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Elbion | Merchant District
One Week Prior, College of Elbion
“Well students, the quarter is nearly over, and your projects are due next period. As you’re all making your final touches I want to remind you of twi things. First, any project created with College resources is the property of the college per your signatures on the syllabi. Secondly, what you’re all going to turn in are going to be pieces of junk. This is expected. You are learning craftsmanship, and what you cobbled together this quarter will not be your magnum opus. Normally I emphasize this point by destroying each of your items on the final exam day. However, I have received informed of potential budget cuts to the enchantment department. To rectify this you will now be selling your projects an event I’m holding next week, the final sale price you get for your item will be 30% of your final grade. The exact formula is described in today’s handout, with the normal grad scale now being proportional to 75% of your final grade. For those if you who can count yes, that is a potential 105%. Please notate your enthusiasm in your student-instructor evaluations.”
Current Day
Valik had just finished examining a handful of magic items crafted for his entry-level magical item crafting class, and put the five items up for sale. The part-dragonborn would discuss items with potential buyers, and speak honestly about the materials to anyone who asked. They were honestly impressive for first attempts at the age these kids were, but at the same time weren’t something that would sway a battle.
Team Joe

A bit gaudy for Valik’s taste, but the first item, made by team Joe, headed by Jorthas Jacques, was named simply ‘The Cup’. ‘The Cup’ took magic from the ambient environment, and would turn up to a gallon of water a day into a black beverage known as ‘coffee’.
Team Neverdie

A bit of a statement piece, the ‘Roach Broach’ was an amulet that was fueled by the wearer. For up to ten minutes at a time the wearer could force the insect on the broach to travel and act as the wearer’s eyes and ears. Interestingly the insect appeared to be quite hardy, handling toxic environments with ease. Even if the insect was destroyed, wearing the amulet would grow back the roach in around a week.
Team Clean Machine

The ‘Mess Be Gone’ Flute, when played, would summon mice, pigeons, lizards, doves, and any other small animals nearby. These anim Would be compelled to clean their surroundings as long as the flute was playing. There was a wrinkle however, that the flute did not have a feature to make the animals go back home.
Team Notes

The ‘Scribes Quill’ was an powerful feather. Upon attuning to a user with a prick of blood, the pen would write down whatever language the user heard and understood, provided it was close. Team Noted particularly impressed Valik by adding a multiple ink feature; if presented with multiple colors of ink the pen would color code each speaker and add a legend to the page. Sadly, colors were not consistent between pages, but the legend rectified that somewhat.
Team Light My Way

Team Light My Way had created the ‘Fae Lantern’, a device which claimed go light up in the presence of Fae, and even change colors according to the court of Fae nearby. Valik only gave them partial credit, as the feature was largely untested. One of the team members was Fae, and the lantern worked in her presence, but Valik could not generalize functionality on one test case.