Private Tales The Goblin, the Horse, and the Hair

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
And she was gone. He was 'supposed' to see Urahil, but didn't really want to. He could lie and meet her later. He had been lying his entire initiate life after all. But then why did this feel different?

Feth, what was that girl doing to him.

Kael decided that enough people had probably seen his bruises that he probably needed to make an appearance at the infirmary before anyone sent it to him. He made his way over, eventually finding nurse Joilene.

"What happened to you? And why aren't you wearing a shirt? Don't you initiates have any decency?"
She asked.

"I had to cut the shirt to apply a poultice before moving."
He said, not bothering with all the details. "I think I'm fine, but I've been told to head over here. Can you just get me a numbing potion and let me off?"
  • Bless
Reactions: Avery
"Kress..." Avery sighed the moment she reached her destination.

The past hour had been her arguing with a younger Initiate that called on the fact she was taking two quivers and two bows.

Avery had set the equipment down as she turned to her attentions to the course she was to run with Kael. It was a fine long distance range, but with the addition of college magic, she could turn it into more of a challenge. By the time Kael met her, Avery would be finishing up the last few runes and spellwork to make their course something new to work with.

She would smile, as she already deemed him to be someone genuinely kind and friendly.

"You look rested! Took my advice, then?"
Nurse Joilene of course, was having no part of just getting him of getting him some numbing potions and letting him go. Kael was quickly taken to a staging room and subjected to a rigorous treatment of pokes and prodding before he was left.

“When’s your next mission Kael?” She asked as she returned.

“I’m due to ride out in about three weeks.” Kael responded.

Alright, here’s the scoop. Your bruising is bad, but nothing’s broken. It’s pretty conspicuous if I’m honest. With your mission schedule I don’t need to treat you, but you’re already swelling. It’s going to suck. Ten years ago you’d just be sent back to the Proctors, bur today you have a choice to wait for some magic or just have me dress it. Wait on magic’s probably an hour and a half. “

“Let’s just dress it.” He said. “I’ve a training session I’d prefer to keep.” He responded. The nurse shrugged, but applied a cooling topical and wrapped his torso. She had also managed to procure him a simple, loosely fit white shirt. He was also told that he needed to come back prior to any field assignments. Kael agreed with Joilene and headed to the meeting spot.

Kael was fairly certain he was late, but close enough to time that Avery was still preparing the course as he arrived. It seemed she had quite the challenge planned.

“I feel quite improved.” Kael said honestly. He could still feel pain through the topical, but now it was more akin to the day after a good spares session than a true injury.

“May I?” He asked, gesturing to what appeared to be newly requisitioned bows.
  • Bless
Reactions: Avery
"Oh!" Avery waved him off. "Yes, familiarise yourself with it."

She embedded some mana to the last rune, drawing a line in the earth to where Kael stood beside the bows. Carving out a line for them to stand upon, Avery finished the connecting runes and stood, smiling at her handiwork. "Right, I won't activate this until you get some practice shots in. Here." She held up a quiver for him, her excitement for him to use a nicer bow was all too obvious.

"I'd say you would get a feel for it before you get halfway through this quiver. They're much better when you are on the move though, and that's what I hope the challenge today will show you!"
  • Peek
Reactions: Kael
Kael put down his pack out of the way and picked up the larger of the two bows. Feeling the heft of it he guessed it was at least a pound heavier than his old equipment. Pulling the drawstring he noted its tension was far greater than he used to, but still within his strength. He let out a small smile at the realization of the difference in strength younger self before easing the tension off the weapon.

Avery handed over the quiver, which Kael subsequently put over his shoulder. Taking an arrow he knocked it and pulled until the feather touched his cheek. His eyes darted around, taking in @Avery’s work before finding a tree he believed not part of the course. His aim directed at the tree, and Kael let the string go and fired. The arrow flew through the air at a strength he wasn’t used to, and landed higher than he expected.

“Tell me about the challenge today?” He asked as he pulled another arrow.
  • Bless
Reactions: Avery
Avery clicked her tongue in a chastising way. "You think they would tell you what your exam would be? The first thing when taking it is your adaptability."

Nocking an arrow to her own bow, a twin to the one Kael used, Avery gave several holding positions before liking the natural way she was poised. With a clear thwang, her arrow loosed into the first target straight in front of them both.

"Hit the target." She grinned.
  • Devil
Reactions: Kael
Keel seemed to remember a similar game played making shots by slinging stones, but could not remember the name of it. Returning the smile Kael pulled out an arrow and drew the bow. Taking in a breath he held constant form and released.

The arrow sang through the air before planting into the target at the front of both of them. Had he hit it? Certainly. Was it inside Avery ‘s shot? Not quite.

“Your shot then.” He said as the air left his chest. The girl might have heard a smile in his voice.
  • Bless
Reactions: Avery
Avery moved to quickly replace another arrow in position. "See the rune at our feet? One more stroke and I turn this into our playing field."

Her boot pointed, striking a line through another and could feel the magic humming through it. The playing field began to move. The targets varied in spinning on the spot, moving form left to right, or up and down, and one very elusive target made of simple college magic moved.

She advanced, inviting Kael to follow.

Avery waited and watched one target to study it's movements, and after several breaths, loosed her arrow. It found sweet purchase in the center, displaying her shot proudly as it spun, ready for the next shot.
  • Bless
Reactions: Kael
Rune Magic hunh?” He replied, somewhat curious. It was technically something Kael could do, as with all initiates, but he couldn’t set anything like this up. Certainly not in an hour no less. His mind whirred for a moment as he examined the strokes made, trying to follow the rune creation, before coming back to reality.

Kael followed the Avery ‘s lead and pulled an arrow from his quiver. He made a mental effort to take no more time than she did, and released his fingers taking the shot. While Avery’s shot was dead center, Kael’s was north east by perhaps three or four centimeters. Kael would bring his bow to his side, inviting Avery to take the next shot.
  • Smug
Reactions: Avery
Avery readied herself the moment he took his shot.

She inhaled and slowly released a breath alongside of wedging her arrow beside her first one. "I trained like this for a good while. Helped me shoot while I was being the one on the move. Granted, I most likely became better after my Restes exam." Avery had been taught a warrior always worked to hone their gifts.

Deadly. That was what she was. A walking danger if she applied herself with her magic, just as she had with archery. But Avery held no interest in being seen as the next best Dreadlord.

The Academy had honed her the way they wanted, but they still needed to find a way to coax her into being their little project.

"You best this course and I will make a more challenging one next for you."
  • Bless
Reactions: Kael
Were the shots of her arrows touching? Was that what he just saw. Kael trapped a breath of air and pulled at his bow. His fingers released and the arrow flew through the sky, embedding itself in the moving target between Avery’s pair of shots and his first. He was now a half centimeter north, perhaps a bit more. Kael smiled at first of the prospect of a tougher course, then his expression changed.

This was no small effort of magic. Runes were very robust, and could be very powerful, but were taxing in time spent and exactness needed to draw. To offer to make it again, and more complex at that implied a lot of work. Kael felt he had incurred a debt, yet he did not think Avery would accept payment. At least not as such.

“That is very kind. I will not ask again why you are being such, but I will ask that you ask if you have any circumstance that could use my help.” He said, figuring such phrasing was his best way to offer reciprocity.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Avery
"You never met someone that had the same interests as you?" She posed the question to him, swiveling on the spot as another target jumped out to them. The arrow's point just missed the center, but was within the ring outside from it. "It is impossible for human nature to ignore someone else taking interest in something we love to do. We are built to get excited over it, and to share it..."

And Kress knew Avery could not share this so openly to anyone else.

In fact, she was glad Kael had not asked why he didn't know this about her.

The less her classmates knew about her, the less she needed to interact with them.

"Unless, of course, you were trained to ignore such basic human happiness."
  • Sip
Reactions: Kael
Kael was silent a moment. Had they not all been trained to deny such things? Focus only on their work, for the Republic of Vel Anir? No, he supposed they couldn't have been. People like Sader, Blake, Colt, and Kilien were far too cheery for that to have been a directive from the Proctors.

"I suppose I must have trained myself."
Kael responded, somewhat introspectively. He certainly took pleasure in the refinement of his skill. Sneaking into an outpost with the right transformation at the right moment. Making a cut in just the right spot. But did that truly bring him joy, or just a temporary appreciation of his work? Then her words began to echo in his mind .

It is impossible for human nature to ignore someone else taking interest in something we love to do. We are built to get excited over it, and to share it.

"Avery, I think there's something you're not telling me."
He said. "Earlier you said you liked to hide away, but now you say it's impossible to ignore shared interests. I think there's something else." He looked her in the eyes. "And you should know you don't have to tell me what it is." Kael pulled an arrow from his quiver.

"We all have secrets after all."
Kael knocked the arrow in his bow, taking the same orientation Avery had before the shot. "This shot was swiftness right?" He'd ask, then swivel as she had before taking the shot. Kale acquired the target and fired. The arrow wasn't dead center, but it was closer than Avery's by a slim margin.

"I wager that's the only shot I'll best on today." Kael said, wearing a small smile on his lips. "But I'll take it anyways."
  • Derp
Reactions: Avery
Avery's face hardened. "Then why bring it up if you don't want to know? Clearly it's on your mind."

It was the kind of observation the Terrible Two would make, using it to belittle her. When things soured between herself, Wylls, and Larrainth, Avery put as much space between herself and everyone else. Self inflicted, yes, but it was the only way to keep out of sight, out of mind. It was lonely, and instead of breaking, Avery was able to put all focus on becoming so good at what she could do, that she could hold back and hide.

It frustrated the Proctors, who in private lessons had seen the greatness she was capable of, but in classes, allowed everyone else to walk all over her.

Out here? Kael made no attempt to best her or belittle her. He had been kind, and Avery allowed herself a moment to pretend she could make a friend.

Avery's eyes watched the target. Waited for it to still a moment before loosing her next arrow. It sunk straight into the bullseye.

"Well? Do you want to know or not?"
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Kael
Kael's smile evaporated quickly. It seems he had pushed harder than he intended. The girl's smile had turned rough, her voice floating to stiff. Kael knew little of human women, but could very easily recognize the change.

"Your kindness makes me curious. It is unfamiliar to me. Do I want to know? Yes. But more so I do not want to push you for anything you do not wish to share." Kael took an arrow from his quiver, but didn't yet put it to string.

"I mention it because there are things I've hidden. I work very deliberately so people do not think to ask what may take them to where I do not want them. I do this because the people here are very competent, and very cruel. I will not push, but I point out the opportunity as I know there are others who would."

Kael took the arrow and put it to string, then aimed. "If it pleases you I shall forget it." Kael fired and the arrow embedded itself in the target, forming a line between his previous shot and hers.
Avery lowered her bow, turning to frown at him.

"Be careful who you tell that sort of information to. There are those in our class that would do everything to break our resolve. As for me? I cannot afford to have friends."

No, not after what she had done to Vittoria and King. Despite no one being around at the time, Avery had hesitated coming to their aide. Had waited until things got too close. Vittoria had almost died because of Avery's pettiness, and King almost mauled, but Avery had used her magic to kill the beast. She had healed Vittoria enough, but instead of granting Cathaoir death, the Terrible Two swore to make her life a hell.

"If I make friends, it becomes weakness of attachment. Used against me, and that is no fault of the friend... no... I wouldn't put someone on the pathway before Larrainth. She has vowed to make my life a misery, and... perhaps being in the Vigilite will keep me safe after Graduation."
  • Cry
Reactions: Kael
Kael could tell his words held impact. She understood what he was saying, and that he had offered a vulnerability. She was right of course, that Kael needed to be careful. He didn't tell her she was the only one he'd told what little he had.

Why had he told what little he had?

"In ten, perhaps fifteen years Vittoria will be an Archon, the right hand of Gilram, his replacement, or dead."
Kael responded. "Her path is absolute, and will tolerate nothing but the extreme." Truly, the woman was a force of nature. There were rumors, well, more than rumors that she had begun a relationship with Basmarc. Theories that would calm her down. But from Kael's perspective? The alliance was doomed to end, or fundamentally Kilien to keep up. A shame really.

"If her path is to seek the end of yours it will seek the end of mine as well. I will not be able to hold my cards forever, just long enough." Kael said, sobering himself as he did. He knew in his heart he couldn't keep this up forever. But if he could hold on long enough to change the game, perhaps he could survive. Kael let out a breath.

"I am tired Avery . You've helped strengthen my resolve today. I wish to do the same to you, if I can."
  • Spoon Cry
Reactions: Avery
Avery exhaled heavily and long at that. She turned to look at Kael, letting her shoulders fall. "You do not know her as I do. She is trying to provoke me, to make me out as the monster everyone believes her to be. All year she has been trying to strengthen our class. Do you know why that is?"

Her lips wobbled, her eyes twitching before she blinked and turned away. Raising her bow back to comfortable position, she fired arrow after arrow into the targets facing them. Some tried to evade her aim, some tried to move entirely on the spot, but it was clear Avery was a killing shot each time.

"She wants a challenge. If we are all stronger, it makes her look the best and not just because she is the strongest in the class. If she cannot kill her competition, then she will best us after building us all up to be stronger. At my most lethal, I can control the entire body, I can play with the chemicals that make us feel. Anyone that can go up against her means it could turn into a fight until death..."

And there, no one could fault Vittoria if it were done of out self defence.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Kael
Kael pondered the woman’s assessment of Vittoria. The scheme seemed rather elaborate, and Kael had little, if any interaction with the girl. Then again, he generally avoided her, and she could have thought there was no glory to be gained from defeating a mere shapeshifter. Perhaps Avery was right, and Kael simply wasn’t talented enough to be on her radar.

“If her goal is to make you seem the monster, she’s failing pretty spectacularly.”
Kael responded. “Most of the class think you meek, and simply wish to get underneath your skirt. I’ve not heard anything comparing you to her on the field of bloodlust.” He had overheard a colorful exchange between Colt and Limont debating the finer points of their forms, but felt it irrelevant for this conversation.

A thought crossed Kael’s mind. Avery’s loose description of her strength lead to manipulation of the body. At Altera she’d been able to see around corners, detecting guardsmen. Could she feel him now? Could she feel he was different. Unbeknownst to Kael Avery would be able to feel his heartrate elevate. Kael decided if she did he would probably be dead. Unless this was all a scheme to gain information.

“Avery, I did not offer you aid because I thought it without risk.” Kael took a step closer to Avery. If she didn’t move they’d be inside arm’s reach of each other. His heart beat continued to rise. Kael didn’t know if he was helping an ally or walking into the jaws of a lion. He held hope, but did not know if it it stemmed from reality or simply the exhaustion of maintaining his ruse for so long.

“Let me help you.”
His voice was firm, but warm. “Let us help each other.”
  • Frog Sus
Reactions: Avery
Of course no one would look at her and think she had bloodlust. No, her own lust for blood came in the way of magic, how her ability could hear blood.

But she had learned to ignore it. To be unattached to her magic so that she could experience a life without feeling like an abomination.

"I don't need help." She settled on a sigh, giving him a weak but appreciative smile. "I just need to graduate and get out of here. It's so close but then there's still too much in the way of it. All I ask is that... you excel in your Restes exam. You have an archery course that will test your reflexes and wit, and the beginnings of winning over a horse."
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Kael
The goblin let out a sigh. He understood the girl’s sentiment well, but a twinge of disappointment creeped inside of him all the same. His heart rate fell, as he reasoned if she were gathering intel this would not have been her response. The entire conversation seemed genuine.

“I’m not trying to say that you need help. I just don’t want you to feel or to be alone.” He responded. Another breath escaped and Kael reached for his quiver before stepping away from the lady. He looked at the targets still moving from the effect of the runes and counted Avery’s shots. Were there six? No, he found a seventh. Kael took in a breath as his torso became still as a rock, then pulled and fired to match Avery’s display. He hit his mark once, twice, thrice. His fourth arrow slid next to hers, then five and six hit their marks. Target seven he misjudged, moving center just out of his arrows reach. It landed right of center, perhaps a forearm’s length.

“Kress.” He cursed. “Still work to do.”
  • Bless
Reactions: Avery