Private Tales The Tiger Teaches the Young

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
(Life had gotten in the way. Both my really bad life at home, the virus stuff and my work being super busy. My posting schedule had been lessened)

"I'm a young lady. I'm not supposed to be aggressive. But that would certainly surprise them, wouldn't it? Catch them off guard?"

Myrcella furrowed her brows as she imagined fighting people that wanted to cause her harm or take her away. "But what if they have weapons and I don't?...It'd be harder to protect myself, wouldn't it?"

Sung Chei
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Titus returned to the mansion shortly, his body soaked in sweat. After the long morning of training he had to get back to his duties.
He put away his training sword and went to get cleaned up and dressed for work. Once he was ready he went about the rest of his morning routine.
Essentially the house could run by itself if it had to, all he had to do was help out organizing things and making everyone else's jobs easier.

A maid informed him that Myrcella had actually gotten up early and has already taken her breakfast. She was now training with the easterner.
It seemed everything else got done without him, so he had very little to do. He made up some tea and went to where they were both training to watch for a little bit.
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Reactions: Myrcella Bochanan
(Life had gotten in the way. Both my really bad life at home, the virus stuff and my work being super busy. My posting schedule had been lessened)

"I'm a young lady. I'm not supposed to be aggressive. But that would certainly surprise them, wouldn't it? Catch them off guard?"

Myrcella furrowed her brows as she imagined fighting people that wanted to cause her harm or take her away. "But what if they have weapons and I don't?...It'd be harder to protect myself, wouldn't it?"

Sung Chei

(It's nothing to be worried about. Things happen.)

"Aggression is not the goal of this. In fact, my master, the man who taught me everything I know, he was quite passive. I never knew that he was a warrior until we were ambushed by bandits. As far as weapons go, noone is ever unarmed. I'm teaching you to use your hands, feet, knees, elbows and your head as weapons, does that not mean that you are armed? And if someone comes at you with a sword, well, if you are too close to them for the sword to be useful, your body is still a very effective weapon at that range. It's simply a matter of skill. If you would care for a demonstration," He says picking up one of his twin jian which were lying against a nearby tree. He handed the sword to her, "attack me."
Myrcella had no idea how to use her head as a weapon, unless Sung Chei meant her smarts. Still, she figured that she knew what he had meant by herself being a weapon. But she wasn't so sure of how well she'd be against a sword.

And that was when he gave her one, asking her to attack him. Myrcella was trained in archery, not swordplay. She took hold of it with both hands, pointing the tip at an angle towards the sky. "I don't think that my meager attempts would be a good enough demonstration. Perhaps if you tried against a proper swordsman, it might be better."

She didn't really notice Titus Phane approach nearby. Myrcella was too focused on the sword she held..
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"It is all quite simple really, there are eight places of the body where you will aim. No matter what your swing is your target will always be one of these eight, no matter what weapon you are using or if you're unarmed. The head, both shoulders, both arms, both legs and the torso. Just swing at me, and I will give you an example, perhaps not the best demonstration, but it will serve our purposes for now. I will show you a simple disarming technique, and it can be used for any one handed weapon no matter what it is, unless it is a thrust, then it must have a narrow tip to be effective."
Titus gave the wall a soft knock before stepping forward and placing the tea on a table.
"Sorry to interrupt. Good morning mistress, good morning mister Sung. Perhaps I can be of assistance? I've been taking lessons in the sword, perhaps my mistress would like to see it in action first before she gives it a try?"
He was a bit curious about what Sung said about targets. He could see how the arms and legs were viable targets for having a weapon in your hands, but for being unarmed? There were grabs and joint locks one could do while unarmed, but for striking he would say the arms and legs were poor targets to go for in a fight, unless you were going to kick their shins in. To end a fight quickly he would go for the face or head.

He gave a slight bow and indicated the sword in her hand.
"Would you prefer that, mistress?"

Myrcella Bochanan
Sung Chei
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Myrcella listened while Sung Chei gave his explanation. It was enough to make her head spin, or at the very least, have her thinking too much.

Once Titus Phane arrived her heart swelled. Not only that, but he wished to demonstrate his skills for her so that she might be able to take in the lesson a little better.

She gave him a little nod and carefully handed him over the sword. "Please do. I'm not sure that I'd be able to underatand without seeing it in action first. Thank you."
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Sung Chei, with the approval of Madam Bochanon, faced Titus unarmed, whilst Titus held the jian. As Titus Phane swung the jian, the first thing that Sung Chei did was use his open hand to strike a soft spot just behind the wrist on outside of the forearm. The strike would be briefly painful, and leave his arm numb and he wouldn't be able to pick anything up for a minute or two. Not too long in general, but long enough to win a fight.

Sung apologized for the discomfort of the demonstration, "The bast way to disarm an opponent, is to do it quickly, and if you take the time to grab ahold of them, you risk a grappling mach, which you my lady, simply are not built for. The best option for you is as I have demonstrated, learning the locations of and targeting pressure points and nerve clusters in the human body, and striking them with speed and precision, such a style of combat does not require any level of extreme strength, as if one knows where to hit someone, hurting them becomes childs play, and most of these techniques, are non lethal, and only temporarily debilitating."