Venanin Sen Shiir

Venanin Sen Shiir

Biographical information
Vel Anir 20 Vel Anir
Physical description
Human 6' 180lbs Silver-blond Lavender Pale
Political information
Vel Anir War
Out-of-character information
Bearogorath 12/23/2019


Venanin is a tall fit figure who wears battle armor in the fashion of Vel Anir. With striking lavender eyes are sharp and clear. Their youthful visage conceals a mind that has known only war.

Skills and Abilities

Trained in battle magic with a strong leaning toward elemental schools of evocation. They are also adept with the sword, particularly the bastard sword, and is excellent with a glaive while riding.


A quiet contemplative person that prefers to act rather than discuss. Nearly all of their time when not training is spent in solitude.

Biography & Lore

Having never known parents they consider The Academy their frist home and the other dreadlords their family. An event very early in training had resulted in the death of another prospective apprentice and since then they have kept to themselves unless in training or in field combat.

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