Private Tales The Assassin, The Summoner, and The Greedy

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


Dune Raider
Character Biography
Al'Kaliit is on an abandoned structure a group she used to raid with built a few months ago. It is a small sandstone shack-like building of egyptian style with, three rooms: two bedrooms and one bigger room. Nothing except the walls and ceiling were left and the floors were flooded with the sand brought from the everlasting winds of that place. The She waited for the two guests to arrive, for she had a plan. A very ambicious and risky plan.

She set up the triangle: three obelisks made of a metal bought from an alchemist and with gems enchanted by a powerful mage. Each obelisk is arround 30 cm high and 1.5 meters apart from each other.

She returned to the inside of the building until either Grozkalla or Telemachus arrived, like the letter she sent invited. The sum she offered was good. The promisses better, if the goal is achieved. As soon as one of them arrives, they see her fiddling with a necklace
With fell fall of foot, he came on the shifting sands. A cloak the color of camel hide hung around him. Scabbarded upon his back lay a great curved sword, mirrored at his belt by two smaller cousins, of similar steel and style. Upon his shoulders lay pauldrons sternly scaled and about his waist closed a padded jerkin of boiled pig.

He came to a stop before her, his black braids a lion's mane, and stared with two beady eyes set within a blue skinned face, not at the obelisks and gems, not at the sandstone walls, and not at the sand beneath their feet. He gazed upon her with a look purged pure by its intensity.

"I come."
Not long after Grozkalla arrived, the caravan bearing Telemachus reached its destination. It was a small group, three camels, four Sand Elves plus Telemachus. The Dark Elf dropped a pouch of silver coins into the waiting hands of the elder of the group and said something in their language. The elder's mouth twitched, but he said nothing, and remained waiting as Telemachus entered the structure.

Say one thing of Telemachus, say he is light of foot. Feet obscured beneath the folds of his robes, he appeared to practically glide across the sandstone floor. The staff he carried, black as onyx and featureless, never touched the ground. Telemachus did not appear to register Grozkalla, but he stopped right next to the towering fellow and stood before Al'Kaliit.

The Dark Elf placed a hand over his chest and inclined his head respectfully.

"My lady."
"You both know why you are here. I know why you are here. I offered money... Power... But I am the only know how or why I did it, and I hope to clarify you two soon."

The woman walked arround the two, looking att them both and smiling softly as she talked and looked at the guests as if they were toys.

"But before that, I must be sure of one thing. You both are came to the trouble of coming, but I need... Reassurance..."

At some point, she got her dagger out and fidgeted, played with it. She then stopped in front of them both and pointed at them with the dagger. With the contracted elbow she mived her wrist outwards and used the object as if it were just an extension of her finger.

"Are you with me, or agaist me... Gentleman?"
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Reactions: Telemachus
She was pointing a dagger at him. This was not a negotiation or conversation tactic was familiar with, but the traditions of Amol-Kalit were relatively unknown to him. Perhaps this was customary treatment. Regardless, Telemachus did not act, save to raise an eyebrow.

"My services are yours."

It went without saying that this would only be true so long as he was paid appropriately.
  • Yay
Reactions: Cosimo Imiliane
"And power you will have, friend."

She gets two pieces of paper and gives one to each. They both have stamps and signatures on them

"This is you salary and your verbs. Grozkalla, I need you to contact you friends and build a raider group. Elite. No single settlement should be able to win without the use of magic. If it is not enough money a month, send me a letter and I will fix that for you"

"Telemachus, come here... Get inside this triangle"

She pointed to the triangle formed by the obelisks and makes a small cut on her left finger, depositing a small drop of blood on each gem.

"Try and cast something. a small something, you're a much ore talented then I"

And then she closed her eyes, concentrating her not too good magical prowess into the triangle and crueating a null field: something that when a magic spell is about to be cast inside the area, the obelisks draw opposite power of the same strenght to cancel it.

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Reactions: Telemachus
Much had been asked of Telemachus in his storied career, but never had someone demanded so forwardly he step inside of... A triangle. Amusing, to say the least. He stepped cautiously into the area designated and waited as Al'Kaliit went from gem to gem, smearing the blood from her finger across them.

Telemachus was no stranger to paying the blood price to achieve greater effects in certain rituals. But he preferred to use someone else's blood.

He held out one open palm and attempted to conjure a small flame. The flame appeared for several moments, by which time the gemstones began to glow. The threads that wove the flame into existence were tugged upon by the enchantments that powered the gemstones... And all at once it came unraveled. The fire was snuffed out from Telemachus' hand.

The Dark Elf raised an eyebrow. "Fascinating."

He was fairly certain he could overpower the effects of this... Trap... If he truly desired. As it stood, it would only be of significant threat to mages who had not yet obtained any level of competency. Like his apprentice, Galen.

"Is there anything else you would like?"
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Reactions: Al'Kaliit
Grozkalla took the paper, his small and cavernous gaze never leaving her face. An unusual request for an assassin, but Grozkalla had been given stranger tasks by far. He questioned not the gods nor their decrees, even if it came from the oddest of mouths.

"So it is written. So it will be done."
  • Yay
Reactions: Telemachus
Is there anything else you would like?"

"Ah, yes... If you wouldn't mind, take some time to research these. Find better ways to do it and use it. Give me an address and I will send you some samples. Feel free to send me a letter if you need anything more"

"So it is written. So it will be done."

"Excelent. You won't disappoint me.

She wandered arround her guests and scratcher her arm a little. All of a suddend Al'Kaliir stopped and took two rings out of a small leather pouch that was on her waist and gave one to each.

"These red gems on tge rings have stored energy ond them. Telemachus, use it inly if really needed. Please. Gozkalla, yours is enchanted to use the energy to heal your wounds. But it is not in an instant, so don't go arround getting decapitated or whatever."

"For the next months, we will be getting control of a few fortresses arround here with another mercenary troup, not yours, orc. These are easy enough. Then we will probably go and fight a bit in the steppes if everything goes right. I want to test our tactics in a war that is not ours. Only then we will take this desert as ours. If you need to send me a letter... Send it to the address in the notes with the cash and they will make sure I get'em. Any doubts?"
A research project? Telemachus had been expecting the usual requests: "summon me a great general, bring forth the legions of the Pit of the Earth", etcetera. Abjuration such as this was not his usual area of expertise, but he would be familiar enough with it to be of use to the aspiring conqueror. Even better, he would be able to return to Elbion to conduct his research. The resources of the college would be more accessible than those of the desert, so Telemachus welcomed the opportunity.

Even if everyone there barely tolerated him as it was.

Telemachus replied, "Simply address it to the College of Mages in Elbion and I will assuredly receive it, your grace."

As Al'Kaliit dispensed her boons, Telemachus bowed reverently once more.

"As you command, I shall keep it in reserve."

If Grozkalla 's regenerated wounds, Telemachus could only hazard to guess what strange feat his could accomplish. Then again, it was doubtful he'd ever find out. He was the sort to err on the side of caution. He slid the ring onto his left hand. It fit snugly enough, he supposed.

"I may remain here for a short time to familiarize myself with these present obelisks, if you so desire."