And still Lazule lay on her bedroll.
Her hands held on her chest.
The rising.
The falling.
With each gentle breath.
Undisturbed by the voices of her fellows in arms. The workings of her body to mend itself. The fading of her redness of her skin back to fair. The process as slow as many naturally regenerative processes, the aid of the potion in the endeavor notwithstanding. For it was not a thing to note with continued observation, but in moments separated by gulfs of time. A noticing here of her skin red. A noticing here of her skin less so. A noticing still later of her skin fair, the journey only now apparent with such distance from where it had started.
And it would be required, the strength and health that slowly renewed within her.
For it was demanded that monsters be slain, and to this end a demand would be placed upon her body for the weaponization of light itself. And she would give as much of herself as needed.
The crackling and sputtering of the campfire beside her. Shrunken was the flame with time and the consumption of that which would burn.
Her hands held on her chest.
The rising.
The falling.
With each gentle breath.
Undisturbed by the voices of her fellows in arms. The workings of her body to mend itself. The fading of her redness of her skin back to fair. The process as slow as many naturally regenerative processes, the aid of the potion in the endeavor notwithstanding. For it was not a thing to note with continued observation, but in moments separated by gulfs of time. A noticing here of her skin red. A noticing here of her skin less so. A noticing still later of her skin fair, the journey only now apparent with such distance from where it had started.
And it would be required, the strength and health that slowly renewed within her.
For it was demanded that monsters be slain, and to this end a demand would be placed upon her body for the weaponization of light itself. And she would give as much of herself as needed.
The crackling and sputtering of the campfire beside her. Shrunken was the flame with time and the consumption of that which would burn.
Vigilo (Anima + 7 Subaccounts)Today at 8:26 AM
1-50, wake up. 51-100, nap time
/r 1d100
Are you feeling lucky?BOTToday at 8:26 AM
@Vigilo (Anima + 7 Subaccounts): 1d100 = (80) = 80
1-50, wake up. 51-100, nap time
/r 1d100

Are you feeling lucky?BOTToday at 8:26 AM
@Vigilo (Anima + 7 Subaccounts): 1d100 = (80) = 80