Fate - First Reply The Art of Flying

A 1x1 Roleplay where the first writer to respond can join
The girl's brows rose and she gave a slow nod. "Ah.. Well, I doubt I'd have lasted five minutes. And I'm sure as shit not nobility.." she laughed under her breath, looking up at Dusk who huffed a stream of smoke at her. "I was just lucky. She saved my life when I was twelve.." she smiled, but the smile faltered. "I had my life, but I hadn't quite realised how much it would change.."

She looked back to Tuon with a casual nod. "He was infantry at the Wall, before he got himself a dragon. Keeps to himself mostly. He might be a marked one, but I'd much rather have him on my squad than not." she shrugged.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Tuon
Tuon's brows rose when Cygnet revealed how the pair had bonded. It was not unheard of for a dragon to interfere in the lives of humans unprovoked, but it was a rarity such that Tuon had never met a person with a similar claim and she had lived amongst dragons and the Ascended her whole life. If she was more religious she would have thought it a sure sign that Cygnet was heralded to do something great with her life.

"Yes..." she agreed slowly to her new companions second comment on Cullen. She thought over what she had seen during the training sessions they had been together. "I can certainly see that. He has a harder battle than most ahead of him, but I wish him the best of luck with it," she would just rather the trouble he brought with him didn't impact her. She wanted to do her job, not deal with politics.

"You should give that wound a day before trying to fly."
Cygnet offered the woman a light smile. She didn't think she'd ever heard anyone wishing Cullen well. "Hm." she nodded, and looked down at the stitched wound. It was neat, and no longer bleeding. "Thank you, Tuon."

She laughed under her breath and shook her head. "I wish I could, but it's a long walk back and Jarlax are everywhere. I have to get back to the wall or they'll have me done for desertion.." she huffed mirthlessly.
  • Stressed
Reactions: Tuon
"You'll pull all the stitches out if your dragon drags you off on another wyvern chase," Tuon pressed her lips together disapprovingly and glanced at Dusk with a meaningful look. Naz gave a snorting huff behind her that she knew was laughter. She pushed a hand through her wet hair and then shook it out and glanced to the jewelled dragon.

"We can accompany you. I only need to be back by my exam tomorrow morning, Naz is fast he can do the journey in time," the golden dragon puffed up his chest at the compliment.
  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Cygnet
Dusk's gaze narrowed at the chuffing golden dragon, a stream of smoke curling from her nostrils.

Cygnet laughed under her breath, and had been about to protest that she had no choice, when the woman offered her another..

"You mean, fly.. with you?" she asked, glancing up at Naz uncertainly. "Would, he allow it?.." She had never rode on any other dragon, and Dusk was already growling her disapproval.
  • Sip
Reactions: Tuon
Naz pulled back his lips to growl right back in the other dragon's face, his long neck slithering forward so his head rested just over Tuon, casting her into his shadow. She tried to suppress a sigh.

"I would say I could ride with you but I don't think that is going to happen," she eyed Dusk warily. Nazharul would catch her if the other dragon decided to eject her, but such a manoeuvre would be no good for Cygnet keeping her stitches. "Naz has had passengers before, he doesn't seem to mind it... if anything he enjoys people," she sighed. Her dragon was an oddity amongst dragonkind but in these situations it was helpful.
  • Frog Sweat
Reactions: Cygnet
Cygnet gave the woman a skeptical look, uncertain of whether this was a good idea or not. Dusk was already snarling at the prospect of allowing Cygnet to so much as touch Nazharul.

She wrapped her arm around her side and gingerly got to her feet, already agreeing Tuon's point as she felt the stitches pull tight and she winced. There was little way she could maneuver on her own.

"Alright.. Point taken."

Looking up at Dusk, her brow arched. "Remember who's fault this is before you decide to take a huff about it." she said, and reached to affectionately press her hand to the dragon's snout. She growled low, but looked more guilty than angered.

"Keep close. No straying, please." she sighed. The last thing she needed was to lose her to another hunt.
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Tuon
Tuon gave the other Rider a moment to speak with her dragon as she made her way over to Nazharul. The jewelled dragon lowered his snout down to her level until one topaz eye was level with her. She pressed her hand gently to his cheek and he leant into the touch, a soft hum emanating from his throat.

"Sorry Zavetnyy," she smiled, knowing even as she apologised she had been forgiven for it. "We'll do this another time I promise. After the exams," when they would have more of their own time in between missions. "Now, smooth flying okay? None of your acrobatics," if a dragon could look indignant, Naz certainly did in that moment.

When Cygnet finally walked over the golden scaled dragon laid down, tilting his whole body to one side to make it easier for her to clamber on. Tuon stayed on the ground to offer her a hand up.

"Take it easy, there you go."
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Cygnet
Cygnet gave a respectful bow of her head as the golden dragon made it easier for her to mount up. "Thank you, Nazharul." she smiled hesitantly, taking Tuon's hand until she was able to seat herself.

Dusciathos meanwhile, sat watching the entire thing with pure jealousy and disgust, her teeth bared, though she made no sound and looked ridiculous. "Be nice, Dusk. This was your doing in the first place." she quietly warned the twilight beast who lifted her chin and turned her head away with a huff.

"I'm sorry we ruined.. whatever you were doing." Cygnet offered Tuon sheepishly.
  • Aww
Reactions: Tuon
Once Tuon was certain Nazharul wasn't about to launch himself at the other dragon for the dirty look thrown in his direction, the cadet clambered on and sat herself in the front position of the saddle.

"Oh, it was no big deal. Technically I wasn't meant to leave the Ōmeyōcān - it was supposed to be a study day before the exams," she explained as she carefully strapped in the other woman. She trusted her own seat enough on Naz now that she could do without them for a simple flight. Gods she hoped it would be a simple flight. Satisfied, she patted Naz's neck.

"As long as we're back by morning Vhagor shouldn't roast me over a spit. Now, hold on if you need to but try not to scraped his scales the wrong way, he's very fussy about his looks," she warned the other cadet and with a silent command, Nazharul launched himself into the sky.
"Shit, well. Best get us back by morning then.." she smirked, and the comment about Nazharul and his sensitivities made her laugh, the sound lost in the rush of wind as the dragon beat his wings and launched them into the air. She turned to see Dusk follow suit, and in the air she admired her own dragon's scales shifting with each beat. Purple, blue, purple, blue.. She'd never been able to see her fly from the seat of another, and it was a particularly beautiful sight.

She didn't have to concentrate, either. Didn't have to hold on for dear life nor watch out for potential targets that Dusk might swerve after without warning. Cygnet felt her tension melt as she simply, relaxed herself, the pain in her side falling to the back of her mind. The ordeal in the lake had taken much from both riders, and she found her eyes drifting closed as the warm wind caressed her face.
  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Tuon
Tuon felt Cygnet grow heavy on her back as the girl drifted off to sleep. She considered if it was worth forcing her to stay awake due to her blood less and in the end decided against it; sleep was the greatest of all healers. It would also mean she was less aware of the pain which would hopefully relax the body enough it could begin to repair itself. Still, she shot a cautious look to Dusk.

"She's fine, just sleeping," Tuon wasn't sure why she said it out loud. The dragon would be able to feel it through the bond just like Naz would have been able to feel the difference between death and sleep if she were in that position. Still, she didn't trust the other dragon not to get agitated and try to take a chunk out of Nazharul in her concern. Thankfully, it seemed Dusk didn't fancy putting Jewelled Dragon and Cadet on the menu today.

Settling into the ride, Tuon stifled her own yawn and prayed the rest of the journey would be so easy to the wall.
As the steady rhythm of Nazharul’s wings continued their calming cadence, Cygnet fell into a deep sleep. Her body, exhausted and sore, found solace in the gentle motion. With a soft sigh, she rested her cheek against Tuon's back and subconsciously nuzzled into the rider’s warm, supportive form. Her shoulders slumped, and she all but melted into her, surrendering fully to the gentle sway of the flight and the comfort of her security.

The world beneath was a blur of shadows and light, a gentle dance of dusk and dawn that lulled her further.
In her dreams, the tumultuous events of the lake seemed like a distant memory, replaced by serene images of flights through endless skies and calm, radiant waters. The warm wind and the steady rise and fall of Nazharul’s wings became the backdrop to these tranquil scenes. She dreamed of gliding effortlessly with Dusk, of exploring new heights, and of the sense of freedom that only a dragon could provide.

When she finally stirred, the first thing she noticed was the comfortable warmth she lay against. She opened her eyes slowly, taking in the serene sky above and the distant horizon. Her side ached less than before, though the pain had not vanished entirely.

She took a deep breath, her body instinctively tensing as she tried to sit up as she realised just how comfortable she'd become. Cygnet offered a small, sheepish smile, her voice still drowsy.

"Shit... Sorry.. How long was I out?" she asked, turning to squint at Dusk who still flew beside them.
  • Ctuhlu senpai
Reactions: Tuon
"A couple of hours," Tuon said over her shoulder, casting her eyes briefly over the other woman. No green tinge touched her skin and her lips had not gone blue; it seemed luck would be on their side and she would reach the wall without dying. Naz gave a coo that had her turning back to face the way they were going. The golden dragon suddenly dipped taking them back below the cloud line and revealed what she had suspected.

There, like a dark smudge on the horizon stood the Wall. Tuon sucked in a breath. Most of her missions had been to the North and she had yet to visit the legendary construct which protected their people from the ravages of the Jarlax.

"Is there somewhere in particular I should head?" the wall seemed an endless thing stretching in either direction. From what she knew each of the towers housed scores of dragons and regiments. Cygnet could belong to any.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Cygnet