Fate - First Reply The Might of the Brown One

A 1x1 Roleplay where the first writer to respond can join

Freya Thrakin

The Dragon Tamer
Character Biography
Grass laced with pearl white snow crunched underneath the Nord's feet as she weaved through trees and foliage, her eyes scanning the Spine for some hint as to the location of her prey. Somewhere within the wood was the creature she was looking for. The witch's words rung in her mind as she searched for it: "No sooner nor later than seven days from today, bring me the might of the brown one." It was a decidedly cryptic request that was made all the more confusing when the answer seemed relatively plain. She attributed the vagueness to the source's profession; witches no doubt had to find humor somehow in their relative solitude.

Regardless of the task's mystery, she had managed to decipher what it was asking for - likely the pelt of a bear - and set out the following morning to track down the beast. She had sent Oris away, wanting to hone her personal skills, although he had bestowed upon her his primal senses. If these tasks were a way of proving strength, then simply sending in another to do it for her seemed contrary to their purpose. Regardless, she needed the practice. It had been far too long since she last truly hunted something alone. The thrill of the hunt, she had to admit, was something she missed from her time in the Spine, with only her and Oris to care for.

Freya blinked, her vision coming back with a sight previously unknown to her, with her other senses soon following. To any who watched her, her eyes turned to iridescent green. Sounds and smells bombarded her, her mind soon adjusting to the sudden enhancement. As the overload soon settled, she immersed herself in the sensations. Snowflakes falling onto leaves found themselves equally heard alongside the shaking of feathers from a nearby owl, smells of a dozen different sources trailing into her nose. Sifting through the useless noise, she found it. The grunting of a bear, once masked behind the sound of a running stream, now at the forefront of her mind.

A grin spread across her face as she grasped the spear at her back, quietly moving through the undergrowth towards the bear. The hunt was on.
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"How far will you go for power?" The scar faced woman had asked the young apprentice.

"As far as it takes me." The dreadlord of Vel Anir has replied.

The beating taken after ward had been severe but not unexpected. It was a fact of life that a sword must be beaten, passed through fire, folded in on itself and beaten again. Venanin had decided that no longer would power be doled out in lessons from those who wanted to keep the dreadlord in chains, but taken by strength of their own hands. It was for this reason that had brought Ven thousands of miles from Vel Anir to The Spine. Hunting a rumor of a myth. Hunting a dragon.

With dark furs wrapped around a narrow frame, silvered bastard sword belted taught around narrow hips, and knocked bow in hand, Ven stalked the forest for a meal for the day. The rations packed for the trip had run out weeks ago and now Ven could only eat what the forest provided. The lovely dappled roan mare was still back at the small camp and with luck the wood Ven had cut and covered would still be dry upon their return. The hope resounded as Venanin stalked food, that a dragon sign would be found, but when your life was war, you knew hope didn't slay an enemy...skill did.
Freya Thrakin
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Freya stalked the hidden prey, guided by sound and smell alone. She could tell she was getting closer, the once unheard noise of a bear lumbering through water now at the forefront of her senses, increasing in volume as she ventured closer and closer.

The grip on her spear tightened in anticipation of the oncoming hunt, furthered by the appearance of another sound. Footsteps. Not the footsteps of a bear, no, nor that of a wolf. These belonged to a person, one that was close by. Her mind raced, trying to discern the intention of this unseen figure. A hunter, like her? It was possible, but a bandit was just as likely.

A familiar presence prodded her thoughts, that presence being Oris. Are you safe? Freya restrained from letting out a slight chuckle from the dragon's impeccable timing. Dragons were naturally protective, and although that behavior most commonly applies to their hoards of treasure, on occasion it's developed towards those they grow close to.

No need to worry, Oris. Just stay where you are and I'll be back with a pelt. There was a faint grumbling in response as silence soon followed, the dragon hopefully choosing to follow her advice. She decided not to mention the other person nearby. After all, it would only serve to worry the beast, and she could handle it herself.

She reached a small clearing in the woods, a stream trickling through eroded soil and rock. Her attention, however, was drawn to what was just by the water. A bear, brown fur covering a large body, stood at the edge of the stream. Its eyes followed the movement of the water, searching for an unlucky fish to serve as its meal.

This was it. She crept forward, lurking just behind the furred beast, her spear ready in her hand. The weapon shot forward, imbedding itself inside flesh with sudden speed. The bear growled in surprise, the rumbling roar loud enough to be heard through the trees, as it turned around to face the attacker. Freya ripped the spear out from the bear's skin, quickly stepping out of the way of the oncoming flurry of claws and teeth. At last, the hunt was on.
Venanin Sen Shiir
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The bowstring was at the apprentice's cheek. The hare sat still mere meters away as it munched down soft mountain wood sorrel. a slow quiet breath filled the Dreadlord's lungs as muscles tensed beneath winter furs.


The sound of a bear tore through the air. The hare started as Venanin released the carefully aimed arrow. The shaft passed through the space that the hare had just been and caused Ven to curse. That was the sound of a wounded beast. Anger filled its roar in a way that it does a warrior that has been hit but not dropped on the field.

If the bear was wounded and it killed its attacker, Ven had a good chance of getting meat, better skins and good quality grease to ensure his blade and armor didn't stick or rust in the humid mountain air. It was hard to pass up the prospect. Besides, that cry had lost the apprentice the only supper that was offered thus far for the day. With an angrily clenched jaw, the Dreadlord started toward the commotion, and hopefully a meal.

Freya Thrakin
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The Nord set her gaze upon the bear, her grip tightening on the staff as she backed away from another persistent swipe of claws. Spotting an opening, she thrust the spear once more. The iron tip pierced the animal's now bloodstained fur, digging into its chest.

Though the bear reared back with yet another roar, a sound cut through the angered cry. A bowstring being let loose followed swiftly by the sound of rapid footsteps, the same she had heard before. Whoever it was, they were coming closer. She dismissed the thought, returning her focus to the hunt at hand. She twisted the spear and pulled it to the side, leaving a gash in the animal's side as blood splattered onto the white snow.

Freya moved to dodge away from the oncoming rebuke, quickly pushed back with a large paw. Landing on the snow with a grunt, she could see the bear looming over. She rolled to the side, narrowly escaping her prey's subsequent attack. Another soon followed, the Nord hunter rolling away once more.

Her foot flew upward, kicking the animal to earn herself a few seconds of safety as she returned to a standing position. Breathing heavy, she shifted her gaze slightly to the source of the unknown footsteps as the bear recovered its stability. Though she couldn't see them now, whoever they were, she could hear them getting closer and closer.

She looked once more at the beast once more, blood painting its once brown fur as it panted, exhausted and battered from the battle. A few more wounds and it would fall, the pelt ready for the taking. Spear in hand, she rushed forward to deliver the final few blows.

Venanin Sen Shiir
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Venanin came to the crest of a small hill and peered through the brush and blow down. The light that broke through the trees cast the scene in mottled gold. The dust in the air had a slight tint of red around the unexpected sight. A woman, tall with auburn hair, was facing down a huge bear with deep brown fur and a silver tint over its shoulders.

Venanin again considered waiting to see who won. No one would be of help to the dreadlord right now, but the promise of bear meat for a night was literally mouth watering.

With arrow knocked the apprentice drew the yew bow back to the ear. Breathing in Ven's chest grew slow and deliberate. Lavendar eyes sighted along the shaft and adjusted for the range and mild breeze. Fingers relaxed and the string snapped forward sending the arrow at the bear just behind the shoulder where the lungs and heart called home.

The child of war had chosen the woman over the beast. Unusual.

Freya Thrakin
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Freya braced for another impact, seeing the oncoming torrent of claws coming in her direction. A torrent that, oddly enough, never came. In its place was the subtle sound of an arrow piercing air and flesh alike, a wounded growl soon following it.

Lowering her arms, her eyes drifted towards the arrow lodged through its shoulder. The large beast stumbled, wavering in its stance as it struggled to maintain stability before hitting the ground, a heavy thud accompanying the meeting. Her prey was dead, yes, but not by her weapon. Confusion and uncertainty flooded her expression for a few moments before her mind returned to the stranger she had heard before.

She glanced to her side, her gaze meeting that of the archer responsible. A tall figure stood atop the hill, silver hair turned to a near gold as the sun pierced the overhanging leaves. She pointed her spear in his direction, less of a threat and more of a gesture, calling, "Thanks for the help, although it wasn't needed. Who might you be?"

Venanin Sen Shiir
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Venanin let the arm holding the bow drop back down as the apprentice looked back at the woman. Lavendar eyes assessing whether she too had to fall.

The bear lay motionless, life blood soaking the dark loam and detritus of the forest floor. It wasn't the most honorable kill in a warrior's career but with luck it would be dinner. Ven walked forward carefully. Bastard sword muffled by the cloth around Ven's scabbard as it slapped against a long leg.

"I'm Venanin," The apprentice replied, "I was hunting a hare but the bear's roar scarred it off. I apologize if my assistance spoiled your hunt."

Venanin hung the bow from a fur wrapped shoulder, and wondered if the woman knew rumors of where to find dragon's blood. But something said not to ask yet.

"I was just looking for tonight's dinner."

Freya Thrakin
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The spear hung in the air, a thick air of near permeable tension around it as Freya awaited the response. When the man spoke, the spear remained in the air for only a moment later before returning to her side. No arrows were being aimed at her as of yet, and though she could hear the muffled thud of a sword against cloth, there was no hint regarding it being unsheathed.

"Venanin," the Nord repeated, as though to sound out the name. "The name's Freya. The hunt was close to being finished regardless, your involvement didn't spoil it much." Though she would have preferred to land the killing blow, she was hunting for more than mere sport.

Upon hearing Venanin's explanation for his presence, she nodded. "Well, I'm sure that hare is still somewhere around here." Freya turned to the bear, returning her spear to her back as she pulled out a knife to skin the beast's pelt.

"How many is this dinner supposed to feed?" She asked, her gaze not leaving her work. She had planned on perhaps feeding the meal to Oris, who was no doubt growing restless as he waited.

Venanin Sen Shiir
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