Staff Support Ticket Template for Bugs or Errors

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The Herald

Chronicles RP
If you have a bug please use the following template to provide us the most information on what the issue may be.

Please use the
Prefix when submitting the following Support Ticket.

Support Ticket Template
  • The Issue: [A short description of what the issue is. IE, Image will not show.]
  • Browser: [What browser and version number are you using? Chrome, Explorer, Safari, Firefox, etc. ]
  • Severity: [Please note whether it's unique to just one of your subaccounts, all of your subaccounts, or if everyone is affected]
  • Description: [Describe the problem in detail with what you are personally observing.]
  • Screenshots: [Link any applicable screenshots]
  • Link to Thread: [If applicable]
Our staff team will do our best to support in a prompt turn around. You may see the following Prefixes reflect just what the status of your support ticket is.


The HELP REQUEST Prefix is for a raising a support question when you cannot find some functionality of the site and need some assistance.
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