Private Tales The Long Dark Tea Time of the Soul

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
His eyes fixed to hers, held their gaze, without waver. "Are not the most tireless of minds, the most need of rest?" he answered easily, his look as calm and undisturbed as a tranquil pool of water. A body far smaller than the great splendor of life and all around that was reflected in it.

A welcome to rest.

His smile too, invited the dragon.
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Stella
Stella did something that she did not permit herself to do very often: she snorted derisively.

The very notion of rest when there were mysteries to unfold, an entire world to explore, knowledge to gain. Yes, even dragons needed to rest at times but -

"I will rest when I am ready for the world to be a different place when I awaken."

She sipped at her tea, briefly considered its aroma and flavor, the color of it in her cup, the warmth that permeated her delicate hands. It was soothing, to be certain, but in what way felt rather vague.

"Hm," her lips pursed, "a flavor I have not sampled in ... quite some time. Thank you for sharing it."
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Hazanko Miya
To hear such a sound escape her brought another bounce of laughter from the Mistborne. Soft and round as a pebble tossed into a lake.

As she spoke, he reached for his cup, and let his hands curl about the warmed earthen ware. Breathed in the vapors that set his heart to slow. His lungs felt the fuller, and his limbs felt the more loose.

He sipped.

Come her thanks, he bowed his head. "It is my sincere pleasure, Stella," he said with a gentle bow of his head. Rose and took another sip from his cup. A thought came to him, and it rippled across his face, set his brows and scars to move, as if a leaf come upon the surface. "Though I confess, your words spin new mysteries within my own mind," he studied the lines of her face, the length of her neck, the curve of her shoulder. Blinked to see those burning cosmos there in her eyes once more. "When was the last time you found rest?"
  • Frog Sus
Reactions: Stella
What was it she was feeling now? That curious pang for foggy memories she'd long since stowed away and left forgotten in order to tend to present and pressing matters. The sort of wave that sent the mind adrift into the fathoms of the past lives.

Ah, nostalgia.

Curious, she wasn't usually the sentimental type but that life had been quite ... full of cherished things.

Stella gently cleared her throat and faintly arched her brows at him, "Even among your people," she eyed him over her cup, "it is impolite to ask questions whose answers would suggest a lady's age."
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Hazanko Miya
The curl across his lips grew the little wider, as he set his cup down, empty.

Aetochan traditions dictated that when the host's cup was empty, the guest's cup must be filled first, before the host could refill their own cup.

"Hoarder of secrets," he teased. and let his smile play a little longer along his lips. He eased back into his chair. "Then, I take it the world has changed little since that time," his voice was wistful, and he looked on to her, as if staring into a dream. "And I can't help but wonder, what change you hope to see,"
  • Smug
Reactions: Stella
"The better cultivation of tea across more lands, for one," Stella replied astutely as she supped the last of her own and placed her empty cup down, "one should not need to travel so far to get a premium leaf."
  • Haha
Reactions: Hazanko Miya
A wry twist to his smile, and a near pained squint of his eyes. "Tea?" he asked. Voice high with a strained belief. He laughed. "You would lose rest to see more tea?" His hands busied with the pot.

Measured and steady, he moved with a quiet confidence. No rush in how he lift and carried the terracotta pot. Nor in how he let the deepened drink pour out from the spout. All steam and rush. The scents of the brew more fragrant. More developed. The fresh spring green of young leaves, twined and danced with the musky sweetness of jasmine.

First her cup. Then his.
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Stella
"King Florien of Balta said once that a cup of tea can solve anything," Stella recounted, "to which he was proven undeniably wrong when a bad cup of tea served between Kings started a war that ended in the devastation of both kingdoms."

Her eyes once more watched him serve. If Hazanko knew the histories of the kingdoms encircling the southern coasts, he might now have his first clue as to a guesstimate of her age. King Florien served nearly 300 years ago.

"Balta did eventually rebound and rebuild and today masters a thriving economy based on the trade of coffee beans." She pursed her lips in muted amusement.

"If I were to offer the late King Florien a correction, it would be that only a good cup of tea can solve anything, but I would be remiss to believe he could ever tell the difference and that he should have served wine instead."
  • Smug
Reactions: Hazanko Miya
If he was surprised by the implications of the story, in regards to her own age, he did not show it. His brows raising with curiosity as each little detail and event unfolded.

Much like the curled beads of tea, some part of his mind thought. The full experience, coming only after a bit of patience.

Florien was not a name he was familiar with, nor was the kingdom of Balta, yet he laughed all the same come the conclusion of her story.

"To think," he said as he set the pot down, and the two cups steamed before them. "Such trivial things could lead to such historic events," he smiled, fox-like. "Though the spirits know our own history is filled with such follies," he took up his cup, and savored its scents, almost as much as he savored the hint of joy that touched Stella's eyes. "We'd all be the better, to hold such wisdom," he said, and sipped from his cup. Pulled it from his lips, and gave it a lift, just so. "And such tea, it would seem," he gave a shameless smile at his play.
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Stella
Far be it from she to pass judgement on the many kingdoms and empires and clans of the land-dwellers. To live in such a way seemed beyond comprehension to her - tethered to a single place for the entirety of one's life simply for duty's sake. Caring for a nest of eggs and later hatchlings grounded a dragon long enough, she could not fathom spending a lifetime like that.

Though she had, indeed, spent a small lifetime doing just that as a human, once.

"Mmm," she mused, eyes closing as the second wave of steam billowed gracefully in the air just before her face, "and now you see why the world requires good tea."

And perhaps a few good sweets on the side, as well.
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Hazanko Miya
A hint of a laugh came from the Mistborne's mouth, his eyes full upon her and her cool confidence. "Now I see," he said, and let his eyes come shut as he leaned back in his chair. Casual and sure. "That I have lead an enchanted life," he proclaimed, and lift his nose to the air. "For I have never lacked good tea,"
  • Bless
Reactions: Stella
"Hm," the Guardian remarked, a small smile smoothed into a sip of tea. Enchanted life indeed.

Tea carried on in the seclusion of their table above the din of the festivities. A quiet exchange until the tea was gone upon which time Stella stood to dismiss herself but not before informing the Shaman of her schedule. Though she would have preferred it, immediate departure was not possible. She would need a week to see to other things before her presence would no longer be expected within Valentennia.

"I will meet you at dawn on Priorie Ridge in seven days time," she told him, "if you require housing during your stay I can arrange for a room at one of the city Inns at no cost to you."

He was here now on official Guardian business - there would be no need to pay for any amenities so long as he was her guest. For now, she had her own directives to tend to and letters to send. There was no telling how long their journey would take, so it was important that she get her things in order.

"Until we meet next, Hazanko," the Guardian dipped her head politely to the man before taking her leave of his company.
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Hazanko Miya