Private Tales The Brothers Grimm

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Asemir turned a glower at his brother ... which then shifted into something pensive.

"Face sitting...hmm..." pensive slowly turned to fond reminiscing over another slow and languid sip of his drink. Yes, indeed, he might regret a lot of things about last night but that would not be one of them.

But then, finally, a somber sigh as the moment and memory filtered away for the more serious discussion at hand. Going back to Mab. There would be no moving on, never.

"I have tried," Ase's head tipped to the side, brow furrowing again, "truly I have. There is no lack of fair, respected, and desirable women in Dusk - or beyond. I have move on."

"And I can't. She is my soulmate and I am stuck on her forever."
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Midir didn't have much of a response to that so he drank and let a silence lapse between them broken only by the spit and hiss of the warm autumnal fire. It had been Millenia since he had lost Aoibhell but even before then he had never really had her. He had valued her happiness over his own and had left her to enjoy her life with the husband she had chosen. If she had seen him as he had seen her she would have felt that mating bond and the pull might have taken her away from her home and her children. He had contented himself to just watch for years in the knowledge she was happy and safe and loved.

But when she had died...

It was a cruel twist of the Fae Lore that Mates existed.

"You know Cece is going to tell her," he said finally.
Asemir made a sound that fell somewhere between his brother attempting to rip his soul out through his throat and total, utter despair. There may not have been much difference between the two if you asked. It was like Midir was salting the wound on purpose.

"Yes," he sighed loudly, "of course she is. How do I begin to salvage this..."

Midir sipped at his liquor thoughtfully. Apologising to women had never been his strongest suit. It had never been any kind of suit of his.

"Have you considered...?" He casually drew a finger part way across his throat until he caught sight of his brothers look after which he dropped his hand and went back to nursing his glass. "Flowers are the more traditional route of course."
The look of abject, vehement disgust would have been enough to melt anyone lesser. Midir, of course, bathed in such things and took it in stride.

"You are horrible. I know you know this, but I feel a strong desire to remind you." He frowned, deeply, and sunk back into his drink. His eyes vacantly returned to searching the far, dark corners of the room for answers. Failed to find any.

"I am resolved to the thin hope that she will say nothing at all and my life can move forward as if it never happened." His expression soured on the notion. Thin hopes. Razor thin. Stupid, dumb, manish thin hopes.
"And you, my brother, are miserable," Midir counted and took another, savouring sip of his drink. There were complicated reasons behind why he tended to rid himself of the women he slept with but 'avoiding dramas' was definitely one of the perks. Asemir could take a leaf out of the Erlking handbook and save himself a lot of future heartache. With a sigh though he tilted his head back.

"You're not welcome to hide in my Court when you bring Winter down on your head though," he sniffed. War was the last thing he needed, especially when it had nothing to do with his own mistakes in the bedroom.