Fate - First Reply The Fate of Us All

A 1x1 Roleplay where the first writer to respond can join
She wasn't sure how long she hung there with the hammer lodged into the Priest's face. The body seemed to resist death as it held its stance, the weight of his hand still on her shoulder and the squeeze of his grip unrelenting. Ralene stared out it, a grimace of disgust stealing her expression as she wrenched herself free and shoved the body aside. It fell with a thud that seemed to shake the entire courtyard and the aura of the compound.

"What....what did you do?" Andin came walking over, "What did-"

Ralene turned on the farmboy and gripped him by his shirt, "Get out of here, right now."

"You killed him," Andin looked on in shock.

"These people are evil," she growled back and shoved him toward the exit, "get out. Take as many people with you as you can. GO!"

She moved then with purpose over to the forge where the fires were absolutely roaring. Damn, she thought to herself as she yanked open the forge gate, he weren't no Eli with starfire powers but he could set a flame like nobody's business. With a breath she rolled up her sleeves on both arms, exposing inked runic and alchemical compositions, and began the mantra she used when working with the fires.

A red haze cast itself around her limbs, climbing up to her shoulders and encompassing her body. Without hesitation, Ralene reached into the forge and withdrew two flaming chunks of wood then turned and threw them at the nearest wooden structure in the yard. The flames crackled against the magical ward surrounding her body, leaving her hands reddened from the heat but unharmed. A second trip saw her tossing the firelogs at another building in a different direction.

The third trip was when she'd been caught.

The guards from within the cellblock stepped out, investigating the strange occurrence of the fleeing farmboy.

"Oi!" the first one to emerge spotted Ralene holding the flaming logs, "You're on fire!"

Ralene whipped around to look at them and spared them a heated look, "I know," she growled, "tell the Captain." Then flung the logs directly at the guards with such force that it knocked the first one back into the second and sent them both spilling back in through the cellblock door.

"FIRE!" Ral began to holler, "THE BUILDINGS ARE ON FIRE!"

The chaos would, hopefully, be enough of a distraction for her to find Edric and get the fuck out of here.

  • Popcorn
Reactions: Edric
Calls of fire began to ring out as Edric moved through the building, fingers still clutching around the Crusaders sword. His lips twisted in a sneer as he felt the flames begin to lick the walls, heat rising within the building he was making his way through.

He felt Ralene move, shift.

Before her were a dozen other pinpricks of life. Men, perhaps priests, who would have ordinarily stood in his way. Yet the calls of fire were enough to send those flickers of life rushing out of the building ahead. They moved away, swarming to safety from two threats that lay behind them.

By the time Edric made it to the doors fire was always lashing at the rafters. Heat poured down on him, sweat pouring from his skin as the inferno licked at his flesh. The raging fire matched his temperament, and when he reached the doors his leg kicked out.

A loud splintering crash echoed as the crossbeam was sundered the gates falling open to reveal a hall of fire and Edric in the middle.

The Initiate stepped forward into a courtyard of screaming panic.

In the distance one could hear bells beginning to toll. Not the sound of worship, but the mark of an emergency rushing through the city as news spread faster than the flames.
The dimness of the cell block shivered with anxiety. Within the cells the prisoners had alerted to the calls of fire and began to stir. As the two guards came tumbling in with a piece of burning wood lodged into the metal chestpiece of the second, the alert shifted to immediate fear.

With a gasping cough that sputtered into a sudden yelp of alarm, the bludgeoned guard scrambled to his feet and immediately made for the exit, hollering all the way. His companion groaned where he lay on the floor, concussed and bleeding beneath his helmet.

In the doorway a shadow cast over the outside light pouring in, then melded into the darkness inside before banishing it with flame. Ralene's figure lurched forward, planting a boot on the downed guard's chest as she leaned with a flame-laced arm to take the ring of keys from him. She moved then with purpose down the hall of the cell block, unlocking each gate and yanking them open. The prisoners stood in their cells, baffled by this flaming savior and unsure if running was, indeed, the best option.

When she reached the end of the block, Ralene dropped the keys into a nearby brazier and turned just before the doorway.

"Everyone out," the she-flame commanded, "fate will decide your guilt now."

By the time she stepped back out into the light of the day, her sleeves and shoulders were consumed by fire that continued to crackle and hiss and spark against the hazy red ward surrounding her. Ral watched as militia, knight, and priest alike moved about frantically, attempting to pull people from buildings and bring water where the flames had taken.

But it was too late, the fires had spread quickly and presently enveloped over half the courtyard compound. It would soon reach the temple and no doubt their attention would be well on saving that. Her gaze carved across the courtyard to the sound of splintering wood and settled on the familiar silhouette of Edric as he exited into the open. A short sigh of relief sent her shoulders sagging for a brief moment before Ralene turned and moved back over to her work area and the water barrel sitting nearby. Plunging her arms into the water and splashing it up over her shoulders, the fire sputtered into plumes of smoke.

As a last ditch effort, she knocked the barrel over just to give these fuckers one less way to put their fires out. She then turned to head toward Edric at the center of the chaos, clothing singed and soaked, skin a heated and angry red, but otherwise unharmed, and stopped a dozen yards short to give him a wary once-over.

"You with me, Ed?" Ral asked. She'd felt the power of the Priest's mind control first hand and knew he could have broken through her ward if he'd maintained his grip on her unimpeded for much longer. There was no way to know if Ed had encountered the same ... or if her amulet had worked at all.
  • Devil
Reactions: Edric
Edric stepped from the flames, rolling his shoulder as fresh air seeped into his burned and healing lungs. His head tilted in a nod. "Aye."

His voice was firm, but rasped. Vocal cords having charred as he'd walked through the inferno.

"I'm still in here." The young Initiate said gruffly as he stepped forward and continued to Ralene's side. There was a small smile on his face, a joy that bubbled through him at finally being within his element.

Chaos, death, the world that he thrived in. "Let's get the girl and get the fuck out."

He told Ralene, flicking the sword upward and resting it on his shoulder.

The fire would keep most of Wissburg busy. There was no doubt that they'd put out the blaze eventually, but until they did the chaos would provide cover for the two Initiates and their ward to escape. That was all they needed. The Republic and it's Guardsmen could do the rest.

Without waiting for an answer, Edric motioned, and the two quickly set off to where they had told Elspeth to stay put.

All around them people were rushing and running. Some moving to dump buckets of water on the inferno, others to gather their children, and some ran in the entirely opposite direction. Not towards the fires, but to the refugee camp.

Edric saw them as he and Ralene moved, but his focus was on the task at hand. Not whatever else might be happening in Wissburg.
  • Dab
Reactions: Samantha Black
Oh thank the Gods.

Ralene didn't really even believe in the Gods, but fuck if she wasn't looking forward to duking it out with a brain-fogged Edric. She gave him a quick glance over, noting his scalded and singed flesh, but withheld comment and nodded in agreement to the suggestion of making a hasty exit. She moved with him, ducking past frantic townspeople until they reached a crossroads. One way would take them to Elspeth's home, the other way would take them to the Smithy.

"Get Sirl," Ral called after Edric as she ducked behind him to take the right, "I'll get the horses and our gear. Meet me at the entrance we came in through!"

She didn't wait for a response - there wasn't any need. Her heels dug deeper as she kicked up her speed, dodged an incoming water cart and the horses pulling it, then made her way for the Smithy.
  • Cheer
Reactions: Edric
Edric didn't offer a reply as Ralene offered her command. In an instant he peeled off from his companion, heading through the streets directly towards the abode of Elspeth Sirl.

Chaos reigned all the way there.

Dozens of peoples ran to and fro. Some carried buckets of water, others bags of sand, and still others clutched arm fulls of possessions. He knew the fire would reach the innocents, knew that it would cause trouble, but he didn't care.

Wissburg would find peace, but it would not be soon. Not under the name it now held.

Edric dashed through the streets, taking no care in concealing the bloody sword on his shoulder.

He reached Elspeth's house not long after he left Ralene's side. No flames had reached this far into the city, and even the chaos seemed to not have flooded here. Edric moved up the steps quickly, his boot reaching up and sundering the door with a swift quick.

There was no time to wait, no time for manners. "Get your things!"

Edric called into the home as he stepped inside.

"We're leaving." And nothing would stop him.
A commotion sounded from inside of a woman yelping in surprise and furniture being turned over. When Edric stepped in he'd find Elspeth Sirl in a heap on the floor, having tumbled backwards over the bag of her affects she'd had waiting by her feet.

"So much for knocking!" she huffed as she righted and disentangled herself from her own shawl, flipping the mess of red hair out of her face as she looked up and set wide blue eyes on the rudely-intrusive Initiate.

"What's happened? The plan was to leave tonight!"

Elsi shoved her bag out of the way and used the nearby kitchenette table to hoist herself to her feet. She hastily tugged at her shawl, dithered a bit, then grabbed for the carry strap of her bag, "I just saw a whole gaggle of Guards go rushing for the Temple!"
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Edric
"They never taught us manners." He said quietly, not loud enough for Elspeth to hear.

Edric, still clutching a half bloody sword stood in the entryway of the small cabin. Watching as Elspeth hoisted herself to her feet. Fingers latching onto the carry strap for her bag. Towards the temple?

The thought flickered briefly through his mind.

Were they sending the Guards to protect the bishop in the chaos? It made sense, but at the same time made him wonder. Lips thinned, and then he suddenly shook his head. Right now there was only one mission, and he had to see it done. "There's a fire at the barracks."

He did not mention who started that fire.

"It's a good distraction." It really was, half the city was roaring. "So we're getting out."

Edric said as he practically pushed Elspeth out the door.
  • Scared
Reactions: Elspeth Sirl
"Clearly-" oof!

Elsi could appreciate the need to move quickly, but verbally contested the need to push her along, "I do not require your help to hurry-" she shot back at him as she nearly stumbled down the stairs at his insistence. Catching herself at the bottom, a wide blink was given to a group of men frantically driving a water wagon up the street with a young boy in the back blowing a horn.

"WATCH OUT!" they called as the wagon roared by, nearly toppling Elspeth back into Edric in the process.

For a moment she stood stunned, her mind racing through the instinct to follow the wagon. There could be people who were burned, injured - people that actually needed help. She could help them! But Edric didn't give her a chance to follow through and yanked her impatiently along with him.

"We're not just going to leave all these people to suffer here-" Elsi asked as she ran along with him, "someone's coming back to help them, right?!"
  • Sip
Reactions: Edric
Edric half clutched at Elspeth, dragging her another step back as the Wagon rushed by them. A quiet curse rang through his mind, but he did not have time to voice it before the panicking noble thrust a quick query at him.

Lips thinned almost immediately.

Truth was he had absolutely no idea if someone would be coming back to help this place. Wissburg was a mess of chaos and order, schemers and priests who thought themselves already sitting on a throne. He didn't think the Republic would ignore this threat, but there was no real way of telling.

Of course, letting Elspeth know that would only make her drag her heels. "Yes."

Edric lied, his voice as stern as ever.

"We'll be back." The Initiate said as he continued to guide Elspeth through the Chaos, clutching his sword with one hand. "But first we're getting you ou-"

Before he could finish speaking they turned a corner, and found that the gate was guarded by nearly a dozen men. Lips thinned almost instantly, and he dragged Elspeth back a few steps behind a decrepit building. Gently pushing her into a small alcove. "Stay here."

He said, just a breath away from her. "Do not move."

Edric insisted, moving to step out of the alcove. Hefting the sword in his hand.
  • Dwarf
Reactions: Samantha Black
Why did his yes sound more like fuck no?

Elspeth set her jaw and caught her feet, moving along with him with a concentrated effort to keep up and not be forcibly dragged along. Damnit, no one made her to anything against her will - even if fleeing wasn't her first option, she would manage herself! She'd just found her stride alongside him when out of nowhere Edric stopped and for a moment she thought he'd pulled her arm clean from her shoulder.

"Wait, what are you-" he was pushing her into hiding and suddenly very, very close. Most other ladies might have blushed, but Elspeth couldn't help but notice the singed remnants of his shirt and the stench of burnt hair and flesh clinging to him. She frowned, briefly disturbed but no less keen to get some semblance of understanding of what in the Many Gods of Anir was going on here.

She chanced a peek to watch after him, leaning out to see around the building though she wasn't afforded a very good view. Elsi could see several guards at the gate - many more than any single man had any right to take on by himself. Where was the girl he'd traveled with? Had she been captured? Killed?
  • Smug
Reactions: Edric
Edric stepped forward towards the group of guards, eyes flickering over their rusted armor and ancient weapons. Most of them were of the militia, none of the Priests or warriors of Anir scattered among them. Clearly they had been ordered to hold the post.

"Orin! Glad to see you've made it through the Chaos."​

The Initiate had to stop himself from cringing as he heard Donric's voice. The man had been good to him, kind, the thought of killing him brought no joy. Fingers tightened around the hilt of his sword as he drew it free, tossing the scabbard to the side. "Donric."

His voice was cold steel.

"Take your men and go, see to your families. Make sure they're out of the fire." Confusion flickered over the old swordmasters face, head tilting as he looked Edric up and down.

"Orin I-"​

"It's not a question." Edric said as he stopped a few meters short of the Guards. "Walk away, or I kill all of you right here, right now."

The Proctors would have punished him for giving these men a chance. He should have fallen on them with a rush of his blade, killed them before they had a chance to understand what was going on. But Edric simply couldn't do it.

"I...I don't understand, but we were ordered to guard this gate, and we will guard this gate. Step back Orin, I don't want to hurt you lad."​

The other soldiers now stepped forward. Three of them had large axes, one a halberd, the other two had swords. They shifted, clearly not entirely comfortable as they approached the Dreadlord.

Edric's shoulders sagged, eyes closing for a brief moment, and then his jaw set. His form becoming a blur as he rushed into the cadre of Guards.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Samantha Black
Edric was well into the thick of clearing the men from in front of the gates when Ralene rode in on her horse, ponying his own behind her. Eyes wide, she pulled them up just beyond the chaos of the fighting men and turned them about as she sought out the red hair of their target.

"ELSPETH!" she hollered over the din of panicking people and the clash of metal, then she saw her peeking around the edge of a building and kicked the horse on to reach her.

"He told me not to move from here!" the young Sirl announced as she tucked herself back into the alcove.

"Well I'm telling you to get your noble ass on the horse!" Ralene yelled back at her and stuck her hand out for the girl to take. The moment Elsi grabbed for it, Ral hoisted her up onto her her behind her saddle with such vigor that Sirl nearly lost her breath.

"What do we do now, the gate is still closed?" Elsi wheezed at her back.

"We wait for Ed to clear the way," Ral grumbled back, swinging the horses about to face the shirtstorm presently erupting in their path.
  • Bless
Reactions: Edric
The first two militia men died almost the instant they stepped into the reach of Edric's sword.

His movements were so fast, so brutal that it took the others a few seconds to catch up to what had actually happened. Donric in particular looked at Edric with a mixture of horror and confusion, his features twisting as realization struck him.

Edric didn't waste any time.

There wasn't room for mercy in a fight, there wasn't a place for honor or any of that nonsense. He had given these men a chance, and they had chosen not to take it. Now he would do what Dreadlords were trained to do; Kill.

The rest of the fight didn't last much longer. The soldiers through themselves forward, and Edric struck back every beat of their weapons. One he felt the slice of a sword at his side, but the steel was ignored as his own blade found it's place within the wielders chest cavity.

At the end, rain still pouring down, Edric stood before the gate alone. Half a dozen men laying dead and dying around him. Just in front of him Donric lay, his stomach bloody, and his lips curled into a painful smile.

"Shoul-shou-" The old Swordsman coughed up blood, shaking his head. "Shouldn't have taught you so well."

Edric stared down at the man, his eyes hard, jaw set. "I guess so."

The Dreadlord said, letting his blade sink down through Donric's chest.
  • Dab
Reactions: Samantha Black
Not but moments after the sickening crunch and gurgle of Donric's last breath did the heavy beat of frantic hooves sound. "Ed - the gate!" Ralene yelled at him as she brought the two horses around in a circle, stamping over downed bodies and shoving the remnant guards away with her boot.

"That's her, that's the one!" a voice sounded over the chaos of the scattering townsfolk. Elspeth looked over to see a young man pointing towards them. He was accompanied by two other Guards, but not the city watch. These were Guards from the Temple in armor blazoned by the sigil of their false God.

"The Blacksmith! She's the one that killed the Priest and set the fire!"

Ralene's heated gaze snapped to the familiar face of Andin and loosed a stream of damning expletives vulgar enough to make Elspeth's cheeks red. Though that could have just been from the excitement.

"Ed - HURRY!"
  • Scared
Reactions: Edric
Edric turned back as he heard Ralene shout.

His eyes immediately flickered to the armor figured behind her. Lips thinned, and then he turned on his heel in an instant. With quickened steps he darted towards the gate. His magic alsged out and anything and everything around him.

Tendrils of entropy lashed out. Ripping vitality from insects, rats, what little remained of the guards he had fought.

Magic poured into him and through his muscles. Within a few beats of his boots Edric reached the gate. His hand curled around the massive wicket of the gate. He grabbed the huge hunk of wood used to bar the wooden doors, and with a powerful heaved it from its place. With a screech of rotten wood he threw it to the ground, doing by himself what it usually took three men to do.

Then with a swift wrench he pulled open one of the old wooden gates.

Behind Ralene some of the men shifted, dropping to one knee as they raised crossbows. "RAL!"

Edric shouted in warning, extending his hand as the two women rode closer. Grabbing the saddle of the horse and throwing himself onto the great beast. The guards behind them letting loose their first volley.
  • Dab
Reactions: Samantha Black
The instant Ed had the gate open, Ral kicked her horse into a frenzied rush to freedom. Edric's horse ran just off their flank, its reins in Ral's free hand. She had just enough time to glance back at the men readying their crossbows to tell Elspeth to duck and hold on. Her grip on both horses' reins didn't let up until they were through the gate and shoving past the guards stationed outside.

Elspeth gripped as tightly as she could around Ralene's waist as they blazed down along the dirt road. In their wake a dirt cloud drifted upwards to mingle with the smoke rolling in from the fires of Wissburg. They'd never be able to return here as Sam and Orin Black again, but they certainly didn't mean to. If they came back, it would be with the might of Vel Anir and as Dreadlord Initiates, set to rid this place of its corrupted men.

By the time they got far enough away that the city was sitting on the horizon, Ral pulled her horse up to slow and check that no one had given pursuit. Seemed the loss of a barmaid, a smith, and a trainee guard didn't fall high on the priorities when their temple was likely on fire. No one had given chase.

"Was anyone hit?" she turned her horse to look to Ed, though it hardly mattered if he had been, "Sirl?"

"I-" Elsi was still clinging to her quite strongly, but sat up enough to check herself over, "I think I'm fine. You set the fire?"

"We should keep moving," Ral purposefully did not answer that question because that, also, hardly mattered, "we need to get back to Vel Anir and report all this... and get you home."
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Edric
Edric took in a deep breath, ignoring the pain in the back of his shoulder as he pulled to a stop in front of Elspeth and Ralene. "Nothing I can't handle."

The Initiate said as he reached back and grabbed the haft of a crossbow bolt buried in his back.

With a wrench he pulled it free, the sickening sound of grinding bone and flesh echoing out for just a brief moment before he dropped the projectile on the ground. A grunt escaped him, but other than that Edric hardly seemed bothered.

"Agreed." He told Ral. "I'll keep the horses going."

With a glance over his shoulder he added. "I doubt they'll be chasing us, but the further we get from Wissburg the better."

At least until they came back with an army.

Edric frowned, looking at the smoke that now lay on the horizon. His lips thinned and slowly he turned back towards Ralene and Elspeth.

"Lets go." He said as his horse trotted forward, looking at Elspeth as he rode by them. "Try not to look at the tree."

The Initiate said as they began their journey home.
  • Dab
Reactions: Samantha Black