Fate - First Reply The Art of Flying

A 1x1 Roleplay where the first writer to respond can join


Dragon Rider
Thunder of Thanasis
Character Biography
Tuon wondered if the excitement of flying would ever fade.

Oh, she was not as egotistical as some Riders to proclaim that she didn't find it terrifying at times too but the rush of adrenaline even in those moments was a feeling she had come to savour. It made her feel - as cliché as it sounded - alive. She took every opportunity she had to take to the skies. Whether it was volunteering for a patrol , delivering messages that the older more advanced riders found beneath them, or missions, Tuon was always one of the first to step forward when called. Nazharul complained, naturally, but she knew that he preferred it too to the underbelly of the great mountain in which the Thunder had made their Headquarters. The jewelled dragon liked being seen. It fuelled his arrogance when he dipped a little lower than was necessary over the cities rooftops so the reflection off his scales could dance across upturned faces. He liked it even more when their flights allowed him to flirt with other dragons they passed and used the trips as excused to drop off his own small offerings to the various females who had caught his eye.

Courting dragons was not something her parents or siblings had warned her about. When she'd first brought it up after one particularly terrifying attempt that had nearly resulted in them crashing into a mountainside, the other riders had simply laughed and clapped her on the back. Like she was finally in on an inside joke. The risk of running into another dragon and Naz taking an interest was not enough to deter her from flying though. Nearly, but... not quite.

It was why, days such as today when the Cadets had been given the day off, she adored. There was no need to find an excuse to fly in order to get out of lessons or training. Nobody would ask for her proof of permission for where she was going.

They had set off after Tuon had broken her fast with a mix of Ascended and the few odd Cadets who hadn't taken their day off to mean sleep in. She had had no real direction in mind, no real mission or purpose except to feel the wind on her face, and Nazharul who knew the skies far better than her had been more than happy to oblige. Soon the mountains that protected Thanasis were a mere smudge in the distance and larger, grander mountains were rushing to greet them up ahead. Naz took his time getting there though. They chased sheep across the flatlands until he had had his fun in terrifying the beasts and selected his choice for dinner. They zipped and twisted through the ancient forest testing their agility and speed. They dived in and out of a great lake until Tuon was a soaking mess. She'd almost forgotten anyone else existed in the world until they were sitting by the lakeside, Tuon attempting to dry off whilst Nazharul ate his breakfast, when the jewelled dragon suddenly stopped and looked up at the cloudy sky and gave a low, rumbling warning.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Eira
The twilight dragon's wings tore through the clouds in her pursuit - too entranced by the hunt, too drawn to the kill of a creature that dared attempt an attack on the Wall. Her obsession with the Wyvern overshadowed all reason, leaving her deaf to the calls of her fellow riders. Cygnet's pleas had become background noise, lost in the tempest of wind and screeching dragon fury.

As the clash in the air reached its climax, the Wyvern, a dark silhouette against the azure sky, twisted and lunged with lethal intent. Dusk, determined to close the distance, met the Wyvern head-on. The aerial dance turned into a chaotic skirmish, scales and sinew colliding in a primal ballet.

In the midst of the clash, the Wyvern's tail lashed out with startling speed. The razor-sharp edge sliced through the air, a venomous serpent seeking its prey. The impact was brutal, the Wyvern's tail tearing through Cygnet's side. Pain erupted like wildfire, and a guttural cry escaped her lips.

The injury only served to enrage the dragon further, its screech reverberating through the clouds, a symphony of fury that drowned out the echoes of battle. Cygnet, clinging to Dusk with resilience born of desperation, felt the weight of the dragon's anger.

"Dusk, let it go!" Cygnet's voice cut through the chaos, a plea edged with urgency. Her words, though fervent, were swallowed by the tumult of the aerial clash as she strained against the wind. The Wyvern dove, and before the word no could leave her mouth, Dusk rolled. The world spun, and then, with a sickening lurch, she was falling.

A scream escaped her lips as the wind rushed past, and the water rose up quickly to meet her. Cold and unforgiving, the lake embraced her with a jarring splash. Panic surged through her as she sank beneath the surface, her body consumed by pain as the world was reduced to murky darkness.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still. Then, with a surge of determination, Cygnet kicked against the water's resistance, propelling herself upward. Breaking through the surface, she gasped for air, her lungs burning.

Anger fueled her as she unleashed her frustration upon the water, her hands slamming into the surface. "Are you fucking kidding me?!" she roared at the skies, her voice carrying the weight of disbelief and exasperation. Dusk circled overhead, screeching back in response, a defiant tone that only stoked Cygnet's fiery temperament.

In her enraged state, Cygnet failed to notice the presence of another by the lakeside. The unexpected interruption to her day off had left her oblivious to anything beyond her own fury. As she continued to vent her frustration, the world around her blurred, her focus solely on the dragon that circled above, a silent argument waged between rider and beast in the aftermath of an unforeseen clash in the skies.
  • Haha
  • Sip
Reactions: Tuon and Eira
Both rider and dragon watched in disbelief as the rider fell. They both seemed to be waiting for the dragon to give up its fight to save its rider but the moment never came and the chance to save her grew frighteningly less by each passing second.

"Maybe we sh--" but before Tuon could fully rise to her feet the blonde had hit the surface of the lake and vanished into its depths. The Cadet pounded down the pebbled shore cursing and scanning the surface for any sign of the girl breaking it for air. No movement came by the time she hit the shore and with another wordless curse she dived into the frigid water once more. Nazharul's gentle brush against her mind told her before she came out of her dive the rider had at least come up for air. Tuon didn't bother turning back for the shore though. Instead once she broke the surface she kicked out with sure, strong strokes to the middle where the water was beginning to turn a dark shade of red. Definitely not good in the lake. Dragons made their homes everywhere after all.

"Hey!" she shouted in between strokes. "We need to move," she had an uneasy feeling about the vastness beneath their dangling legs. Out the corner of her eye she could see Nazharul pacing, wings getting ready to launch himself into the air if necessary.

"How bad is it?" she motioned to the blood stained water.
  • Nervous
Reactions: Cygnet
Cygnet's senses were assaulted by the chaotic dance of wind, waves, and the persistent warnings from Dusk as she hovered above. The unexpected presence of another rider in the water drew a sharp glare from her, and she waved the hovering dragon towards the shore.

"Do you want to drown me now!?" she shouted at the winged beast above the wind, her voice carrying a mix of frustration and urgency. Dusk responded with a huff, tilting her great wings to coast gracefully to the shoreline, a tangible manifestation of the dragon's displeasure.

Turning against the battering waves, Cygnet winced at the pain shooting through her side. "Not sure," she admitted in response to the stranger's question through gritted teeth.

Her gaze dropped to the crimson cloud surrounding her in the water, and a cold realization crept over her. Survival came with a steep cost, and the very essence of her life was draining into the lake in offering to whatever creatures lived within it.

The other rider's presence reentered Cygnet's awareness, and she met the woman's gaze with a searching look. Had she been swimming to her rescue?

"Yeah, you should... Keep your distance.. Go." she warned, her voice carrying a quiet intensity. The long blade in her hand glinted as she drew it from its sheath, a stark contrast to the vulnerability etched on her face. With a determined yet pained effort, she began to swim towards safety, the blade poised as a silent guardian against potential threats lurking beneath the surface.
Tuon looked up at the hovering dragon too as the blonde shouted abuse up at it in order to get it to leave. The wind from its great wings had her struggling to keep herself afloat - not that she would have admitted it to the other woman - and she was glad when it seemed to wing its way to Nazharul. From the bubbling irritation she could feel through the bond she had a feeling he had been just as worried about her drowning as she was. Her eyes collided with the blondes again and for a moment they floated, sizing each other up.

The Thunder was a tough and dangerous lifestyle, made more so by the large personalities of riders. It was not just death at the hands of the dragons they needed to worry about but fellow riders too. It was not uncommon to end up in the medic bay with a stab wound to the gut. Which was why she understood the uneasy look directed at her and met it with defiance, chin lifted slightly. She wasn't doing it because of the rider, she thought, but to save the dragon from going insane at her loss.

"Don't be an idiot, you can barely swim let alone with that," she nodded to the mean looking blade and swam closer, dragging the girls free arm about her neck. "You watch, I'll swim. Just... warn me if anything looks hungry."
  • Cthulu Knife
Reactions: Cygnet
Cygnet's narrowed gaze met Tuon's as they floated in the water, a silent exchange of defiance and determination. She was well accustomed to the dangers and unpredictability of beast and human alike, and Cygnet's guarded posture revealed her wariness of the unexpected ally.

Her expression tightened at the suggestion that she was an idiot, a mix of irritation and pride flashing in her eyes. Rude. Pride and independence were woven into her very existence, and such insults grated on her nerves. It was bad enough that the woman had witnessed her fall from her dragon. Had she been in less perilous circumstances, she would've been unable to let it go without a retort, but beneath the irritation, there lingered a begrudging acknowledgment that perhaps, in this particular situation, she might be better off accepting assistance.

Cygnet's scowl deepened, but she conceded with a curt nod. She gripped the blade tightly, reluctant to let go of her only means of defense. As Tuon positioned herself to support Cygnet, the wounded rider groaned inwardly, the adrenaline of the recent battle giving way to the reality of her situation. Reluctantly, she allowed Tuon to assist her, the free arm draped around the other rider's neck.

"I'm not an idiot.." she murmured. Despite the bravado, Cygnet couldn't entirely conceal the strain in her voice as they began the swim back to the shore, the dragons on the banks maintaining their watchful vigil. She could feel Dusk's stress, her dented pride and her guilt, she could feel the tension as the dragon watched the pair swim, and the sudden flare of panic as the water around them began to shift.

The dragon screeched and flared her wings and Cygnet's head whipped around, blonde tresses flying as she followed the pattern of air bubbles that encircled the pair. The water beneath them darkened, and moved.

  • Stressed
Reactions: Tuon
Nazharul's ear shattering roar was enough to get Tuon moving.

A second later giant jaws split the surface where the girls had just been floating and gave a cry of frustration when it realised it had missed its mark. The cadet kept a hold of the riders arm as tightly as she could and struck out for the shore with all her strength. There was no point in trying not to disturb the water now the beast had their scent - they just needed to get to dry land as quickly as possible. Soon she was panting drawing in more water than air but Tuon kept on kicking, her arms slicing through the water faster and faster.

In the flashes her face wasn't in the water she saw the golden dragon take off from the shore and soar rapidly towards them. Her heart pounded in her chest. If Naz entered the water he would be at a disadvantage against a lake creature. She tried to shout her commands down the bond for him to stay back but his shadow soon fell over them.

"Stubborn fucking lizard," she spat between strikes.
Dusk leapt into action alongside Nazharul, and Cygnet felt a surge of relief seeing their dragons engage in battle against the serpentine creature as it reared up to snap its jaws at them. The air was thick with the sounds of dragon roars and the slashing of teeth and talons, a symphony of survival against the ancient predator.

Cygnet risked a glance behind, her eyes narrowing as she witnessed the creature's losing struggle against the airborne onslaught. Though another curse tumbled from her lips as the beast redirected its attention towards the two riders. Diving beneath the surface, it disappeared from view, the water rippling ominously in its wake.

The lake seemed to hold its breath as Cygnet and Tuon swam with all their might toward the shore, their limbs working in tandem against the drag of the water. In a heartbeat, the creature breached the surface once more, its head rising like a nightmarish spectre from the depths below.

Cygnet's scream tore through the air as the creature's neck ascended beneath them. Reacting on instinct, she stabbed her blade downward, the steel sinking between the creature's scales. The monster shuddered in response, a desperate cry emanating from its throat. In a final act of defiance, the creature dove once more, dragging both riders under with a powerful suction of water.

The world became a disorienting dance of shadows and bubbles as Cygnet struggled to free her blade, her lungs burning for air. The struggle against the relentless pull of the creature became a fight against the suffocating embrace of the lake itself, the surface above like an unattainable mirage, a distant threshold between survival and the abyss.
  • Stressed
Reactions: Tuon

Cold, disorientating, limitless darkness. It closed over her head and sent her tumbling down into its depths in a heedless spiral. Dimly she was aware she still clutched the Rider who had fallen in the lake; her pale hair occasionally catching a stream of sunlight that penetrated this deep into the water. They were dragged down in the current the serpent created and no amount of desperate kicks or strokes freed them. Her lungs began to burn - was it from lack or air or the litre of water she had swallowed when she'd screamed?

They had to get the beast to take them back up somehow.

Tuon fumbled with her own knife to get it free and gripped it as tight as she could. Her lungs truly were burning now and her vision beginning to dull at the edges. They didn't have much more time. With trembling hands she pulled herself along the serpents scales towards its head then slammed the knife into one of its gills.
  • Scared
Reactions: Cygnet
Even beneath the surface the screech that the creature let out was almost deafening. It's jaws snapped and it's massive head swung in attempt to shake loose the riders and their blades. Cygnet held tight, the surface all too distant now.

Up. Up, up.... up..

She had no idea if the creature sensed the command as Dusk might, but it was all she could think of as she twisted the blade further into it's scales. The creature's scream continued, and it's trajectory shifted.

Up. They were going up, and fast, and little by little the pressure of the lake eased and the world above the waterline came back into shimmering view. She was racing a serpent against death, and it seemed that death would win as her grip slackened and her vision blackened, her eyes drawing closed only seconds before the beast tore from the lake and into the air, straight into the talons of the hovering dragons.
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  • Stressed
Reactions: Tuon
If it were not for her dagger plunged so deeply into the creatures gills and Tuon's grip on its hilt, she would have been flung from the creatures back as it raced towards the surface. As it was the heedless rise had her head spinning and her grip slackening. It was sheer stubbornness that kept her from giving in to the darkness that sucked at her, beckoning her into its forgiving depths. She could just make out Nazharul's glittering scales above. The gold speared rays of light down into the lake depths forcing her to turn away lest it blind her. If she hadn't she might not have seen the other rider's eyes roll back into her head, or caught her hand as she let go of the serpent's scales.

Tuon snatched a hand out to grab her wrist a second before the snake launched itself from the lake to breathe...

... and found itself caught in the talons and teeth of two snarling dragons.

Tuon heaved in a lungful of air before throwing herself once more from the serpents back, dragging the girl with her, back down to the lake. She had no desires to survive the serpents attack to be torn apart by their own dragons in their rage.
In the depths of unconsciousness, Cygnet floated, adrift in the silent embrace of darkness. The ringing in her ears drowned out the chaos of clashing beasts, leaving her oblivious to the tumult of battle, to the screams of the creature as their dragons tore it apart.

There was no sensation of the air above the water, nor any awareness of the plummet back into the lake or the woman who dragged her from it. The world around her ceased to exist, replaced by an all-encompassing void that offered solace and tranquility. The wound in her side too, failed to register amidst the numbness that enveloped her.

For Cygnet, there was only peace.
  • Stressed
Reactions: Tuon
Tuon ignored the sounds of the beasts of legend fighting behind her. She focused on the next stroke, on keeping the other riders face above the water, and on not drowning herself. By the time her knees scraped along the pebbled lakeshore her whole body was quivering from exhaustion. She made sure to drag Cygnet's limp form far enough from the lake that she was not at risk of drowning or being pulled in by that... thing again, then crawled another inch up the beach and vomited up the portion of the lake she had swallowed. It took a few goes to get it all up and a further few from the result of her shock as the adrenaline wore off. With the last of her strength she managed to ensure she didn't collapse face first into her own mess and lay panting on the rocks.

Two shadows flew over her, one landing beside Cygnet whilst the other landed not to far from her head.

"Watch... it. I didn't... survive that to be... stood on."
Cygnet's body convulsed as she expelled water from her lungs, rolling onto her side, she struggled to catch her breath, the burning ache in her side a constant reminder of the wound she carried. With a grimace, she pressed a hand against the it, gritting her teeth against the pain.

As Dusk landed nearby, Cygnet's initial flare of rage quickly died in the face of the dragon's evident remorse. The dragon's purple snout lowered to snuffle at her with worry, offering a silent apology that softened Cygnet's demeanor. Grumbling something about anger management issues, Cygnet tentatively reached out to pat the beast's nose in a gesture of acceptance.

Turning her gaze towards the other rider and the jeweled dragon, Cygnet's cheeks flushed with embarrassment at the thought of having endangered the woman's life. "You didn't have to do that," she murmured quietly, her voice tinged with humility. In a world where survival often came at the expense of altruism, the rider's selfless act stood out as a rare beacon of compassion.

With a gentle nudge from Dusk, Cygnet cleared her throat, mustering the strength to express her gratitude. "Thanks," she offered sheepishly.
  • Orc
Reactions: Tuon
The jewelled dragon snarled at Cygnet's first choice of words. The spines along the ridge of his back stood up like a feral cat's fur might, but it was the scales that drew her attention even in her half delirious state. They shimmered suddenly from their usual gold to a deep foreboding orange tinged with red.

"Naz- Nazharul!" struggling to get to sit up she all but punched the dragon on his scaley chest to draw his attention away from the girl and to her. It had the desired effect, his head swinging towards her with another snarl. She could see it in his eyes; the panic and fear that drove his anger making him act far from the rational dragon she had come to know and love. She gripped a hold of one of the smaller horns on his head and used it to heave herself to her feet so they could be eye level.

"I'm fine," she tried to push as much reassurance down the bond as she could manage. Flaming topaz eyes studied her carefully and then guttered inch by inch like a dying flame. His eyes turned blue once more and his scales returned to their radiant gold. Tuon loosed a breath but didn't let go of her support as she looked over to the other rider warily.

"You're welcome. My name's Tuon - this is Nazharul," the jewelled dragon settled down as though nothing had happened and began to lick the fish-dragon blood from his scales.
Cygnet's response was measured, her gaze steady as she addressed her dragon's aggressive display. Dusk's reaction mirrored the tension in response. Dusk's lips curled back over her dagger-like teeth, her wings and frills shimmering in a display of defiance. She stood her ground, her amethyst scales rippling with restrained aggression as she positioned herself protectively over her rider. Her gaze remained fixed on Nazharul, a silent challenge in her stance.

"I think we've had enough drama for one day, don't you?" Cygnet's voice was firm yet gentle, and the dragon snorted.

"Sorry," Cygnet apologized, the word tinged with sincerity as she acknowledged the discomfort lingering between them. "I'm Cygnet... This is Dusciathos. Dusk," she added with a fondness in her voice, a subtle attempt to ease the tension.

As the atmosphere shifted, Cygnet's curiosity got the better of her, her attention drawn to the woman's dragon. Nazharul's unusual scales intriguing her.

"What sort of dragon is he?" Cygnet's question was laced with genuine curiosity as she gingerly unfastened her flight jacket and shrugged herself out of it. It was ruined, and she shot Dusk another quick glare as she tossed the garment aside. Her shirt, too, was bloodied and torn, and she carefully lifted it over her stomach to survey the damage to her side.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Tuon
Nazharul gave an insulting, lazy flick of his tail and continued washing his scales.

Tuon ran a hand down her face and contemplated, not for the first time, why she had wanted to be a Rider so bad. Nobody told you that dragons were basically overgrown cats with the ego of Gods. Her legs wobbled as she carefully made her way down his body towards the saddle where her supplies were stashed. In the chaos of nearly drowning she had almost forgotten about the girls actual wound.

"He's a jewelled dragon," she explained as she rummaged around for her first aid kit. "Topaz, apparently," Naz's scales had cooled back to its usual golden glimmer now the threat had passed. Though the longer they learnt about one another, the more she suspected their original thought was wrong. Nazharul looked particularly innocent when she announced his breed. First aid box in hand she stagged to Cygnet and dropped down heavily beside her then began to pull out a needle and thread.

"What about yours?" her eyes flickered up to the unusual purple dragon.
She watched Tuon as she approached and flopped down beside her, swallowing a dryness in her throat before letting out a nasal huff she disguised as a laugh.."You are quite the hero.." she murmured shamefully, feeling more hopeless than ever.
Blue eyes shifted back to Naz with a glimmer of curiosity. "He's beautiful." she complimented sincerely.

Her attention shifted to the dragon beside her as Tuon questioned her breed. Dusk's iridescent scales shimmered in the sunlight, casting a mesmerizing display of blues, blacks, and purples. Despite her familiarity with the dragon, Cygnet shrugged uncertainly.

"She's a twilight dragon... Well, I made that up," Cygnet admitted. "I don't really know what she is, but that's what she looks like, so..." Her words trailed off and her cheeks flushed at the lack of knowledge about her companion's true lineage.

"I never had her identified."
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Tuon
Tuon merely snorted the title of hero. Fool would be the word her father and mother would use, just as they had when she had gone out of her way during the Rising to stop two children being eaten alive. Squinting she took her time threading the needle then motioned for Cygnet to pull up her shirt so she could see the wound clearer.

"Twilight?" the cadet glanced up at the dragon with a raised brow. At first glance she had assumed Dusk was another moon dragon, but now that she was closer she could see the differences. Perhaps a sub species? Tuon found herself admiring the way her scales seemed to change shade dependent on the angle they were examined from. She knew it would be killing Nazharul to keep up his facade of cool, haughty protector in the presence of such beauty. "I'm surprised you were allowed out of the barracks before the Scholars had a look, I thought they were going to try and put Naz under house arrest when we returned," she gave another snort then fetched a small bottle of rubbing alcohol from the kit. "This is going to sting," she warned before pouring it over the wound.
Cygnet shrugged as Tuon studied her dragon. "That's just what she reminded me of.." she murmured. She didn't know if there was such a thing as Twilight dragons, but if they could have sun and moon dragons then why not?!

"She has.. Anger management issues." Cygnet commented dryly, much to Dusk's chagrin, the dragon baring her teeth in the most unflattering of ways. Cygnet snorted, but any amusement she felt very quicky vanished as she felt the sting Tuon had warned her about.

"Shitting fuck." she hissed through her teeth, her hand shooting out in reflex to grip Tuon by the wrist.
  • Cthulu Knife
Reactions: Tuon
Tuon grimaced as the sudden clutching of her wrist nearly made her insert the needle in the wrong place - something she doubted her dragon Dusk would forgive her for.

"Careful," she warned and eased the girls hand off her wrist. She cast a wary eye up at the dragon quite literally breathing down her neck before back to the gaping wound. "Unless you want to have an ugly scar," at her back Nazharul eased a touch closer though he hid the movement as stretching out for a snooze to dry off. Tuon had no doubt the jewelled dragon would be at the others throat should she go for her.

Pausing to see if either dragon would make another move, Tuon then carefully began to stitch the girls flesh back together.

"So, where did you fly from? I didn't think there were any squads out today up this way."
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Cygnet
The tension in the air was palpable, and Cygnet winced in apology, slowly pulling her hand back as she let out a hissed breath through her teeth... "Sorry.." she murmured almost imperceptibly, and braced herself. "I've never been a particularly good patient.." she laughed mirthlessly, and let her eyes close as she tried to take her mind elsewhere..

"I'm not supposed to be.." Cygnet answered the question with a barb in her tone, aimed at the dragon beside her. "We were running drills with the infantry just over the wall, a couple of wyvern showed up so we ran them off. The others pulled back about twenty minutes back but this one couldn't give up the chase." her brow knit, and she shifted uncomfortably at the sensation of her skin being pulled back together.

"As I said.. Issues.." she added with a bob of her head, her eyes blinking open again to settle on the woman's features..

"What are you doing out here?.. I haven't seen your face before.."
  • Frog Sip
Reactions: Tuon
Tuon couldn't help but think about to their flight training and how Nazharul also refused to give up the chase when she called for it. It had nearly ended in their death, or so she had thought until he revealed the jewelled dragons unique abilities.

"Me? Oh I have a day off. I'm only a cadet at the moment,"
she ducked her head slightly. For some reason admitting as much to this stranger was more embarrassing than admitting it around her own family. "Final exams are coming up over the next few weeks but I wanted to get away from the books for a bit. There's only so much you can learn about dragons from books as opposed to... well... flying with one."
Cygnet kept her eyes on Tuon's face as she spoke, trying to keep her mind from the stitches. "We are all cadets at some point.." she said, "You're not only anything.. You're a rider." she looked past her to the jewelled dragon, her brow quirking in realisation.

"You, took part in the Rise?" she asked, her brows rising. "You must be in Cullen's squad.." she nodded, looking over her. "Congrats.. That's a hell of a challenge." she huffed out a breath and shook her head.

She gave a nod of agreement as she commented on the necessary studies.. "Suppose this wasn't how you planned on spending your day off.." she grimaced. "Though, I can't say I'm not glad you were here."
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Tuon
You're a rider.

"Thank you," Tuon wondered if she would ever not feel that swelling sense of pride when someone called her such. She finished off the final stitch and then bit the leftover thread off. "My family have all done the Rising, so it was expected but... nothing is guaranteed. If you're not a noble you have to earn it," she shrugged and set about cleaning the needle and putting it away.

"You know Cullen?"
She raised a brow in surprise. Not many fraternized with the Marked Ones, even if they had managed to somehow bond a dragon.