Sonja was a bit reticent, she was hardly a teacher.
"I uh... I'm afraid I cannot do it justice, sir. Mister Phane was the one who told us about the faith. He said that our world is in a constant battle over the mortal soul, between gods and demons alike. The mortal soul being you, me, my brother. Even the other races,
dwarves and such."
She was more than a little nervous, having never told anyone about her faith before. She clenched her skirt in her fist absently as she tried to explain as best she could.
"But the gods are not really 'gods', you see. They are watchers set over the world to help guide humanity, but they have turned away from that purpose to seek worship and power. The true God that created the world, and even the gods themselves wants his creation to return to him, but the other gods lure us away from him and claim the souls of mortals for themselves. And since God respects our power to choose, He will not force us to follow him."
Again she paused, unsure of how to proceed.
Elsewhere Titus had found a bit of solitude in doing the patrol rounds around the mansion. He had been praying quietly to himself nearly constantly since he made the decision to try to reform the bandits they now held prisoner. He could imagine nearly a hundred ways this could go wrong, but also just about as many ways this could go right. All he had to do was his best, and he was pretty good at doing just that.
The night air was chilled and soothing. A blessed relief to his straining mind.
Myrcella Bochanan did indeed have much to fear, and her fears inevitably became his fears. There was a chance she could win her freedom from the encroaching predicament, but it would mean breaking rules, traditions, and archaic practices.
In essence, if she took complete control of House Bochanan, she could take complete control of her life. Her rules, her decisions. Becoming a full noble in her own right with her own powers and influence. It would be hard, and nothing will ever be the same, but she could do it, and he could help her.