Open Chronicles The Garden That Was Once A Town

A roleplay open for anyone to join


In the distance was a hazy shape, sharper and more defined than the comparatively natural environment of the Spine. Instead of eying the distant mountain range as they trekked upward through temperate forests, their gaze met the ruins of what appeared to be a town. Pillars, seemingly once belonging to greature structures than those that stand before them now, stood in solitude as great swaths of moss and fungus enveloped the structure. The ground, which was typically a layer of grass with a sprinkling of stone as they got further up, was soon covered with various mushrooms and moss, painting it a sea of green and blue. The ruins of houses, most having fallen to age and decay, still stood strong, a reminder of the people that once lived within those walls, the people who left those very same walls for the Wilds. Vines wrapped around the homes, coming through broken windows in a tight enravelment.

Caelia slowed her step, the flock of Overgrown deer and a singular panther following almost simultaneously to match her speed. She looked behind herself, waiting for the comparatively slower This-One to arrive. "Welcome to my old home, the town turned to gardens. All who lived here are a part of the Mycolyp now, leaving this place in the state you see it in today. Yet, in the ruins of yesterday grow the gardens of today." The deer, having deposited some of the Mycolyp's spores along their journey, went into a momentary rest. The panther, fungus and foliage covering his fur as bark segmented in its feline movements, stayed cautious, dull eyes darting from shadow to shadow. "There may be ones of flesh in the upcoming area, as we head further into the Spine. Tell me if you see any, and we will do the same."

The woman of fungus and plants, once human, looked over the town in all its ruined glory. A hint of nostalgia entered them, and one of curiosity. Curiosity about what would've happened if this town remained along with all of its inhabitants. Perhaps those pillars would once more stand tall with walls, or perhaps they would fall again, in a way that killed the inhabitants instead. They'd once more have to fend for food and medicine, struggling in winter and relieved in summer. Now, they no longer have to do those things. Instead, they may live content and with one another in peace. Snapping out of her ruminations like a branch in a violent wind, Caelia returned to her surroundings and began to move forward through the garden and among the ruins of the town it was grown on.
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This-one was a bit slower, weren’t they...

As they moved as a group, This-one was studying the means of movement between them. Four legs were what had inspired him before, and provided exceptional stability - and flight was a mystery for the lighter-weight - so it is no wonder his interests continued to be focused upon Caelia. The gait of a humanoid was deceptively effective. Technically slower than the propulsion of a deer, the advantage of reach and adjustment in the length of her strides compensated well during their overland travel. It deserved further study.

The tree traveled at off to the side, seeming particular apart not walking directly behind the Mycolyp, its roots trudging along through the woods as natural a walking tree could manage to look. Like sea-monster that made it to land. To spite the slower overall pace, This-one seem capable of a constant forward speed and was not slowed by the terrain, noticing dips and divots in the ground and the prehensile placement of its roots avoiding obstacles easily.

Their first stop was a settlement, and it was a waypoint of the Mycolyp journey. Intrigued and attentive, the tree stood still listening to Caelia, again, remaining outside of the reach of the Overgrown or their claimed grounds. Their joint smell was continuing to make distinguishing their separate bodies harder than it was used to, so by that alone, it was best for This-one to wait. Following her communication among the mass of the beings bodies and stationary structures, there was wonder to This-one the processes she must experience.

(Yes Caelia, I will.) Affirming her request as they rejoined as a group in order to continue their search for Orcs.
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Alani carefully climbed down the knotted slope of a steep hill, roots, and underbrush clawing up out of the earthen ledge to give her firm footholds to find her way safely down. She gently pushed the branch of a young sapling out of the way as she ducked under it, her short frame making it easy to maneuver through the ever-thickening forest. She glanced up at the patches of light that poked their way through the canopy. She looked back at the sapling contemplating its struggle to reach the sun overshadowed as it was by the ancient trees towering over it. It would not survive for long in this forest, the other older trees would inevitably choke it out. If she was home she would have cut it down and made it into something useful, perhaps repair the fence around the garden, the young green twigs would be good for weaving small traps, and the leave once dried could make compost or fire tinder.

Pressing on it wasn't long before she came upon a stone wall almost completely overgrown with moss vines and fungus. She stopped peering at the low crumbling wall. The strange blue fungus drawing her attention. She did not recognize the species, which she found odd, she knew most of the plants that grew in the area, what was edible and what not to eat, but she had never seen this before. She squatted down near the wall to get a better look at the mushrooms. The bright blue color seemed almost unnatural and led her to suspect that they were probably some level of poisonous. She could hear the voice of her mother in her head telling her to try some and the earth would reveal its secrets to her. At the same time, she could hear her fathers voice interrupting her mother saying that that was a very stupid idea. Her mental dilemma very quickly devolved into an imaginary argument between her parents and she was left with no answers.

Getting up she shrugged and skirted the wall making a point not to touch any of the blue fungi. She had bearly gone three paces before she notices more of the blue mushroom and fallen stone structures. It seemed to be the ruins of a village of some sort. She picked her way around the perimeter of the village eyeing the mushrooms annoyed that they held unknown secrets that she was not privy too. She heard a rustle in the forest ahead and her head snapped around. She froze meeting eyes with a doe made up of plants and vines. She hardly dared breath as their eyes remained locked. Then it looked away and wandered off. Then she heard voices through the trees.

Alani looked towards the voices and slowly moved in their direction rounding a tree she stopped short and stared at the woman of vines and plants that stood among the trees and ruins of the village.

"You are of the earth," She breathed wide-eyed.
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The Speaker of the Mycolyp caressed the ruined walls, the mushrooms beckoning towards her as wooden fingers grazed their caps. It was strangely comforting to be here, among the ruins of civilization overtaken by nature. Calm, serene even. Fungus clung to the walls like wallpaper, coating the surface in its luminescent blue hue that illuminated the area around it. Maneuvering herself through the rundown village with a grace one could only achieve after having lived there for a lifetime, Caelia continued to gaze about the area.

Suddenly, a spike of emotion penetrated her mind through the network of Overgrown Mycolyp. Shock. Surprise. Each emotion coming from one of the deer on the forest perimeter. What was is surprised by? The movement of Caelia froze immediately as she received this discharge of emotion, a singular hand coming up to signal a stop to their movement. The panther, which was still beside her, lowered its head and flattened its ears against its forested head. "Someone is here," she said quietly to This-One. Like a sudden surge of wind through leaves, she scanned the area around her in search of movement. She moved forward slightly into the forest, seeing a hint of clothing turn a tree. Then, she hear a voice. "I am," came her brief reply.

She leaned her head to see more of this figure that was still partially obscured by the forest, seeing a hint of blonde hair held in a braid as well as pale skin. "I am also named Caelia, Speaker for the Mycolyp. We and our ally, This-One," her head gestured behind her towards the direction of the tree, "have come to meet those of flesh and bone such as yourself." The panther remained by her side, crouched low to the ground with a low rumble emanating from his chest like the groaning of a tree in heavy wind. A hand fell to the Overgrown's back, covered with moss and mushrooms with the familiar blue glow to them, gently resting on it.

"Who are you?" Her voice was calm and level, not betraying much emotion, joy nor anger. Her face, a stoic expression almost carved into a layer of moss and bark serving as her new skin, showed little feelings either. Instead, what was apparent was a simple curiosity, a desire for conversation permeating the question.
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Alani let out a shaky breath and took a step forwards, eye darting all across the woman's bark and moss and mushroom, then at the panther, who even though it was made of plants Alani could tell was still very connected to its animal instincts. She tensed as the panther laid back its ears but the woman put a hand on its back, a seemingly reassuring gesture.

Coming closer Alani straightened to her full height though the woman was still a good head taller than her. She didn't seem quite human, her grayish pallor and her slightly pointed ears betraying this. She pulled down her scarf and smiled revealing two tiny tusks.

Contemplating the question she realized it was not something she had thought much about. She had always just been herself, but what made her Individual? She could hear her parents voices in her head, this time surprisingly unified. You are a child of earth and stone you know this in your heart it is in your blood.

“I am Alani, child of earth and stone. I know that must seem presumptuous to beings of earth such as yourself but it is all I have ever known.”
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Reactions: Caelia
((OOC: Sorry Alani... I need to mark my character's speech more clearly as being non-verbal))

There was no second voice, and the tree standing freely beside the moss-and-fungus cover woman, did not move or react outwardly at the presence or the appearance of the humanoid. To Caelia, he he communed, having noticed the creature at about the same time. This was why This-one was happy to follow the-Speaker's lead. There was nothing for It to do here for the most part. While able to hear them, It was unable to understand their language in the slightest, and relied on Caelia to relay what was needed.

When motioned to, the tree made just a the smallest shudder among its leaves, being the only sign of its intelligence or Its autonomy of movement. A releasing of scent oils from its bark and leaves communed thoughts between This-one and the Speaker of the Mycolyp.
("What is this? It... does not smell so badly... but is one of Them, yes?")

In spite of its serene stillness, Caelia could tell clearly that This-one was preparing to whip back its roots and smash this creature into the soil should its friend and translator indicate. It was fear, not anger, that spurred on the worst thoughts of a xenophobic tree-thing on a quest to protect their tiny corner of the world. She might not have quite realize yet, but would at some point surely see the This-one was truly Unknowledgable.
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Caelia was watching Alani rise to her full height, dull and glazed intent eyes watching every movement from above. Her form seemed to be that of a human, although her pallor was somewhat tinted with the hue of ash, while her ears ended in a point. As a scarf was slowly lowered, revealing her lips, although it also uncovered a pair of small tusks jutting out from her teeth as her mouth curled into a faint smile. At first, the Overgrown woman assumed Alani was human from her physique, however the features that were uncovered as she stepped from the shadows of the tree canopy betrayed that original belief. "Alani," she spoke, the word almost hanging in the air, as if to test how it sounded. "The Mycolyp greets you, Alani. On the behalf of This-One, they greet you as well."

Receiving the messages from This-One, Caelia sent her replies. (She is of flesh, yet she is also a child of earth and stone. Alani. The type of flesh is...difficult to discern.) The mushrooms by the great tree's form slowly rippled like a lake touched by a pebble, the movement slight as they sent their message along the Mycolyp network to This-One. One glance at the tree and the subtlety hidden between their messages showed that, although his form was still, it was still from restraint, not by relaxation. (We shall maintain that restraint until the one of flesh and supposed earth shows us that is foolish. Now, we remain cordial and calm.)

Turning her attention to Alani once more, she said, "Child of earth and stone, do you know of this town? How it once was, before it became a garden?" She turned her gaze towards the decrepit walls that still managed to stand, held up by tightly wound vines and clothed with fungus, standing in almost unrecognizable patterns after so long of having been in disuse. "Or what fills that garden now?" The fungus along the walls continued to glow an unorthodox, hazy blue light that coated the ruins with an almost ethereal visage. Her voice remained serene, as though she were simply making a comment on the weather or the flowers, taking on a somewhat reminiscent tone as she contemplated and spoke.
Alani watched in awe as the mushrooms rippled in unison like some strange living thing. She did not know what the woman meant by the Mycolyp or This-One. She listened to the woman's question a strange sort of nostalgia of her own washing over her as she contemplated the ruins. There was a small moment of reverent silence before she spoke.
"I would assume that nature took back what was its own, as is it's right to do. Though I have never seen mushrooms like this before and I know most of the plants that grow in the forests around The Spine."
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Reactions: Caelia and Banshi
Not the sharp oily metallic stench of the Orcs it remembered, or the Humans who smelled of burnt iron and ammonia, this new visitor’s origins were yet another mystery. Each question seemed to lead to a dozen more. How frustrating. (“That is no stone…”) The tentacled roots eased down nonetheless. All the while listening with its skin, This-one felt like it would like not understand this ‘language’ for sometime, if ever. It was a ululation of wind through meat-tubes, smacked upon in the same made that It had seen them consume food. Terrible! The thought of it brought another shudder across the short crop of broad waxing looking leaves. Thankful, This-one trusted Caelia to speak to the creature, but Its curiosity would not be satisfied by words alone.

Moving from around from Caelia's side and avoiding the Overgrown, the tree-being approaches Alani upon a series of tentacle-roots moving like a large insect, multitasking motion that made for a rather smooth momentum. The Tree creature had no hesitation in its approach, moving directly toward the humanoid with a childish lack of awareness or the etiquette of personal space. Upon their first meeting, the Mycolyp was known to be a creature larger than just the Speaker, and This-one had kept distance because it is potentially dangerous to This-one’s autonomy and health. This toothy creature was a different thing and this was both the closest It had ever been and, in Its thinking, might be the only chance to inspect one. After all, it had not started running... yet.

Attempting to stop close to the Alani, This-one settled it roots. There is a notable crunch as each leg reconnects itself into the soil, and thus planted a few smaller wispy branches lifted slowly and gently outward towards the mysterious woodswoman. A faceless, non-personified plant; the tree’s purpose was unclear and nothing was said, though the creature may note the aromatic scent in the air around it.

(“... but has a good spring-tap.”) No explanation of this statement followed.
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Alani started as the tree uprooted itself, moving for the first time with unnerving certainty. She resisted the urge to back up as the thing approached. She could hear her father saying it is unnatural for trees to get up and walk about. She noticed the strong smell that hung around it, though another creature less attuned to nature might not have noticed it. It was similar but not the same to the smell that would often hang over her mother. She remembered her mother telling her that this was the way that plants communicated. Her mother probably would have understood this tree but Alani felt a mixture of frustration and confusion with a hint of restrained fear as the tree reached for her. But this fear did not smell like normal human fear, of sweat and urine, it was distinctly plant-like in origin. It was not just the smell of fear but also confusion and frustration came through, a strong scent that was almost overpowering the smell of the tree. A kind of screaming as if she was not in control of this.
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"The Mycolyp. That is what the fungus is called, native to the Ixchel Wilds. I'm very familiar with it, as you could tell," she gestured to the mushrooms that grew on her, scattered in a seemingly random pattern, which resembled those that covered the wall. "I used to live in those walls, before it was overgrown. It was where I was born, and where I was reborn by the Mycolyp, just as all the others who lived within it." Caelia looked back to This-One, responding through another wave of scents, (Born in stone, most likely. When asked about these ruins, she said she assumes nature took back what was its own, as is its right. She is unknowledgeable of the Mycolyp.)

In silence, Caelia watched as the tree uprooted itself from the dirt. Tendrils of wood stretched through the air with an amount of speed and grace unbeknownst to normal trees, burrowing once more through the rocky soil, pulling the large plantoid closer to Alani. A heavy silence filled the air, almost permeable in the seconds the moment took, as This-One seemed to inspect Alani. However, the comment was almost more odd than the movement itself. (Elaborate. Do not demonstrate.) Caelia held her hands behind her back, clasping them together in a relaxed position as she watched the interaction intently.

One thing that interested her was Alani. She smelled different. Different than anyone of flesh she or the Mycolyp as a whole have encountered. However, she did smell familiar. She smelled of nature, a distinct tang of foliage that coated the air around her. While the scent was present, it wasn't honed like the messages between the Mycolyp or This-One. It was raw and unharnessed, clear in presence yet its presence wasn't confined. A primal message was within, of fear and confusion, of frustration. "Child of nature as well as stone. We are alike... not the same, but alike. Intriguing. Your fear is not as needed however, This-One is a curious one." There was a shift in her tone, one of surprise and a glimmer of respect for one that seemed to bear some similarities. "Ones of flesh do not emit such scents, which is odd. Overgrown do, but it would be apparent if you were one. A pleasant surprise."

It was in the Mycolyp's interest to maintain communication with this Alani. Even if she were a typical one of flesh, she would be useful as either a simple source for words, or if she was willing, an overgrown. However, the scent that permeated the area around her spoke another story. Someone who is connected to earth and nature already may prove advantageous to both communication and the Mycolyp as a whole. With this odd characteristic, This-One might also be willing, and able, to commune and interact with Alani as well.
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(OOC: Sorry I guess I didn't make that clear enough. Alani didn't show fear externally. However, she did accidentally use a kind of natural magic to give off an empathic scent that the plants would be able to understand)
  • Yay
Reactions: Caelia
(OOC: Sorry, I thought you were describing This-One's scent when I was reading your post. I've edited mine so that it makes more sense!)
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Alani turned a bit red as she realized she has just said something without meaning to, but Caelia's reassurance was comforting.

"My family has been caretakers of the land for generations. In exchange for caring for the earth and protecting it from harm, it gives us special gifts. One of those is the ability to communicate with plants. I am still mastering the ability. However, my mother is very skilled. She has a very strong connection to the earth and can communicate with all the plants of the forest," Alani explained, looking between This-One and Caelia. She wished she had more control over the plant's language. Only being able to convey simple emotions and being unable to understand what the others said was extremely limiting. She also felt it was somewhat disrespectful of her not to be able to speak to them in their own language. They were so gracious to speak to her in her language she felt back that she could not extend the same courtesy.
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Reactions: Caelia
At least one could. The other? Not so much. The tree, lowering it pointing limbs, stepped away from Alani in short motion giving more space between the three lifeforms. The instinctual use of the chemical language was a surprising omen, which This-one took to be a good sign for its mission. Again, after moving It do not turn, making it clearer that it has no facing. (She has a life-force sourced from the deep stream... Natural Magick. Good smell. Will she come with us?) Rather than suggesting It, directly, tree was asking Caelia to make a determination for their group. This-one was quick to make change their mind, as well as to make judgments, and seemingly any other decision with a certain lack of awareness an forethought. If it wasn't a threat than it could be a friend.
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Reactions: Alani Delkera
"Commendable. The Mycolyp and This-One both wish to preserve our territories, it is encouraging to hear that those of flesh may carry similar goals. If you wish," a pause started, a silent consideration crossing Caelia's mind, "the Mycolyp could help expedite your ability to commune with nature and gather a strong connection to it. Become Overgrown, like me for instance." She held up a hand, signaling for Alani to not respond yet. "I do not ask this lightly, it is purely up to you." As she was speaking, Caelia was relaying whatever Alani said to This-One as well as providing a synopsis of her own words. (Indeed, I will ask. She seems to have knowledge of the area, knowledge that could be useful, not to mention her more preferable scent and magic.)

"Regardless of if you wish to accept the offer, it is clear you know this area well, Child of Earth and Stone. We wish to meet more like you, of flesh and skin, so that we may exchange words. You could be a capable guide for us, considering our experience here is limited." As Caelia spoke her request, the herd of Overgrown deer had wandered back to their location, forming a loose perimeter around them as they waited idly for movement, done with seeding the local area around the ruins with spores of the Mycolyp.
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Reactions: Alani Delkera
Alani listened to the woman's offer. She could hear her mothers voice in her head, This is a gift of the forest, to be a part of the earth is the greatest offer you could ever receive. However, at the same time, she also heard her fathers protests, A gift? You don't know anything about this thing it could eat your brain out and leave you an empty husk. Alani could practically see her mother roll her eyes as his concerns, This is exactly what we need. Our line is dying. Who better to care for the land then people of earth. Alani licked her lips, unsure of what to do. A sent of apprehension wafted into the air. Instead of answering The woman's first question she moved on to the second.

"I have lived in this land and know of few others of my kind but I do speak their languages. However, if you want to learn about the world beyond the forest then perhaps you should speak with my father. He came from Belgrath, the great dwarf city. And my mother would love to meet you, I am sure she would want to learn of you and your kind."
  • Yay
Reactions: Caelia
((OOC: Sorry, RL has been angry with me.))

This-one stood by, Their movement halting, as if returning to dormancy. Was it thinking over the parts of the conversation it was given? Was it concentrating upon something, like its roots or distance smells? Was it asleep? Was it still capable of moving? No expressions, meant most had to simply ignore such nagging thoughts, to assume it was just waiting. Even though This-one understood, what was Cealia was saying, it would be a one-sided conversation for now, preferring to listen to the weird vibrations along its trunk. Perhaps a bit easily distracted.
In the few moments of silence that passed between the uttering of her offering and Alani's segue onward, Caelia maintained her curt and stagnant expression. However, there was a betrayal of emotion, but on Alani's side: a vague scent of apprehension. That was enough of an answer for her; a typical answer to such an offer, even though the benefits were clear and overpowering. "We would be most intrigued in speaking to these individuals. Any perspective and insight would be beneficial in furthering our understanding of the realms outside of the forested borders of our territories." The Overgrown woman gave a rigid and brief bow, various roots and vines parting and shifting in position at the movement.

Meanwhile, the mushrooms nearby the seemingly dormant This-One rippled once more, sending off more signals through the network to the tree in order to transmit a message. (Alani, the Child of Earth, says that if we wish to learn more of the outside world beyond our homes, she will take us to meet her mother and father. The father comes from deep in the mountains in a place known as Belgrath, and the mother would supposedly be interested in meeting our kind. If you wish to inquire about them, I can relay the message to her and tell you the reply. She has also declined the offer to undergo Overgrowth for the time being.) There was a lapse of doubt if This-One was aware of what a mother or a father is, but it was dispelled by the understanding that if that was the case, the tree could be able to pick up the meaning. There was also the momentary confusion of if they were simply asleep, or if such a state was possible for such a being.
Alani returned the bow. Any remaining anxiety melted away with the assurance that they would talk to her mother. She would be able to determine if they could truly be trusted. For now, they were guests and beings of the forest and she intended to treat them with the utmost respect. Having overcome her initial anxiety it was replaced with an almost giddy excitement and curiosity.

"My home is about a day's journey north of her. It is a bit of a walk but I would assume neither of you needs to sleep or eat?" She explained
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Reactions: Caelia and Banshi
Long periods of silence where not uncommon for their tree-friend, as they may come to know. This-one was eager to continue their journey, but they already had found that it would not be so straight forward as first conceived. What was one to do? Coming across many people and telling them not to come to This-one's land had already revealed to be infeasible. So what were they to do. Returning now was more dangerous, and besides, moving ahead was begin to become exciting. They wondered what wonders would next be discovered. Pressing on, and learning for these crucial moment. The tree stood silent, not wishing to interrupt the complicates mouth flappings. That bending over gesture was certainly a strange one. Wasn't that awkward and unbalancing. Odd, but maybe there was more to it than that. They found themselves happy to just be present.
"No, we can aquire nutrients in other ways, and rest is of no importance. If you wish to have a mount to help you on the journey, the Mycolyp is willing to provide one." Caelia nodded to Alani, as the herd of elk separated to allow for the movement of one of its members towards the Child of Earth. The elk lowered its head, revealing the moss that enveloped its skin, flat oyster mushrooms lining the sides of its fur, and its antlers turned to a display of branches and vines.

Caelia looked over to This-One, accepting the lack of a response as the absence of a need for them to relay any information. As a tree, it seemed to be content with the lack of communication. Regardless, she did send one piece of information: (It will take a day to travel to the mother of Alani. Keep an eye out for others of flesh.) Turning her gaze back to Alani, she asked, "Shall we leave now?"
Alani nodded "Thank you." The elk knelt down allowing her to climb onto it's back without to much trouble. Her scent changed to that of contentment as it rose back to its feet and she looked up at the sky through the patches of canopy. "We may leave now if you wish," She said. Then she let off a new scent, this time not quite a word but not an emotion either, more of just the general directional concept of north. She was starting to get the hang of this new form of communication.
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Reactions: Banshi
'Hearing' the impression from their 'new friend's' attempt to commune, the tree uproots and prepares itself to move, answering Caelia. ("I will smell and speak to my friends... but Alani's scent was more difficult to detect. Others' may also be masked.") His sight was less than poor, he worries than some of the Foes might also not register among the spring bloom. Concerning, since he had never experienced this before. They had another companion, and she seemed to be comfortable riding upon the Overgrown. This-one would feel bad holding their team up with it's slow travel - and so had been thinking to itself quietly for several minutes.

Shifting its body, the tree begain to focus it's growth, even breaking off a few piece of itself in order to arrange its mass into place. There was a groan of the fibers as the new limbs took shape, centering the tree's trunk into a torso, winding some roots into two distinct legs, and it's branches into arms... And although This-one forgot to make a head, the tree was now otherwise vaguely humanoid shape. There was a moment of wobbling as it reinforced itself and relearned its on balance, but then it stood, mimicking the two examples it had seen so far.
("If I move faster... can we get there before dark?")
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Reactions: Alani Delkera
"Then let us head onward." Without a word of direction, a nearby elk lowered its fungus covered head, vines limply hanging off of fur mottled with moss and mushrooms. Caelia swung herself over the elk, saddling herself upon the mushroom covered back of her mount, signaling to Alani to guide them. She took special notice of the scent that began to fill the air once more, coming from Alani, a wordless and emotionless signal of a direction. So, with a singular nod of recognition, she began northward, slow in pace to allow Alani to take the lead.

(Worry not. We have many eyes with us now, and we will keep watch.) She shifted around in her mount, looking towards This-One as he began to contort and reshape his previously and prominently tree form to one of a more humanoid body, the scent of intrigue and vague pride becoming known from Caelia and the Mycolyp. (I will ask, although I am sure it will.) True to her word, she looked over to Alani, asking, "With This-One in this new form and moving faster, will be able to get there before dark?"

[I'm so sorry I haven't responded recently, I didn't get any notifications from this thread for some reason.]
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Reactions: Alani Delkera