Completed The Mermaid's Song

"Oh there is nothing but truth to those legends." He said, setting his glass of wine down once more, almost in timing with his sentence.

"I came to this continent from overseas, in hopes to be rid of pieces of my past. During that time, I was almost dragged to the depths by a siren. It took a few of the crew that was manning the ship, however. I was able to get away to a nearby port though. Escaping her was not easy."
He stared into his drink.

"I don't know if one can blame a Siren for their nature. After all, it's just, their nature, right? I think it the same as I would a tiger choosing to kill me for being in its territory. I just find it difficult to say a creature deserves death because it acts the way it knows how. I killed the Siren in self defense, not because I hated it. Phobia is a powerful thing and I think it would do humans a lot of good to overcome such a vice."
Surprise rearranged Andromeda's features briefly, but then she focused on what he was saying.

After all, it's just, their nature, right?

Was it? In a way, yes. She could feel something primal and other in her that wanted to hurt people. But was it really like a tiger protecting its land? She had nothing to protect right now but moments ago she had been considering leading the man to death - no - she had been looking forward to the idea. If the man had baited her anymore she probably would have sealed his fate with one single kiss. How did one fight their own nature when it was polar opposite to everything he had moments ago said what he believed was goodness in people?

"I think a human's dislike of such creatures is more a biological thing," she ran her finger around the rim of the wine glass so that it began to hum. "Humans are prey, Sirens are the predators. It's like askin' a lamb to sleep next to a lion. No matter how long they've grown up together, there's always gonna be that thing in the back of the lambs mind that screams for it to run as far away from the lion as possible."
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Jirou
He sipped from his wine, thoughtful.

"I suppose you're right about that."
He spoke, realizing he'd forgotten something crucial. "Maybe I've grown more predator than most." He stifled a laugh.

Jirou thought about the journey's he's been on and how many things he's killed in his lifetime. That number was not countable. Even beyond his time as a shinobi, he still remained a killer. Sometimes ruthless, sometimes merciful. Always the end to someone else's journey. The ronin felt weird being so stoic to the idea of death nowadays. Ashieron's death did spark some horrible emotions when he witnessed it, but that was someone close to him.

Had he really become so emotionless to death again?

Jirou covered his thoughts up with more playfulness, "I think it best not to assume humans are prey either. You and me are both prime examples of what it means to not let yourself be prey."
  • Sip
Reactions: Andromeda
Oh if only he knew.

If only he knew what he sat opposite. Would he run? Would he kill her? They say all creatures were born with an instinctive flight or fight response and you never truly knew what yours was until you were in the thick of it.

"Well this certainly took a darker turn than I was expecting," Andromeda laughed and filled both of their dwindling second glasses of wine up to near the brim. Clearly, they both needed to be a bit more drunk. Ann certainly felt like she needed to be a lot more drunk. Her hands were still shaking a little as she recovered from the razor edge she had been dancing on. A psychiatrist would probably say it was a terrible idea to cover the issue with booze, but Andromeda was a pirate and that's all they knew.

"So what are you heading back to Elbion for? Seems to me a big city ain't really the place for people who prefer an open road."
Jirou was genuinely enjoying Andromeda's company. If anything, the heavy topics added to his enjoyment of it ten fold. Anyone willing to endure the sadder side of life and accept it as reality, and even those who were involved in it, was more likely to be a friend to him than anyone who's retained their innocence. He had nothing in common with those who saw the world as pure.

They were wrong, plain and simple.

"I loved it. You've been a fantastic conversational partner." He raised his glass to her before downing the rest of it and refilling. "We're going to need another bottle, soon." He mused as he noticed their current one was losing its volume.

"An inquiry." The ronin responded to her question. "Seeing if someone who claimed to be there is indeed there. And I may as well see the ones I live with. It has been a good few months since I've been home. After that, I was going to look into some of the current events in Arethil. Rumor has it an Empire from Annuakat is making crusades."
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Andromeda
"Well it's a nice change from talkin' to pirates every evening. Gets a bit tirin' listening to descriptions of ships day in'n day out," Andromeda laughed. "I feel all smart when I can talk philosophy and ethics." Because it was easier to pretend to be dumb and become the singer persona she had created. Andromeda the singer was gifted, beautiful, and had adoring fans. Andromeda the singer didn't have a deep dark secret. If the world were a stage, she could always just be the Pirate Singer. She glanced to the bottle and smiled.

"I think, Jack might actually respect you enough now to give you another one - which, you should be very proud of, 'cause Jack loves this wine and he don't like parting with it," Andromeda sipped at her drink and raised an eyebrow as the mention of the Empire from Annuakat. Surprisingly, it was actually something she had heard of already. She hadn't thought much of it when it had come up in conversation earlier, but the other pirates had seemed worried.

"You know, there's been a few crew in tonight who have mentioned some fleet gatherin' over that way - you think it could be the same people?" If it was, it had sounded quite large. Definitely a force to be mindful of.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Jirou
"I just find it to be important. A balance is required with thoughts. Think playfully all day and you may become complacent in the goings on in the world. Talk nothing but politics and your heart becomes hardened." He downed his wine in moments before coughing on his words. Very clearly an unwise decision on his part. Their thoughts were intertwined with the idea that they should be much drunker.

"As I could tell, but I suppose many a bartender lie to patrons their unfamiliar with. Wine can be a treasure to some as well."

Jirou leaned back in his chair a bit, twiddling his thumbs together. "You know, I can't say for sure. What I've heard is they intend to overthrow a lot of existing cities to recreate peace. While I believe that many of Arethil's cities are quite corrupt, I don't know if switching from tyrant to tyrant will truly generate peace."
"Better the devil you know," Andromeda murmured almost to herself, but she was frowning a little. Something sat uneasily in her stomach about the navy now she had had this bit of information. The pirates had just assumed it was some lord showing off, but if their plan was conquer then maybe it should be of concern to them. There were many ports the pirates considered their own, some were even rules by councils of pirates. Perhaps her friends would soon be pulled into a war they couldn't win. It was a grim thought.

"I need more wine," Ann declared, pushing the thoughts from her mind and giving him a brilliant smile. "I'll be right back," as she brushed past him she let her fingers trail along his shoulder in a teasing glance, before disappearing into the tavern.

It was as loud as when the pair had left, but the men were a lot drunker now and had broken down into smaller to handle groups. It was gambling time. It also meant she slipped unseen to the bar where Jack happily gave her two new bottles - another red, and a chilled white - before disappearing back outside with some fresh glasses. She was probably gone for a total of 10 minutes.

"Red, or white?" Andromeda plonked them both down on the table with a flourish.
  • Devil
Reactions: Jirou
"I can't argue that." He smiled at her comment. As she proclaimed she was going to get more wine, she walked passed him and dragged her fingers along his shoulders. Not skin to skin contact, but Jirou felt his heart racing from the touch. As if something was trying to pull his carnality out by way of coaxing. He couldn't help but watch her walk away, trying his best to keep his eyes locked on parts of her that were more polite to stare at. She had entranced him yet again, and it made him wonder all the more about her origin.

"Are you fuckin' nuts?" A voice rang from where he'd looked away from. When he turned to see who it was, he saw the spirit of the man he'd seen earlier staring him down with an intense look in his eyes.

"Ah, are you a friend of Andromeda?"

"What? You dense? She fuckin' killed me!"

Well this was refreshing. A spirit aware of its own situation. Not common among those who lingered with vengeance in their hearts. Andromeda seemed to be taking her time so he had a minute to question the man.

"She's admitted to killing already, yet her methodology is unknown to me. You claim I should be scared?"

"If'ya not scared than y'really are dense. That woman is a Siren She gonna gut you the second she gets th'chance."

"A Siren, you say?"

This was news to Jirou but it all made sense. His attraction, her charm, her femme fatale nature. She was bold to have brought the idea to his mind in the first place but he hardly suspected it to be a reality. He chuckled a bit at the thought.

As he said this her footsteps could be heard coming back. The spirits eyes filled with fear as he vanished into the air behind.

"Red, or white?" Andromeda plonked them both down on the table with a flourish.

He looked up at her with a deceiving smile.
"Whichever has less sugar."
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  • Devil
Reactions: Andromeda
"You got summin' against the sweeter things in life, Jirou?" Andromeda gave him a crooked smile but she did check the labels for him. Seeing they were about roughly the same she shrugged a little and poured them both a glass of the white while it was still cool, then she put it back into the ice bucket she had carried out with her.

She wasn't sure what it was but when she sat back down she got that cold feeling down her spine again. It was unnerving, especially when she knew his gift was speaking to the dead. But then, the winds were always more crisp close to the sea. She shifted herself a little closer to the fire and soon forgot about it all.

"I must confess, I'm surprised to not find you surrounded by some of the ladies from inside, sounds like you've made quite the impression with all the guests tonight," she chuckled and sipped at the cool wine.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Jirou
He shrugged with a cheery smile. His intoxication level definitely showing now. Jirou couldn't help but think of several different things that this life would be considered sweet. Even after his new information he couldn't look at her like she was a monster. She had far too much about her that screamed human. And even if she wasn't at all he would still feel the same way. No monster would've picked glass from his skull.

"I suppose a bitter life has made my tastes bitter." He mused, a laugh following and a wave to indicate his joking. "I'm not sure what it is. I've never liked sweets. Maybe I got too used to savory things at a young age."

At her next comment he looked at her with a drunken roll of his eyes.

"You think any of em' feel as if they should come and try and compete with the attention of the star?" He said lazily, pointing at her. "Besides, I'm hardly interested in my carnal side anymore. I'd say it's been about five years now since I've laid in bed with a woman."

He looked to the stars and pondered if he should bring up what he knew about her now. She knew of his talents. It would come as no question as to how he gathered the information. He bit his lip a bit and decided he was feeling a bit confident. Thanks to the alcohol, no doubt.

"Andromeda." He stated without looking from the nights cover. "Did you get the urge to kill me, too?"
  • Scared
Reactions: Andromeda
Andromeda laughed at the compliment and of his reaction, but she nearly choked on her wine at his confession. "Five years?" The singer blinked at him in astonishment. She was young and five years felt like a lifetime to her. A lifetime of not feeling someone else's touch or taking comfort in something so primal. It transcended race, at least in her mind. Every species she had ever met had that urge - whether it was solely for the creation of new life or if it was for pleasure. It was in the sheets that Andromeda only felt any sense of peace between her two paths. The siren part of her was more animal than sentient being, and the human part needed companionship. Being five years without any form of release from the constant war her two halves waged in her mind was unfathomable. But, he had mentioned a wife...

"You must love your wife very much," she spoke into the pregnant pause. A stirring of sympathy and jealousy - would she ever feel that kind of attachment to someone without wanting to hurt them? There had never been any figures of healthy relationships around her; pirates and all. Even her father, who had sworn her mother was the love of his life, she now questioned if it was real love. For that was the curse wasn't it? Having a voice and a touch that could make a man do what you pleased, would you ever know it was real or would you constantly question if it was just the toxic power that drew them to you? Were they really just a prisoner banging on the cages of their mind?

The shift of tone when he spoke her name gave her a slight indication the conversation was about to turn away from him and more to her. Ann looked up at him with her unusual eyes and her lips turned down at the corners. It gave her whole face a heart breaking beauty. She had always told herself she would at least be honest in life, especially if she was going to end up taking someone's life. She owed them that much. In her own warped way it offset half of the guilt: at least her human half had given fair warning.

Ann traced the line of his his profile against the stars. She owed this man that much too.

"Yes," a beat. She had a feeling he knew, the question was too close to the mark. "Who was it who you saw?"
  • Cry
Reactions: Jirou
"Don't play that. Would you really remember him? It's okay. I never remember any of them."

Jirou's words were harsh but honest. The ronin didn't speak from contempt or anger. His voice gave no indication of that. Rather they held a deep sadness. A sadness known only to those who've lost their connection to mortal life. A killers remorse. The first thing you do when you become a killer is push out the idea that those you face are people. Just targets. Wooden dolls for your blade to cut through. So what happens when someone regains their love for mortal life but have already done too much harm?

You get people like Andromeda and Jirou.

A complex reflection of life and death itself. The desire to spread love and life intertwined with their innate desire to take life. People who cannot explain who they are to others without a churning in their stomach. Rooted self hatred shadowed by rough exteriors and emotional walls.

First, Jirou smiled. His opaque orange eyes glistening against the moonlight he stared so intently into.

Then, Jirou wept. An ugly cry. A cry delivered from the death of a loved one or the heartbreak of war.

He clenched his teeth to prevent himself from wailing into the night. The conversation had finally overwhelmed him and it had been a long time since he sat and talked about killing with anyone. How he truly felt about committing such acts regardless of their necessity or not. When his tears finally stopped he looked down towards Andromeda again. Melancholy rampant.

"I hate myself, Andromeda." He said bluntly, the smile of warped emotion and a life of turmoil that all one can do is laugh at plastered cheek to cheek.

"I can't help but wonder how many daughters never saw their fathers again because of me."
  • Cry
Reactions: Andromeda
It wasn't an accusation but it cut deep. Like Jirou she felt a deep sense of guilt not remembering who the faces were she guided into an eternal sleep, but she also knew the dangers of remembering. She didn't remember whether their will was easy to override or if they laughed at her jokes or brought her pretty gems. She couldn't even remember a name but she did remember their faces. Every face. Sometimes when she dreamed of the ocean it was their bodies she swam through: a graveyard of her creating. Ann couldn't help but wonder which of her charges had come to warn this man about her. Did he follow her always? Was that what she had damned him too forever now?

He chose the moon to gaze up but she chose the fire. It was so opposite to what she was she drew an odd sense of strength from it.

What she wasn't prepared for was his tears. Andromeda's body stiffened, her eyes wild as she turned her gaze to him now. Crying was not an emotion she was used to especially not from men. Well, not this kind of crying. The human half of her said that the instinctive reaction was to offer physical touch as comfort, but that was a death sentence from her. The struggle played out across her face before she finally scooted her chair closer to his; but still she didn't touch him.

"I can take that pain away for you," Andromeda knew no words would sooth that ache. There was no remedy for self loathing or she would have made that her quest in life for certain. All she could offer him was this. She raised a hand as if to give him comfort from a caress but she snatched it back. No, this needed to be his own decision. "It... doesn't have to be permanent. Away from water you would not die. But you could forget for a little while, whilst you were willing."
Jirou felt enormous guilt for dropping that weight on her. But the conversational comfort and the alcohol combined left him no option. She offered him an out from this feeling. Something he contemplated very much. A freedom from his suffering for the first time in five years. How could he say no to such a thing? He'd be a fool too. His hand reached to hers and his face moved forward as well. The longing for anything he'd been missing for so many years.


The word struck cold in his mind and he sobered for just a moment. Retracting his advance and clenching his fist in his lap. Struggle and contemplation on his face as he made a decision. A decision for himself. A decision for once not for Yuuna.

"This is my penance."

His eyes matching the crackling fire. Ferocity and vulnerability lining his gaze.

"I should."
He sighed. "I should take your offer, but I cannot. This agony is what grounds me. Reminds me that I am human as well." Jirou took a deep breath and closed his, regaining his composure. It would do him wonders to feel some sort of connection. So why...

"All I know is that I cannot."
  • Devil
Reactions: Andromeda
When he began to lean in Andromeda kept completely still. She could feel the otherness creeping into her eyes as her heart began to beat harder and she watched his battle with an intense gaze. She was walking a knifes edge with the beast. She wouldn't take this decision from him though; if he wanted an out she would give it to him but he would have to take it from her lips. He was so close she could have moved only an inch to seal the deal but he hesitated. She didn't need a mirror to know that her eyes were not her own right now but rather the eyes of the other. An impossible liquid gold that was more used to seeing underwater than out of this form. As he pulled away her jaw clenched and she forced herself back, moving the chair too so there was a good distance between the two.

The monster didn't understand nor did it care for his reasoning but Andromeda did. Picking up her glass of wine she downed it in one gulp and filled it up again, downing half of that too. The strength of the alcohol burned but it helped her to focus on this body and this mind. Her voice was raw as she spoke.

"It's your decision. You punish yourself harshly but, I understand." The gold was retreating slowly, but a thick ring surrounded the natural peach shade. She couldn't even look at him as she tried to slow her breathing. Slowly she finished the rest of the glass of wine and ran a hand through her thick hair. Her heart rate finally felt normal-ish. The silence stretched on and she began to play with the empty glass in her hands; there was only one question gnawing at her now: "Are you going to tell them about me?"
The tension hanged like a man at the gallows. An eerie and unfortunate swaying that none could look away from. Disappointed in himself for not letting himself break free and simultaneously proud of himself for retaining his self proclaimed virtue. To think even he almost fell for the voice of a siren. Though that really wasn't what drew him to her. It was in all reality the similarities they had. He took a deep breath and popped open the other bottle of wine. Jirou did not bother pouring it into glass. He just started chugging. Sweat and confusion now rampant he felt he needed to answer her.

"I'm aware of my blatant overzealous treatment of myself. I loathe it sometimes. But it has made me the man I am. And any weaker man could not handle the life that I live. I know this. My calloused self is all I have left. I can't lose it now."

He offered her the bottle of wine. They were far passed the point of needing to be polite about. They'd both endured emotional trauma accidentally sparked from a stranger. May as well not remember some of it.

As he held the bottle towards her he shook his head.

"I wouldn't do that to a friend, Andromeda."
  • Bless
Reactions: Andromeda
Andromeda could only stare at him.

Her face was a war of emotions: disbelief, anger, hurt, fear, confusion. How on earth could he call her a friend after she had admitted to wanting to kill him? After he had seen the soul of one of the poor men she had dragged to the bottom of the ocean and damned to a life of wandering the spiritual planes of this world? After he had looked into the eyes of the monster half of her she loathed above all else? How could he, after everything, sit there and pass her a bottle of wine and call her friend. She wasn't even sure she had ever really had a friend before. The groups she had observed that called themselves friends had laughed and joked together, played games and had had each others backs. There had been multiple occasions as she sat at the bar and drunk, watching groups of friends take comfort in one another with a gentle touch here, a pat on the arm there, and a ferocious jealousy had burned deep inside her gut at the sight. She had wanted that more than anything.

The closest she had ever gotten was the crew on which she had grown up with but whilst they had respected her and they would take her in if she needed it, friend was not a word she would use to describe any of them.

"Well, fuck," Andromeda took the bottle and took a long swig. A single tear ran down her cheek as she did so. "If I'm your standard of friend, as my first duty as a friend I must inform you, Jirou, that you have a real shitty taste in friends." A broken laugh as more tears rolled down her cheeks and she angrily wiped them away.
He smiled and set the bottle of wine down. He wished he could wipe her tears. Though he knew what consequence would likely follow that action. So sad. Jirou found it difficult to view most living things as monsters. And Ann was no exception to that. The ronin leaned forward in his chair, hands clasped and staring at the ground.

"So I've heard." He said with a huff. "My last friend I accidentally killed myself. They were possessed by a devil." A small laugh. "I think I've made it a habit to befriend that which society condemns as evil without looking further into who they are."

His head was spinning. What a night this turned out to be. It sounded quiet from inside the bar now. Strange. Though they'd been talking for a while the night still felt relatively young. Maybe that was just his detachment from time.

He reached for the bottle once more without thinking and the unthinkable happened. The bottle exploded. No glass entering his skin this time. Just a crossbow bolt. Straight through the palm of his hand. He shifted slowly upwards to look passed Andromeda and as he expected, standing behind a man in wildly colorful clothing was the man who's arm he'd broken earlier.

"Ooh's dis lout yer flirtin' with, Ann?" The pirate captain spoke. "Eh you, Eastern lookin' fella. Rodney ere' tells me yer the one who shifted his arm. Whas all tha' about?"

Jirou stood up and ripped the bolt out of his hand. All day with these fucking pirates.

"Friend of yours?" He asked Andromeda while keeping his eyes on the captain.
Andromeda focused on trying to calm her breathing as he spoke; she was exhausted. Trying to wrestle with the Kirven half of her was really taking it out of her. She was, however, immensely proud of herself for doing so. This was a step in the right direction for her future. Maybe she would be able to control the urge to kill one day. Despite the silent tears still rolling down her cheeks she laughed at his comment. If all else failed, perhaps he would end her life for her if she over stepped the line too many times, if she woke up one day and the gold wouldn't leave her eyes at all. The thought was mildly comforting.

The singer froze when the bolt went through the bottle and Jirou's hand. Her brain was slow to work out what had happened until she heard the voice. A slightly hysterical laugh escape her lips as she put her head in her hands, brushing the tears away with more vigour now. After the conversation topics they had just covered it seemed utterly absurd someone would try and attack them. There was also slight fear, she had already denied her monster twice tonight and she wasn't sure she had the strength to do it a third.

"No, I only have one friend in this whole world and he currently has a bolt through his hand," another slightly hysterical laugh. She debated whether turning around would be any help to the situation; if they saw she had been crying it might make the situation even worse. Instead of fully turning she shifted very slightly so that her arm was draped over the back of her chair and her face only half turned towards the captain.

"Rodney made a very bad drunken pass at me, Cap'n, and despite being very clear I wasn't interested he persisted. He then smashed a glass over my companion's head over here, and attempted yet another pass. Jirou was just defending my honour. Your Rodney is very lucky Jack hasn't banned you all for attempting to lay a hand on his singer," perhaps the threat of being cut off for the remaining time in port would dissuade them.
The captain snorted. He was just as drunk as the rest of them. He shrugged and was going to open his mouth once more but Jirou had had it. Before he could he tossed the broken bolt from his hand to the captains feet and slammed his bleeding hand on the table.

"Apologize." The ronin demanded.

"Fuck'd ya sa-"

"I will NOT repeat myself."

Drunk and sick of being discriminated against by these buffoons, Jirou was showing a very dark side of himself. He would not be disrespected by these men. Rodney looked afraid but the others laughed. They thought they were insulting an above average warrior. One who could fight most but not handle a crowd.

How wrong they were.

"I suggest ya change yer tone sonny or yer gonna be on the end of my cutlass."

Jirou grabbed his cane and slammed it into the ground.

"I'd love to see you try."
"Gentlemen," Andromeda stood up and put herself in the middle of the captain and Jirou. Her voice was the embodiment of irritation and there was definitely something other in her tone. Jirou was probably the only one who would notice the change come over her eyes. She was fighting it, but inch by inch the gold claimed her pupils.

"Really? Does this need to spill into violence? You shot him in the hand, apologise and we can just all go home."

Please go home.

It was a silent prayer. She was trying not to let the magic seep into her voice but a few of the men began to waver as she asked for an apology, a few of them cast their eyes down and shuffled their feet - some even had the good grace to look ashamed of themselves.

Please go home.

his name was a plea.
Jirou held his cane tight by its hilt and on the verge of drawing his blade from it. The captain was clearly unprepared for this reaction from the ronin. Must not be a very daunting or well known pirate to be afraid of one man who he'd already shot through the hand. Jirou sighed and took his seat again, knowing that Andromeda was right. It would be best to not let his collection of emotional outbursts tonight lead to more violence. No matter how badly he wanted to cut these men down for their behavior.

The captain seemed to make the same judgment. Perhaps it was Ann's Siren voice that made the men both quell their inner beast. Either way, the conflict ended as soon as it started. The pirates took their leave with curse words and boisterous laughs to cover their tracks. Jirou scoffed.

"Thank you." He said to Andromeda. "I'm sorry for flying off the handle. You'd be surprised as to how often I have to deal with these kinds of things."
"It's ... fine," Andromeda struggled to get the words out. Well, no, she struggled to ensure only those words got out. She had pushed the monster away too much and too hard today when she had known she had needed to swim soon. It had been a foolish walk along and knifes edge and now she was cutting herself as she fell. Bracing her hands on the back of the chair she took two deep breaths, tried to still her mind.

di di di dum di di di dum.

I'm sorry... I-I need to go," The shift between forms was an agonising process, not the seamless shift that it was for Nordenfiir. It was more akin to a Lycanthorpe. Thin cracks were beginning to appear along her arms and her lips looked as though they had not seen a drop of water for weeks. A stab of pain went through her causing a spasm of pain to ripple across her face and she could feel her throat begin to close up as her body prepared to shift from breathing air to breathing underwater. Unable to say anything else she made for the back gate of the pub. The lucky thing about taverns that tended to attract pirates was that they were always close to the sea.
Jirou immediately caught on to the coming scenario and stood so fast from his seat that it toppled.

"All well out there?" He could hear Jack cry from the bar.

For a moment the ronin was frozen. Unsure of what to do. It took him a few moments before he realized what that was. If she changed now then he may be forced to face her. Something neither of them wanted. He was beginning to feel as if he'd overstayed his welcome anyhow. He offered her a deep bow as fast as he could.

"It was lovely meeting you, Andromeda, may we find each other again under better circumstances."

He was visibly sad that this had to be cut short, but so be it. One must deal with the cards they themselves are dealt. In a flash, the ronin sprinted away from the tavern, vanishing into shadow as it encroached his form.

He truly hoped there would be a next time.
  • Haha
Reactions: Andromeda