaken each of these personalities in relation to the type of weather they required. Houri's control over these facets of herself are almost non existent due to the treatment she has suffered at the asylum.
Houri can control very moderate versions of all weather by herself.
Houri has what many would now define as multiple personality disorder. There are a few Strong Voices with their own clear, defined personas and more minor Voices who are not as vocal and blur into a greater mass, or are sometimes swallowed by stronger Voices. Houri herself is a typical teenager trying to make sense of a severe trauma. She can be distant, almost lost, in her own mind in an effort to escape what is happening to her. Some would call her mentally underdeveloped having been put in isolation from a young and formative age making her naive compared to others her actual age and perhaps a little more immature.
Strong Voices:
- Ardvi; Strongest when Houri is angry Ardvi is associated with violent thunderstorms and lightning storms. Ardvi can be cruel, unkind and violent.
- Vayu; Strongest when Houri is afraid, Vayu is associated with heavy fogs, mists and dark clouds. Vayu is a protective and comforting personality who seeks to protect.
- Mithrine; Strongest when Houri is happy and content, Mithrine is associated with pleasant summer sunshine, rainbows and cool breezes. Even the rain can feel warm when this personality is in the driving seat. Whilst one of the strongest voices she's also the most passive and one that blurs the most often with Houri herself. Houri considers her her closest friend.
- Tiri; Strongest when Houri is sad, Tiri is associated with the rain. At times this can be a drizzle and other times a heavy downpour resulting in flash flooding
- Tishya; Strongest when Houri is lonely, Tishya and Tiri are twins according to Houri and as such their powers can at times overlap. Tishya is associated with snowfall but like her twin can be responsible for icy rains.
- Shiva; Strongest when Houri is confused, distressed or irritated and the faction of her personality that is now in command of the winds. At times these can manifest in tornados and hurricanes, other times the winds can be gentle and are influenced often by other emotions.
Minor Voices:
- Rash; A minor voice that appears at times of great jealousy. Rash is responsible for frigid temperatures and icy conditions.
- Sura; A minor voice that appears often at times of embarrassment. Sura is responsible for searing heats and sandstorms.
Strong Voices:
- Ardvi; Strongest when Houri is angry Ardvi is associated with violent thunderstorms and lightning storms. Ardvi can be cruel, unkind and violent.
- Vayu; Strongest when Houri is afraid, Vayu is associated with heavy fogs, mists and dark clouds. Vayu is a protective and comforting personality who seeks to protect.
- Mithrine; Strongest when Houri is happy and content, Mithrine is associated with pleasant summer sunshine, rainbows and cool breezes. Even the rain can feel warm when this personality is in the driving seat. Whilst one of the strongest voices she's also the most passive and one that blurs the most often with Houri herself. Houri considers her her closest friend.
- Tiri; Strongest when Houri is sad, Tiri is associated with the rain. At times this can be a drizzle and other times a heavy downpour resulting in flash flooding
- Tishya; Strongest when Houri is lonely, Tishya and Tiri are twins according to Houri and as such their powers can at times overlap. Tishya is associated with snowfall but like her twin can be responsible for icy rains.
- Shiva; Strongest when Houri is confused, distressed or irritated and the faction of her personality that is now in command of the winds. At times these can manifest in tornados and hurricanes, other times the winds can be gentle and are influenced often by other emotions.
Minor Voices:
- Rash; A minor voice that appears at times of great jealousy. Rash is responsible for frigid temperatures and icy conditions.
- Sura; A minor voice that appears often at times of embarrassment. Sura is responsible for searing heats and sandstorms.
Biography & Lore
Houri was born on a violent stormy winters night at the Luana's Winter Estate and fourth in line to inherit the title. She was spoilt a lot by her older brothers and sister and enjoyed a lavish lifestyle for the early portion of her life. Tradition came calling however, and at the age of four Houri began to exhibit signs of being able to use magic. It was not until she was six and the magic very clearly began to manifest into an ability to control the weather that the Luana's gave their daughter over to the academy, assured she at least would be less of a disappointment than her healer brother.
Despite the harsh conditions Houri would have said she enjoyed the academy. The lessons, the constant push to be better, the young girl thrived on it. Not least of all because she was good. Extremely good. She was often put into sparring classes far above her age and at 10 was even attracting the eyes of Archons. One Archon took special interest in Houri and sent his own protege to oversee her training; Dreadlord Akuza.
Akuza had a violent history. His gifts to manipulate the mind and induce peoples worsts fear were legendary. Despite her terror Houri was thrilled and proud to have gained herself such a tutor at the age of 12. The feeling, however, was not mutual. Akuza despised Houri and the attention she received from his own mentor. Progressively his training techniques grew more violent and torturous. This of course was not new to the Academy but soon it became common for Houri to spend days then weeks in hospital after their sessions.
One day, Akuza went too far.
During a sparring match Akuza unleashed the full weight of his magic on the young girl. Houri was comatose and for a long time feared she would never wake. With care, and her own brothers medical aid, Houri regained consciousness but it was not long before medics realised something was disastrously wrong. Symptoms all pointed to a horrendous break in her psyche that had fractured not only her personality but her powers as well. This side effect was hidden from the Luana family and buried deep by the Proctors who knew they would ask for their daughter to be sent up. Instead they claimed to be sending her on a long mission in the Northern territories where her magics would help stabilize farming conditions without exerting her too hard. In truth, Houri was sent to a secret facility known as Castle Mezlan; an asylum for dreadlords too broken to be left but too powerful to be killed.
The past few years Houri has spent her time in secure cells and taken out when needed as a force to turn the tides of battles.
When the revolution hit the Castle became less and less staffed out of fear revolutionaries would find out the dark secret. It was buried deeper and deeper until only a few who knew of its existence were left and only tattered tales of what Castle Mezlan remained. Now it stands neglected and its inmates all but abandoned.
Despite the harsh conditions Houri would have said she enjoyed the academy. The lessons, the constant push to be better, the young girl thrived on it. Not least of all because she was good. Extremely good. She was often put into sparring classes far above her age and at 10 was even attracting the eyes of Archons. One Archon took special interest in Houri and sent his own protege to oversee her training; Dreadlord Akuza.
Akuza had a violent history. His gifts to manipulate the mind and induce peoples worsts fear were legendary. Despite her terror Houri was thrilled and proud to have gained herself such a tutor at the age of 12. The feeling, however, was not mutual. Akuza despised Houri and the attention she received from his own mentor. Progressively his training techniques grew more violent and torturous. This of course was not new to the Academy but soon it became common for Houri to spend days then weeks in hospital after their sessions.
One day, Akuza went too far.
During a sparring match Akuza unleashed the full weight of his magic on the young girl. Houri was comatose and for a long time feared she would never wake. With care, and her own brothers medical aid, Houri regained consciousness but it was not long before medics realised something was disastrously wrong. Symptoms all pointed to a horrendous break in her psyche that had fractured not only her personality but her powers as well. This side effect was hidden from the Luana family and buried deep by the Proctors who knew they would ask for their daughter to be sent up. Instead they claimed to be sending her on a long mission in the Northern territories where her magics would help stabilize farming conditions without exerting her too hard. In truth, Houri was sent to a secret facility known as Castle Mezlan; an asylum for dreadlords too broken to be left but too powerful to be killed.
The past few years Houri has spent her time in secure cells and taken out when needed as a force to turn the tides of battles.
When the revolution hit the Castle became less and less staffed out of fear revolutionaries would find out the dark secret. It was buried deeper and deeper until only a few who knew of its existence were left and only tattered tales of what Castle Mezlan remained. Now it stands neglected and its inmates all but abandoned.