Valik Emberson
2nd Level Maester at the College of Elbion, whose research areas involve enchantment.
Classes Taught:
ENCH 231: Introduction to Magical Item Creation
ENCH 317: Magical Armor Enchantment
ENCH 327: Magical Weapon Enchantment
ENCH 421: Golem Creation
ENCH 516: Special Topics (Rotating Seminar)
Valik cuts an odd figure. He is distinctly draconic in origin, yet does not have quite the height or bulk for a Draconian of his age. He is without wings, and alternates between flowing, replaceable robes and hardy worker's leathers depending on what he's doing throughout the day.
Skills and Abilities
- Draconic Origin: Valik is very tolerant to heat, and can breathe a small but intense fire.
- 2nd Level Maester: Valik is proficient in a variety of college magic
- Craftsman: Valik is very skilled in crafting items, whether chemical, smithing, or even mechanical
- Enchanting: Valik is very skilled in imbuing magical properties to items.
Valik is an amoral academic. He is concerned with pushing boundaries and creating the unique, and seeing replications of items as something that degrades achievement. He has less concern on adhering to social norms, which has created some controversy around him in the College.
Biography & Lore
Valik Emberson was born to a troubled home of two Draconians. Valik's mother, upset at her husband for his fooling around with ugly, unscaled mortals, had an affair with a Kobold that lead to his birth. Namely, a birth as a much smaller dragonborn, and one without the ability to fly. An aberration, Valik was treated poorly until he ran away to the College of Elbion. He had hoped to magically fix his imperfection and gain the ability to fly, but found he had little talent for such direct application. Other Maesters and classmates, such as Harrier Wren, noted that him that he had quite a talent for crafting, and imbuing creations with Magic. After some convincing Valik dedicated his coursework, study, and eventually research, to refining the art of magical craftsmanship.
Valik eventually became a Maester of the first level, then of the second level, passing both examinations at first opportunity. He now continues to study, research, and develop his field, but also teaches some magical item creation classes under the Department of Enchantment. He is currently readying himself for his Third level Maester examination, expecting to further ascend the ivory tower.
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