Private Tales The Self-Destruction Squad

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Character Biography
Oswein the Dragon, they were calling him. A rogue Dreadlord that would certainly be considered a Dreadlord of the second or even first level, he did not have such a problem with authority...and propensity for murder. The Heavy hitter had wiped out three towns in a month. He was famous for being hard to knock down and for knocking other things down. Normally, it would have been an easy enough task for a few Vigilite members, but they were being stretched thin dealing with Gilram.

That left Alistair, who had only recently recovered from his ordeal in the ruins of Luminore. He looked down at the signed page in his hand, once again remembering he could no longer see in the normal manner. The runes graphed onto his eyes flashed as he quickly looked at the sheet with a sigh.

The Vigilite had gained permission to...sequester assistance to hunt down this dangerous fugitive, and they needed someone with some power. Alistair had originally been against the suggestion, but they had explained to him that they were running low on options.

That was why he found him in this damp and dark hallway, being led deeper into the recesses of this prison by two guards.

"This one doesn't listen well."

"I'm aware. I'll be fine."

"That's what they all say."

"Good thing I am not all then."

That shut up the two guards as they shared a look with each other. Alistair was aware that he was being an ass, but he was in a bad mood that was likely only going to get worse once he reached his destination. And at last, the guards stopped in front of the large steel door at the end of the hallway where two keys opened the door.

The door slowly creaked open with more than a little metal on stone scraping which was enough to make Alistair wince. He quickly stepped inside to meet the singular occupant in the room. His eyes flashed once more, so he could get a good look at his old...acquaintance.

"You look like shit."

  • Smug
Reactions: Kalix
You ain’t lookin’ too hot yourself.” It had been nearly a year since he was put behind bars. Gold eyes that would suit a tiger better than a human looked up at Alistair as he entered the dank cell. There was a moldy smell that would never quite leave even if it would be scrubbed clean, a moistness in the air that lingered. In the summer this cell somehow still managed to be muggy even if it never saw a single raw of sun and in winter it was bitingly cold.

Solitary confinement. This wasn’t the cell that he had been assigned to at first, but after repeated offenses against the guards and other prisoners, they have realized it was just better to lock Dreadlord Kalix away. He held up his cuffs that prevented him from using magic, jingling the thick heavy chains. Somehow, he was bigger than he was before.

All that time by himself had to get him doing something and it was too dark in the cell to read. Not that he had ever been much of a reader in the first place. He squinted at Alistair, only recognizing him by his prudish, better-than-thou voice that belonged to a nerd like him. The animosity that Kalix had before had diminished greatly, or at least he had thought as well.

After all, he was about to kick some major proctor ass with Alistair— who had saved him from Proctor Novgorodoff, but shortly after the blackguard came to the Academy, Kalix had been whisked away. On charges of murder. Who would’ve guessed that Raf’s death really meant that much more than a scolding and some extra drills with Evangeline?

I always knew you were obsessed with me.

Alistair Krixus
Alistair actually felt bad for his former torment that now was before him. Kalix had not deserved this, well not all of it. Not when he and Kristen had gotten nothing. That being said, the guy still had those eyes that were constantly issuing a challenge, like he was looking down on Alistair when he was the one in the cell.

He still remembered their moment at the 'graduation' event. That had helped mend whatever problem the two had, but it was not like the two just immediately started liking each other.

"Yes, unfortunately, I wasn't given much of an option on this one."

He dug into a bag at his side and tossed a simple-looking metal band into the cell that was intricately engraved with runes.

"Put that on. If you do, then I can help you. get to go do what you do best."

There was not much of a point in asking him. The options were to help him here, or he stayed down here, but this time they would throw away the key.

  • Devil
Reactions: Kalix
There was a wariness in Kalix that wasn’t there before. He eyed the metal band. The animosity between him and Alistair was gone, yes. Kalix no longer blamed him when it came to his predicament in jail, if only because Kristen’s words had kept him company many nights. That didn’t mean he trusted him.

Help me?” He shook his head as he scoffed. “For all I know this is going to make me your personal slave. You don’t really expect me to just put that on after last time you put a rune on me, do you?” That had gotten his arm blown off. And what was this metal band? It looked like a collar and Kalix was no one’s bitch.

Alistair Krixus
"I'm not a big fan of slaves, but I don't care about your reservations. Your options are, you put on the band and you get to come to help with me, maybe for a reduced sentence. The other option is I leave, and they throw away the key."

This was not Alistair's first choice, but the Vigilite leadership had made the matter clear. If Kalix said no, then Alistair would just be expected to accomplish the mission without him. In the end, this was really only helping Kalix.

"Before you talk, really think about this."

  • Orc
Reactions: Kalix
Slowly, Kalix reached for the metal band. He wondered if the moment he touched it his fate would sealed, somehow magically wrapping around his arm and forever tying him to Alistair Krixus. But it did not. He looked at the inside of the band, wondering if he could decipher any runes— but if any where actually there, Kalix couldn’t even see them, his cell was too dark.

For once, he didn’t speak. But Kalix made sure to take his time. He looked up at Alistair who seemed to not fully answer his questions. Was it that secret they couldn’t even tell him, even if, as Alistair suggested, they would throw away the key if he refused?

What is it that I do best, exactly?” Kalix prodded one last time. Something about being in the cell had made him far more cautious than before, whether rightly or wrongly.

Alistair Krixus
"I think you already know that Kalix, it is why you are in here. You are very good at breaking things and in this instance, it is a person."

Alistair explain nonchalantly as he was already calling for a guard to open the cell door although he seemed hesitant to do so.

" Put the band on and we can be on our way."

Alistair explained as the guard was now waiting for the band to be secured on Kalix's forearm. At the moment, Alistair had no desire to tell Kalix or the guard next to him that they would be hunting a super deadly criminal while also likely performing various deeds that would be frowned upon by the Anirian Republic.

  • Derp
Reactions: Kalix
He was good at breaking things. Even better at breaking people. With a shrug, the band was put on— Kalix was glad it wasn’t as anything as embarrassing as a collar. He stood up. Fetters around his ankles, shackles around his wrist. He was chained to the wall behind him, the chains actually going in separate directions to restrict his movement as much as possible. He couldn’t reach the door, even in his small cell.

The guard from outside came in, and with his orders in mind, since Kalix complied and placed the band on, came in with two different sets of keys. Nervously he looked at Alistair and then at Kalix who seemed larger in the darkness. Unlocking the large dreadlord with shaky hands, the guard was quick to get out of the cell.

“Go on. Get out.” He said to Alistair, now unable to look at the unchained Kalix. Kalix was busy rubbing his wrists and ignored the temptation to do the same for his ankles. Kalix walked after Alistair, staying behind him.

I’m guess you’re gonna say no if I ask to get some real food in me? Prison food is worse than Academy sludge believe it or not.

Alistair Krixus
"I actually can believe that...because it's a prison. However, no. We have a tight schedule and we must be on the move. We have already commandeered horses and the others should be waiting for us."

Alistair marched Kalix through the prison, ignoring all the concerned looks from the guard. And for the first time in what Alistair suspected was months, he led Kalix out into the sun...Well, not exactly. It was actually raining heavily. As he put on his own cloak, Alistair passed on over to Kalix.

It was a few more minutes of walking toward the outer walls of the city before Alistair spotted the horses up ahead with three other cloaked individuals.

  • Orc
Reactions: Kalix
Kalix huffed but didn’t push it. Not because of the band on his arm but because in the time spent in solitary confinement that had gotten him used to the word ‘no.’ It wasn’t like he hadn’t gone on a mission on a empty stomach before either. It was, as far as he could tell, that he might be going on a mission without the usual gear. He was unusually silent, matching Alistair’s silence with one of his own contemplative quiet, and even kept his mouth shut when he saw the three waiting for them.

He could only keep his mouth shut for so long.

Alright, who are they and who’s head are we smashing?” Kalix asked Alistair, although his voice was loud enough for the three others to hear.

Alistair Krixus
Alistair remained quiet as they approached, each individual removed their hoods, all showing off the same distinctive bands on their arms. Each of them moved off to their horses. Alistair had remained silent hoping they would do their introductions, but realizing that wasn't going to happen, he just sighed.

"The big one they just call Rotunda. He got into a scuffle with his commanding officer...Ripped the man's head clean off...The woman goes by Knox. Stuck a Vel Ostrian official to a tower. They asked to be let down. She obliged." Hearing her story, the woman turned and offered a warm smile.

"Finally, the last one is Cassius Fayden, also known as the Butcher of Vel Vara. He has a talent for cutting things and people. Unfortunately for him, he chose the latter."

That man spit on the ground towards Alistair before mounting his horse. Alistair in turn began to mount his own, leaving Kalix with the last steed.

"Each of them has been given a second chance, just like you."

So we’re expendable.” Kalix said stiffly but headed over to his horse regardless. It was clear to him why there was one Alistair and four criminals, all of which wore the matching bands around their arm. Kalix suspected that it allowed him to use magic, but there had to be something else in there that kept Alistair alive no matter what.

Kalix.” He said towards Rotunda, his voice loud enough that Knox and Cassius should hear as well. If they called him by anything else, he intended to fix that immediately, even if Alistair were to tell him no. Which might just end up getting him killed. Kalix clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth. No, he wasn’t going to be like that anymore.

He could control his anger now. He was certain of it. The rest began to trot off, Kalix followed after them.

About this second chance!” Kalix hollared to Alistair. “Does it apply to all of us or does only one get that official pardon?” It was the dreadlord in him that made him check. This was a deal that seemed too good to be true. There had to be a catch. It just hadn’t occurred to Kalix that the catch was going to be his chance of survival being incredibly low.

Alistair Krixus
Alistair glanced at Kalix out of the corner of his eye before setting his sights back on the road.

"Your sentences will either be reduced or completely annulled based on your performances during the mission. Primarily your ability to follow orders and your ability to add to the success of the mission."

A snort came from the smallest man, Cassius, "We'll be done by dinner, and then I expect to be let go. Once I'm free...maybe I'll pay you a visit Krixus."

A tense moment of silence followed the statement, but Alistair seemed to ignore the jab. The man was an idiot if he thought this mission was going to be that easy. The convict had been caught by Alistair several months ago by himself. Now they were sending Alistair out with these four...The Dragon was not that simple.

  • Smug
Reactions: Kalix
The rain soon had Kalix soaked. Without a cloak, or suitable clothing in general for the rain, he felt the chill on his skin that quickly seeped through and went for his muscles and bones. It was uncomfortable but it wouldn’t put him out in a fight. If anything, it made him more excited for the oncoming fight so that he could warm up. Although it would do little to help his black hair plastered to his too-pale skin around his face and the back of his neck.

Kalix kept the opinion of only having a reduced sentence to himself. He thought that if any sentence should get annulled completely it should be his and only his. He hadn’t killed Raf on purpose. If anything it was Raf that had gotten himself killed by trying to take on the weight of gravity. No one liked that answer though so Kalix kept it to himself.

You’re visiting Al for dinner, Cas?” Kalix said. Rotunda guffawed. Despite looking like a wild bear with too many scars on his face, especially a thick one over his upper lip that had healed wrong so his mouth seemed to constantly be pulled into a lopsided smirk, Rotunda was a man prone to giggling— especially while killing, though Kalix would learn of this later.

Can’t say I’d want to eat anything he’d make. I’m not that bad of a cook myself. We can share prison recipes.” Despite the impending doom, only food was on the young dreadlord’s mind. Rotunda chuckled at this, too, boosting Kalix’s ego.

Alistair Krixus
Cassius snorted but a grin pulled up onto his face. His hand instinctually dropped to his waist where normally some sort of blade would be sheathed, but Alistair had made a wise decision in refraining from giving the man a weapon just yet.

"Oh, I'm sure him...and his family would make lovely company." Although accompanied by a smile, the words contained no sense of humor.

The only sign of emotion from Alistair was the slightest facial twitch forming a frown before he got himself back under control.

"Prison much will taste like mush no matter how much you cook it."

Don’t knock it ‘til you try it. I’ll have you know I am a great cook. Well, prison cook. A great prison cook, yeah.” Kalix nodded his head with his big, wide grin. “Should’ve seen me on kitchen duty, Al, when I was on my best behavior. Made the best slop ever, looked like shit but tasted A-oh-kay which means it was pretty damn good. For prison food, not any other kind of food.” He laughed, a loud guffaw at his joke that held little humor but much truth.

The rain didn’t let up and in the silence all that could be heard was the clink of armor, the steady beat of horse hooves, and the gentle hiss of rain. Kalix’s stomach growled but he didn’t complain this time. He used the back of his hand to wipe at his forehead which did little good, black strands of hair still sticking to his brow and cheeks.

Man, it’s hard being the personality hire.” Kalix said finally, hoping for at least a snicker but there was none. Tough crowd.

Alistair Krixus
Alistair wanted to snort at that last statement, but he unfortunately realized that Kalix might be right on this one. In the end, he might be the only one that Alistair could actually speak to. Sure, the others had personalities but they were all so broken and fucked up that talking too long to any of them would just fray at Alistiar's own sanity.

Thankfully, it seemed Kalix's own weirdness had lulled the others into silence. A silence that Alistair did not want to break as he had a feeling that peace and quiet would be rare for this mission.

Alistair moved up to Kalix and dug into his bag and handed him a bread roll. "Here, we have a bit of a ride."

With that being done, they continued on for several hours. Their aim, west to the small town of Pirth.

Being offered food always brought forth some sort of hesitation. It made him question if something was poisoned, if it would lead to a favor that would be cashed out later, or strangely enough, the strange flash of guilt he had when the beautiful elven woman had given him that bottle of… whatever it had been when they had yet to piss off Walter Banlick.

Speaking of Walter Banlick….

Thanks. Hey, Al.” Kalix said, leaning to the side with his outstretched arm to take the bread roll that was now slightly soggy from the rain. It didn’t bother him as he bite into it. If anything, it made it easier to chew. Kalix felt, no, knew, that his dental hygiene had suffered in prison. “Rumor has it Banlick bit the dust. That true? What happened?

Alistair Krixus
For the briefest of moments, Alistair seemed to tense in his saddle before it was gone as quickly as it had arrived. He knew Kalix was asking a genuine question. There was no way he had gotten any detailed news inside the prison, so there was no point in being mad at him.

"Yes, Walter Banick died. He was killed in a battle with his brother...Family infighting never ends well for anyone."

Some of the others must have sensed Alistiar's reaction because it did not take long for Cassius to speak up.

"What's a matter boy? A little butt hurt? Was the bloke your daddy or something?"

Wow, two accidental knives in one conversation, Alistair must have been lucky today. He chose to ignore Cassius.
