Fate - First Reply The Pits of Akah

A 1x1 Roleplay where the first writer to respond can join


Character Biography
Malakath - The City of Akah



The chants resounded again and again, echoing from the stands above and thundering down into the pits of the arena. They called and cheered, they hounded and begged for blood. Each of them desperate for their own need. To win a bet placed, to see a man savaged, to watch the true frailty of life. Each had their reason for being here. Each had their reason to cry out in desperation.

And all of them fell on deaf ears.

Oda's knee lurched up, slamming into the face of his opponent as he wrenched it down. A loud crack echoing out as bone shattered and blood spilled, the man within his grasp tensing, and then all at once going slag. Like a rag doll, the man fell onto the ground with a muted thud lost to the roar of the crowd. Some cheering, others shouting and calling for violence upon the man who had just won.

Fortunes won, and fortunes lost in an instant as the savage below brought the heel of his boot down upon the throat of his foe.

The crowd above fell into a chaotic mass as those who now had clashed with the have nots.

Oda cared for none of it. His head turned only briefly upward, eyes flickering through the discordant mass in search of only a single man. The Pitmaster smiled from ear to ear, the Barbarians performance exactly as had been promised. The night would be one that would be talked about for weeks, for such a display was rare even in the legendary fighting pits of Akah.

Their bargain would be kept, Oda thought, and he would get the information that he needed. Doubtless the Pitmaster would try to take something else, but he was ready to dissuade him of such a notion. The Ascendant was not here for the fighting pits, no, he was here for the man who had tried to kill his Prince. The man who was now hiding somewhere within the dark depths of Akah.

A city sprawling beneath the ancient ruins of a metropolis that had once been mighty, but whose name had long been lost to the histories. Akah was a sewer, literally, carved into a home for the violent butchers no other society in Malakath would have.

It was here that the assassin had run, here that he had thought he could hide.

Oda would dissuade him of that notion.

For a moment more the Savage lingered upon the bloody sands, then without word or gesture he turned. Moving to the wooden gate that was already beginning to raise. Men shuffling out quickly to retrieve the now corpse of his fallen foe, as the winner went to seek his prize.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Tona
MALAKATH - Thagretis,
Zordheshiyn Cathedral

"Good? It's a good nightmare, that's what it is Tona! Brazen heretics walk the streets proclaiming that the Holy Elder Dragon is dead! The Archprophet has not called for a single arrest or made any attempt to stop these lies! And yet Highpriest Nevayit blames me for his own actions and cautions ME for stirring up discontent in the city. Me! Well I'll have you know I wasn't the one making concessions to the unbelievers nor seeking out the relics of false gods! And yet I'm reprimanded and taken from my post as junior chant invoker only to be stuck with busy work and distractions. Can you believe he tried to get me assigned to a laity position? By Drakomir, I have done nothing but seek the Holy Elder Dragon and his will and preach the sacred words of scripture to the poor and the forsaken. Yet what is my wage? To be cast into the fires of penance like a mere acolyte?"

Maresh was clearly in a state. All the quill had said to her was a chipper 'good day' when she entered the rather roomy study area that had for the past year and a half been his bedroom, workshop, and office of sorts. Though he had no official position within the order, no one who did could argue with the many favors that he had done for them over the past three and a half years, nor his usefulness to the people of Thagretis in general in times of crisis.

He had been scanning through an alchemical treatise on the healing properties of ransa dragon tears when the young (for a human) priestess with scaled, draconian hands and forearms had practically burst through the door. Tona stood up on his seat, turned to her and looked her in the eyes.

"Maresh..!" He said with the most empathetic and compassionate tone. For as long as he knew her, the priestess had always felt a great burden in her heart for the unbelievers. She KNEW without the slightest hint of doubt the her Dragon-God could offer protection, guidance, and care for those who had none. And how the he had envied her faith! To have had the slightest shred of what she had, in either Drakomir or Quetzalcoatl, and his whole life might have been entirely different.

She went over to Tona, who was standing on a round one-piece stool-like seat carved from pheorwood, and embraced her feathered friend in a much needed hug. Her golden scaled, clawed hands extended from her vestments and wrapped around him, while he returned the gesture with his arm-like wings. Eventually she exhaled with great relief, withdrew her embrace and stepped back.

"I know, Tona, I know. I need to have faith, trust in the Dragon-God, and not be so fragile all the time..."

"Nonesense!" Laughed the quill "It's your great sensitivity that makes you such a good healer. Now then, I was just getting thirsty. Too much studying can do that. Would care for some tea?"

"Yes, thank you" Maresh is a proper priestess, thought Tona. That's why she doesn't rise to prominence amongst such politicking and infighting.

And he leapt from the stool and extended his wings, gliding gracefully to the floor in an adjacent chamber to the study room. This little alcove was his laboratory proper, filled with jars of many collected ingredients and various alchemical apparatus'. He fiddled around with his ovens and began to search through his herbs for some verai leaves and ekantu bark.

"So, what's this about Nevayit going relic hunting?" The flying reptile called out politely as he carefully mixed the herb samples in a small woven pouch of nearly gossamer material.

"It's madness, Tona. Or treachery. Maybe both. There've been rumors going around that he's been interviewing foreigners and delving into forbidden lore from across the waters. Rumors who said he was looking for proof that our great God is just a common dragon. I wouldn't put much stock in these rumors but that I had been asked by Highpriest Urnysh to investigate some discrepancies in the logbooks. He suspected some junior initiates of dipping into the treasury when no one was looking. But it turned out to be Nevayit. He had hired a mercenary company to trek across desert and jungle in search of some ...thing that he seemed to think was lost in one of the reclaimed cities."

Reclaimed was a bit of a stretch. Tirnua was supposedly reclaimed. It was the common way of referring to any of the ancient ruins that dotted Malakath's landscape where some sentient beings were now inhabiting any portion of them. Trouble was that the ancients were tricky and many of these ruins had lost and inaccessible portions filled with traps and trouble, and were left unexplored for ages.

The quill emerged from the alchemical alcove carrying a plate with two cups on it. Each cup containing hot water and a sheer pouch filled with herbs. He was intrigued. His curiosity about Quetzalcoatl had lead him to study the holy scriptures of the Draconic Order. And he could hardly imagine a Highpriest in the order seeking to disprove the divinity of Drakomir. Even Tona hadn't gone so far when he had questioned the priests of his own people. He placed the plate on his stool, for his height forbade him from reaching the table. But Maresh took the plate and placed it on the table for him.

"What did Urnysh say about all this?" He inquired as he leapt up onto the seat again.

"Highpriest Urnysh is gone. Nobody knows where he went. It's as if he just vanished after he asked me to investigate the logbooks."

For a long silence the two just looked at one another. Tona began to feel the growing presence of a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. A sinking feeling that Maresh had become increasingly well acquainted with over the past few days. The quill's eyes narrowed as he realized the importance of getting to whatever it was that Highpriest Nevayit was after before his lackeys got it back to him. If this was worth kidnapping, or -great serpents forbid!- killing a fellow Highpriest of the Draconic Order...

"Where did Nevayit send these mercenaries? And when did they leave the city?"

"They left a fortnight ago for Akah." Maresh admitted with trepidation.

"Akah?" The feathered reptile was shocked, but only for a moment. Of course some accursed object would lay lost in the ruins of such a lawless arena for bastards and brigands. A city of outcasts that demanded more blood than Quetzalcoatl ever had. At least if the tales were to be believed...

"I'll go." He said. "You stay here and try to keep a low profile for once. Please. A Highpriest is missing and you're already being reprimanded."

Maresh had expected this. Well except for the part about him going alone and her staying behind. Trouble was, he made some very good points about why.

"What!? They'll rip you to shreds in Akah. You can't go alone! They'll tear off all of your feathers one by one and then roast you alive for breakfast! Besides, if Highpriest Urnysh can disappear, how much moreso can I?"

"And did your holy ancestry bless you with wings and a tail!?" For the first time in their conversation Tona's voice took on an aggressive quality. "By myself I can fly over the mountains and make it to Akah in roughly three days time. Traveling with a human companion, I'd have to fly low, if at all, would get into who knows how many fights with lizardfolk, titans, jarlax, tuskadons, deathtrap flowers, and whatever other beasts lay in wait along the surface. It might take weeks and we could miss our quarry too easily. No. I have to do this on my own."

"Fine. But if you don't come back, then I'll come looking for you on MY OWN."

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